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In case any of you are wondering how I managed to get a double sized hug in my postings, all I did was to first insert the ordinary hug, then click on Toggle WYSIWYG. I scrolled down to where there was some coding for the hug symbol, saw that the normal size was 46 by 20, and changed these to 92 by 40 (double the size), click on Toggle WYSIWYG to get back to the ususl posting comment screen and post the comment as normal.

El Loro
Last night I dreamt that me and my husband floated up into the sky in a large cot. TLC got her tail stuck in the string that was attached to the cot and the ground - a kind of tether, and I had to rescue her and get her in the cot with us. We later crash landed into a corn field, knocked over a john Lewis delivery van, but all our friends came and tidied up for us! I promise i am of sound mind.
i'm glad i didn't dream the same dream mrs. belle. i would have been very scared about getting my tail caught like that. what was the john lewis delivery van doing? was it bringing me a new fridge?
The Little Cat
A quicker way of enlarging the smiley/picture.icon is, once it is in your reply box just click on it. Little boxes will appear at each corner and along each edge. Just click and drag on one of these boxes. The edge boxes will extend it in that direction only, but a corner box will extend it in both directions at the same time and preserve its relative proportions.
  = corner drag
= Top or bottom edge drag only.
= Left/right edge drag only.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
I wish I could make my avatar a bit smaller so that it fits in the square. It is actually my twirly platinum star that I got on C4 for 20,000 posts. I pinched it and brought it here. It looks great on my profile, when I go into edit profile mode but it's just too big on here and I've tried and tried to alter the dimensions but it won't let me.
Work is great thanks, althought i am on holiday this week because the childminder has gone away, so I am trying to keep minibelle intertained ! Not the easiest. Food seems to keep him occupied tho.
For Belle

Twinkle, twinkle, Little Cat
How I wonder what you're at
Up above the world so high
Like a gemstone in the sky

Back to earth into a field
Knocked down John Lewis which spilled
All our friends came and helped out
Then said "What's that all about? "

You're welcome to improve on this if you wish
El Loro
Hi El Loro - I tried to send you a private message through the "create a dialog " function but I don't know how to "add a participant" i.e. you. And what does "filter" mean?
Hi Arty, to do it this way open the 'Create dialog' box. to the left is 'Add Participant(s)' click on this and another box will open, it has three tabs, 'Network members', 'Buddies' and 'Selected(0)'
The buddies tab will probably be selected and all your buddies' avatars will be there. Click on the avatar(s) of who you want to send your dialog to and a copy of their avatar will be added to the 'Selected' page and the '0' in the bracket will have changed to the number of avatars you have clicked.

(If the person you want to send the message to is not a buddy, then click on the 'Network Members' tab and select the appropriate avatar as above. This bit doesn't seem to work anymore.) You can click on 'Selected' to check on who you've added to the dialog. If you don't want them as part of the dialog then, just click on their avatar to remove them.

Once you're happy with your choice(s) you click the 'continue with dialog creation' button and it returns to where your message is. You can add the participants either before or after you compile your message. The name(s) of your paticipant(s) will now show on the left. Click on Add Participant(s) again if you want to amend this list.

When you're ready, click the 'Publish now' button. Bear in mind though, that once you have 'Published' you can't delete anyone from, or add anyone too, the dialog.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
good afternoon tlc and crew humans do have a strange sense of humour tlc, mr machel thought it was very funny when he put the candles the wrong way around on my birthday cake yesterday making me much older than i am!!! wait until friday and i make his trifle.............. *leaves some birthday cake for tlc and crew*

Hi Belle. We gay puppy dogs dream all the time, we love the stories but you yumans have forgotten what they mean. You are out of touch with yourselves. You wanted to get away from all sorts of things so you imagined that you took off and went. You even chose to leave something of value behind as it was part of the perceived problem although (thankfully) you changed your mind. However, good sense prevailed and you returned to the chaos only to realize that it is everything that you love and enjoy that is causing the problem, it simply needed to be put into perspective and tidied up a bit so you could appreciate what you have got. The yumans will probably laugh at this but I don’t care because I know that yumans tend to think that they are brighter than us pets. Let’s face it, how long does it take for a good pet to train an intelligent yuman? Within days the yumans have learned to bring food, open doors, stroke and pet us, throw sticks and move over in the bed.



Well Belle.That sounds exciting! Perhaps it was a significant other person? Perhaps minibelle. If not, then I hope it was a very large cot. My yuman and Les the vet and myself have a very large bed but it still isn’t big enough for all of us-and I’m only a small puppy dog! Apart from that, how did the story sound? Being a gay puppy dog I’m permanently happy and bright but I could change if Les the vet won’t let me out into our garden. I can see all the rabbits through the window but Les the vet won’t let me out to play with them. She says it is too muddy. I don’t mind, it all comes off as soon as I jump on the bed or we have abaf. I need a good lick of one of my bones to cheer myself up.

FISHDAY FRIDAY good morning tlc and crew, plaice for tea and some cream from mr machel's trifle, i'm going out later to town and a new store is opening - just for pets, i'll look to see if there are any special treats for everyone
wow thank you machel. i think plaice is my most fave fishy.
i'll try to save some for mr tom and nermal but if they doesn't come soon i may just have to eat it all up myself.
aunty pet sometimes gets little toys for me from a shop called "pet sat ome".
 last time she went she bought me a ball with a big feather attached.
i was very pleased 'cos my special feather that i have had for years seems to have disappeared.
The Little Cat
Last edited by The Little Cat
Hi, LC and everyone!
I don't know if I've ever had plaice...
I DO know that feathers are my Kenji's favorite toy.  If it doesn't have a feather on it, he's not really interested.
I wonder--did your feather get lost in the move?

yes it did disappear in the move mrs lori.
it was all such a confused time around then.
i had my special feather with me all the time on C4 but then there was a forum prune and i was made homeless and all my stuff was scattered about. 
mrs belle and machel and fluffy and mrs mags gathered up all my belongings and asked the mods to let me back again - and they did.
 i think i still had my feather then.
then C4 closed for good very suddenly and we all had to go.
first i went to a place called wag the dog but didn't stay long.
then i went onto gagajoyjoy and thought i could settle down, but i think my feather had disappeared by that time.
 i think one of the dogs must have taken it in the doggy place.
 there were a whole lot of little puppies on there.
then, finally, i moved onto live cloud.
at least i had my diary and my fridge moved for me in that last move - i didn't have to shift it all myself like before.
But my feather has gone for good.

anyway, aunty pet has bought me a new one fastened to a ball.  

The Little Cat
good morning tlc and crew "pets at home" was the new store which opened near to where i live, Taylor got a new name tag, treats, toy mouse and some organic cat nip, (i'll leave some of that for you tlc and mr tom and nermal)
Might be OK, LC.  I'm not sure, but I THINK that they dry catnip in order to make it more potent.  Try just sticking your head in and having a whiff, and see what happens.

here goes,,,,,,,,,

hmm - smells lovely.
i think i'll just have a nibble at a leaf.


it's the "field of dreams"..................................

just leave me here for a few days................................. wheeeeeeeeee!
The Little Cat
thanks machel. that cheese was nice - especially since baggie ate the salmon mrs lori gave me.  that's dogs for you - they gobble up any food they see no matter who it belongs to.

the snow has all gone here now but i still can't go out because it's raining hard.
aunty pet says it's raining cats and dogs but i think she must have been at my catnip because i can only see water when i look at the rain.
The Little Cat
Fishday Friday tuna bake for tea - warm and filling, i'll pop you some tuna in the fridge along with the cream from mr machel's trifle, a big juicy bone for bagabones. There doesn't seem to be as many visitors as usual, i wonder if they are off having their own adventures.........
thank you machel - yes i get a bit lonely here sometimes.
baggy has been very quiet since he ate my salmon - it probably didn't agree with him. serves him right.
i haven't seen mr tom or nermal for ages and ages.
i sometimes wonder if mr tom is off somewhere licking the ears of another little lady cat - perhaps younger and prettier than me...  
The Little Cat

Oh dear. Les the vet says she has helped loads of pets to finally move on. She says it makes the yumans very sad but it makes the pets very happy. They are at a stage where they feel that they have been around long enough. They have given pleasure to loads of people of all ages. They have watched babies grow into adult yumans and even move away. They have guarded and protected, they have given all sorts of comfort when no other comfort seemed to be there. They have been peace makers between people who love each other and they have healed by just being there. They have never argued and when they have been shouted at when they didn’t deserve to be shouted at, they have simply accepted it and continued to love. All they ever ask for in return is to be allowed and assisted to go when the time is right. No suffering for days or months. No indignity, just face reality and simply hope that their yuman will repay the debt by helping them on there way when the time is right. I think I have developed a taste for salmon. But don't hold back on the bones!

i sometimes wonder if mr tom is off somewhere licking the ears of another little lady cat - perhaps younger and prettier than me...

*licks LC's ears will gusto*

I have been sooo busy. I have two yumans, and grumpy old cat, and a young cat that refuses to grow to keep in line and I am worn out. I need a jolliday
Maybe LC's and me can go away for a few days...maybe Butlins

I agree will Baggy about yumans helping animules to sleep when the time comes. I am sure my yumans will do the right thing at the right time. They love us cats so much that I am worried they would be all upset when the time comes and I wish I could tell them its OK...but hopefully it won't be for a VERY long time! Even Jasper who is the oldest of us is only 5! Old man he is...don't tell him I am 4

Nermal wants a word

Nermal: ello everyone...speshly mummy LC
I have deside I dont want to grow up now. The stereoiods haven't worked and only made me act norty. The v.e.t has said she doesnt want to give me anymore injeckshuns cos I scare he when I hiss...(dont tell her but it scares me too)
The weather is still poo and we cant go out adventuring. It is nice in doors but I want to explore the farm properly
Anyhoo I have to go now as there is lots of people here for launch and I get lots of attention (Mr Tom says I am a show off)...I dont know whats being launched tho
Bye bye!

He is all excited when people are around. Jasper is more weary and want to stay in the cat room. I am spending my time between the two....I do need a joliiday
Big Tom Cat
oh my ears feel better for that mr tom.

i'm so sorry about your little doggie marge.
i know how much you will miss him.
perhaps you could give a home to another poor little doggie now who needs some love.
i'm sure angus would want another doggie to have the same chance of happiness that he had.

it would be nice for us all to go for a nolliday mr tom, but we would have to sort it out on our own.
it's no good asking yumans.
i know what yumans mean when they tell an unsuspecting cat that it's going on a nolliday.
they really mean one of those cattery places.  
we would all get shut up in separate cages with a bed and a litter tray and far away from our yumans - and each other.
that's not a nolliday for a cat.

we will have to give this idea of a nolliday for the 4 of us special thought......

or did you just mean a nolliday for me and you, mr tom?
like a nunny moon ?
The Little Cat

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