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well iโ€™m back from my week in avillidge.
there were good bits and bad bits but i think I enjoyed myself. 
it was good at first cos it was the wee kenned and leroy was at home.
we had some lovely times.
we played in the big barn where they had the party and I jumped about among all the hay on the loft and nearly fell out of the little high up door but I managed to scramble back just in time.
there were lots of spiders and beetles and a mouse or two to chase and leroy took me to see the ducks on the pond.
they didnโ€™t seem to like me though.
when they saw me they made an awful noise (leroy said it was called kwakkin) and then they got into the water where I couldnโ€™t go.
i donโ€™t know why they did that. i only wanted to play.

 on monday it wasnโ€™t so good.
leroy had to go to skool and his daddy had to go to work and so I was left in the cottage with honey and the baby, bee.
bee is crawling about all over the place now and whenever she gets anywhere near me she grabs the  end of my tail and puts it in her mouth.
honey got a bit cross with her for doing that and told her not to do it, but she didnโ€™t tell her not to do it cos it was hurting me or would wet my tail, oh no โ€“ she told her not to do it cos she said my tail was DIRTY!
imagine that!
my lovely tail that Iโ€™m so proud of and keep so beautifully clean with lots of licking โ€“ DIRTY!!!!! itโ€™s an insult.
i put my beautiful tail up into the air like a little flag and stalked out of the cottage and left them to it.
i went to find someone who would a preeshy ate me.

 i went to the farm where seth lives and in one of the barns i found another cat.
it was a farm cat a bit rough and raggedy and wild looking.
she said her name was mehitabel.
she said thatโ€™s what seth called her anyway.
she said it was the name of a famous cat in a book that he said heโ€™d read about.
this mehitabel in the book had a friend who was a cockroach and she liked to play with cockroaches too so seth called her mehitabel as well.
mehitabel said she had an important job on the farm.
she had to kill all the mice and rats in the barns.
she said thatโ€™s all she had to eat cos they never gave her any cat food.
imagine that!
no dishes of food put out, no treats, no fishy from machel! 

she offered me a half eaten mouse sheโ€™d caught.
yuk! It looked horrid!
it still had fur on and a tail but mehitabel had bitten its head off and it was RAW!!!!!.
i didnโ€™t want to upset her so i said iโ€™d just eaten and wasnโ€™t hungry and then she ate it herself.
i heard the bones crunch!!!!

 i spent most of the days with mehitabel in the barns.
we got to be good friends.
she told me all her life story.
she keeps having fights with other cats who try to catch her mice and she has fights with tom cats who try to take add van tidge of her, she says. (whatever that means)
she says she always tries to be ladylike though in spite of everything.
she says sheโ€™s had loads of kittens but they always disappear soon after theyโ€™re born and never come back to visit her โ€“ the ungrateful things.

it sounds an awful life โ€“ being a farm cat. I kept taking her bits of my food for a treat. She was very grateful.
she doesnโ€™t feel sorry for herself though. โ€œalways look on the bright side. toujours gai, little cat, toujours gaiโ€ she says. 

 i must say it was a bit of an eye-opener though talking to mehitabel.
i realise Iโ€™ve led a very sheltered life.
i told her about my changes of home and caterwauling on the tiles with mr tom and then meeting felix and she told me stories about all the dozens of disreputable tom cats in HER life that practically made my whiskers curl!
it doesnโ€™t sound very ladylike to me whatever she says but โ€œchacon a son goutโ€ as she says. (Iโ€™m not quite sure what that means but she seems to like talking bits of French.)

 anyway thatโ€™s how I spent most of the week โ€“ with mehitabel in the barn during the days (keeping out of the way of honey and baby bee) and with leroy in the evenings.
and I slept on leroyโ€™s bed at night which was just lubberly.

 then aunty pet and the big man came to fetch me and brought me back home and itโ€™s nice to be back again.
thank you for the fish machel - it's just what I needed. .




The Little Cat
hello helloe hello tlc.....
its hard to get on here these days now that mummy's little boy is running about and mummy is at work all day and shuts me out the living room... I try to catch up when i can on her iphone, but the buttons are too fiddly for my paws to reply to you.

Anyway, I have still got lots of scabs and mummy has got me some eggs pensive food to eat, but i am a cat and i don't like eggs pensive food. I like my pets at home food so i am refusing to eat it.

mummy and daddy and the little boy went on hollibobs last week and left me and polly to ourselves. it was really good, especially as the cleaner shut polly in her bedroom for 2 whole days so I got the run of the rest of the house. Uncle mark wondered why he didnt see polly but put it down to her being in sick your, so he didnt look to see if she was trapped! ha ha ha. anyway polly is out and about again and the rest has done her good. she looks rather fat to me anyhow.  she did a wee on the bed, but I can understand that because when i was a little kitten i weed on my bed because i thought it was a toilet too!

there's no farm cats near us so it sounds like a great place to stop for a while. we had lots of hidey holes in our garden until daddy spent 2 days chopping all the bushes and trees down. they have also got a new fence, which is quite good to walk along and doesnt stop us getting out!

i have put some of my eggs pensive food in your fridge in case anyone like eggs.

sooks x
thank you for the egg spensive food sukey.
i quite like it.
do you think aunty pet might get me some if i have some scabs?
how do you get scabs anyway?
are they those things that scuttle around on the sand at the seaside?

i used to wee on all sorts of things when i was a kitten. 
i often weed on beds too.
i used to wee when yumans played with me and i got egg sited.

there are a lot of eggy words aren't there? - egg spensif, egg sited, egg zackly, egg stream, egg storr shonate, egg zibitt....
yumans seem hob sest with eggs.
The Little Cat
Hi Little Cat == and friends == I hope you are all well sorry I have not been here for a while I have not been very well and also had a bit forum fatigue I will catch up with your diary Little Cat and see what you have been up to,I will be posting regular again in here bye for now and take care
your'e back.I've really missed you.
i must have done a lot of things since you were here last.
did you know i'm on facebook now as well ? - and i've got a fan page and everything on there. 
only you can't get onto facebook at the moment 'cos its gone down or something.
i'm not sure what it's gone down but it's gone down somewhere.
The Little Cat
goodness me you are early with the fishy today, machel. i hadn't even woken up when you arrived.
fish for breakfast, yummy!
no it isn't my birthday today - it's mrs belle's.
i don't know when my birthday is ackshully.
i was a poor stray little cat when i joined c4 forums and nobody knew even where i'd come from, much less my birthday. 
mrs belle said i could share her birthday with her if i wanted - cos she looked after me on c4 forums.
but she doesn't look after me any more cos she's far too busy with her yuman kitten.
we're still friends though.
i said happy birthday to her on facebook this morning.

i really out to have a birthday of my own didn't i?
somebody once told me the queen has a speshul fishy birthday.
"Oh fishy Al" birthday, to give it it's full posh title.

i like the sound of that.

i should have a fishy birthday too i think.

when should it be?
The Little Cat
i've found out that "world cat day" is on august 8 - the 8th day of the eighth month - so i've decided that that is the date i'll have as my oh fishy al birthday.
but that means i'll have missed it this year so - just for today - i'll share mrs belle's birthday but next year my fishy birthday will be on 8/8/11.

make a speshul note in your diaries folks.
you have 11 months to save up for a wonderful pressie for me.
The Little Cat
I'm here, I'm here
Happy shared birthday LC ..... will have a big celebration next year on 8 August though - that will be your special birthday just for you all on your own!

Don't worry I won't read your diary too much as it is your own personal diary! and don't worry reddy brown is just a friend .... she doesn't compare to you - you are my one and only love!
lubs you loads my beautiful Princess

nite nite, xxxโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅ
I won't be able to get on puter now for a week but I will be thinking about you - you're the first one I think about when I wake up from a nap and the last one I think about before I close my eyes xx


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Felix the Ginger Prince

mr tom hardly ever comes to see me now, machel.
what is a cat to do?
i'm still a young cat and i get lonely.

besides it's different with felix than it was with mr. tom.
i love mr tom - i really do - but in a different way from how i love felix.
mr tom is like a big older brother who cares for me and looks after me.
he's my bestest friend too - we've been best friends for years.
sometimes he licks my ears but in a brotherly way - nothing any more familiar than that.
i respect mr tom and look up to him.
he is a very wise cat and don't know what i'd have done without him.

felix is my new boyfriend though and it's all roe man tick and soppy.
it's the first time i've had a boyfriend like that.

it's all a new feeling for me and i really like it.
i think felix has had other girl friends though.
i suspect he's been a bit of a cat about town.
he used to like a cat called reddy-brown and i know she still hangs around him. 
praps one day felix will get tired of me and then i hope mr tom will still be around to give me a big brotherly ginger fur shoulder to cry on.

The Little Cat
Not all us Yumans bother with Christmas either, Little Cat.

Our house is a Christmas Free Zone.
We totally ignore Christmas.
I send a few cards out but that's ALL. (and those are always of my own paintings that I've had printed, and are really more of an advertising thing than anything else.) 
Years ago we made a pact with all the family - "NO CHRISTMAS PRESENTS GIVEN OR RECEIVED" .
We don't particularly like traditional Christmas food either and just eat our usual meals. So I never have any Christmas shopping at all to do.
It's so liberating!
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