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Has anyone used one ?

I'm thinking of buying one .... Can anyone tell me if they are any good ?

I can buy one off Ebay for about £90 which looks to be a good deal as I've seen others on the interent  for £150

I just want someone to tell me if it's worth buying or not ?

Thankyou in advance

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I wouldn't have thought yoga and alcohol would be a good mix.
sounds good to me Teddy

I once bought a cross trainer but it ended up as a clothes hanger

But this looks like a good low impact way to tone up

I just don't want to waste my money again

Can't help I'm afraid. I know nothing of Pilates and the only exercise equipement I own is a set of very dusty dumbells I bought in 1994.

I have promissed Mrs. Bleads a swiss ball as soon as the cat pegs it. She fells self-concious using it at the gym in front of everyone.

So, this chair, is it like the Hawaiian chair exercise thing? That did look like fun.
Teddy Bleads
This is a bit weird really,because i have been checking the pilates machines on ebay for the last few days.I have no knowledge of the malibu one,but 9 years ago bought one from qvc called a pilates performer,i am looking to upgrade to the new aero pilates machine,which has the facility to incorporate cardio exercise. Most people buy them and don;t use them or use them for a short while,after 9 years i feel i have really got my moneys worth from the original one.
It is the best thing i have ever bought and believe me i have been through many exercises machines,it is brilliant for toning everything up and flexibility.Wish i coulc be of more use with the malibu one but i am a massive fan of pilates in general

So, this chair, is it like the Hawaiian chair exercise thing? That did look like fun.
lol I just had to go and Google the Hawaiian chair ... now that looks like fun

No .... there is a little bit more effort involved in the Pilates chair ..... but apparently the results are supposed to be pretty good
It is the best thing i have ever bought and believe me i have been through many exercises machines,it is brilliant for toning everything up and flexibility.Wish i coulc be of more use with the malibu one but i am a massive fan of pilates in general
Now that is what I was wanting to hear

Thankyou for that Maggie ..... I just wanted someone to tell me if they thought it would be worth buying.

Obviously we often buy these things and use them for a short while then they end up in the garage collecting dust ..... but I like the look of this kind of excercise ....... I just wanted an opinion on wether it would be worth spending my money on.
If you do get one on ebay make sure it comes with instructions ie dvd/manual.I am going to check out the malibu chair on there later,as i am keeping my on an aero pilates.Don't go out bidding me on mine

Don't go out bidding me on mine
No it's ok Maggie .... it's on a buy it now price anyway & there are more than 10 available ..... so no bidding necessary ..... but it's a good price as on the internet in general they seem to be selling for around £150

I've also checked out the info ..... it comes complete with handles and the  workout DVD .... so it looks to be a good package
i've got a pilates machine, the one you lay down on, not got the trampoline bit.
it is a good bit of kit and can be as strenuous or gentle as you want. I started off very gradually and then added extra movements on. Good luck.
Same one as me Low,i love it,you don't get hot and sweaty,and i actually enjoy it,getting the cardio board,just for a bit of variation,the machine also supports the body very well so feel safe on it,don't think i could manage the mat work

Reference: maggiep
Blizzie you really make me laugh all over the forum,you're bloods worth bottling
Thank you, maggie.

I've never heard that slightly sinister expression before!

BTW, will you be blogging about your sphincter at all?

*** hopes she got the right FM ***
Jeez you have a good memory,the sphincter thing followed me around for ages,i am not into blogging yet,i swore i was going to be a forum only person,but have ventured out of here and it is all becoming more familiar now.
Think it must be a Brummie /Midland phrase

I've been thinking about trying pilates for ages. I've got a prolapsed disc and was recommended by my physio to try it. Is it high impact? Is it good for people with injuries? Any guidance would be muchos appreciated!
Is it high impact?
As far as I am aware it's low impact Karma ..... that's the main reason I liked the look of it ........ Just looks like nice gentle excercise, and as someone has pointed out you can start off just doing a little and gradually build it up. I suppose if you have a prolapsed disc, you would be best asking your GP if it would be ok first just to be on the safe side
I've been thinking about trying pilates for ages. I've got a prolapsed disc and was recommended by my physio to try it. Is it high impact? Is it good for people with injuries? Any guidance would be muchos appreciated!
KarmaI got my pilates machine 9 years ago,i bought the floor machine,because it supports your body,but is very low impact,you also get very quick results,i have a medical problem,and pilates is the only form of exercise i can safely do,my physio swears by it becauase it strengthens every part of your body.
You can do it with just a mat and a dvd,but i am not able to as i need the support the machine gives,i would imagine that with your problem the same might apply to you,worth looking into

Thank you ladies! There is a gym nearby that holds regular classes, but they're quite late in the evening and tbh I dont know if I would have the motivation after a days work, so would prefer something I can do at home. I'll have a look at this machine thingy

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