I got very very frightened last Saturday.
I heard Leroy's daddy talking to honey about a man camping in a merry car who said the world was going to end and all the yumans who had been good would get flown up into the sky by a raptor. !!!!!!!
i know what a raptor is.
leroy used to talk about them when he was interested in dino sores.
they are ginormous fierce things that eat people - and cats too i should imagine!
wots the point of being good if a raptor is going to get you and take you up into the sky?
I was really worried because i know leroy and his daddy are good people and so is aunty pet and the big man, so if the raptor took them away i should only be left with honey who has been a bit norty recently (so i've heard.)
honey wouldn't look after me properly i know.
she'd forget to feed me.
strangely enuff, leroy's daddy and honey didn't seem a bit worried about this.
they were laffing a bit and said the man who was camping was nutty.
wot does that mean? does it mean he's covered in nuts like some sort of chocolate?
they said some other people in a place called see-attel had got a rescue service for us cats who's yumans had got taken off by the raptor though.
if their yumans paid a lot of money they would come and rescue the cats left behind and look after them.
i don't want to go anywhere though.
in any case it didn't sound as if leroy's daddy had paid any money to have me rescued cos he said anyone who did must be nutty too.
i was very scared.
i stayed under the bed all saturday and slept on leroy's bed at night but on sunday morning everyone was still here so the camping man must have been wrong.
phew - wot a relief.