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Do you want to come to my house for your hollibobs?
We have a lovely long garden and I can program you into our catflap with Polly, Sukey and Mags the ghost cat..... (Did I tell you I hear her come in sometimes? The catflap clicks, but no one else is around so it must be her, checking we are all OK).
You could also play with minibel. He likes pussy cats a lot. They play hide and seek quite often with him!
thank you very much mrs belle - it's very kind of you to offer and if it was the summer time then i'm sure mr tom and i would love to come.
only we are really fed up with all the cold and snow and stuff and we wanted to go somewhere where it was warm and sunny every day.
i think i'd like to go to the canary islands.

canaries are little yellow birds aren't they?

me and mr tom would just love to spend a few days catching playing with little yellow birdies in the sunshine.
The Little Cat
Reference: Belle
Do parrots get on with canaries? Imagine you fell in love with a canary? A sort of holiday romance... you could have little panary eggs or carrot chicks!
I once did fall in love with a canary. Unfortunately for her, parrots are somewhat bigger than canaries and the results were .....

The rest of this posting has been self-censored on the grounds of taste.

But she sure was tasty!

El Loro

and Mags the ghost cat..... (Did I tell you I hear her come in sometimes? The catflap clicks, but no one else is around so it must be her, checking we are all OK).

It’s a pity your cat flap makes so much noise when the ghost cat can come in. One night Les the vet woke the whole street telling them that she was about to come in. I think she must have been having a bad dream as she was already in bed with my yuman and the nice pearl ice lady who was here for the wee kend. They were very concerned about her and it took them ages to calm her down.

hello marguerita and machel.
i'm glad you both found me again.
i was rushing around like a scalded cat trying to find where my diary had got to after the alterations.
prawns are my favourite machel.
i'll put all the goodies for mr tom and nermal and baggy in my fridge - they can pick them up when they arrive.
if they don't arrive soon though i shall have to eat all of it myself.
The Little Cat
Today was a very exciting day for me. I had had the sound of rushing water going through my pipes (even parrots have pipes) for some time now. Humans had come and said that I had a leek in the house but they couldn't find it and they went away wondering what was wrong. I knew I couldn't have a leek in the house because I would have smelt it. But the rushing sound carried on, so I decided there must be a leek outside. This would make sense because leeks grow in the ground. I reckoned that a bird (not me) had dropped a liik on the ground, it had taken root and the roots broke the pipe. But I couldn't see any sign of a leek.

Whilst I was in hospital, the local vicar went into my house to have a look around. (Before he was a vicar he was a surveyor so he should know what he's talking about) He was bewildered by the rushing sound as well. So when I came home he had arranged for an expert to come. The expert agreed with me that there was a leek outside the house but he couldn't see it. But he knew what to do.

So today two men with a mole came to investigate. Now these moles are very clever. They are sent to college when they grow up and trained to burrow through the ground even if ther's concrete above. The men dug two holes at either end of the old pipe and sent the mole down. They tied a bit of string around the mole so he pulled the string along. When he emerged at the other end with the piece of string, the men untied the string from the mole. Then they tied a piece of rope to one end of the string, pulled the string along pulling the rope behind it. Eventually the rope appeared at the other end. The men repeated this over and over again, with thicker pieces of rope until the rope was thick enough for a plastic pipe to go through. So was the pipe was through, they could connect it at one end to the water mains in the road and to the pipes in the house and the other end.

Whilst they were doing this, the mole was resting. He must have been exhausted, because when I spoke to him, he ignored me. I even offered him a drink but he turned it down. Well I was just trying to be sociable but he just stayed still, so eventually I gave up.

Anyway, the men and the mole went away and I now have no rushing sounds from the pipes. But the men didn't give me the leek they had found. Maybe they took it home for dinner.



(Tried to post this yesterday evening but couldn't as it seems the Livecloud server was down)


El Loro
Best you don't ask El Loro. We cats don't like people sticking there beaks in to our business. You are a friend of the Cats so it is safe to assume you are not our victim target interest. You gotta respeck the fambly

Only jesting El Loro

Anyhoo, 'ello everyone, speshly LC I see there are lots of treats in the fridge. Nermal will come and have a chat once he has finished noshing the cod

Well I have been trying to book a nice break to the Canaries for me and LC but I am having lots of problems. Firstly I need a credit card so I applied for one and they said they don't give them to cats...well I never! We are much more responsable than most yumans and I would pay it back very quickly. But the Bankman he said no. SO I fort about taking my yumans card. I fink it is called Max, cos everytim,e he gets the bill he says its Max out.
But before I can get the tickets they need all sorts of stuff like pissports and quarrel team. And chips...I don't like them, Nermal eats a few but he prefeers cod.
I think it is a lot of hassle for a nice Break we might have to rethink this.....

Nermal has finished his cod and wants a word

Nermal: Hiya everyone...splishly mummy LC *purrrrrr*
I have been eating codIts just like the miggle of fishy fingers.
This week me and Jasper have been exploring the farm. Mr Tom has been busy helping the wok men build Jim. We found a pipe that runs under the old road. Jasper said that its for fixes and badges to cross the road without been hit by cards. Well we have been at the farmr for a fair bit now and I havent seen any cards on the road, but I will be using the pipe to cross the road just in case...and its more fun! I run from one end to t'other then turn around a run back before Jasper has started! We had a good sniff of the pipe but couldn't smell any fixes or badges so we might be safe...but it would be very interesting to meet fixes and badges..I wonder if they would be friends?
Anyhoo I am off to explore the wok mens place while they are on wreckend off...byyeeeeee!

Oh that Nermal!
Big Tom Cat
hello. happy "wreckend" to you all..... minibel is asleep in the car seat in the hallway. Best to leave him as long as possible, although he was just "talking" in his sleep, which is interesting. Sukey and polly had a good sniff and decided he was safe there, and his daddy is out cycling so I am just hanging around here for a bit. Got to keep it quiet though!
Reference: Big Tom Cat
We found a pipe that runs under the old road. Jasper said that its for fixes and badges to cross the road without been hit by cards. Well we have been at the farmr for a fair bit now and I havent seen any cards on the road, but I will be using the pipe to cross the road just in case...and its more fun! I run from one end to t'other then turn around a run back before Jasper has started! We had a good sniff of the pipe but couldn't smell any fixes or badges so we might be safe...but it would be very interesting to meet fixes and badges..I wonder if they would be friends?
If you go through the pipe, let me know if you meet my mole.
El Loro

My yuman has a mole. She calls it a bew t spot but Les the vet calls it a mole and she should know because she is a vet. I can’t imagine her letting it run off with a piece of string tied round it though. It lives on her face and I’m sure she would be very sad if it ran away. The nice perl ice lady had a spot also. She called it a gee spot but I think she has lost it and my yuman and Les the vet spend hours trying to find if for her. I think it is hiding under the duvet as that is where they all seem to search. I’d like to find it and play with it and I’m sure it would like to meet LC and all our friends.

things aren't made easy for us cats are they mr. tom?
all we want to do is to go for a nolliday somewhere nice and warm with little yellow birds (and NO parrots) but we can't 'cos of chips and pissports and quarrel teams.
it's just not fair on cats.
perhaps we'd better wait a few weeks until it's a bit warmer and then go to mrs. belle's like she suggested.  

has that nermal finished ALL the cod ?  i can't understand why he stays so small .....
The Little Cat
Fishday Friday another week gone! time is moving fast. tuna bake for lunch and some cream from mr machel's trifle. i went to pets at home (big mistake) and bought some new treats for taylor and a yoghurt and catnip easter egg, he also got a new pink feather to chase. i'll leave some dog treats for bagabones and a piece of cod for nermal.

i heard leroy saying it was mother in sunday tomorrow.
i think it means you have to keep yoir mother in.
leroy said that people take their mothers a present and and a card on mother in sunday.
i spect it is to make up for being kept in on a nice sunny day.

anyway leroy has got a card and a little present for his mother. (she's the one who lives in Skwolla, you know... . ) but he says he's going to give aunty pet a card and a present too because - even if she isn't his real mother - she seems like a mother to him.
and besides she hasn't got any children of her own to give her cards.

that got me thinking.
i don't know who my real mother is but aunty pet looks after me like a yuman mother so perhaps i should show how grateful i am by giving her a little present on mother in sunday.
i couldn't think what to give though.
 i know us cats are supposed to bring presents of mice and birds we've killed for our yumans, but to tell you the truth, i'm not much good at chasing and catching things.
my heart just isn't in it somehow.

then i had a wonderful idea.
when i was outside the other day i found a dead pigeon on the road.
i think it had been dead for a while but it hadn't started to get very smelly because the weather has been so cold.
i picked it up and took it back to my garden and hid it under a bush near the back door.

tomorrow morning, on mother in sunday, while aunty pet and the big man are still in bed, i'm going to run downstairs and out of the cat-flap and pick up my dead pigeon.
then i shall run back upstairs with it and jump on the bed and drop the dead pigeon on aunty pet's pillow right by her face.
won't it be a lovely surprise for her to get such a nice present?

i know it will make her really happy.  

The Little Cat
oh dear !
i wish i'd taken notice of what mrs lori said.

aunty pet wasn't a bit pleased with the dead pigeon i gave her for mother in sunday.
she screamed and jumped out of bed and the big man said i was a norty cat.
he said it was a case of cattus interruptus.

anyway - now i'm in the dog house - which isn't a nice place for any cat to be.
The Little Cat
Nermal: Hippy Mother In Day Mummy LC!
I have brought you prescence
Here is a long pure white feather, cos I no you likes feathers. Jasper says its a Swan feather...but I dont know what a swan is...
Also I have got you a pretty yellow flower from the vase in the living room....its pretty like you
Lastly I have brought you a tin of posh cat looks yummy but I havent eaten any cos its yours

Have happy day! Hope Bagabones has made the d.o.g house nice and comfy for you.

Oh look there is some cod in the fridge! Yummy
Big Tom Cat

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