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us cats like any sort of fish, el loro, but we don't like too much pepper cos it makes us sneeze.
those salmon dreamies are just yummy, machel.
i'm not big brother obsessified, machel.
aunty pet never has it on the television so i've never really seen it.
sometimes she's changed programmes and it's come on accidentally but then the big man shouts "turn that rubbish off" and aunty pet always does cos she hates it too.
what i've seen is nothing for anyone to get obsessified about though.
it seems to be a lot of very strange-looking people laying around on beds shouting at each other.
there's never a cat in sight.
how could anyone get obsessified about a television programme without a cat in it?
The Little Cat
fishday friday tuna bake for tea, and some cream from mr machel's trifle. thats a posh pie el loro - i just use cod or haddock. taylor has taken to sitting on the stairs, watching and waiting for the stray to arrive - he just stares at the cat while it tries to rub itself against taylor, it also does a lot of sniffing but i don't think taylor is impressed!
praps taylor is trying to make friends with the new cat, machel. us cats don't make friends easily you know, aunty pet says we are very terror tory rail  (whatever that means)
i think she means we like to make sure that we are number one cat in the place we live in and that no other strange moggy is trying for a take-over bid!

of course if it is a speshul cat friend or a cat we've been brought up with it's different, but we aren't keen on new cats.
do you remember how i was with mr tom when he first arrived?
what a silly little cat i was.
i feel quite ashamed of myself now.
i didn't mind about nermal of course 'cos he's only very lickle and young and i can soon put him in his place.
my special cat-friend felix, on facebook, is arranging a sort of dating agency for cats.
i'm not sure it will be a success on account of us all being so terror tory rail.
i hope there won't be too many fights.

it hasn't been very nice here at home lately.
aunty pet and the big man have had a lot of big strong sweaty men round here for over a week making a most terrible noise round the house with drills and huge hammery things and big machines coming and pumping out great seas of something called sea-meant.
it has been very frightening.
i hate loud noises.
it was worse than bomb fire night.
i spent most of my time hiding under the bed.
aunty pet couldn't comfort me much either cos she was always dashing in and out with mugs of tea for them. 
yesterday i couldn't go out at all because of this wet sea-meant everywhere. 
i did manage to sneak out though when aunty pet opened the door to pass out some more mugs of tea. 
(i had to go - i was bursting and i really hate doing it in a tray).
anyway i was sorry i went out really cos the sea-meant stuck to my paw pads and, when i came back in, i left little sea-meant paw marks all through the hall and up the stair and into the bedroom and under the bed again. 

also, and i feel a bit embarrassed about this, i think that being frightened by the noises for so long is having a bad effect on my botty.  
aunty pet says i seem to have something called "dye a rear".
i'm not surprised it's called that.
it's made my rear nasty and messy and dyed it brown!
The Little Cat
good morning tlc and crew taylor is the number one cat in my home (and he knows this!) he can be territorial when its his house but he didn't mind visiting my neighbour (and her cats) where i used to live. i wouldn't worry too much about strange noises frightening you, taylor doesn't like them either especially the bin men - he always comes running home when they arrive.
I can't get on the puter much at the moment as I'm such a busy little cat.
aunty pet has got tonsy lighthouse.
it's something to do with her throat.
she can't swallow and she can't talk.
the big man says he doesn't mind too much about her not being able to talk.

she went to the doctor and the doctor told her she had to stay in bed with aunty biotix.

i was quite interested to see this aunty biotix lady, 'cos the vet once said i had to have her too - but she never showed up.
i thought she might show up for aunty pet though - with them both being aunties and all.
but she didn't.
she really is useless.

so it's down to me to do my cat-nurse stuff.
i'm really good at being a cat-nurse.
aunty pet says i'm ferra pew tick.
whatever that means.
The Little Cat
Reference: tlc
i'm ferra pew tick.
I think ferra is something to to with iron, pew is a chair wot yumans sit on in a church, and tick is what a bomb does before it goes off.
So aunty pet is dirry lirry usss as she thinks you may be an iron chair about to go bang . So I hope she gets better quickly.

Or I could be completely wrong and probably Lori is right
El Loro
hmm - you may be sort of right el loro.

if ferra means iron it could be something to do with the iron that she uses to make the clothes flat after she's washed them.
she does it on a sort of high padded table called an ironing bawd.
i love to sit on this ironing bawd when she's been doing the ironing - it's all nice and warm.
so i suppose i use it as a sort of seat or pew.
and other things go tick besides bombs.
clocks for instance.
so ferra pew tic might mean sitting on an ironing board like an iron and listening to a clock tick.

which i often do.

or mrs lori might be right after all....
The Little Cat
fishday friday salmon wellington for tea tonight, cream from mr machel's trifle and i was going to leave a juiccy bone for bagabones but i don't think i will because i haven't seen him for ages and it might start to smell. lori has the right definition (although i like the other ones as well) , taylor is very therapeutic as is the little stray (he loves being stroked) - must give him a real name
fishday friday mr machel went to the fishmonger and bought some prawns - lots of them, i thought they were all for tea but mr machel said that they are for his fishing!!! but i can have some of them (good!) there is also some of hem for tlc. i am leaving some extra cream and taylor has "donated" some dreamies. It is the time for holidays, my little girl has been away with a friend (and her family)
thank you machel.
i'm so glad to see you.
baggie is still in the hoss pickle and mr tom hasn't been around much.
i've had no visitors for a week so i wonder if there's any point writing up my diary still.
praps when this big brother thing is over for good i might get some people back to see me - like marguerita and mrs slice for instance.
it's very lonely in here....
The Little Cat
I'd like to think that once Big Brother is out of the way and the summer holidays are over, then people would come back here.

I hope you weren't too upset by hearing about that horrible woman who put the cat in the wheelie as some sort of sick joke. The cat came to no harm and was reunited with its owner. Then on the One Show on BBC1 the other evening they showed the cat back with the owner - the people from the One Show had arranged a day of extra special pampering for the cat and they showed the cat back to its normal contented self.
El Loro
yay - fishy shortbread.
thank you mrs slice.

i'm a tired little cat today.
last night i went out in the dark when aunty pet and the big man were thinking of going to bed.
at first they weren't going to let me out but aunty pet said they better had in case i needed to pee-pee.
so i went out in the dark.
i like it in the dark 'cos i can pretend at being a stealthy sort of wild cat prowling about.
anyway i was just enjoying myself, pretending to be a panther, when two stupid fox kittens jumped out at me.
they were only young foxies and very silly and i think they just wanted to play - but young foxies play rough - i've seen them play fighting each other.
it looks a bit dangerous to me.
so i decided to get well away and i ran and ran and the little foxies chased me.
they didn't catch me of course but by the time i'd outrun them i had no idea where i was.
i was quite lost.
it was dark and i didn't recognise anything.
i walked round and round for hours just trying to find something - even a smell - that was familiar.
it was starting to get daylight when i finally heard a doggie bark that i recognised as a doggie who lives down our road.
i ran towards it and found myself on my own road at last.
then i ran into my own lovely garden and in through my very own cat flap.
aunty pet and the big man were still up.
they had their coats on.
they said they'd been out looking for me and calling me all night.
they had seen the little foxies chase me and were frightened they had hurt me.
they both hugged and hugged me and aunty pet cried.

aren't yuman beans strange to cry when they are happy?

i just purred and purred cos i was so happy to be back.
but now we're all tired and i'm going to have a lovely long cat-nap.
i don't think i'll bother going out in the dark again.
The Little Cat
i have a tag thing round my neck, machel, and aunty pet has a thing that makes a noise when it finds where the tag is.
they used it to rescue me when i was stuck in a neighbour's garage that time.
it didn't find me this last time, when i was lost though, 'cos i was too far away and it can't reach that far.

aunty pet was talking to the big man and she says that she was looking on the puter at a site called "track your cat" and i heard her saying that they ought to get a different sort of thing from there that can tell you just where your cat has been and where it has eaten anything and all that.
just imagine - i would have no secrets at all!
i don't think i'd like it.

but you could get one for taylor if you really wanted to know where he went.

i went outside again tonight but i didn't go very far.
i stayed very very close to my cat flap so i could dodge inside if those two norty young foxies came again.

i didn't see them tonight though.

they're probably up to mischief somewhere else.
The Little Cat
fishday friday as it is the last school day of the week (my youngest has started "big" school) salmon fishcakes for tea and some cream from mr machel's trifle. I don't think i want to know exactly where taylor goes - he needs his secrets!, the stray is now called boots and is, at the moment, sleeping in the spare room. he arrives early every morning and sleeps nearly all day, taylor avoids him but at least they are not fighting)
i'm really glad you're looking after that stray puss-cat, machel.
it's not very nice being a stray. i know all about it.
this is the last post i shall make for a week.
aunty pet and the big man are off on a holly daze for a week and i'm being sent to stay with leroy at the cottage while they're away.
i like being with leroy and it's a lot better than having to go to one of those cattery places. *shudder*
i'll tell you all about it when i get back.

The Little Cat
fishday friday i'll pop some cod (fish pie for tea) and cream from mr machel's trifle in the fridge for lc for when she returns. taylor has to go into a cattery next month when i go on holiday, it's one which he hasn't been to before so i hope he likes it. I wonder what adventures lc has had with leroy.................

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