Welcome one and all!
Fasten your seat belts, cover your ears (!), it's gonna be a bumpy and probably short-lived ride!
Currently taken colours.
Ms Blonde - Bethni
Mr Gold - Rawky-Poo vendetta against Denise with his famous Bea Brigade Cattle Prod
Ms Platinum - Cos
Ms Scarlett - Kaffy
Mr Magnolia - Joe For turning himself over to another mob
Ms Yellow - Ducky
Ms Black and White (aka 'Splodges') - Ditty
Ms Puce - Syd
Ms Violet - Amythist
Ms Indigo - Fluffs
Mr Browne - jacksonb
Ms Blue Eyes - marguerita
Mr Red and Black (aka 'Blood Red') - kimota
Ms Pink (aka 'scatts') - scatterby
Mr Emerald - noseyrosie
Ms Claret - Avalon
Ms Green&pink - Green&Pink
Ms Champagne - Soops
Ms Peach Satin - Baz! (no pressure applied to this member. Honest.)
Ms Pearl - Sweet Pancakes
Ms Purple - kattymieoww
Ms Amber - erinp
Ms Ginger - Scotty. For special undercover operations.
Ms White - Lee. A late recruit but very valuable operative it seems.
Ms Sapphire - justy. Saw the light at the last moment.
HM hit list so far:
Denise, for too many reasons to include.
*in invisible ink* Nicola. This may take longer than we feared.
The Twins
Georgia (who used the old 'I thought you wanted to go home' excuse!)
Romeo (but why?!) too nice, poor sap