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Gormless Gillian from I'm A Celebrity is actually catching up with Keith Lemon as most annoying twonk in the universe. I'd cheerfully shoot them both. Also Konnie from Xtra Factor, the worst presenter since Zeezy or whatever her name was. I wouldn't mind shooting Arsene Wenger too who is also on the telly a lot, and Cameron and Clegg have a couple of bullets with their name on it too.

I know I said most annoying 'person' but, well, I got a bit carried away

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~Cosi Christmas Cracker~ offline
Graham Norton drinks in my local bar; he's got a place nearby.
Graham Norton pissed!  I can imagine the scene.  Graham Norton needs a dump so goes to the gents where he sees someone's drawn a picture of a cock on the wall.  In fits of laughter and pissing himself, quickly, Norton pulls out his Polaroid camera and mobile phone and takes pictures.  Leaves the gents and spends the next 20 minutes at the bar giggling about it, sending it to facebook, twittering about it and showing the photo around the pub.
Last edited by Carnelian

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