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There's a nice rock song here about the battle between the Flying Spaghetti Monster and The Invisible Pink Unicorn.

The Purple Oyster and the Holy Sock of Bob come into it too.


Incidentally, in my new religious fervour, I also honour the lesser deities of "CEILING CAT" and "THE CELESTIAL TEAPOT", both of whom have many loyal worshippers. .
Last edited by Åŗтγмαģš
Yumans are funnee

LC: I dont fink it is webbing as we dont have many spider cos Nermal eats them Whatever is happening it involves a big guy called Mark Key. Whatever he does it sure is expensive!

We have some good news......Nermal has grown!!!Not much mind, but his nose come level with the line on the cap flap now.
And he doesnt drag the barn around like I said Just the shoe...actually he's gone orf the shoe and is now in love with a mop head...he lies donw and stares at it for ages!
Big Tom Cat
hello mr tom. well i still think it might be webbing - or perhaps redding.
praps your weeding is something different then.
 i haven't heard this mr. mark key mentioned.
leroy's daddy says it's going to cost him an arm and a leg though to do everything that honey wants.
isn't that terrible? how will he manage with only one arm and one leg?
i wouldn't think honey would want him if he didn't have two of everything you're supposed to have two of.
unless of course he's going to pay with an odd arm and leg belonging to someone else - or perhaps TWO other people.
perhaps he's going to get them from someone very old who hasn't much use for their arms and legs any more.
sounds a bit drastic to me though.
yumans are so strange. 

mrs  lori reminded me that "up the duff" means someone is going to have a yuman kitten. she says ladies who are going to have yuman kittens look fat because of the kitten inside them.
i'm not sure i believe that.
i've seen these yuman kittens when the've just come and they are very small and there's usually only one of them.
it couldn't possibly account for all that fatness.
we cats have lots of kittens at one go and never look really fat.
i still think it's all the food they eat.

talking of which -

i noticed nermal looked a bit bigger last time i saw him.
i'm not surprised though - he ate all the cod out of my fridge, you know.

i wonder why nermal is in love with a mop head.
mind you - in my young days i once fell in love with a frog.
The Little Cat
Fishday Friday good morning tlc and crew, cod for tea and cream from mr machel's trifle. weddings can be very stressful - my daughter got married - and i think taylor found himself being stroked many many times to help people feel calm, "enjoy" the party belle
thank you machel.
this time i'll keep my fishy away from that greedy little nermal.
he can have some of it but he's not going to scoff the lot like last time.

i like that birthday cat, mr loro. what a very clever cat it must be to be able to play a violin with his paws.
The Little Cat
Nermal: I have only had a nibble Mummy LC
Have you heard I have grown? Not by much but it mean I am a big boy now Jasper said its because I have gone to the pubbity. Our yumans go to the pubbity andact silly afterwards....Will I start acting silly?
Big Tom Cat
thank you mrs belle. praps we could go and have a party in the barn at mr tom's farm - with mr tom and nermal and jasper and baggie. we could have a barn dance and nermal could dance with his mop head !
The Little Cat
hello tlc.
*sniffs tlc's bottom - yes, that's tlc all right*
you may sniff my bottom too if you like!

I have been in the garden this morning. we have some cool dead leaves at the moment and the sunshine is soaking into my fur nicely too. It is like wearing a boiler.

I can't really come and see you much these days. My mummy has gone back to work (thank king cat, for small mercies - she also removes the small child from the house so it is a lot more peaceful now) However she has this nasty habit of shutting the living room door and the laptop is in there and I can't get in.... some yuman mutterings about the furniture....
the little yuman kitten is getting a bit of a worry tlc. He moves about now. I have to make a sharp exit when he sees my tail. He thinks I am funny. I mean honestly, he has no respect whatsoever. I have resisted the urge to scratch his eyeballs, but I am not sure if I will be able to restrain my self much longer. These kittens need putting in their place and training.
....How is Nermal?
Hello Sukey, long time no see.

Can you let your mummy know that we have just become neighbours (at least at present) in the Members list. I promise not to be a nuisance and not squawk too much because I wouldn't want to wake you lot up in the middle of the night!
El Loro
I'll let mummy know.
She forgot the door this morning!
Apparently there is fish arriving shortly?? I am quite partial to a little tinned tuna actually.... no good with can openers though.

Do you sleep with your mummies cats? I like to get in under the duvet until daddy farts, then I get out pronto before my whiskers curl. Polly doesn't go under the duvet. She sleeps at the other end of the bed where mummy wants to put her feet. She can be quite inconsiderate unlike me, can Polly.

It is Daddy's birthday soon. I am going to get him a nice leaf or maybe a twig out of the garden. That should make him happy. Mummy is getting him a new DVD player. ......Boring compared with a nice crispy leaf.....

The yuman kitten had a burp day party the other day. There were all these other yuman kittens turned up. ME and Polly hid in the spare bedroom. We could not think of anything worse than all those noisy burping people.
Pussy cats do not burp. it is not cat-like behaviour is it TLC?
Reference:Sukey Cat
Do you sleep with your mummies cats? I like to get in under the duvet until daddy farts, then I get out pronto before my whiskers curl. Polly doesn't go under the duvet. She sleeps at the other end of the bed where mummy wants to put her feet. She can be quite inconsiderate unlike me, can Polly.
If I slept with my mummy's cats, that would be probably the end for me cos I'm only a parrot!
El Loro
Fishday friday good afternoon tlc and crew its lovely and sunny today so we are going to have a prawn salad for tea (taylor hurt his paw so he can have some prawns as a treat) and some cream from mr machel's trifle. I have put some nuts and seeds outside for the birds but they don't visit my garden, perhaps it's because there are so many cats in the neighbourhood, the cats all congreate on the shed roof - its so funny to watch 4 or 5 cats all jostling for the sunniest spot!
Do you sleep with your mummies cats? I like to get in under the duvet until daddy farts, then I get out pronto before my whiskers curl. Polly doesn't go under the duvet. She sleeps at the other end of the bed where mummy wants to put her feet. She can be quite inconsiderate unlike me, can Polly. If I slept with my mummy's cats, that would be probably the end for me cos I'm only a parrot!

What appauling grammar. I meant to ask "do you sleep with your mummies, cats"?
Or to make it clearer: "Cats, do you sleep with your mummies"?

I have never met a parrot before so I am not sure what sort of apoonent you would be, but the mad woman next door has pigeons and they are 'orrible things. Quite funny though when one of them landed on mummy's patio door. SPLAT! Nice big feathers everywhere. It was like Kissmas.
Reference:Sukey Cat
I have never met a parrot before so I am not sure what sort of apoonent you would be
I think I'd come of worse cos I've only got the one beak and cats have 4 sets of claws, but I'm not going to try it out cos I, unlike you lot, only have the one life!
El Loro
I sleep on the bed with aunty pet and the big man most times - but the big man farts and snores and if I bury my head under my tail its not too bad, but sometimes I just can't stand it any longer and I get up and go and lay on the landing.
what annoys me is that they go on sleeping even after it's got light and i want my breakfast then.
i have to pad my pawsover them both and stick my whiskers in their faces until they wake up.
they never seem a bit grateful either. 
This fish is very nice machel.
come on Sukey tuck in there's plenty and nermal not here.
The Little Cat
Reference:Sukey cat.
Pussy cats do not burp. it is not cat-like behaviour is it TLC?
akshully i DO sometimes burp a little bit, sukey. if i've been eating a bit too fast i just sit there doing silent burps.
people can see me burping cos my chest and tummy sort of gulp but they can't hear me. it's not as bad as yumans beans burping.
sometimes though if i do a lot of burping i end up being a bit sick.
The Little Cat
i'm glad there isn't a yuman kitten living here like at your house sukey. i'm not at all fond of yuman kittens.
leroy says that honey is going to have a yuman kitten and it will live with them all.
i remember that yuman kitten when i lived in skwolla.
it kept grabbing my tail and trying to put my poor tail in its mouth.
it's terrible for us cats. if we just put up with being grabbed by yuman kittens we get hurt, but if we fight back we get into trouble with the grown up yumans.
a cat can't win when there's a yuman kitten about.
The Little Cat
a cat can't win when there's a yuman kitten about can if your mummy teaches the yuman kitten to treat you with the respect you deserve!  We have a yuman kitten visit us sometimes, and he's been taught from very young how to treat Kenji.  They get on famously.

I don’t like yuman kittens or men. When a man took me from my mum and brothers and sisters he took me to a house with yuman kittens and they chased me until I was too tired to run away and I cried. They all laughed really loud. Perhaps that is what happened to my yuman and Les the vet because they don’t like men either. They don’t have tails to pull but yuman kittens will grab hold of anything. They don’t care. Mind you, Les the vet has a pretend tail. When she is playing chase with my yuman she sometimes wears it. When I was very small I used to play chase with them and try and catch her pretend tail in my mouth but now that I’m bigger they won’t let me play anymore. I did see it on the bedroom floor one time when I was very small and I took it down stairs and hid it on the sofa so I could chew it later. I thought it was a very strange smelling bone. A man who my yuman called dad came to visit and he sat on it. When he stood up to see what it was he had sat on he made a lot of noise and ran out of the door. He hasn’t been back since so that’s ok with us.

Belle, following on from my message to Sukey on Friday, I thought I'd let you know that due to overactivity on my part I have found that I have moved on and am no longer your neighbour on the Members list. But I want to reassure you that this is not because of anything you or your family have done, it's just because I've been posting too much. Maybe we'll become neighbours again. It's been a pleasure being next to you.
El Loro
Good morning tlc.
I've got a couple of things to discuss with you...
First of all, I have dandruff!!  I have licked and licked, but it keeps coming. Do you think it is because I am losing my winter coat for my nice summer lightweight outfit? My mummy was thinking about giving me oliveoil in my catfood, but I think that's a terrible idea! Since when did cats eat olive oil?

Secondly, that pesky yuman kitten. He keeps plying with my electronic catflap. If he's not posting toysm shoes or breadsticks out of it, he's messing with the buttons. This can have excedingly dire consequences. Yesterday he set it to V.E.T. mode. That means we can't get out!! Do you think a quick nip on his fingers would do the trick? Thing is I try to keep my distance as much as possible, so I might have difficulty getting his fingers. There's no point nipping his bum. He has a nappy, because he doesn't know how to use a litter tray!!!!!
Reference:Sukey Cat
Belle, following on from my message to Sukey on Friday, I thought I'd let you know that due to overactivity on my part I have found that I have moved on and am no longer your neighbour on the Members list. But I want to reassure you that this is not because of anything you or your family have done, it's just because I've been posting too much. Maybe we'll become neighbours again. It's been a pleasure being next to you.
I now seen that I am living next to Lori for the time being! Thats La Lori next to El Loro!

Hi Lori
El Loro
I found us! On page 10... Hi, neighbor!
I'm a sad parrot to be looking at page 10!

But at least it's page 10, not page 3 (which won't mean much to you Americans but does to us in the UK - Photos of young nubile women without much clothing in The Sun newspaper)!
El Loro
You don't want to hang out with young nubile women w/out much clothing?
In my capacity as a parrot, the answer would have to be that I have no interest. On the other hand, if I was not a parrot, it's just possible that my answer might be different. However any link might just possibly be in contravention of forum rules, I think I will refrain.
El Loro
However any link might just possibly be in contravention of forum rules, I think I will refrain.
Probably a wise decision on your part.

I'll just keep posting in response, and we OUGHT to stay neighbors!

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