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January 2009

you remember that bagabones was very surprised when the v.e.t. came to his house?
i should have been really worried in case the v.e.t had come for me. i have heard about some animals going to see the vet and ........never ........ coming ....... back Eeker
then their yumans cry and say the vet PUT THEM DOWN Eeker
what did they put them down? was it a deep hole they couldn't get out of? why did they never come back?
that happenned to mrs. belle's cat, mags. she was very sad about it.
i told all this to bagabones too but he still didn't seem worried when the vet came to his house.
he didn't seem worried at all...... Confused
Originally posted by Bagabones:
I can understand everyone being worried about the vet, especially after what happened to poor magscat.

My vet seems very nice. I liked her when I first saw her but I fell asleep before I could get to know her.
She brought a bag with her this time and took out a present for me. She said it was a pigzear and I had so much fun chewing it.
i found out the vet is called Les. i think it's a short name for Lesley - or something - rather like my yuman sometimes just calls me Baggy. Laugh
she really likes me and she likes my yuman too and my yuman likes her. They spent a lot time hugging and stroking each each other whilst they were drinking wine and i was chewing my pigzear.

And then we all went to bed!

LC was right about some animals being put down by a vet though. I got on the bed as normal but both my yuman and the vet-her name is Les-were there.
Still plenty of room for me but Les kept putting me down on to the floor. I know she likes me though because she went and got the blanket that machel gave me and put it next to the bed.

My yuman is female, she is gorgeous and very clever. She learns things very quickly. She learned that when she is eating she must always give some of her food to me. Even when I have just eaten my own. She knows that when she is talking to her telling fone she must always stroke my ears otherwise I sing very loudly. She also knows that I don’t mind going out in the rain. It took me ages to teach her that. She thought I wanted to stay indoors. Roll Eyes
The Little Cat
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Originally posted by The Little Cat:
that happenned to mrs. belle's sukicat. she was very sad about it.

to be factually accurate, it was my cat mags that didn't come back from the vet. sukey is still very much with us. only yesterday she killed a leaf and brought it in to the living room for me. Thumbs Up

however her sister Mags was last seen on thursday 24th April 2008. And it is still the saddest thing ever happened to me. x gulp x
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
that happenned to mrs. belle's sukicat. she was very sad about it.

to be factually accurate, it was my cat mags that didn't come back from the vet. sukey is still very much with us. only yesterday she killed a leaf and brought it in to the living room for me. Thumbs Up

however her sister Mags was last seen on thursday 24th April 2008. And it is still the saddest thing ever happened to me. x gulp x

of course mrs belle - i remember now it WAS the little cat called mags.
sukicat was very upset about it wasn't she? she kept looking for mags to come back.

it was bagabones that got them mixed up.
trust a d.o.g. Roll Eyes

i've gone back and edited it now and put it all right.

i'm glad sukey is still all right - even though she can be a very norty cat sometimes - i remember her with those rabbits........... Laugh
The Little Cat
(and sometimes a peeny i suppose, whatever that is....)
A 'peeny' or pinny is just another name for an apron. You know, the bit of funny shaped material many of us humans wear over our ordinary clothes when we are cooking. Maybe they mean that they are so busy rushing about in the kitchen when they are cooking that they bump into each other. Big Grin
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
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Originally posted by Bagabones:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Wait! The suspense!! How are we supposed to manage??

I was just dozing off when I heard a noise upstairs. With my yuman and Les the Vet outside I thought perhaps one of the visitors was lost. I went upstairs to help but the noise was coming from the bedroom and my yuman and Les the Vet never let anyone in there. Except me of course.
I went inside ready to give my best growl and there stood a male yuman! He was just like the male yuman that left me in a cold field and told me to go back to Santa. His head was all polished with no fur. He ran towards me and opened his legs wide to run over me. I was so scared I jumped up to avoid his feet but lost my balance so I sunk my teeth into the nearest part I could find just where his legs join at the top. Instantly I got the same taste as the food we were eating outside that everyone called β€œitsraw” which I quite liked. I’m just going to have a little rest as my ribs are a bit sore.

He made a lot of noise and started shouting for his friend called β€œomigod”. Well, the more he shouted for his friend β€œomigod” the faster he ran and I didn’t want to get trodden on so I held on tight. I let go at the top of the stairs but being a clumsy male yuman he never bothered to lift his foot over me so I got a kick in the ribs but I didn’t notice at the time as I was watching him go down the stairs in a very strange way. He rolled down which is much quicker than walking so I chased down the stairs after him. I was going so fast I lost my balance just as I reached the bottom, so, to stop myself falling I took a firm grip of his ear. It actually tasted just as nice as the first bit that I’d grabbed but a bit more chewy. I don’t know where his friend β€œomigod” got to but he never turned up.
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Wow, you're really dragging this story out, Bags. Are you napping or snacking in between posts?

It's been a long day Lori. All the excitement and food and playing on the stairs has made me very tired.

To carry on from where his friend omigod never turned up.

Les the Vet and my yuman and all their friends turned up! They saw I was having so much fun they all joined in but they were very tired so they all sat on him for a bit of a rest. The girls knew him, they said he was a β€œbar steward bugler” or something like that. They said I was really brave and he wouldn’t be using his tackle ever again after I’d been hanging on to it. They must have meant his ear but yumans don’t use their ears that much anyhow so he won’t miss it.I need another nap now. My yuman says we have an impotent viser tor coming tomorrow to see us. I hope it brings bones.
Originally posted by apricot:
Hi, read the whole story and just finished it, as I couldn't stop reading no matter how late it got. It's got everything in it, all life in the raw. Brilliant. Thumbs Up

I agree, Apricot. Nod
I think this diary should be published. I'm sure it would be a best seller.

It makes fascinating reading and it's also very clever and funny.

It's wasted being on here where hardly anyone gets to read it.

Go on, Little Cat - find a publisher! Thumbs Up
Golf Nut
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Originally posted by Golf Nut:
Originally posted by apricot:
Hi, read the whole story and just finished it, as I couldn't stop reading no matter how late it got. It's got everything in it, all life in the raw. Brilliant. Thumbs Up

I agree, Apricot. Nod
I think this diary should be published. I'm sure it would be a best seller.

It makes fascinating reading and it's also very clever and funny.

It's wasted being on here where hardly anyone gets to read it.

Go on, Little Cat - find a publisher! Thumbs Up

but it's not finished yet!
who knows what adventures i've still got to come.
i've hardly used up any of my nine lives yet. Laugh
The Little Cat
16th January.09

i think i ought to get back to my diary a bit.
i seem to have spent most of my time lately just answering people and saying thank you for stuff but not actually writing my diary.

so here goes...........

yesterday i ate some cat biscuits and drank some water and then washed my fur.
that took a long time.
then i went outside to check up on the pesky robin.
it wasn't around. Disappointed

while i was checking up on the robin a strange cat walked into the garden.
we did the usual meeting ceremony - standing facing one another and staring without blinking, bottle-brush tails, arched back (i normally turn sideways a bit to make myself look bigger Laugh) and emitting low growls and singing noises on a rising note.

then the intruder either launches an attack or else backs away very slowly until well out of range; and then turns and legs it out of the garden.

this one legged it. i am obviously one scary animal! Nod Laugh

after that i dug a little hole (in next door's garden of course!) and did what cats do, and then I came in and ate some fish and went to sleep on the bed.

Today I have been outside and dug a little hole in next door's garden again and done a poo and peed on next door's lawn.

I am very interested in the effect my peeing has had on next doors lawn.
it goes all brown in a round patch where i pee and then grows longer greener grass all round it like a fairy ring.

most decorative! Cool

there are several of these pretty brown patches and fairy rings on next door's lawn now - 'cos i never pee in exactly the same place twice.
it certainly improves the look of that otherwise boring green grass!

i bet the people next door are really grateful to me. Nod
The Little Cat
I had a discussion with bagabones about our respective you-know-what. Blush

Originally posted by bagabones:

Why do you poo in a hole LC? Sounds like hard work all that digging.
Is it a game like hide and seek and a yuman has to find it?
I like to do it when we are out and I like to find a flat place like the pavement and try and do it in front of a crowd so they all know how good I am for not doing it behind the settee anymore.

My yuman must like what I drop because she collects it in a bag and takes it home for safe keeping.
I don’t know what she is saving it for but she is very clever so it will be something good. Nod

Originally posted by Little Cat:
I poo in a little hole because that's what us cats do.
we are taught to bury our poo and cover it up again.
i don't think anyone tries to find it.
if they do find it it is by axe eedent and they don't usually seem all that pleased.

aunty pet says we dig holes because it is in stink tiff. (i think that means it smells! )

doesn't your poo smell nasty then bagabones?

there is one thing i can't understand about what you do.
if your yuman likes your poo so much that she picks it up and takes it home to keep, then why do you make her go out in all the cold and the wind and the rain to collect it?

why don't you just do it at home for her - like on the kitchen table for instance?
or on the dressing table in the bedroom or even the bedside table - and then she wouldn't even have to get out of bed to admire it.

that would be the kind thing to do for her I think. Nod

i mean you'd still get your walks if that's what you're afraid of, because you have to go out to pee don't you - or is she collecting that in a bottle as well?
The Little Cat
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
*Pops TWO bones in fridge for Bagabones for later.*

We've got a hero in our midsts!


My yuman says the impotent viser tor we are expecting is from the perl ice. Les the Vet says she used to work for the perl ice as a Vet and some of them were very fit and tasty. I don’t know how she can work for them and still eat them but as long as I get a lick when it turns up I don’t care. They are getting very excited. The whole place has been cleaned and my blanket is hanging from a string out in the garden. I tried to jump up and catch it but I couldn’t reach. I’ve been locked out of my own home because they say I’m getting in the way! What a nerve, and me being a hero as well. Mind you, I do have a nice bone to chew out on the lawn from fluffy.
in january we had a lot more of the cold white stuff that i've found out is called snow.

i don't like it at all.
it makes my paws all cold and i can't sit down in it or dig my little holes and if i walk through a lot of it it makes my tummy all wet and cold too.

bagabones said he loved it - although he had noticed something a bit strange about its colour.........

Originally posted by Bagabones:
I must admit I do like this snow. It does do strange things though.
Normally when we go for awalk there are loads of interesting smells to investigate.
This snow makes them much more difficult to find.
What I don’t understand is whenever I stop at a decent smell, I look round and the spot where I stopped last has turned yellow.
Nothing in front of me is yellow so we walk on a bit further and I stop for a good sniff and again, where I stopped last time has also gone yellow.
My yuman doesn’t seem to notice but she isn’t very good at sniffing either. Confused
The Little Cat
18th january.09
today's diary.

not a good day today.

yesterday evening some big men came to aunty pet's house and took away the two lovely big squashy sofas out of the living room.

i loved those sofas. i used to sleep on one at night - and most of the day too - and i have spent many months improving the look of them with my claws on the sides.

i was really proud of the way they looked with nice little threads hanging out and little holes in and stuff.
it was a work of art i thought. Nod

anyway, yesterday evening two big men took them away in a van and the room was empty nearly and it didn't look like my home any more. Frowner

worse still i had nothing to sleep on.

aunty pet put a new cat bed on the carpet for me, but i didn't like it. Disappointed

i kept walking round the room crying and then, in the night, i got so upset about the whole thing that i peed and pooed right on the new cat bed. Eeker

yes i know it was naughty but i couldn't help it.
i hate that new cat bed - they can't fob me off with that instead of my lovely shredded sofas.

anyway aunty pet was really cross with me this morning when she saw the cat bed.
especially as the pee had gone through and soaked the carpet.
i've never seen her so cross before. Frowner

she threw the new cat bed in the bin and sent me outside into the rain and cold and wouldn't let me in again for ages.

then this afternoon two different men came with an even bigger van and two new sofas that aunty pet said she'd got from a place called "the sails".

i inspected them and i don't think i like them as much as the others. they don't smell the same and they're going to need an awful lot of claw-work on to get them up to the same standard as the last lot.

however i thought they would make me quite comfortable beds.

but then i heard aunty pet say that i was to be kept out of that room at night.
i wasn't to be allowed to put my claws on the new sofas or sleep on them. Crying

i don't know where i can sleep tonight now.
even the cat bed is in the bin.
i shouldn't have peed and pooed on it i suppose.

i am not a happy cat. Shake Head Frowner
The Little Cat
19th Jan.09

well i didn't sleep too badly on the chair in the dining room.

i'm all on my own just now.
aunty pet and the big man have both gone off to somewhere called beeyan cue to look at the last of the sails there.

i must admit i am a bit worried about their sudden interest in sails. Disappointed

sails mean boats, and boats mean water and we cats don't like water - unless it's in a drinking bowl.

i do hope they aren't thinking of getting a boat.
i don't think i'd like to go on a boat. Shake Head

i remember once when i was living in skwolla, sapphire's daddy said he'd been to a place called hamster damn where there were a lot of cats living on a boat on the water there.
he said there was a lot of water in hamster damn - they have water instead of roads he said.

i can't imagine it really,

it must be awful for the hamsters - and the cats.
i expect that's why they live on boats though.

i hope all the hamsters live on a separate boat from the cats though, or they wouldn't last long! Laugh

sapphire's dad hadn't gone to hamster damn for hamsters though. i heard him telling sapphire's mum that he'd gone for "gear".

i think gear must be a kind of card game or something because he talked about a "dealer" and "scoring".

i didn't get chance to get the whole story because shortly after he got back some men came and put pretty silver bracelets on him and took him away in a big car.
i think they took him to buckingham palace because he was going to be a guest of her majesty for a long time they said.

wasn't that lovely for him? Smiler

so i never really found out about all the cats on the boat in hamster damn.

i don't think i'd like it though.

so i hope aunty pet hasn't bought sails.
The Little Cat
Bagabones was still excited about the snow!
And the strange creature he found in his garden...

Originally posted by Bagabones:
I came back from awalk with my yuman and we went into my garden and there beside Les the Vet was a strange creature nearly as big as Les!
It was white and it was wearing a hat belonging to my yuman and a scarf belonging to Les.
It had funny black eyes and a very strange nose that looked a bit like something my yuman sometimes puts in the dinner.
I walked round it to see if it wanted to make friends but it never moved so I gave it my new growl just to let it know it was my garden.
It still never moved so I barked and wagged my tail and it still never moved.

It still never moved so I weed on it and walked away.

Its feet turned yellow but it still never moved so I went inside then to warm up by the fire.
I was ready for a lie down and a think.


Tomorrow I’m going to have another go at getting some sense out of the strange creature in the garden. If I can’t get any sense out of it I’m going to nip it and wee on it again (as long as Les is with me)
The Little Cat
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20th January.09
Originally posted by machel:
hi lc
are you good at waking your human in the morning lc? my bundle of fun is usually very good at being the alarm clock but this morning he must have wanted to sleep in because we were late for school!

i am just wonderful at waking my yumans in the morning machel.

every morning at 5.30 without fail i have what aunty pet calls my "mad half hour". Crazy

i have a wee in my litter tray and do my famous "litter skitter".
then i race round the house, up and down the stairs, pretending fierce monsters are chasing me. i chase my toy balls about and drop the ones with a bell in from the landing down into the hall and then race down after them.

i also sharpen my claws most vigourously on any carpet or furniture to paw.
this usually wakes at least one yuman up who pads off to the waterfall in the bathroom with bare feet. then i hide around corners and ambush him or her and hurl myself at their ankles and savage their toes.

if no-one gets up or if the yuman that has had toes savaged goes back to bed then i jump on the bed and walk up to the pillow and put my whiskers in their faces and prod them with my paw.

if that doesn't get them up then i start a persistant and monotonous miaowing.

it usually works but they don't seem at all grateful for it.

as soon as they are up i jump on their warm bed, pad a bit, turn round a few times and then settle down for a good sleep.

mission accomplished.

The Little Cat
Originally posted by Bagabones:

I have been out for awalk with my yuman and Les the Vet.
We have been searching for the snow. We went down to the river because a lot of things seem to end up there.
I sniffed all over but I don’t think my yuman and Les were trying very hard.
They just held hands and made funny noises and let me do all the work. I’ll be ready for my bone that LC is looking after for me.
I owe her a lick of my bone so she can help herself to it. I’d suggest that she doesn’t lick it straight from the fridge.
It’s better after it has been out for a while to let it warm up. Nod
The Little Cat
On January 20th mrs b belle called in and gave me some very interesting news.......

Originally posted by BeerBelle:
hi TLC. did you know today is a very important day?
There is a brand new American president they are very proud of him because he is black like you!!

Originally posted by The Little Cat:
is that really true mrs belle? Eeker

did they really say that in america?

did they really say, "we are so proud of our new president because he is black like the little cat on the c4 forums".?????

that is amazing.

really amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew i was quite famous, and i knew people in america read my diary, but i never for one moment thought they would actually choose a president just because he was a bit like me.

i feel very humble and most honoured.

Originally posted by BeerBelle:
I am absolutely sure that is why.

In fact had you been a candidate, I expect you would have won, paws down.

Originally posted by The Little Cat:

hmmm. i think that might have been quite dangerous for me though. i think that mr bush might have arranged for the c.i.a. to make me disappear if i'd been a candidate.

all the same it isn't so good even in this country for us cats in politics either, is it?
who knows what really happened to poor humphrey, the downing street cat? Eeker

he was doing just fine until the blairs moved into number 10 and mrs blair took a dislike to him.
then he mysteriously disappeared. Eeker

that mrs blair said humphrey had gone for a long holiday in the country - but i have my doubts...... .... Shake Head Frowner
The Little Cat
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Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by Golf Nut:
Originally posted by apricot:
Hi, read the whole story and just finished it, as I couldn't stop reading no matter how late it got. It's got everything in it, all life in the raw. Brilliant. Thumbs Up

I agree, Apricot. Nod
I think this diary should be published. I'm sure it would be a best seller.

It makes fascinating reading and it's also very clever and funny.

It's wasted being on here where hardly anyone gets to read it.

Go on, Little Cat - find a publisher! Thumbs Up

but it's not finished yet!
who knows what adventures i've still got to come.
i've hardly used up any of my nine lives yet. Laugh

But you could do it in say yearly Chapters TLC, with no ending. Go to a good publisher, show them what you've got and take it from there. It's good to have it here, but it should be on book shelves too, and in Libraries. I agree with Golf, as it is very cleverly thought out. Nod Present freshly caught fish. Big Grin Hug
Originally posted by apricot:
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by Golf Nut:
Originally posted by apricot:
Hi, read the whole story and just finished it, as I couldn't stop reading no matter how late it got. It's got everything in it, all life in the raw. Brilliant. Thumbs Up

I agree, Apricot. Nod
I think this diary should be published. I'm sure it would be a best seller.

It makes fascinating reading and it's also very clever and funny.

It's wasted being on here where hardly anyone gets to read it.

Go on, Little Cat - find a publisher! Thumbs Up

but it's not finished yet!
who knows what adventures i've still got to come.
i've hardly used up any of my nine lives yet. Laugh

But you could do it in say yearly Chapters TLC, with no ending. Go to a good publisher, show them what you've got and take it from there. It's good to have it here, but it should be on book shelves too, and in Libraries. I agree with Golf, as it is very cleverly thought out. Nod Present freshly caught fish. Big Grin Hug

What a wonderful day it was yesterday. All those very nice people came to visit us. We ate outside and my yuman cooked something called β€œitsraw” on a big pot full of fire. The new yumans were very generous. They would take a bite of the new food and say β€œitsraw” and give it to me. I also liked it so it was very nice of them to share it with me. Then there was the yuman man with the polished head in our bedroom. I think he had been stealing the new food because when I bit him by accident just at the top of his legs, I could see lumpy bits in his trousers and it tasted just the same as the itsraw. He was very upset about being caught and he made an awful noise. His ear tasted ok also but it was a bit chewier and not much meat on it.
I’m looking forward to seeing the impotent viser tor (whatever that is) from the perl ice later today as Les the Vet says they are very tasty.
Originally posted by apricot:

But you could do it in say yearly Chapters TLC, with no ending. Go to a good publisher, show them what you've got and take it from there. It's good to have it here, but it should be on book shelves too, and in Libraries. I agree with Golf, as it is very cleverly thought out. Nod Present freshly caught fish. Big Grin Hug

I wouldn't risk it, they might make you go through the entire thing and put all the capital letters in!! Shake Head Laugh
i just haven't had much to write in my diary lately.
it's been such cold nasty weather that i seem to just want to curl up somewhere warm and go to sleep all the time.
aunty pet says she thinks i'm high burn hating (whatever that means) Confused
if i wrote my diary for yesterday it would have been -
got up
went outside and dug a little hole.
covered it up again
came in and ate some breakfast.
looked at the birds through the window - that pesky robin has got a friend with him now. Mad
had a drink of water.
curled up and went to sleep on one of the new sofas.
slept some more
and a lot more.
ate some supper.
went out to dig another little hole but didn't stay long as it was cold and windy and raining.
saw a fox and he saw me. Eeker
came in.
played with my toys for about ten minutes.
went upstairs with aunty pet and slept on her bed all night.

not very exciting is it?
and most days have been like that lately.

but today is a bit warmer and the sun is shining so i think i'm going to go outside and see what's happening.

i'll get back to you later……
The Little Cat
Originally posted by sukey cat:
i got worms. Blush

I had them once as well sukey cat.
they make your bottom all itchy.

the yumans try to take your mind off your itchy bottom by trying to force little hard round white things into your mouth.

your yuman will probably do that as well.
usually they try to hide it in your food first of all and they think you won't notice.

i got very good at eating all my dinner and leaving the little white thing.

then they try to open your mouth and stick it in and make you swallow it.

i could spit mine out a really long way. Nod

there is only one way to stop them - make them THINK you've eaten the nasty thing.

when they're not looking pick it out of your food and hide it under a rug or bury it in your litter tray.
that will keep them happy. Laugh
The Little Cat
14th February.09

aunty pet said it was a special day today.
she said it was valley times day. Confused
i don’t know what that means but she seemed very happy about it and the big man gave her a big bunch of flowers and little box of something called shocklits.
she said she liked to eat shocklits but they didn’t smell very nice to me.
prawns would have been much nicer in my opinion. Nod
i’m glad nobody brings me shocklits.

the pesky robin was outside on the patio again and he had his new friend with him again.
they were behaving very strangely.
the new robin kept acting very silly, standing there quivering his wings and feathers and opening his beak, and the usual pesky robin kept popping bits of bread crumbs into his mouth.

i think the new one was pretending he couldn’t manage to get any food himself – but he was telling lies really, because as soon as the pesky one turned round, or hopped away a bit, the new one became quite normal and stopped quivering and just pecked about for himself.

i almost felt sorry for the pesky one – being deceived like that. Ninja

all the same it didn’t stop me swearing loudly at them both through the window.

aunty pet came to see what I was making such a noise about and she saw the two robins and called the big man to look too.
she said β€œoh look, isn’t that sweet our robin has got himself a mate – and on valley times day too!”
then she and the big man put their arms round each other and made slurping noises – and went upstairs and back to bed – even though it was nearly lunch time. VERY strange! Confused
they must have been really tired.

so the new robin is the pesky one’s mate is it?
i know exactly what a mate is. Nod

when we had a man round to mend some pipes in the bathroom he had another man with him who he said was his mate.
the mate had to do all the hard work while the first man just stood around and watched.

well if the pesky robin has picked this new one to be HIS mate he has made a bad choice.
the new one is the silliest robin i have ever seen in my life. he pretends he can’t even feed himself – so there’s no chance of him doing any work.

anyway what sort of work does a robin have to do that he needs a mate for?

i can’t see a robin mending pipes in someone’s bathroom. Crazy Laugh
The Little Cat
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Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by apricot:

But you could do it in say yearly Chapters TLC, with no ending. Go to a good publisher, show them what you've got and take it from there. It's good to have it here, but it should be on book shelves too, and in Libraries. I agree with Golf, as it is very cleverly thought out. Nod Present freshly caught fish. Big Grin Hug

I wouldn't risk it, they might make you go through the entire thing and put all the capital letters in!! Shake Head Laugh

i would have to explain to them, mrs belle, that i can't manage the shift key with my paws to do capital letters.
i can only do them by putting the caps lock on and off. Disappointed
The Little Cat

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