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Graham Norton pissed! I bet must absolutely wet himself in fits of hysterics if he goes into the gents and sees a cock drawn on the wall.
Never hung around long enough to see him pissed, Carns.  
Never wandered into the gent's either  
He does wear the most extraordinary long shoes though.  Sort of winkle pickers  but not.  He's got a crocodile/snakeskin pair that look like sawn off skis.

Nice fella, apparently.
Never hung around long enough to see him pissed, Carns. Never wandered into the gent's either He does wear the most extraordinary long shoes though. Sort of winkle pickers but not. He's got a crocodile/snakeskin pair that look like sawn off skis. Nice fella, apparently
I'm sure he is. I've heard him in interview and he comes over as a grounded and thoughtful man, I just find him so irritating on TV.  I used to find him quite funny but the routine's just become irritating and he was the one who kicked off the whole Jade Goody Pig thing, which wasn't the most sensitive thing to do.
I know lads of people who are die hard 'local club' fans through thick and thin.
Oh I'm sure they exist. My experiences are probably coloured by supporting Chelsea who, for most of my life, won nothing and never looked like they ever would. Now we are showered with gloryhunting grass is greener dullard 'fans' who have left their previous clubs to support us since we started winning things. Needless to say, they are the first to bitch and moan when we don't win 5-0 every week. I hate them all.
Good for you! I love football fans who stick with their club through thick and thin it's a rarity these days mate
Cheers Prom.  I don't understand why more don't.  What's Liverpool or Manchester to me!  (rhetorical)

I've never lived in those cities and nor have any of my family and even if they did, I don't see why I need to follow a team from an area I've personally never lived in over my local club. 

My mum comes from the Greater Manchester area but not Manchester itself so I suppose I could pull out that old glory hunter's excuse of my mum or dad coming from Manchester, but I've no personal or emotional ties with Manchester really, so they mean nothing to me.  That's how I see it, those clubs are the clubs for Manchester and Liverpool people IMO.
I like Graham Norton on BBC radio 2. He can't be crude, so has to go back to his origins of being a nice and clever lad. I love listening to him on a saturday morning making breakfast (me, making breakfast, that is   )
I don't know - I would love to hear him having his breakfast
I love his problem solving features -
I support Plymouth Argyll because I live outside Plymouth (on't moor), Southhampton because I fancied the the pants of Mathew Le Tisier and Man U because my son supported Liverpool and we needed discussion in out house
Ah yes, the woman's 'point of view' on all things football  *hides from all women who like footy on the forum* 
How can this thread have got to page 2 without anyone mentioning Stacey Soloman? She is the most annoying person in the country let alone on TV.
Agree! Plus it has been proved that she can have a conversation without all that silliness and excessive breathing she carries on with.

I also take it I am alone in my loathing of Michael Ball. That is fine. I shall loathe alone. Huzzah!
Reference: Prom
My experiences are probably coloured by supporting Chelsea who, for most of my life
hence the hatred of AW, Pires and Nasri. Hardly tv personalities are they?  Didn't realise this was a free for all on Arsenal

BTW rumours all over Twitter and the footie forums that Ancelotti is resigning/has resigned. I hope it's not true as I really like him.  I do agree with you totally over the glory seekers supporting clubs. They are always the first freaks to call for the managers head

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