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Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
When me and my sisters were kids our parents got a magic clock that would ring if we were still talking half an hour after we were put to bed!

omg lol.... when and how did you realise it didn't work?
Oh but it did!
We would lie in bed and whisper to each other so as our parents wouldn't hear, but the magic clock heard us, because it rang after a while, then we DID go off to sleep so it wouldn't ring again.

Of course once we got old enough to know about alarm clocks then the magic clock disappeared. Laugh

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We got one of those clocks that project the time onto the ceiling.

My son was prob about 5 or 6 at the time and had been poorly, so we put him to bed in our bed. I tucked him in, and turned out the light.

He called me back, so I turned the light on and he said he wanted a drink or something... so got the drink, settled him back down, turned off the light.

He called me back again.... went into the room, turned on the light, asked him what was wrong...

...he was pale as a sheet and wide eyed, and said "mummy, something keeps trying to tell me something on the ceiling, but it waits til you aren't in the room anymore"

Took me a few seconds to work it out.. poor kid!!
Originally posted by slimfern:
We told ours that we knew when they were fibbing..cos their ears would go pointy like an imps..after that when they were fibbing they would cover their ears...deffo give away. Big Grin

Big Grin I've bluffed it with my two, and then told them they each have give away traits when they are lying (they didn't), but now I know cos when they are trying to pull a fast one, they stand there poker straight trying to control any subconcious movements.... is a dead giveaway and v v v funny!
Originally posted by slimfern:

They creased me up at times..with their innocence and gullibility...a real joy! Thumbs Up

mmmmm, my eldest is getting to that all grown up phase now... and leaving home (for 6th form boarding school) in september... so I am now getting all slushy about the innocent and gullible years... it seems to have gone so fast when I look back at it ..... I think I have dirty great pair of rose tinted specs on though!
when i was younger and living at home-we got up in the morning and EVERY clock in the house had been put back an hour-and we had about 20 clocks in just the one room!

we never found out who did it Ghost
Have you seen those clocks with a rabbits face on them, it has movable eyes that open and shut, so you can set the clock to a certain time and if your child wakes up too early the rabbits eyes are still shut so they know not to dare move until its eyes are open, am getting one asap Nod
So how many people had monsters under the bed or in the cupboard?
We had one that lived in the bath. Of course you couln't see it when the light was on, but if you had to go to the toilet in the night you had to rush back up the hall and jump into bed before it caught you. And you also had to make it into the bedroom before the 'person/presence' in the close looked in the front door and saw you. Laugh
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
So how many people had monsters under the bed or in the cupboard?
We had one that lived in the bath. Of course you couln't see it when the light was on, but if you had to go to the toilet in the night you had to rush back up the hall and jump into bed before it caught you. And you also had to make it into the bedroom before the 'person/presence' in the close looked in the front door and saw you. Laugh

Before hubby moved in with me, I used to regularly freak myself out like that! Didn't help when I told him about the strange noises the house made on a night, and he suggested it was my next door neighbour in my loft, spying on me through a peep hole!!!!

(all part of his cunning plan to move in I reckon!)

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