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friday fish day today!
i hope machel comes with some fish soon.
i'm a really hungry little cat at the moment.
i've been working so hard getting myself and my fan page on facebook that it's quite tired me out.
of course i have still got to keep my diary going on here so that everyone on facebook can come on here to read it.
i'm not going to write it all out again - it took me ages last time i did that.

well. if you're from facebook and you've not seen my diary before - here it is. it's nearly 50 pages long and it goes back over two years.

i've had so many adventures and lived in different homes with different people.

at the moment i'm very happy living with aunty pet and the big man.
aunty pet's brother and his little boy called leroy, rescued me from a horrible place called skwolla a long time ago. *shudder*.
leroy is my very bestest yuman friend but i couldn't live with him at first because he lived with his daddy in a little flat and they weren't allowed pets, so i came to live with aunty pet and leroy visits me and plays with me when he's not at skool.

anyway leroy's dad has now got a lady friend called honey and she has had a yuman kitten called "bee" and leroy and his dad and honey and bee have all left the flat and moved into a little cottage in avillidge.

they want me to go and live with them there.
i'm not sure.
 i've been to visit and it was very nice but i don't really want to leave aunty pet, and besides, that yuman kitten is a bit of a nuisance and makes a lot of noise.

I have lots of friends who visit me here - there's mrs belle, and artymags and machel and marguerite and loads of other - not forgetting bagabones (he's a dog you know!) and sukey cat and, of course my very bestest friend of all "big tom cat" who i call mr tom.

i love it when he licks my ears. 
The Little Cat
Fishday Friday good morning tlc and crew, There is some smoked haddock and "normal" haddock as i am making a fish pie for dinner, cream from mr machel's trifle is in the fridge and there are some treats for bagabones. I now have a regular visitor - its a cat and i don't know his name or where he lives, he hasn't got a collar and is always hungry so he might not have a home, he is very placid and taylor doesn't object to him being in the house.
Hello L.C. How are you. I hope you are well.

This isn't an idle greeting - it is sincerely meant.

My pussy cat Katie has been very poorly and she has to have two pills every day. She doesn't like it and and it takes two of us to get them in her mouth and then she waits till she thinks we're not looking and spits them out.

She's a silly cat because she will be very ill indeed and might even die if she doesn't take them.
Have you ever had to take pills L.C.?
Arty, I'm sorry to hear about your cat. Whem we needed to give pills to our dog, sometimes we put them in with her food so that she would east them without realising it. But that was for a dog. This is the advice on the website on giving pills to cats.
Here's How:
  1. Have pill ready before hand -- some pills cannot be split/crushed so you may want to check with the prescribing vet first.
  2. Butter is a good 'lubricant' to put on the pill before administration to ease in swallowing.
  3. Have a large beach towel or blanket ready.
  4. Get out some canned cat food or other cat treat to attract the cat's interest. (Have it nearby, don't offer it yet) Make sure that the medication can be given with food.
  5. Keep a positive outlook and talk in a soothing voice to your cat.
  6. Gently wrap the towel or blanket around the cat's neck, above the shoulders. (Note: some cats fight this more than it is worth. If this is the case, skip this step and proceed to step 7.)
  7. Snuggle the cat under your left arm, firmly against your body.
  8. With your free hand, grab the pill.
  9. With the hand holding the cat, gently pry open the mouth at the corners of the lips.
  10. The pill should be placed in the open mouth, as far back as possible, where the back of the tongue forms a 'V'.
  11. Allow cat to close mouth, keeping the cat snuggled close to your body, and a hand under the cat's chin to prevent the pill from being spit out.
  12. Stroke the chin and neck area gently, watching for signs of swallowing.
  13. You can also gently blow in the nostrils to induce swallowing.
  14. Offer a small portion of a treat or canned food to divert the cat's attention from ejecting the pill and to ensure that the pill is indeed swallowed.


  1. Some vets and pharmacies specialize in making medications tasty to pets. If you are having difficulty with medication administration, ask if this would be a possibility for your pet.
  2. Praise and reward the cat after the pill is administered, so the experience will be as positive as possible. Give the treat without the pill now and then, too.
  3. Stand behind your cat, using your body to prevent the cat from wriggling free backwards through your arms.
Hope this helps.
El Loro
Thats very different from the advice i have to on giving a cat a pill: Giving a Cat a Pill 1. Pick cat up and put in the crook of the left arm as if holding a baby. 2. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of the cat's mouth and slowly apply pressure to cheeks. As mouth opens, pop pill in. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow. 3. Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process. 4. Retrieve cat from bedroom and throw soggy pill away. 5. Get new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat in left arm holding rear paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and push pill to back of mouth with right forefinger. Hold mouth shut for ten seconds. 6. Retrieve pill from floor and cat from top of wardrobe. Call spouse. 7. Wrap cat in large towel and get spouse to lie on cat with head just visible from below spouse's armpit. Put pill in end of drinking straw, force cat's mouth open and blow pill down drinking straw. 8. Check label to make sure pill is not harmful to humans, drink glass of water to get rid of the bad taste. Apply plaster to spouse's forearm and remove blood from carpet with cold water and soap. 9. Ring fire brigade to retrieve cat from tree across the road. Apologise to neighbour who crashed into fence while swerving to avoid cat. 10. Tie cat's front paws to rear paws with string and bind tightly to leg of dining-table. Find heavy duty pruning gloves from garden shed. Force cat's mouth open with small spanner. Push pill into mouth followed by a large piece of fillet steak. Hold head vertically and pour glass of milk down throat to wash pill down. 11. Get spouse to drive you to casualty. Sit quietly whilst doctor stitches fingers and forearm and removes pill remnant's from right eye. Stop at furniture shop on the way home to order new dining-table. 12. Arrange for vet to make home visit.
Keep a positive outlook and talk in a soothing voice to your cat.
Even our vet finds THAT difficult apparently.
 She says she has a cat of her own with the same medical problems as Katie.
Her cat is every bit as difficult as Katie to give tablets to - if not worse - and the vet said that after several frustrating minutes of trying and failing to get a pill down her cat's throat recently she lost all patience and yelled, "O.K. Just sit there and DIE then!" .
She was mortified to discover the window was open and the neighbours had obviously heard!  
hello everyone - i'm afraid i've neglected my diary a bit lately becos i've been on facebook so much making friends with lots of other cats.
in particular one handsome ginger gentleman called winston ( but don't tell mr tom about that !  
anyway here I am now.

it has been really hot weather lately and leroy's dad and honey had a barber queue at their cottage in avillidge.
they asked aunty pet and the big man to go to it and they did and they took ME too because i'd been to the cottage before and they thought i might like it. 
it was nice.
they had lots of chickin and i had most of it because aunty pet said it wasn't cooked right for yumans to eat - it was very black on the outside and sort of pink and oozy in the middle.
i wonder why yumans don't like it like that.  
there was far too much for me to eat of course but they gave the rest of it to some cats who lived in the barn behind the cottage. 

leroy brought a friend along to the barber queue.
it was a yuman boy about the same bigness as him called "smudge" .... or was it "blot" ?..... or "smear" .... i can't quite remember his name but it was something like that...... MARK - that was it ! 
mark was from one of the farms near the cottage. he has a big brother called seth who brought him to the barber queue but then went off because he said he had a heavy date...

 i can't understand anyone leaving all that nice juicy chickin and sossage and stuff just to go and eat a big date.
they're not even nice.
 they're all brown and sticky and sweet and taste horrid.
 i know i tried one once at criss muss. yuk.
there is no accounting for yuman tastes.

i think seth had something wrong with his eye because he kept sort of winking it and looking at honey.
honey went all pink - i think it must have been the heat from the barber queue.
when it started to go dark i wanted to go and look for mices in the barn but aunty pet kept going and fetching me back and finally she shut me inside the cottage on my own !
that wasn't very nice was it?
 I had a look round and then i weed on the floor in a corner.
tee hee ! - serve them right. 
then i went to sleep until aunty pet came and woke me up and took me back home in the car.
it was a nice barber queue though.

The Little Cat
thank you for the kippers mrs pickle.
i quite like them but all those little bones are a nuisance.

leroy's dad came round yesterday and he was talking to aunty pet about the barber queue (he didn't mention finding any wee in the corner of the living room in the cottage by the way..   )
anyway aunty pet asked him if seth from the farm knew honey and leroy's dad said honey met him a long time ago when she used to come to visit her grandma at the cottage.
he said that seth was "a bit of a rake"  and "was responsible for about half of the babies born in avillidge".
he also said that seth had being "trying jump honey's bones for ages but she wasn't having it". and he said that seth had better watch out or he was personally going to fill him in.

sometimes i just wonder what language these humans are talking !!!!!

none of that made any sense to me.

for a start seth was quite big and broad and didn't look in the least like a rake - not even a little bit.

rakes are all thin with a row of sharp metal teeth on one end.
there is absolutely no way seth was even vaguely like a rake.
also what did he mean that seth was responsible for half the babies in avillidge?

if seth had to look after all those babies he would be worn out.

he wouldn't have any time to go to barber queues.
or did leroy's dad mean that seth was responsible for half of every baby - and if so, which half????? 

and seth wasn't trying to jump on honey's bones.

i know that for certain.
honey had lots of bones on her plate at the barber queue - from chickin and chops and things and seth showed no interest in them at all.
in any case why would he want to jump on them - he'd break the plate!!!! 

and how could leroy's dad fill seth in.?
he looked pretty well filled in already.

none of it made any sense.

i'm not even going to try.
i think i'll have a look in my fridge and see if there's anything nice to eat and then i'll have a sleep.
The Little Cat
Last edited by The Little Cat
thank you machel - i just love prawns bestest of all.

i know i feel quite bad about mr. tom but what is a cat to do?
i can't waste the best years of my life sitting around twiddling my paws and waiting for mr tom to pay me one his increasingly rare and infrequent visits.
i mean we are only assuming it's nermal keeping him busy, but it might not be that at all.
he might be off leading a life of decadence and depravity for all i know. 
i'm still a young cat you know - i deserve better than this.

mind you i think i'm going off winston moore a bit.
he seems too busy with his own fans and his fan page to bother about me much.
he DID lick my ears once when i asked him to but he's not bothered since.

a cat of my calibre shouldn't have to ASK for these little attentions.
The Little Cat
hello TLC.
My mummy is much better now, which is good, because she was neglecting the food and water supplies. One day we were down to crumbs and dried chicken and the water was dusty. I do quite like dirty water, but only out of puddles from the rain. Rain water is LUSH. I think it is the ACID in it!! It makes me go all funny so that I think the leaves are little rodents, and chase and kill them with my beautifully sharp claws.

Anyway, I am enjoying the peace and quiet in the house during the day... In the evening Daddy is spending most of his time "hogging" the TV. I don't really know what that means but I think it might be about watching the tiny people who live in the TV kicking the curled up hedgehog around the field. And all because they want a big cup. I am happy with my bowl (so long as it doesn't get all dusty again).

Have you seen this??
I look like that except I haven't got bionic feet. I have biological feet - with my nice sharp claws of course!
Have you seen this?? I look like that except I haven't got bionic feet. I have biological feet - with my nice sharp claws of course!
poor poor cat.
it must have been awful to have one of those farm things cut your feet off just when you're having a quiet doze!!  
i never realised farms were so dangerous for us cats.
 i don't think i will go and live in avillidge after all.
The Little Cat
I'm not sure Facebook was such a good idea, LC. I don't remember you even knowing what "decadence and deparavity" MEANT before Facebook. It's a little scary!
ah well mrs lori it's something i picked up when listening to aunty pet and leroy's daddy talking about seth from the farm.
leroy's daddy said seth had led a life of decadence and depravity.

i'm not zactly sure what it means myself, but from what they said it had something to do with not coming back home for days on end and perhaps doing norty things while you were away.
i don't know what sort of norty things.
yuman-type norty things are different from cat-type norty things i spose.

but mr tom has been missing for ages and he could well be doing norty things while he's away. (like catching little birdies for instance and fighting other cats.)

now of course i'm sure seth's norty things weren't anything to do with catching birdies but they might have included fighting.
i got the impression it was something to do with all the little yuman kittens he was responsible for - perhaps he didn't feed them properly or praps he nipped them to make them cry.
that would have been VERY norty.

i think that's what's meant by "decadence and depravity".
anyway i liked the sound of the words and a cat has got to increase her vocabulary.
The Little Cat
Last edited by The Little Cat
i'm a very tired little cat just now.
it's been a long hot day and my black fur isn't good in hot sun.
i've had to keep drinking lots of water because i got very thirsty.
i agree with you sukey - outside water IS lush.
aunty pet keeps a big stone bowl thing of water for the little birds to drink and bathe in. (just imagine - they have to drink each other's bath water!  
 i especially like to drink that water because it's bird flavoured!

have you ever drunk bird bath water sukey?
The Little Cat

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