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bagabones and i had an argument about food. he said that all food (ANY food) should be gulped down as quickly as possible. i didn't agree. i decided to instruct him in proper manners.

I don't agree that food is food and any sort should be gulped down, bagabones.

only cats without a proper home behave like that.

us cats with homes are very fussy about what we eat.

we approach any food that is offered suspiciously and cautiously, and then we sniff at it to decide if it is a meal worthy of our status.

if we decide it is a worthy meal we nibble at it delicately, but if we decide it isn't we turn our backs on it and make the motions of scratching soil over it with our back legs, to tell our humans that it is no better than sh1t in our opinion!

of course it is also our duty to keep our humans on their toes and not let them get complacent, so we have to keep changing our minds about what we consider is worthy of us and what we don't.

one week we will say we love tuna and the next week we will treat it with disgust.
it's what us cats do.

there was no way the nice lady i once lived with would get me to eat a big mac.
it was even too disgusting to scratch over.

i took it outside and gave it to the rat who lived under the old mattress in the garden.
rats will eat ANYTHING.
The Little Cat
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
oh gawd tlc, i had forgotten all these traumatic things all you animals had gone through. *reaches for tissues*

don't worry mrs belle - it all worked out well for us in the end. Nod

all the same there are hundreds more poor animals just like that who haven't been so lucky. Frowner

Nod Frowner

it seems with the current recession too, more & more animals are being dumped, rspca reckon it's up to 30 per day more Eeker Crying
Originally posted by grannyg:
Ooh thanks gel Hug Big Grin
I didn't know it would be so big Laugh Thumbs Up

tis ok, it's not that big, but you are welcome Nod

if the pic doesn't have the [img] code in front of it, you can just copy the code from properties or from your browser, then paste it into the 'mountain box' above the the reply screen, it puts the code in for you and displays the picture Thumbs Up
i'm glad you like reading it grannyg and gel - it makes all this work worthwhile.

have you seen that i've put both your names on my sig?

right - on with my diary.
at the beginning of november something really scary happened.......

November 5th 2008
what is happening? i feel very frightened.

i think there's some people outside shooting cats and dropping bombs on them. Eeker

there's all whizzes and bangs and explosions and sparkling lights in the sky that might look pretty if they were not so frightening.

i'm sure it's cats that are being attacked. I can't find mr tom or bagabones.

I'm scared...........

i keep hiding under the bed and every time i creep out there's another big bang outside and i go back under again.

I'm shaking with fright. Frowner

oh what shall i do?
The Little Cat
november 5th 2008.

aunty pet has just been in to stroke me and talk to me.

she has drawn the curtains and put the light on so i can't see the flashes and she has put the radio on loud so I can't hear the bangs so much.

I feel a little bit better now.

aunty pet says its alright and they're not shooting cats. she says its gay forks or something.

i wonder if mr tom is safe.
The Little Cat
Of course mr. tom WAS safe. he turned up the next morning and we talked about it......

Hello mr tom.
i'm so glad you are safe. i thought you might have got shot at with those explodings gay forks.
wasn't it a terrible night? it's a good job we weren't both out on the tiles.
mrs belle said sukey and polly were frightened too.
i wonder how bagabones is.
i hope one of those gay forks didn't get him. Eeker

i went out in the garden first thing this morning to dig a little hole for you-know-what Blush and i found a funny burnt cardboard tube with a little stick on it just next to my special toilet place. Eeker
it smelt like the air smelt last night.

if i had been digging my little hole there last night it would have landed on me. Frowner

you see i KNEW they were after killing cats!!!!!!
they were after me and mr tom. i'm sure of it.. Frowner

i wonder what we've done to upset everyone.

surely our singing isn't THAT bad! Disappointed
The Little Cat
Mr tom said he didn't think anyone would want to kill cats - but after finding that cardboard tube next to my special toilet place i was sure he was wrong........

I don't know who would want to kill us cats mr tom, but i'm sure they did - or why else would they aim one of those burny exploding things straight for my special toilet place? Eeker

i'm just not sure about gay forks at all.
perhaps you can tell if a fork is gay if it is bent.
anyway i've had a look at all the forks in the kitchen - bent and straight - and i am sure they couldn't have been responsible for all the shooting and banging last night.

I am sure it's people who are behind all that. people who don't like us cats.

besides aunty pet told me it was gay forks NIGHT.
she said they were burning gay forks on a bomb fire.

i heard her telling leroy all about it being something to do with parliament - but why would people in parliament want to shoot burny things at my toilet hole???? Confused

it's one of those strange human things.
i'll never understand them. Roll Eyes

i'm glad it's all over anyway and me and mr tom are still alive. Nod
The Little Cat
of course bagabones had to have his say about the gay forks........
Originally posted by Bagabones:
Nov.7. 2008
I think I’ve sorted out about gay forks.
My yuman put all her knives forks and spoons on the table whilst she cleaned their drawer.
The forks were all bent.
They lay side by side cuddled up to each other. The knives were straight.
They lay shoulder to shoulder.
The spoons were just a little bit bent and all lay on top of each other.

Therefore, if it’s bent it’s gay otherwise they wouldn’t be called gay forks. Nod

I’ve decided that I’m going to be gay.
I don’t care what the vet says when I see her this week.
I don’t need her to tell me if I’m a boy or a girl because I have decided I am going to be gay.

Little Cat told me that gay means happy carefree and full of fun, so why isn’t everyone else gay?
At least those gay forks were enjoying themselves whilst everyone else was in hiding. Nod
The Little Cat
hello mr tom.
i woz hoping you might tell me what happened last night 'cos it's all a blur and a muddle to me.
when i got home my fur was all wet and bedraggled and i had a pigeon's feather stuck in my tail and a rasher of bacon on my head. Confused
i was very tired and went to sleep and when i woke up i thought it might have all been a bad dream - until i found the pigeon feather ......... and the bacon. Frowner

i think we'd better give up cat-nip for a while.

that ms hope has been a bad in-floo-enz. Ninja

what happened with the turkey last chris muss, mr tom???
The Little Cat
we should perhaps explain "gay forks" for our american cousins...

in 1605, some feller called guy fawkes plotted to blow up the houses of parliament, on account of how he didn't like the King or something. so anyway his plot was discovered and he was burned on s bonfire for treason.

so we celebrate foiling the "gunpowder plot" every year with a fireworks display and a scarecrow type effergy of guy who we burn on a bonfire.

children's nursery rhyme:
remember remember the 5th of november
gunpowder treason and plot
i see no reason why gunpowder, treason
should ever be forgot!
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
we should perhaps explain "gay forks" for our american cousins...

in 1605, some feller called guy fawkes plotted to blow up the houses of parliament, on account of how he didn't like the King or something. so anyway his plot was discovered and he was burned on s bonfire for treason.

so we celebrate foiling the "gunpowder plot" every year with a fireworks display and a scarecrow type effergy of guy who we burn on a bonfire.

children's nursery rhyme:
remember remember the 5th of november
gunpowder treason and plot
i see no reason why gunpowder, treason
should ever be forgot!

I gather history isn't your strong point, BeerBelle! Laugh

I hardly know where to start with that "explanation."

Well at least you got the date right.
It was a Catholic plot. King James V1 of Scotland and 1st of Engand had just succeeded to the throne thus uniting England and Scotland. (He was the son of Mary Queen of Scots.)
The Catholics had had a bad time in England - what with "Bloody" Mary and everything and they hoped James would show them more favour. When it became apparant that he wasn't going to, a group of emminent Catholics plotted to assassinate him and put a more pro-Catholic king on the throne. The plan was to blow up the Houses of Parliament when the king was there. They put barrels of gunpwder in the cellars. Guy (or Guido) Fawkes wasn't really responsible for the plot - he was just the explosives expert they brought in to set the charge and light the fuses - he came from Italy I think.

Anyway one of the plotters had a close friend in Parliament and he sent his friend a warning letter. Of course the friend was hopelessly compromised by receiving this letter. He had to tell the authorities. The cellars were searched, poor old Guido and the gunpowder was discovered and all the plotters were arrested, tortured and executed - by hanging drawing and quartering.

So now, in commemoration, gunpowder is used in fireworks and effigies of Guy Fawkes are burned on bonfires.
The Brits have a long history of burning effigies of people they don't like on bonfires. They used to burn effigies of the Pope.

You can think of "Bonfire Night" as an anti-Catholic demonstration. Laugh
on with my diary.....
this morning has been quite sunny. I went outside and sat in the sun for a while and chattered at birds on the birdtable.

(that robin is still really annoying me. He'll go too far one of these days!! Mad)

it got a bit cold outside though so i've come back in again to warm my paws.

I think i'll see if there's anything nice to eat in my fridge.

i've got myself a saucer of milk out

And mr tom is drinking some of it. Laugh
The Little Cat
Last edited {1}

i do like sneaking about at night. all us cats do.
aunty pet says cats are knock turn all.
i think it just means we like sneaking about at night. Laugh

i'm not so keen on being knock turn all at the moment though - it's too cold at night.
i try to snug up somewhere warm like under a doo vey.

if it ever gets warm again i shall go back to being knock turn all and go singing on the tiles with mr tom.

but it's far too cold for that now. Disappointed
The Little Cat
bagabones was still having problems adjusting to his new life.......

November 2008
Hello Little Cat and Mr. Big Tom I wish I could come out with you on the tiles, although I love it here with my yuman. Every day is a new adventure.
I found a dead rat under a pile of leaves in the garden when I went out for my late night wee last night.
I love my yuman but she does sometimes spoil my fun. She put the rat in a big square container on wheels but I managed to roll over and over in the leaves. It’s great fun and I get to keep the nice smell.
I don’t think my yuman is very well. She said I can’t sleep with her tonight but she’s promised me a treat tomorrow.
She says I’m having abaf. I don’t know what abaf is but the idea seems to make her smile. She said that after I’ve had abaf she is going to wash the nice blanked that machel gave me.
I hope she doesn’t wash the lots of love out of it.

The Little Cat
I didn't like the sound of abaf - but bagabones didn't seem to mind it....
Originally posted by Bagabones:

November 2008
My yuman said that I had apong so I was going for abaf.
We went into a room and there was a big white container which I guess is abaf.
She then half filled it with water and poured some funny smelling stuff in that made the water all white and frothy.
There was a stool next to the baf so when I climbed on to it I could see over the side. The froth was going all over the place and my yuman was laughing and started to throw the stuff at me. Well I’m not going to miss out on fun so I put my paws on the side and jumped in! Wow!

What a feeling. I think I was flying like the birds in the garden because I couldn’t feel the bottom of abaf. It was a bit scary at first but my yuman stroked me all over with a big squishy thing.
It’s great! I tried a bit more flying but then the froth started to go away and I settled down to the floor in the baf. She then got me out and wrapped me up in a big white blanket.
Then she wanted to play chase so I ran to the bedroom and stood on the bed and we chased all over the house till my fur was dry.
I love my yuman. She invents so many good games.

My yuman is my friend. We play together and I teach her things and in return she gets me just about anything I want.
I must admit though, there are a lot of very strange things going on around me that I don’t understand, some of it quite embarrassing so I think I’ll ask Mr. Big Tom for advice. Nod

This may sound strange and I don’t want to cause a panic but everything around me seems to be shrinking. When I first came here I couldn’t see on top of the chairs and couldn’t reach them with my paws. I can now. My yuman lifted me onto the settee but now it has shrunk so I can climb onto it, same with the bed and there isn’t as much room in there as there used to be.
I can’t hide under the shed when I’m playing hide and seek with my yuman. It seems to have sunk into the ground.
And, there is something happening to me...... No, too embarrassing,

I may whisper it to you later.
The Little Cat
Everybody told bagabones that everything wasn't getting smaller - it was just him getting bigger.....
ORIGINALLY posted by Bagabones:
Well, that was a shock! I’d never thought of growing bigger. I’ve never seen anything grow bigger. Everyone in the rezcue stayed the same size. I wonder just how big I will grow.
I heard my yuman telling her telly fone that we are going to the vet by the end of the week. She tells her telly fone all sorts of things and it never talks back. I’ll wait and see what the vet does and if she says I’m a boy or girl or gay.
If don’t care what she says, I’m going to go for gay. It sounds much more fun.

i told bagabones about my dreadful experience with the v.e.t. and how he'd put a glass tube up my poor bottom. and i told him about how i went to sleep there and woke up with a lampshade round my neck.....
Originally posted by bagabones:
I still don’t fancy the lampshade or the glass tube.
I have enough problems with that end right now without wearing a glass tube inside me.
Oops! I nearly let my embarrassing problem out.

I can hear the tin rattling, I’m off.
The Little Cat
bagabones went to the vet and it didn't seem too bad for him......
That’s it! I’ve been! Today was Vet day.
I was a bit worried on the way there in the basket on the bike.
I thought the basket had shrunk but I remembered what Beer Belle said about me growing.
There were loads of pets together in a room. Cats and dogs in boxes and cages.
I wanted to play but my yuman said I couldn’t so I just sat on her knee and watched.
We went into a different room and I stood on a table and met the vet.
She was gorgeous, she had a big smile and gave me a biscuit and stroked me. I think she liked me and my yuman because they spent ages smiling at each other and laughing.
She looked at my eyes and into my mouth and held my fur on my neck. I got very tired then and fell asleep on the table.
I was so tired that even when I woke up my yuman had to carry me out to the bike basket.

I didn’t get any lampshades or glass tubes.

I thought after the vet visit I could go for walks but I don’t feel much like it right now.

I’m off for a bit of a doze.
The Little Cat
It didn't take him long to get back to normal though.......
I’ve been very tired since visiting the vet but I’m getting better. My yuman says we are going for awalk when weekend comes who ever she is.

I’m a bit embarrassed about going further than my garden because of my very personal problem which seems to be getting worse. Eeker

It would be very nice to meet everyone though. Are the tiles easy to get at L.C.?
I’m very big now, when I stand up like a yuman my paws nearly reach the seat of the chairs in the lounge.
I’ve even managed to climb onto the settee but I did stand on a cushion to help myself.
The Little Cat

December 1st 2008.

something terrible has happened!
my poor leroy is trapped and can't get out. Eeker

we've got this funny little black thing in aunty pet's house. it sits around on furniture
and i think it swallows people when no-one is looking. Frowner

aunty pet says it's called fone, or "telling fone". i think that's because it's telling you if it's swallowed somebody.

It makes a dreadful loud noise, and when it does aunty pet or the big man lifts it up and puts it on the side of their head and then talks to it.

sometimes i can hear the faint voice of the person it has swallowed coming from inside it. i don't know how such a little thing manages to swallow a yuman bean - but it does.

anyway today it made that loud noise and aunty pet picked it up and talked to it for a bit and then she laughed and reached across to me and held the thing to MY ear.

and you will never guess this, but i heard leroy's voice coming from inside it!!!!!!! Eeker

my poor leroy was trapped inside the telling fone.
he was calling my name but i couldn't get at him to help.
i couldn't even smell him inside the thing even though i sniffed and sniffed!

after a few seconds aunty pet took the nasty thing away from my ear and went on talking to it. then she put it down and it went all quiet - with my own poor leroy stuck inside.

i am so worried. i don't know how to rescue leroy.

i'm surprised at aunty pet too.
i thought she loved leroy nearly as much as i do but she doesn't seem bothered.
she's just going on as everything is all right and all the time poor leroy, who rescued me from skwolla, is trapped in a telling fone.

oh what is a cat to do?
The Little Cat
December 1st 2008.

whew!!! panic over.
leroy walked in to aunty pet's house this evening looking just his same old self.

i never saw him get out of the telling fone but he must have managed it when we weren't looking.

i expect aunty pet told the thing to let him go. Nod
she's always talking to it and she usually sounds really friendly towards the thing.
can't understand why.... Confused

but leroy's safe again and that's all that matters.
he played with me with a bit of paper on the end of a string and i pretended it was a mouse and pounced on it and killed it.
leroy likes that. it makes him laugh.

i think i'm playing with leroy just as much as he is playing with me.

i am so glad he's safely back.
The Little Cat
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Artymags:

I gather history isn't your strong point, BeerBelle! Laugh

yes, you got me there. i gave up history at school when i was 13. Miss Mead was such a boring teacher! So i looked the date up on t'internet and ad-libbed the rest Laugh
Our history teacher made it so boring as well. I also gave it up at the end of 2nd year but have studied it up on my own since then. It really is very interesting. I have to admit I was a wee bit Eeker at your version Belle. The ad-libbing idea is very amusing. Big Grin
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Gel:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Artymags:

I gather history isn't your strong point, BeerBelle! Laugh

yes, you got me there. i gave up history at school when i was 13. Miss Mead was

such a boring teacher! So i looked the date up on t'internet and ad-libbed the rest Laugh

Laugh your ad-libbing was bootiful belle Big Grin

thankyou. i knew it wasn't really guy wot did it, and i knew it was to do with catholicism, but i thought for the sake of explaining to those across the atlantic, that it would suffice to do the noddy version. i looked up the date because they do seem to like a bit of historical fact! trust artymags to pick me up on the detail!!

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