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Reference: saz
spongey, whats her problem with you?
hiyas matey xxx.......i dunno.......i don't think she has a problem as such....if its money she could just buy me a crunchie and i'd be happy!!..its just it's 'anything will do' attitude i guess!!...........though i do get the impression she......and some of the family don't think i'm 'good enough' for her son!!........on the rare occasions she phones she always says.'are you two alright?'......i dunno if she's secretly hoping i'll say.....'no we're not.i'm divorcing him'!!....

sprout xx.cheers for the hugs....but it doesn't get me down...honestly...i find it funny...
I really don't like asking or suggesting things TBH. I like the fact that people think for themselves .............even if it does go spectacularly wrong. My sisters in laws write lists and expect them to be adhered to .............apparently if anyone veers from the list they get a very funny look. It kinda takes away from the whole spirit of giving IMO. I may well have been given random gifts in the past but I don't really remember ............................I know it's corny but - it's the  thought really.
Soozy Woo
on the rare occasions she phones she always says.'are you two alright?'.

oh... surely you could come up with a decent come back to that..... one to ensure she never asks again.... 

along the lines of "well, mostly we are fine... we are having a few bedroom issues though, I keep telling him that I don't want to [insert obscenity here] but he won't be told"
Yeah but Soozy...   the lists (cos the others do them too) only happen between hubby, me, the kids & my parents.

And...  money is so tight that there is stuff we all really really want/need.  So its gutting for both parties if money that could have been spent on stuff wanted, gets spent on something that never gets used/worn.

If we had the money to buy these bits n bobs throughout the year then yeah, lists would not be needed & spectacularly wrong pressies would be funny, but appreciated.
Ditty .............i wasn't getting at you and I really see where you're coming from. I just like to surprise and to be surprised. I do try to listen carefully throughout the year so it's not too random!

In my sisters case ...........her MIL, FIL, SIL and others have definitive lists and pull faces if the list isn't adhered to. That really would piss me off big time!
Soozy Woo
I do try to listen carefully throughout the year so it's not too random!
yes... I do that too.

on "the spreadsheet" there are other pages ... each for a family member, where I jot stuff down from things said throughout the year.

& yeah... I know you weren't having a go...  I just wanted to explain why we have such a clinical approach to the xmas pressie buying
Broader ironing board............"you always said yours was too narrow"

yellow and blue striped casserole dish........" clear glass is so dull"

super duper top of the range camera............I'm not into photography.......he is

Worst one ever in the matty after first born...........jar of nuts, seeds and dried fruits

Apparently they're really good for breast feeding, and treats........PAH.

Apart from his crap present buying skills............he's really lovely

and... Awwwwww!    Mr Ditty is a bit like that...  but he tends to get close to what I want.... but not close enough.  (hence the need for lists with hyperlinks to the exact product)

i.e.  years ago I wanted a Baby G watch...  I wanted the aqua one with the fabric strap... he got me a bright pink baby G watch with the jelly strap.   Soooo close.. yet sooo wrong.!  

the ironing board is the worst one on your list....    your hubby needs to learn the "no household equipment for gifts" rule (though I have an exemption to that rule for Dyson goods)
ahh the night-time (hands free) round the neck orienteering map reading torch has to be my favourite crap gift of all time. Given to me by my daughters grandmother. 
1) I am not into orienteering
2) I dont read maps a lot; least of all at night
3) I drive everywhere, even to the corner shop!!!!!
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I can remeber when we were kids me and my brother always used to get a present from our older cousin and she always bought you something good so we'd leave that one till last, he opened his and it was a top of the range camera, i ripped the paper off mine and it was a pair of fingerless gloves  i was so upset my mum bought me the exact same one for my birthday the following month

The same cosuin bought my daughter a kitchen clock a couple of years ago (she was about 12 at the time) we both just sat looking at each other like

I hate the heavily disguised box of Roses/Heroes chocolates or bottles of wine or a new pocket diary 

I don't eat chocolate and I'm not a lover of wine and I supposed the diary is handy but it's like there's no thought gone into buying the present so I'd rather not have anything at all 

I'm so easy to buy at Christmas - give me a penguin of any size, shape or description and I'm a happy little Pengy   and Christmas is the perfect time to buy them 
oh is really good - he asks! although i usually say a few things so that he can pick one and i am (sort of) surprised. my mother gave me the worst pressies - both brothers got a new bike while i got a play  ironing board (we were about 8/10/12 years) she always differentiates between the grandkids, one got a mobile phone (ÂĢ120) when another got a dressing gown

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