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I love hot days. Stretched out under a shady bush with a new bone from machel and a bowl of water if there are no puddles. Later I’ll take my yuman and Les the vet for awalk down to the river for a game of swim chase and shake. I heard Les the vet talking about a Barbie que. I love a Barbie que. Lots of nice people come and make a fuss of me and cook itsraw chicken just for me. They have a taste first to test it for me to make sure it’s cooked to the perfect itsraw state then give it to me. We also have crispy sausages. Some of the yumans eat them but most save them for me. With a bit of luck our friend the perl ice lady will come along.

Hi Little Cat == and friends = Sorry I have not visited you all I have been unwell and have not been on the forum very much lately back to talk about Big Bruvver, I hope you are all well I have a lot of pages to catch up on,I brought you chicken casserole and some treats for you all and bagabones and some drinkies  have a lovely day take care

welcome back baggie and marge. i've missed you both lots. it gets rather lonely on here lately.
i don't suppose either of you have happened to see mr tom or nermal have you???

i'm glad you had a nice barber queue baggie.
aunty pet says she's sick of barber queues, so i don't think we'll be having many more for a while.
she says she gets fed up with the big man poncing about (whatever THAT means !) with his big white hat on and stripy apron and acting as if he's doing all the food when really, she says, anyone could stick a bit of meat on the barber queue.
she says all the REAL cooking is done by her in the kitchen making potato salad and rice salads and all the stuff to go with the meat.
and she says no-one even mentions that.
personally i don't know why anyone bothers with all that rice and potato stuff anyway.
just meat and fish are enough for anyone surely?  

lovely to see you again marge. i'm sorry you've not been well. did you have to go to the v.e.t.?
and if so - did the v.e.t. stick a glass tube up your bottom?
he always does that to me.
I don't know why cos it never makes me feel any better.
The Little Cat
fishday friday Tuna today as i am making a tuna pasta bake for tea, cream from mr machel's trifle (i took a bit for my strawberries as well) and a bone for bagabones. do cats become depressed? taylor hasn't been his usual self lately, often sleeping (more than usual) and not wanting to be stroked or fussed, very unusual!! i did wonder if the stray cat was upsetting him?
Hi Machel,
Cats can get depressed of course but it sounds more like something physical to me.
Our cat, Katie was a bit like that fairly recently.
She seemed miserable and out of sorts for months and finally she just stopped eating and drinking at all. We had to get her to the vet then where they kept her in for a few days and did loads of tests and found she was suffering from the onset of kidney trouble, "apathetic hyper-thyroid" and back pain. 
Now she is on daily medication for all three problems - pain killer medicine for her back, a pill for her kidneys and a pill for her thyroid trouble. She is now really happy (except at pill time!) and quite back to her old self. 
The trouble is that these investigations are so expensive (unless you have insurance and we hadn't!). I should wait and see how Taylor goes on but if the problem continues or gets worse then get him down to the vet's and let them have a good look at him.
leroy finishes school for the summer at the end of this week.
in fact he doesn't go to that school any more ever.
when he goes to school again he says it will be big school.
i don't know how big though.

anyway he says they're having a leaving party at his school on friday and then on saturday he's going to have a big party for his special friends from school and his friends in avillidge at the cottage.
only they're going to have the party in one of the big empty old barns at the back of the cottage so they don't disturb Bee .
he says yaelle will be there and mercedes, and some of the other ones who went to the hello een party ages ago (page 34), and mark, and lots of children from his class and - guess what? he wants ME to go too.
i'm not sure i'll like it but i'm going to go just the same....... i wonder if i can get some of my cat friends from facebook to come as well.
i wish i knew where mr tom was so i could invite him too.
The Little Cat
Last edited by The Little Cat
oh-oh !
i've just heard aunty pet talking to leroy's daddy on the telling fone and i heard something about the party i didn't like.
i heard aunty pet saying that if leroy is going to have this big party then he ought to ask his little half brothers and sisters too.
i was a bit puzzled when i heard that because i couldn't imagine what half a brother or half a sister could look like.
and then i heard their names mentioned!
keanu and kevin and sapphire and shelby !!!!!!
those yuman kittens from when i lived in skwolla.  (page 1 of my diary)
they weren't in halves though they were very much whole ones.
keanu and kevin used to chase me and hurt me and sapphire used to dress me up in shelby's old baby clothes and push me about in her dolls' pram playing at "teenage single mothers" and the baby shelby used to put my tail in her mouth.

i really really don't want to see them again.

i may have to hide somewhere on saturday so that they can't find me to take me to the party.
The Little Cat
Last edited by The Little Cat
you might be right mrs lori.
i've just been checking up on my diary and, do you know, it is eggzackly two years since i was living in skwolla?  
i know yuman kittens don't grow up anywhere near as fast as real cat kittens do, but all the same they will all be a lot older now.
 shelby, the baby will be walking about.
that might not be a good thing though as she might want to put me in her dolls' pram like sapphire used to.
i shouldn't think they'll bring a dolls' pram to the party though....  

in any case i'm sure leroy will look after me.

i've just met one of my old friends on facebook - RENTON !!!
of course he's got a different name on there so i didn't recognise him at first.
he says he's going to come on here again soon to read my diary.

praps i'll ask him what he thinks i should do about the party.
The Little Cat
Last edited by The Little Cat
good afternoon tlc and crew the cat isn't a stray - my little girl says it belongs to a family who live nearby, but he is quite thin (i can feel his bones) he has been taking some of taylors food and biscuits and we give him lots of love (something he seems to thrive on) he hasn't got a collar so we don't know his name or where he lives, he is always pleased to see us (perhaps its the food?) and i would take care of him if taylor doesn't mind. A party! can taylor come? he likes fun, games and food!
Hello everyone... Not been here for a while because my mummy insists on closing the door to the room where the computer is.... but she has got a cleaner, and the cleaner leaves the door open... but she only comes once a fortnight... THANK GOODNESS. I hate it when cleaning happens. It is the evil hoover machine I hate the most. - Hoovers Suck - I promise it is only a coincidence that I am back at the same time as Mister Tom. :nods: We have not been off on our hollibobs together or anything like that. I have not really done much recently... First it was way too hot (for a cat wearing a black fur coat), and then it has been too rainy (for a cat wearing a black fur coat). The little boy is still trying to squish me. But I am too fast for him, although sometimes daddy makes me stay there whilst the little boy prods at me. Right well, I see you have lots of yuman food tlc. I prefer whiskers temptations and my pets at home tinned chicken, so I'll toddle off, and see you all another time.
fishday friday hello tlc and crew, fish pie for tea so there is some cod in the fridge, i have put extra in there as nermal may be loitering, cream from mr machel's trifle and a juicy bone for bagabones. taylor doesn't like the hoover either sukey cat or the hair dryer, how is belle? recovering from her op? *wonders how tlc ears are today?
Hello machel and sukey and everyone.
i don't like those noisy vack yume cleaners either.
aunty pet has just got a new one.
it's bright red  and and apparently it's speshully for cat and dog fur.
well that's got to be just me hasn't it?
i'm the only cat in the house and there isn't a dog - so it's just me!!!!
this vack yume cleaner acts a bit like a bright red dog though.
she doesn't push it around like the old one.
this one follows her about on a sort of lead.
it makes an awful noise though.
all the lovely hair that i've so carefully laid around on the carpet just goes whoosh and disappears into the horrid thing.
aunty pet seems very pleased about that.

anyone would think she didn't like my lovely fur.

p.s. thank you for the lovely things to eat machel - and my ears are just fine thanks.
they feel a lot better now that vack yume cleaner has stopped howling.
The Little Cat
well today's the day!

i'm going to be taken to leroy's school leaving party this afternoon in a barn in avillidge.
i mean i would be really looking forward to it if i hadn't overheard that leroy's real mummy and half of his brothers and sisters (or was it his half brothers and sisters? ) were going to it too.
they all gave me such a miserable time when i living with them in skwolla that i didn't want to see any of them again.

anyway i overheard another conversation on the telling fone and it seems that kevin and keanu won't be there.   they're on holly daze with their daddy in a place with a funny name.
it sounded like terror mollee noss.
any place that has terror in the name will just suit them i think.
i just feel sorry for any cats that might be living there. 

sapphire is coming to the party because aunty pet said her daddy was "back inside" again.
i 'spect that means he's making more porridge for the queen.
shelby doesn't really have a daddy.
apparently he was called stan and her mummy only saw him for one night and then he disappeared.
well that's what i think must have happened because her mummy said shelby's daddy was a "one night stan".

aunty pet said that leroy's mummy was asking how she was meant to get all the way out to avillidge because she hasn't got a car and mr. benny fitts (who is still giving her money it seems) hadn't given her enough for taxi fare.
aunty pet said that leroy's dad is going to ask seth from the farm if he will fetch her and shelby and sapphire and take them home again in his range rover.

so perhaps it won't be so bad after all.
those two awful boys won't be there and shelby and sapphire will be two years older now and might not be so bad.
anyway i know leroy will look after me.

i'll tell you all about it when i get back.
The Little Cat

well i went to the party and it was very tiring so i slept all day yesterday, but now i can tell you what happened.

i went to avillidge in the big man’s car with aunty pet.
i sat on aunty pet’s lap at the front.
she’d taken the cat carrier but she didn’t put me in it
(I don’t like going in it.
it makes me think of the v.e.t. )
we got there really early because aunty pet was going to help honey get everything ready.

leroy gave me a big hug and I purred a lot and gave him lots of head-bonks.

then we went into the big barn where leroy was having his party.
it was good.
there were no chairs only big blocks of hay round the walls for people to sit on.
i dashed around the barn jumping from one hay block to another.
there was a sort of upstairs to the barn with a kind of ladder thing going up to it.
i couldn’t manage the ladder but leroy carried me up.
it was good up there -. lots more hay and I’m sure I could smell mousies and hear squeaks.
there was a door which opened to the outside out of this top bit of the barn.
it was a long way to the ground and there was no ladder.
i don’t know how people or cats were meant to use that door.  
if I stood there though, I could see right out over all the fields and the farms.

leroy said the door would have to be bolted before his friends came in case anybody fell out of it.

 then all leroy’s friends from school started arriving.
i’d seen some of them before – mark and mercedes and yaelle and those twin boys with runny noses. (they were still runny!)

aunty pet kept asking where leroy’s mummy had got to with sapphire and shelby because they were very late and she didn’t want to start the food until they came.
leroy’s daddy said that seth from the farm had gone to fetch them ages ago and must have got lost.
anyway they finally arrived. 
leroy’s mummy looked a lot different than when I had last seen her.
she was all dressed up with a tiny little skirt on that showed her knickers and white shoes with long thin heels that kept getting stuck in the grass or slipping on the cobble stones in the yard (in the end she had to take them off and honey lent her a pair of sandals.)

i don’t know why yumans put all this uncomfortable stuff on their feet.
we cats are sensible and just go about with our bare paw-pads.

i hardly recognised shelby and sapphire.
sapphire looked a lot older and was all dressed up like a little copy of her mum – except for the shoes. she even had sort of big rings dangling from her ears.
shelby was more like sapphire used to be when i last saw her.

i wasn’t sure about any of them and i just hid behind one of the hay seats and watched them.
they didn’t see me. 
i don’t think they knew i was there.
in fact I was hoping they’d forgotten all about me. 
i came out when they all started eating though ‘cos there was chickin.
i can’t resist chickin.

there were some other cats from the farms around as well though.
there was a ginger one who looked a bit like mr tom (but not as handsome) and a stripy fierce one and one that looked a bit like jasper.
shelby tried to pull the stripy cat’s tail and he scratched her and she yelled and there was a big fuss so while everyone was looking the other way, I took a big piece of chickin away in a corner and ate it in peace. 

whew – my paws are aching with all this typing.

i’ll go on later.     


The Little Cat
Last edited by The Little Cat

honey and leroy’s mum didn’t seem to like each other very much.
i could tell.
i heard honey say to aunty pet that leroy’s mum looked like a tart.
i thought that was a very strange thing to say.
they had some tarts at the party – one fell on the floor and got trodden on and I sniffed it.
it had sticky red stuff called jam in it.
it wasn’t the sort of thing us cats like but it didn’t look anything like leroy’s mum.

 then I heard another really strange thing.

leroy’s daddy heard honey say that and he was a bit cross with her but do you know what he said???
he said, “don’t be so catty?”  


in what way is she catty???
she’s nothing like a cat.

these yumans say some very strange things.   


The Little Cat
after all the food was finished they cleared the tables away and a man who was a dee jay came played music and they had flashing coloured lights and everyone danced and jumped around.
they said it was diss cow.
i went outside then cos it was too loud and i was afraid of getting my tail stood on.
it was quiet outside and getting dark but us cats can see things in the dark.
there were lots of mouses but i was just too full of chickin to bother chasing any.
i went over to the duck pond but all the ducks were missing.
i think they'd gone home to bed.
i met a few cats but they didn't seem at all friendly.
in fact i got a bit lonely, so when all the loud music seemed to have stopped, i went back to the party.
all the children were sitting on the floor playing a funny game called spin the bottle. i watched it for a long time until i understood what was going on.
one person spun a bottle around on the floor and had to kiss the person the bottle was pointing at when it stopped. i noticed that yaelle seemed to manage to make it point at leroy whenever she spun it. she did very long kisses too and leroy struggled a bit and went red.
he! he.!

all the grown ups weren't taking a lot of notice. they were sitting round a table with a lot of bottles on it and they seemed to be getting louder and sillier than the children.
it went on a long time and then some of the children started to leave and their mummies and daddy's started to call for them.
i saw yaelle pull leroy up the ladder into the loft of the barn where all the hay was.
he looked as if he didn't want to go but i can't get up ladder myself so i couldn't help him.
next thing there was a big scream from the loft and a lot of commotion.
leroy's daddy ran up the ladder to see what was wrong and we all heard a lot of shouty voices.
the shouty voices weren't leroy or yaelle's though. (although i think the scream had been yaelle) it was leroy's daddy and leroy's MUMMY and SETH from the farm.!!!!!!
everybody stopped talking and looked up at the loft and finally they all came down.
yaelle was giggling and leroy was bright red and looked upset and leroy's mummy was hiding her face while doing buttons up.
leroy's dad looked really cross but seth was grinning.
some of the other parents who'd been drinking a lot from the bottles started cheering and clapping and honey looked really pleased i thought.
i don't know what they were doing up there.
i suppose they must have been chasing mouses.
that would be what the scream was about i spose.
one of them must have seen a mouse or a big spider.
anyway, after that the party ended and aunty pet carried me to the car and the big man took us home.
i don't remember anything about the drive back.
i think i was asleep all the way.
The Little Cat
Last edited by The Little Cat
fishday friday i haven't forgotten, i was busy this morning - shopping in town - i didn't buy too much and of course i picked up some fish, salmon salad for tea, its too hot for anything else. cream from mr machel's trifle (its never too hot for that!) and some dog treats for bagabones (called in at pets at home).
Hello? Hello? Is this t'internet working now? Hello?

Oh there you are LC!

*licks LC's ears*

Well what has been happening in ere then? Oh a party...shame I missed it
To be honest I am a bit partied out. Let me tell you what has happened since I last was ere.
Well our yumans got there nuptuals out. Nermal, Jasper and I fort that it was a weeding but apparently its called a wedding. Shame cos Nermal likes ripping up plants. Anyhoo.
A few weeks back a group of wok men cam to build a Marky out the back of the new posh barn. We all fort a Marky would be a new animule but we were wrong, its like a big tent. Us cats sat around making sure the wok men didnt steal any of our food. It was OK cos they were all very nice and tickled Nermal behind the ears (all yumans do this....) One of the wok men was talking about our female yuman (her name is Nina...Jasper found this out) saying she was a Well Witch  . I rememebred last Hall o ween when we saw all those nasty Witches but our yuman is lovely and kind so we fort it might have something to do with the old well out the back of the farm. So we went on an adventure to look at the Well, but it didnt help us none. We got back and kept listening to the wok men. A Well Witch is someone who has lots of Money, so thats OK then.
After the wok men had finished the Marky us cats were taken to the Cat Parlour for a Pampering. I had no clue what this was until some young yumans started to brush my fur. It was reaaallly nice and couldnt help purrring. Jasper was a bit warey but he enjoyed it too. Nermal however was in hog heaven! He was rolling about and too female young yumans were fussing over him a lot. I fort he was going to wet himself he was giggling sooo much He also got a bow to tie around his collar. He looked the business and he was strutting about like a Super Mogul (A posh type of Moggy I fink).
Back at the farm lots of people had turned up and were making the Barn look all posh and nice. We werent allowed outside and my yumans (his name is Tim....Jasper found this out) niece was keeping us company. Her name is Amy (Jasper found this out too!) and she is very nice. She likes cats and want to be a and Jasper desided she is too nice to be a v.e.t and have decided to purrrswade he to be a Cat Parlour Pamperer .
After hours we were taken to the barn where LOADS of people were. Nermal was the talk of the barn and Tim was sat at the front with his best man. I sniffed him and could tell he was nervous. I nuzzled him to try and calm himdown and he smiled down at me. "I am so glad you are her old friend" he said as he stroked my fur. Then Nina turned up. She had a new dress on and she looked beeeeutiful! She smelled nice too. We all sat and stared at her as she walked towards Tim. 
Dont know what happend next as Nermal fell of the chair he was put on and started to run around under peoples legs. Jasper shased him and tried to calm himdown. By the time he was cornered and Amy was tickling his belly to keep him quiet, Tim and Nina were kissing and everyone was clapping and crying. 
They had been weed!
I will come back latter and tell you what happend at the party and what went on at the Farm when Tim and Nina where on their Nunnymoon.

Big Tom Cat
yes i'm fine machel but i'm a very busy little cat just now.
i'm on facebook as well you see to i've got to keep updating my profile on that and seeing to my wall.
and then there's a fan page for me and my diary on facebook too and i have to keep going to that to keep all my fans happy.

there's also a certain cat on facebook called felix jagger .....  but i won't mention him in case mr tom is listening.

so it means i don't get on here everyday but i still have to keep my diary up to date of course.
The Little Cat

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