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Originally posted by RENTON:
Brings in saucer of milk and smoked salmon trimmings

Eat up little cat ... and leave those tiny creatures alone you hear!

thank you renton.
i love salmon.

i'll try not to bother little birds and mice but i only want to play with them - i don't want to eat them. Shake Head

they are horrid to eat anyway - not even cooked! yuk.

raw and nasty - and the feathers and stuff stick in your throat. Eeker

have you seen your name on my sig renton?
that's 'cos you are a special friend now. Nod
The Little Cat
Here is some more of my diary .......

Last night me and mr tom had a lovely time. we met up with 3 kittens who were friends of mr. tom's and we all climbed up onto some lovely old stone roof tiles of a sort of porch thing that stuck out from a house.

stone tiles are much nicer than slate ones you know - they're not so slippy for our paws when it's been raining. Nod

anyway we got a really good choir going.
mr tom has a beautiful singing voice you know - he says it's a tenner, but i hadn't any money. Confused

we sang for ages and then a nasty man who lived in the house shouted at us to shut up. Eeker

i think he must have been a ler jick. he was obviously not a music lover. Shake Head

we thought he might like our singing better if we sang a bit louder but it didn't seem to do the trick.

then he opened a bedroom window just above our little roof and i could see he was holding a big jug.

mr tom said "run" and we did - just as the ler jick man emptied the jug of water right over where the five of us had been sitting!
the water didn't get us - it wet one of the kitten's tail a bit but then it ran down the roof tiles - and just at that moment the ler jick man's wife opened the door in the little porch to come out and see what was happening and all the water ran right over her head.

she was very cross.
she went back inside and we could hear her shouting at the lerjick man and telling him how wet she'd got and saying it was all his fault and it would be a long time before she'd allow him his marry till writes again (whatever that is!) Confused

anyway we could hear this row going on as we ran away.
It was enough to make a cat laugh. Laugh

I have a lot of fun when i go out with mr tom. Nod
The Little Cat
i can't type much today. i have hurt my front right leg. Frowner

aunty pet was papering the wall where i tore the paper in my pursuit of the red spot.

she had a step ladder thing and while she was in the kitchen getting something i played at running up and down the step ladder ......... only i slipped on a bit of paste on the top of it and fell off.

i crashed onto the edge of the paste bucket. (i didn't fall inside it though) and i hurt my front leg.

aunty pet says it's not broken or anything and i don't need the v.e.t. - but it makes me walk funny.

aunty pet says i've got to stay in for a few days until it's better and not go out on the tiles with mr tom. Frowner

mr tom will be wondering where i've got to. i hope he doesn't think i've forgotten him. Disappointed
The Little Cat
my front leg is much better now. aunty pet was right i didn't need the v.e.t. thank goodness
i know us cats sometimes need those scary people whose name i can't even bear to say Glance but all the same i'm not at all happy if i have to go there. Eeker

leroy says it's the same with him and the den tissed (?). (i expect that's some sort of v.e.t. for humans.)

what has happened to summer????

when i was a little kit, summer used to last for years and it was always hot and sunny and i used to chase butterflies.

it's not been at all like that since i came to live at aunty pet's. it seems to be either cold or raining or windy (usually all three at once) outside aunty pet's house.

i ask for the back door to be opened and it's not fit for a dog out there - never mind a cat - so i go and ask for the front door to be opened instead and, would you believe it, THE WEATHER IS BAD OUT OF THAT DOOR TOO!!!!! Eeker

there is even a little door at the side too and i thought it surely must be summer through there - but it wasn't.
when aunty pet opened that one for me it was just as bad out there too.

the weather at aunty pet's just isn't good.
i may have to move and live somewhere else. even skwolla had better weather than this.

i have heard aunty pet say that the "the sun shines on the righteous".
she said it to leroy and when he asked what "the righteous" was, aunty pet said it meant people who were good.

well aunty pet SEEMS very good and nice but she can't be because the sun hasn't shone on her house for ages. Laugh
The Little Cat
the nasty rainy weather seems to have sent some very big spiders inside!

i found one nearly as big as a mouse on the stairs today.
i liked it.
it was fun.
i chased it about and pawed it and played with it until it ran up the wall out of reach.

I sat and looked at it for ages and meowed at it to come down but it wouldn't. Disappointed

P'raps i'll find another one tomorrow.
The Little Cat
There seems to be a lot of very big spiders in the house at the moment. they are good fun and run very fast but they haven't got much stamina.

every time i try to play with one they will only play for a minute or so and then they lay on their backs with their legs all curled up and seem to go to sleep.

i try to wake them up but they won't.

i've got 4 sleeping spiders around me at the moment. lazy things!
The Little Cat
Lol Big Grin

My ginger tom didn't like sipders Shake Head

one summer a huge one came in everyday to eat from his bowl, my ginger tom used to sit in the corner furthest away from it, watching it until it had gone, it was sometimes quite hard explaining to people what my ginger tom was doing sat in the corner, watching his bowl! I'm sure they never believed me Ninja
i spotted this enormous spider this morning whilst tidying in the bedroom and i was actually quite worried. i'm not generally scared of spiders, but this was the biggest spider i have ever seen outside of the zoo that is. it had not only long legs, but a really chunky abdomen. anyway i went to the bathroom to find a glass to cover it over with, and when i came back it had disappeared. i guess this means that it is still there somewhere in my bedroom yikes - unless the cats have dealt with it whilst i was out this afternoon?
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
There seems to be a lot of very big spiders in the house at the moment. they are good fun and run very fast but they haven't got much stamina.

every time i try to play with one they will only play for a minute or so and then they lay on their backs with their legs all curled up and seem to go to sleep.

i try to wake them up but they won't.

i've got 4 sleeping spiders around me at the moment. lazy things!

I don’t like them. When I go to sniff them they tickle my nose and make me sneeze!
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Hi, TLC BTC and Bagabones:

Reading this makes me smile, and I thank you for that! Smiler

I'm so glad you found a home here on GaGaJoyJoy. As a housewarming gift, I've left a nice stash of catnip (you DO indulge, don't you?), and the loudest squeaky toy I could find for Bagabones. Enjoy!

thankyou very much ms hope.
we are glad we found a home here too.
it was a terrible time when we were told we had to leave our lovely old home where we were so comfortable.

but then we came here and this one is much nicer.
even my fridge fits beautifully into that corner over there.
i was worried about what would happen to my fridge but mrs belle and fluffy friend brought it over for me and i found just the place for it.

i like this forum better because i feel safer here. i'm not scared of another big prune.
besides i can have my picture here so that everyone can see what i look like. Blush
i couldn't do that in my last home. Shake Head

all my friends are here too.
i was really worried about my friend mr tom.
he wasn't there when we had to move so suddenly.
we left lots of messages stuck on the doors in the last home telling him where i'd gone but i couldn't be sure whether he'd get back there in time to see them before the doors closed for good.

but he did thank goodness. Thumbs Up

and poor bagabones found the right place but couldn't get in for ages. Roll Eyes
he was whining outside you know.
somebody let him in at the finish. Clapping

and all my friends are here and i've made some new friends too. Thumbs Up

the only one who is missing is machel. i don't know what happened to her. she never once missed coming to see me on friday fish day. but i don't think she knows where we all went. i've never seen her since we came here.

i really miss machel - and it's NOT just for the fish! Disappointed Crying

perhaps she'll find me tomorrow.

thank you for the lovely cat-nip.
yes i DO indulge from time to time. i know i shouldn't really but it IS my only weakness. (apart from mr tom of course. Blush)

A cat has to have SOME pleasures after all. Cool

in fact i think i might just partake of a bit now before i go to sleep. Wink

thank you again.

night night.

The Little Cat
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Hmmmm..... I didn't think catnip was conducive to sleep, I thought it was more conducive to... silliness. Wink

At any rate, have a nice nap! Smiler
I think she means not so much it putting her to sleep directly but that she'll romp around for a few minutes, tire herself out, THEN go to sleep. Wink

Aunty Pet might find herself having to do a bit of wallpapering again! Laugh
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Hmmmm..... I didn't think catnip was conducive to sleep, I thought it was more conducive to... silliness. Wink

At any rate, have a nice nap! Smiler
I think she means not so much it putting her to sleep directly but that she'll romp around for a few minutes, tire herself out, THEN go to sleep. Wink

you really shouldn't encourage her feline antics Lori! Laugh
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Hi, TLC BTC and Bagabones:

Reading this makes me smile, and I thank you for that! Smiler

I'm so glad you found a home here on GaGaJoyJoy. As a housewarming gift, I've left a nice stash of catnip (you DO indulge, don't you?), and the loudest squeaky toy I could find for Bagabones. Enjoy!

Thanks for the squeaky toy Lori! I left it on the settee by mistake and Les the Vet sat on it. I think she liked it as she made a loud noise and ran very fast to my yuman. She was so excited that she wanted to run down the garden but my yuman held her very tight and wouldn’t let her go. Pity, we could have all played chase.

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