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good morning everyone. if it IS a good morning – which i doubtâ€Ķ..

oh my poor head. it feels as if something is hammering it from the inside.

i feel just terrible.

and I feel sick.

i think there must have been something wrong with that fish aunty bagel left me.

i don’t remember much about last night at all.
i remember i was feeling sleepy and thinking about going to bed when that nice ms hope called in and spoke to me and left me some cat-nip – and a squeaky toy for bagabones.
i had some of the cat nip – and then a bit more - and the rest is all confusion. Confused Confused

mr tom arrived from somewhere and he ate some cat-nip too and then we went out on the tiles and the rest is just a blur.
i know i just couldn’t stop talking and singing and neither could mr tom. at some point someone threw some water over us and lots of people seemed to be shouting at us. Eeker

surely they couldn’t all have been ler jicks. Confused

it was all very exciting – i think – i wish I could remember it better. Confused

WHY can’t i remember it????????
what has happened to my short term memory???

then we came back here and for some reason both mr tom and i were terribly hungry.
he said we’d got the mun shees.
we ate every single thing out of my fridge – every last morsel. And then we went to sleep.

so my fridge needs re-stocking now but don’t worry about it too much because i don’t feel at all well at the moment and i don’t think I’ll be eating again for some time. Shake Head

it must have been the fish.
The Little Cat
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right - back to my old diary........

in late september mrs a mags called in to say she was having a party in mrs. slice's place in the BB off topic forum.


Originally posted by Artymags:
Hello Little Cat.

It's my birthday on Sunday would you and Mr Tom like to help me celebrate?

We could have a party - my two cats could come too and perhaps BeerBelle could bring her two cats and Machel could bring hers.

Smiley Cat could come (although I know she can be very naughty and get other cats into trouble, but perhaps we could give her another chance)

What do you and Mr Tom think of the idea?

Originally posted by Big Tom Cat:
Oh I wub a party! Put me down for it. I like to meet new cats, and look forward to meeting Polly and Sukey. Not sure about smiley cats as she was very naughty at the last party... Shake Head

LC could wear her pretty pink poncho! Clapping

Originally posted by The Little Cat:
mr tom - where are you?
the party is in full swing on off topic and you're not there.
i've got my nice pink poncho on as well - AND there are prawn vol-au-vents.

whiskers is there too but it's not the same without you. Disappointed

Originally posted by Big Tom Cat:
On my wayyyyyyyoooew! Angel
The Little Cat
the party took place in Off Topic and lots of things happened. polly and sukey were a bit jellus of me and my poncho, and there was a bit of a scrap.
i couldn't keep the full story about that because the thread suddenly disappeared in the forum prune - but this is the aftermath......

Originally posted by The Little Cat:
that was a good party last night.

i'm afraid I was a bit rude to mrs belle's two cats, polly and sukey though.

but that was only because they were rude to me first. they made fun of my pink poncho and told mr tom i had no fashun sense!

i think we made friends in the end though.

i'm really tired now.
i think i'll go back to sleep for a bit.

Originally posted by Big Tom Cat:
Was a good party wasn't it? Think I might have eaten too many Prawn Volley Wants...*burp* Blush

The cat fight was funny! Sukey and Polly seem young whipper snappers to me... Nod

You are tired LC because you were dancing loads! Clapping
The Little Cat
And this was the first time we all met bagabones.

at first none of us knew what he was. we didn't even know if he was a he or a she and we didn't realise he was a d.o.g.
we all thought he was a funny looking cat with an odd smell.

bagabones didn't know what he was either - no-one had told him. he knew he was a bit different from the rest of us cats but he didn't know why.

this is the first thing he said.

Originally posted by bagabones:
Hello pussy cats. It sounds like you all had a fantastic party!
I’d heard about it earlier but I’m new here and I don’t know anyone. I heard the noise from where I sleep on a big snuggly blanket in a kitchen.
My new yuman must have heard it because she went outside and looked around. I chased after her just in case there was a chance of a walk. She got all loud and ran inside. I didn’t want to go back in but I heard a tapping noise on a tin.
Now I’ve only been here a few days but I’ve noticed that whenever I hear that sound food suddenly appears!

I don’t know where it comes from and I don’t care but I make sure I eat it as fast as possible before someone bigger than me comes along and bites me and eats it.

I can hear the tin tapping so I'm off!

The Little Cat
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Hi Little Cat =Ninja= and friends =Ninja= oooh hope you start to feel better soon drink plenty of water and best not to eat food for at least 12 hours Eeker I have brought some chicken and tuna to stock up your fridge with lots of drinkies have a lovely day/evening take care bye Valentine

thank you marge, it's very kind of you. Hug
i'm beginning to feel a little better now. the drinks will do me good - but please would you take that big bouncing dog of yours away.
he's doing my poor aching head in. Frowner
The Little Cat
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Hi Little Cat =Ninja= and friends =Ninja= oooh hope you start to feel better soon drink plenty of water and best not to eat food for at least 12 hours Eeker I have brought some chicken and tuna to stock up your fridge with lots of drinkies have a lovely day/evening take care bye Valentine

thank you marge, it's very kind of you. Hug
i'm beginning to feel a little better now. the drinks will do me good - but please would you take that big bouncing dog of yours away.
he's doing my poor aching head in. Frowner
Awe sorry is this better
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
thank you marge, it's very kind of you. Hug
i'm beginning to feel a little better now. the drinks will do me good - but please would you take that big bouncing dog of yours away.
he's doing my poor aching head in. Frowner
Awe sorry is this better

oh MUCH better thank you!
look there's my mr tom in the middle, drinking some milk...... Laugh

that's really cheered me up! Valentine
The Little Cat
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
hi tlc. i have a pot of cream for you. my tats don't really like it. mind you they only like their science plan and whiskers temptations cat treats Roll Eyes

Thank you mrs belle. I'm going to go on with my diary now - about how we first met bagabones.
i think you were the first person to talk to him.
this is what you said:-
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
aw hello little bagabones.
you are thin!!!! have some tuna flakes.
where have you come from???

*strokes bagabones forehead gently*

and bagabones replied
Originally posted by Bagabones:
Hi Beer Belle.
I love having my head stroked so gently. It reminds me of my mum and it seems like ages since I last saw her. Apart from my new yuman who seems very nice no one else since my mum has stroked my head. I remember having a warm snuggly mum and brothers and sisters then one day a man took me away from them all and took me to a strange place. Just about the first yumans I can remember were there. They were baby ones who chased me all day long and pulled my ears and tail. The first night there I was all on my own with no mum or anyone to snuggle up to and the floor was very hard and cold. I cried and cried I was so sad and scared and missed my mum.Thanks for the tuna flakes. They are much nicer than stuff I used to get when I was in a cage.

then i arrived:-
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
hello bagabones.
do you mind if I sniff you?

*sniff sniff*

i think we'll have a lot to talk about. i was once with small yuman beans who pulled my tail and fought over me. it was in a place called skwolla.
were you in skwolla as well? it sounds like it.

one of the small yuman beans used to play "animal hospital" with me! i didn't like it. Frowner the worst thing was when she dressed me up in baby clothes and put me in her doll's pram and played at "teenage single mothers". *shudder*

i've got a lovely home now with aunty pet. perhaps we can find a nice home for you too.

then mr tom came in for a look too

Originally posted by Big Tom Cat:
Hi bagabones! Wave
Welcome to LC's madhouse of cats.


You smell OK and LC has taken to you so you must be ok. Big Grin
Hope you come on the tiles with me an LC. Are you a tomcat or a girlcat...if you are a Tom cat I might have to growl at you if you try and clean LC's ears... Glance

and i said
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
i would never let anyone except you clean my ears mr tom. =Blush=

*simper simper*


and that's how we met bagabones - but we had no idea what he was...
The Little Cat
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thank you for the dry toast ms. hope. - but that cat-nip WAS a treat you know?

it made for a very interesting and exciting evening - if only i could remember what we did. Confused

i'm sure it was the fish that caused the problems. Nod

there's only one way to make sure - in the interests of research, mr tom and me will try a smidgeon more of the good stuff ... and this time we won't have any fish afterwards (even if we DO get the mun shees..) Nod

So - if you have a little more of it about your person...........? ? Wink
The Little Cat
Hi Lc Mr Tom and all cats, not forgetting bagabones Big Grin Someone told me to leave off bringing you prawns and fish today as you were sick Eeker Poor little cat Hug I know you don't always like hugs but there Big Grin
I've just brought you cream and Liquids

I'll see how you are tomorrow. You never know I
could get you fresh prawns if you are better Nod Please carry on the good work
entertaining us all with your diary
speak soon
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Well, that's very noble of you to put yourself up for science and all that!

I did give you all I had at the moment, but I'll see about getting some more for you, soon. Maybe in a slightly smaller quantity.... Wink

thank you ms. hope.

such sacrifice on our part may seem noble to you but we feel it's the least a cat can do ..... Wink

The Little Cat
Originally posted by grannyg:
Hi Lc Mr Tom and all cats, not forgetting bagabones Big Grin Someone told me to leave off bringing you prawns and fish today as you were sick Eeker Poor little cat Hug I know you don't always like hugs but there Big Grin
I've just brought you cream and Liquids

I'll see how you are tomorrow. You never know I
could get you fresh prawns if you are better Nod Please carry on the good work
entertaining us all with your diary
speak soon

hello grannyg.
thank you for the cream.
i'm quite better now. Nod

there'll be more of my diary tomorrow.

now i'm going to enjoy my evening - especially if that nice ms hope comes up with the goods. Wink
The Little Cat
now to go on with my diary:-

we didn't know what sort of creature bagabones was.
mr tom thought he was some kind of kitten, but we didn't even know whether he was a boy or a girl.
the trouble was that bagabones had no idea either.
this is what mr tom said:-

originally posted by Big Tom Cat:Big Tom:
I think bagabones is still a kitten Nod so we all have to look after he/she...I think we need to solve the gender problem too!(any volunteers?) Either way you can think of me as your big uncle Big Grin
And if you want any advice on how to behave properly you must ask Little Cat 'cos she is an astrocatrick cat of suffocated tastes Nod

Bagabones did his best to help'
Thanks for being my big uncle Mr. Tom. I'm a bit worried about this gender thing.
I'm not aware that I have a problem.
Not now the horrible big yuman bean is not around.
My first night away from my mum I was cold and I told you I cried and cried.
Then the big male yuman bean appeared. He looked very strange. He had loads of hair all over his body just like me except for his head which seemed to shine in the dark.
I thought he was going to let me snuggle up to his hair but instead he shouted at me and hit me and of course I cried even more.
Later I walked round the floor in the room they called inthkichen and weed by a wall.
I felt a bit better after that and managed to get some sleep.
The next morning the big male yuman came inthkichen and not sniffing things out like we do the clumsy creature walked into my wee and a bit more that I’d left there as an afterthought.
He stepped into it with one foot but only having two feet he slipped and lost his balance and landed on his backside on the bit that his foot had missed.
This was my first experience of just how loud a yuman bean can be.
The two baby yumans came running in to see what was going on and when they saw their dad trying to get to his feet with my “little present” stuck to his furry backside they laughed and laughed.
They laugh at strange things these yumans.
Just then the female yuman came in.
More surprises. She was even louder than him! She didn’t laugh though.
She grabbed a long stick with rags hanging off the end and chased him with it. He escaped through thbest room and up some stairs.
His feet would have been cleaned if he had stayed there as all the mess came off on thbest carpet and if he had sat down he could have cleaned the rest off whilst he was at it.

The female yuman grabbed me and threw me outside. It was very cold and the ground had turned white and I was hungry.
I had only ever woken up snuggled up to my nice warm mum with breakfast on tap and I wanted to go home.
I sat on the step looking into the warm room hoping someone would let me in and feed me then take me home to my mum and brothers and sisters.

i didn't know I had a gender problem though.

Did Little Cat have a gender problem?
The Little Cat
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Sukey Cat called in and tried to give some helpful advice.

Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by sukey cat:
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by sukey cat:
i am a girl cat.
you can tell if you are a girl cat because one day you wake up with a bald patch on your side and a plastic cone on your head.
after a while your yuman will take it off for you and your fur will grow back.

not all lady cats have bald bits and plastic cones.
i'm quite sure my mummy cat didn't.

oh. well me and my sister did. i don't know about my mummy. i just assumed it was before i knew her.
did you have a bald bit and a plastic cone?

I don't really know.
when i left my mummy i was kept in a cage on my own in a big white funny smelling room full of men in white coats with masks over their nose and mouth.
it was called a "sigh enz labb horror tory." it was terrible.
i had so many nasty things done to me there were always bald bits and cones.
Eeker Frowner Crying
The Little Cat
Bagabones made a decision about his gender:

Originally posted by Bagabones: I've been deep in thought today and it made me very tired.
When I get to choose a gender I think I'll choose to be gay because Smiley Cat told me that "gay" meant being carefree and full of fun. I fancy being carefree.

I didn't have much fun after getting thrown out of the inthkitchen a while ago.Eventually the male yuman appeared.
He was wearing his yuman clothes and he opened the door and picked me up. I thought he was going to shout at me and hit me again but he never said a word.
He squeezed me very hard and threw me into his car. It was warm and the seat was soft.
I felt really happy as I thought I was going back home.
After a bit of a drive we stopped next to a field. I didn’t recognize it but he opened the door for me and lifted me out.
He lifted me over a hedge and said something like “you can go back to Santa where you came from”.
Then he drove off and left me there in the white stuff. If he thought he was letting me out for a wee he needn’t have bothered.
I’d already left a bit of a package on the back seat.
He wasn’t very bright. I didn’t come from Santa wherever that is, I came from my mum and I wanted to go back.
I can't seem to think very well right now because I'm so tired. I'm terrified of going to sleep in case I wake up with a plastic thing on my head and a bald patch.
I think I'll cry then my yuman will come and fetch me and I can walk up and down on her bed all night to protect myself.
The Little Cat
when we first saw bagabones he had been rescued from the white field and was living with a nice yuman of his own, she sounds nearly as nice as my aunty pet.

Originally posted by Bagabones:
My yuman has told me that we are going to see the vet and after that I'll be allowed out! I'm not worried about the vet because I know it was ok for Little Cat.

I’m starting to really like my yuman. Nod
Apart from the yumans who fed me when I was in the cage, and one other, all the yumans I’ve met have hurt me.
They always want to chase me or throw things at me or pull my tail or ears.
The baby yumans are the worst.
In the cage the food wasn’t very nice and not much of it but at least I got to eat all I was given without being chased by yumans or dogs or pussy cats.
That used to happen a lot after the horrible yuman left me in a white cold field.
Life in the cage wasn’t all bad I suppose because it was a bit warmer than wandering the streets and gardens spending my whole time trying to keep warm and find food and my mum.

The cage was very boring though. It was called a rezqueue. (Probably because there were lots of cages all in a row).
Every day yumans would walk up and down looking at us and saying how nice some of us were.
Now and then one of the yumans who feeds us would open a cage and whoever lived there went off with some of the visiting yumans.

It was a bit of a worry as they could be going to somewhere to be chased by baby yumans.
When "my" yuman turned up she asked if she could hold me. She smelt really nice and she was very snuggly.

The person who feeds us all told the yuman that I was going to sleep tomorrow.
That was a bit of a daft thing to say because "my" yuman was so warm and cuddly I could have slept right then.
As soon as she said about the sleep the eyes of my yuman got all wet and her face came out in coloured lines.
She never put me down then until we got outside. She took off her coat and put it in a basket fixed to the front of her bike then put me in with it. It was nice and snuggly and we went home.
She gives me lots of food but I do like your fish Little Cat. .
The Little Cat
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by The Little Cat:

i have been up since the first sparrow-fart.

what an unusual turn of phrase tlc! Shake Head
I think the Little Cat must have been consorting with some unsavoursy characters who have been teaching her some choice turns of phrase. It was probably the other night when she went out on the tiles after the catnip?

Big Grin
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Now back to MY story:-

i went out on the tiles with mr tom last night, in spite of all the rain.
We had a lubberly time but aunty pet and the big man were cross with me for staying out so late when they didn't know where i was.

aunty pet said she had been calling and calling for me, and she even sent the big man out to look for me, but they didn't know where to look.

anyway the big man came home with a "thing" the day after.

he said they would always know where i am now. it's called a loc8tor.

there's a little thing they hold in their hands and a tag they have fastened on my collar.
they do something to the hand bit and it tells them where i am!.
the tag on my collar goes beep beep too and flashes a light so they can even see where i am in the dark.

i don't like it.
there's no hiding place for a cat now.
no more sneaking off with mr tom and staying out late.
i've been tagged!

i an an ASBO cat!

is a cat to have NO private life????
The Little Cat
this morning i have been feeling quite boisterous. i have been chasing around aunty pets kitchen, and meowing and licking people and generally making as much of a nuisance of myself as possible.
i watched the motor racing on the telly box. it was good. and then the strangest thing happened at the end when these little men got out of the little cars!!!! but i enjoyed swiping at them from the top of the telly... not as much as i enjoyed the snooker yesterday.
that was great!
The Little Cat
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by The Little Cat:

i have been up since the first sparrow-fart.

what an unusual turn of phrase tlc! Shake Head
I think the Little Cat must have been consorting with some unsavoursy characters who have been teaching her some choice turns of phrase. It was probably the other night when she went out on the tiles after the catnip?

Big Grin

it's something sapphire's dad used to say - when i lived in Skwolla

he said when he was inside doing porage for the queen he had to get up at sparrow-fart every day.
i think it means very early.
you can understand it though - he'd have to be up early to get the queen her oats on time.
The Little Cat

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