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yay I'm allowed on puter briefly - hoomans back from their holiday!  I would never tire of you LC - I lubs you loads and loads and hope one day we will be more than boyfriend/girlfriend but I am taking it slow - I want to court you first!  Reddy brown uses my garden as a shortcut and I defend her if other cats have a go but she is like Mr Tom is to you and like a sister to me now - I only have roman tick feeling for you! â™Ĩâ™Ĩâ™Ĩâ™Ĩ
I have to go now as hoomans said something about washing clothes and unpacking cases .... why do they wear clothes if they only need washing all the time - why can't they be like us and just wash themselves???

I may not be around tomorrow but will chat to you more soon
nite nite LC
Felix the Ginger Prince
good morning tlc and crew, i'm off on holiday for a few days - my eldest daughter is expecting her own human kitten soon - and we are having a break all together before she arrives, taylor is at the cattery tomorrow and i think he suspects something! fishday friday might be fishday saturday if i'm not back in time
Little Cat I am so sorry to hear about Bagabones I know how close you were to each other I have not seen him on here and I was going to ask you if he was alright I feel very upset for you. I feel so sad hearing this news  he was a big part of The Little Cat's Diary he will be sorely missed by all  thinking of you and his family at this very sad time in your lives
thank you everyone i feel so very very sad but his own speshul yuman must be feeling a lot worse.

poor poor baggie - he had a hard life but he was always so funny and kind.
All his posts will still be there in my diary for people to read and i shall always think of him whenever i see a "perlice" lady with handcuffs or a patch of yellow snow.

I really loved baggie and i'll miss him so much.
The Little Cat
hello tlc. I thought bagabones was cool (for a dog) so I will really miss him.. It takes one very very special dog to have posts in your diary and to have shared your fridge. I hope Les the V.E.T and the perlice lady are ok. They will miss him when they are playing in the bed.
This news has made my tail all droopy and my whiskers all floppy. ==

Sorry I am not on here more often to talk to you... My yumans laptop is odd and sometimes I press submit reply and it all goes funny. x
hello everybody.
sorry i've not been here much lately but i'm still busy being a nurse cat.
aunty pet is poorly.
she has to keep going to the hoss pickle to see a speshul list.

the speshul list says she has got roomy tod arthur right hiss.
anyway it means she can't use her hands at all and the big man and me have to do everything and he's no good at it.
the puter is closed down nearly all the time and i can't get to do my diary.
The Little Cat
Hello Everyone.

today is a sad day.
this is the last entry I am going to write in my famous diary - at least for the forseeable future.

my speshul yuman - my lovely aunty pet - has got too poorly to look after me and she has to keep going to the hoss pickle.
they are sending me to live with leroy and his daddy and honey at the cottage for good.
all my toys and my cat bed and even my speshul feather are going with me - but not my fridge.
perhaps mrs lori can have that.

i won't be able to keep my diary up at the cottage - so this is the end.
it has been going for such a long time (exactly THREE YEARS) through several forums.
it started off on channel 4 and then went to a sort of dog forum and finally ended up here.
there have been such adventures to tell about and such fun times.
perhaps this is a good time to end the diary though.
things haven't been the same lately.
my poor bagabones is no more and mr. tom and nermal never seem to call and see me now.
mrs belle is busy with her own yuman kitten and even marguerita doesn't pop in very often.

only my dear faithful machel never forgets a fishday.
i shall so miss machel.
now mr machel will be able to have ALL the cream off his trifle to himself.

so this is goodbye.

my cat carrier and the car are waiting.
i wish i could have seen mr tom one last time.


Thankyou all my faithful friends for your love and support over the years.
I shall miss you all.

The Little Cat
Last edited by The Little Cat
I know the truth tlc... you are NO LONGER a "LITTLE" CAT... After three years of forum food, your own fridge and all your friends leaving you nice treats you are now a BIG CAT. I'll be betting with all your fame, you will get yourself a nice TV show. May be called "Big Cats Diary" or something!? Perhaps you could fulfill your kittenhood dream of going to Africa and being a lion or leapard or a cheetah and live in the "serungetti"... It sounds awsome out there. No tuna out the fridge, but all the gazelle and zebra you could dream of....

I will see if Belle can come and empty and clean out your fridge and perhaps the cats protection and John Lewis can take it to another worthy cat who needs one.

Lots of love TLC and thanks for all the good times xxx Lots of love from me and my mummy.
Reference:Big Tom Cat
Don't get too upset Mr. Tom.
Things change.
Perhaps Aunty Pet will get a lot better and want  Little Cat back again.
Who knows what may happen.
 Not many things are forever and nothing stays the same for long.
Somehow I don't think we've seen the last of LC.
We will just have to hope.
hello everyone.
i've just popped in to say i'm not a ship's cat and i'm still alive and well.
i'm living in a villidge with leroy and his daddy and honey and bee.
aunty pet got too poorly to look after me.

anyway she's quite a bit better now and leroy's fambley have all gone off somewhere hot and sunny for kissmuss.
they said it was the canary islands.
i wanted to go with them when i heard that - cos canaries are tasty little birds aren't they?
but then i found out that the canary islands weren't called that because of little birds at all - they were called that cos lots of dogs used to be there and dogs are canines!

when i heard that i didn't want to go any more. 

leroy said he didn't want to go either because he wanted to go to parties and fings with his friends.
besides he says he has a lot of skool work to do.

i think it's cos he doesn't want to leave yaelle akshully...

anyway aunty pet said she'd look after me  and leroy while the other three are in this dog place on holly daze so i'm spending kiss muss back in my old home with aunty pet and the big man - and leroy.

it's nice to be back.
fank you everyone who's been keeping my things safe for me.
the fridge is nice and clean - although empty - and i can see machel's been busy with a duster.

later on i'll tell you all about what i've been doing since i left.

isn't it fish day today?
i wonder if machel will come.....
The Little Cat
Last edited by The Little Cat

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