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yesterday leroy's daddy and honey came to see aunty pet and the big man and show them the new yuman kitten that honey got when she was in the hoss pickle.
it's a strange little thing.
of course it isn't anywhere near as pretty as a real kitten and it smells funny.
it has a lot of black fuzzy fur on its head but none anywhere else that i can see.
it makes a mewing noise sometimes - a bit like a real kitten - but what i found very surprising was that its eyes were open!
they say it's a girl kitten and they are going to call it beatrice.
honey says it will get called bee for short.

honey and bee !
The Little Cat
hello tlc.... my mummy has had an operation at the human V.E.T.s
so she is at home and has left the computer on, so I get to talk to you.
Apparently it was a minah operation on her paw. Sir Jun did it. (fancy that, a knight!!!!!). I think my mummy must be really special because this man at her work called Medical Ian Surance is paying for it. She says she got a sandwich and a cup of tea afterwards and some nice slippers and frilly knickers in the hospital. they think of everything don't they? Not like at the cat VET where you get poked with a glass tube. Anyway it is TOO hot in the sunshine with my black fur coat so it is a relief to sit in here where it is much cooler.

we had a yuman kitten a while back, but now we have a little menace instead. I can't remember exactly when they swapped it. I thought the kitten did sound quite kitteny. At first I was confused and me and my half sister went looking for a proper kitten but we didn't find one.

Don't tell mummy, but I brought an enormous mouse into the house a few days ago to play, but it went behind the wardrobe and I am not sure where it is now. I have sat beside the wardrobe for ages, but no sign. Ah well, not to worry. Plenty more outside to play with.

hello bagabones, machel, parrot et al. got to go, there's fresh tinned stuff arrived in my bowl.
hello sukey, i wonder if honey will swap her yuman kitten for a menace.
i don't think she will. she seems really fond of it.
in fact everyone seems very fond of it.
i hardly get noticed when its around.
everyone is stroking it and talking to it in a silly way and they all want to take turns holding it.
it was always me that got all the petting and all the attention but now, when that yuman kitten's around, they don't even seem to notice if i'm there or not.

at first i was really cross and a bit upset but then i thought that not being watched or noticed could be to my advantage, so i went in the kitchen and pinched a nice piece of ham and a piece of chicken off the plates set out for tea, and i had a little lick of the cream on the top of a big trifle.

and do you know - no one even noticed!!!!!!

i can get away with anything while that yuman kitten's around..... 
The Little Cat
good afternoon tlc and crew Sukey - i hope belle is getting better i had an operation on my hands (not at the same time though!) and it can be really awkward holding things, mr machel had to cut my dinner into small pieces because i couldn't hold a knife. taylor's real mum (human one) is having a kitten but not while christmas time i don't think taylor will allow us to forget about him
thank you for the salmon machel.
i think i'll leave it in my fridge for a while though as i don't feel very hungry at the moment - it's so hot.
i don't like weather ever so hot.
it's the only time i ever envy yumans - they can take their stuff off and get right down to their skin when it's hot.
we cats have to keep the same fur on in all weathers and black fur is especially hot in the sun.
The Little Cat
well, it's happened.
i knew it would!
they're taking me off to the cottage today - to see how i like it (so they say)
apparently i'm just going there until the end of the week, while leroy's still on holiday.
i'm supposed to be coming back again on saturday.
i may very well come back earlier if i get my way!  
i'm coming back here when leroy goes back to school because honey doesn't think she can look after me on her own, now that she's got bee to look after as well.
and aunty pet says honey is scared i might sit on bee's face when she's in her cot and smother her.
as if i would!!!
anyway at least i won't be away for too long.
if there isn't a puter there though i might not be able to keep up with my diary.

oh and machel !
if you are kind enough to bring me some fish on fish day, machel, and i'm not back yet could you please just pop it in my fridge for me? 

oh dear i can see the cat carrier waiting for me.
i'd better say bye bye to you all for a few days.
i suppose it's quite an adventure really.......
The Little Cat


This sounds very omnibus. Our Little Cat being taken away and not even putting up a fight.  Les the vet says that a lot of yumans tell lies, especially male yumans. I hope our LC hasn’t been given a lie. It may be in the cat carrier waiting for her. What if she is in trouble and can’t get to the kumputer or can’t get out of the cat carrier? I hope she took some money and plenty of honey.

some money and plenty of honey.
wrapped up in a five pound note.

By Edward Lear of course:
The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea
In a beautiful pea-green boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money,
Wrapped up in a five pound note.
The Owl looked up to the stars above,
And sang to a small guitar,
"O lovely Pussy! O Pussy, my love,
What a beautiful Pussy you are, you are, you are,
What a beautiful Pussy you are."
Pussy said to the Owl "You elegant fowl, 
How charmingly sweet you sing.
O let us be married, too long we have tarried;
But what shall we do for a ring?"
They sailed away, for a year and a day,
To the land where the Bong-tree grows,
And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood
With a ring at the end of his nose, his nose, his nose,
With a ring at the end of his nose.
"Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling your ring?"
 Said the Piggy, "I will"
So they took it away, and were married next day
By the Turkey who lives on the hill.
They dined on mince, and slices of quince,
Which they ate with a runcible spoon.
And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand.
They danced by the light of the moon, the moon, the moon,
They danced by the light of the moon.

So is this what TLC has done?
El Loro
Me and my sister are feeling a bit under the weather at the moment. My eye is a bit watery and Polly is acting weird. She was coughing on mummy’s bed all night, and making funny noises and things. She says she thinks she might have something stuck in her throatâ€Ķ. I am not sure what’s going on, but mummy has told daddy to take her to the V.E.T. I hope they don’t have to cut her head off. She would look very odd without a head, and how would she be able to lick her paws? Mummy can’t do it because she has a bad arm and is not allowed to drive. I think daddy will be getting the cage outâ€Ķ. I am going to scarper in case he is planning to take me as wellâ€Ķ I wouldn’t want to have to share the cage with Polly. Her bottom smells. I hope TLC is having a nice time with Leroy and honey and the yuman kitten. I hope the weather is OK so she can go outside.
Sukey, can you tell your mummy that you and Polly may be suffering from hayfever. There's a lot of it about at present and I know several humans who are really suffering at present. I think it's because of the late spring and the volcanic ash hasn't helped either. Cats (and dogs) can get hayfever. Ask your mummy or daddy to check this with your vet.
And I hope you and Polly get better soon
El Loro
hello. Polly came back from the V.E.T with her head still on.
She was a bit scared in the cage because she has not been in one since she came to stay with us. She weed herself in there *snigger*!
Anyway, they did the usual, tube in bottom and injeckshun.
She is still sneezing but she had some tea last night and slept nicely with mummy last night. I have still got a runny eye, but mummy says it is not bad enough to pay fortee pounds to look at.
Mummy is going to the consultant this morning to have her hand checked.
Fishday friday I'll put the haddock and cream from mr machel's trifle in the fridge for tlc to eat later, i hope she has had fun with leroy and honey. There is a big juicy bone for bagabones - i don't think he has had one recently.I didn't need an alarm clock this morning, the squawking bird taylor brought home woke me up instead!!
my yumans have had pizza tonight. you get weird combinations on them too.... like chicken, ham, onions and mushrooms. Why would you put fungus on your tea?
mummy has been to the doctors about the wrist and they ave given her antibiotics too, just like polly cat.... apparently the doctor told mummy she could still have a drink with them! Well that's a relief otherwise i think mummy would completely dehydrate. She is aways having a drink called "a nice cup of tea" or "shum morerrrredd wine pleashe".
hello everyone - i'm back!
i've been to this cottage and it was quite interesting but I'm glad to be back home with aunty pet.
i thought the cottage might be back in skwolla but it was in avillidge instead.
it's quite nice in avillidge.
there's lots of fields and hardly any cars.
it was raining most of the time i was there so i couldn't go out at all.
i didn't want to go out really anyway because there were some big fierce looking animals around that i wasn't at all sure about.
there were kowz and bullz and woolly things called sheaps - all much much bigger than me and probly fierce.
this cottage doesn't have a front garden - the front door opens straight onto a little lane and there was a window at the front that i sat in a lot and watched people and dogs and big things called tracktuzz going past. 
there was a very big piece of grass in the middle of avillidge that i could see from my window.
leroy said it was avillidge green.
well what other colour does he expect grass to be ?????

there was a big round pond right in the middle of avillidge green with 5 white dux living on it.
they kept getting out of the water and sitting on the grass and putting their heads right round backwards and tucking it under their wing so they couldn't see anything.
if i go there again and go outside i'm going to chase those dux when they've got their heads like that - they won't be able to see me coming. he he !

there was a big barn at the back of the cottage with a door that opens half way up the wall ! 
leroy said there were lots of mice living in that barn.
that might be worth a look if i go again - as long as i don't chase them and fall out of the door halfway up the wall!

the yuman kitten (bee) was a bit of a nuisance though.
she seems to be knock turn all like me. 
she sleeps all day and she's awake most of the night.
but she doesn't just sit on the windowsill and look outside quietly like i do - she makes an awful loud noise and honey and leroy's dad (and even leroy) can't get enough sleep.
i don't mind so much for myself as i'm awake anyway, but the yumans aren't knock turn all like me and they get all tired and bad tempered in the day time and sometimes get cross with ME for no reason.

honey doesn't look a bit like she used to before the yuman kitten came.
she looks all tired and grumpy and her hair's a mess and so are her clothes and she's got bee's sick down her shoulder.
i can't think why yumans get these yuman kittens.
they're nothing but trouble.

they'd be much better just keeping nice little cats like me.
The Little Cat
well what other colour does he expect grass to be ?????
Welcome back, TLC

Here's some blue grass for you

By the way, I've started a new thread here in the Lounge called The Bird Sanctuary. It's not going to compete with your diary as your diary is unique. I've started it for anyone who is not taken over by Big Brother. If you look at the BB forum here at present it's virtually wholly BB related and anything else I or others post is likely just to get lost. It's a general thread open for anyone who wants to get away from BB-related matters. Feel free to drop in.
El Loro
Reference: TLC
so if the grass in the middle of avillidge had been that colour, el loro, i spose it would have been called "avillidge blue" ?.
i like the sound of this bird sanctuary. can i visit it too - or would that put the cat among the pigeons?
yes, like avilidge blue pond, Yes, you are welcome to the bird sanctuary
Reference: Sukey
bird sanctury you say?
Yes, but don't start getting ideas of chasing the birds
How's your sister, is she better now?
El Loro
i went to a place called facebook yesterday and found a lot of my friends on there who used to come and see me but don't any more.

mrs slice was there (only she doesn't seem to have any fishy shortbread any more) and so was mrs belle (she looked very poorly) and even mrs a mags.!

If they won't come to me here do you think it might be a good idea for me to have a page on facebook?
perhaps even a fan page......

i wonder if mr tom ever goes on facebook....
The Little Cat
I might join facebook too. What a funny name facebook. It's like saying "pawbowl" or "tailcarrier".

My mummy is poorly, but I like it because she has been sleeping on the sofa all day so I can sleep on top of her. She has been to the doctors and has been signed off work for a WHOLE week. which means I can sleep with her next week too!!!

and hello ms slice.

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