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It probably matters. Surely there is an opportunity for someone to reverse the thirty odd year old policies. Either someone attempts to wrest back power from the monetarists, or are we saying that, rather like in the US we will never have an opposition again?
I reckon Labour will get back in at the next election ( In 5 years time). This needs to change back to 3 years IMO. This is based on the assesment that there will not be a vote of " No Confidence"  5 years under tis Gov't --- we will all be destitute and beggging on the streets.
Crispy Christmas
Either someone attempts to wrest back power from the monetarists, or are we saying that, rather like in the US we will never have an opposition again?

I don't think we need to worry about that. The Cameron and Clegg comedy duo are doing more for the opposition than the opposition themselves can muster up. Labour will save a lot of money on campaigning next time around.
I mostly agree Champagne Joe.   While any government would be better than this lot a government that is a little bit better is not worth the effort. 

Labour need to forget Blair and the Blairite/Mandelson pursuit of power at any price.  Blair more or less admitted that he sees Labour as running Thatcherism slightly better than the Tories.  In my view, the majority of Labour voters didn't vote Labour to see Labour look after the very people that the Tories looked after and see people get 'obscenely rich' while they lagged behind.  We can definitely do without the warmongering as well.

In some ways Labour deserved to lose the last election, the 10pc income tax abolition, Iraq War and reducing Inheritance Tax were a mixture of arrogance and sops to the Daily Mail and right of centre affluent Middle England.
Reference: stoory
Brisket I really worry about your obsession with fists.
Oh dear!  I wonder if I should worry too.

Reference: stoory
Tim Henman was the worst culprit for fisting ..........You've never mentioned him though
Thanks for reminding me stoory.   I can't stand the Henman and Murray fists. It appears to be spreading through the tennis world unfortunately.

Reference: stoory
I mean all of this lovingly
I know you do stoory.

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