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i have just been to look at Annoca's "heartbreaking" thread on the big brother part of this forum.
poor annoca was very sad because her special little doggie has died.

but now she is all excited because a new little doggie is on his way to her BY AEROPLANE !

i am going to visit that thread again when the new doggie arrives

The Little Cat
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I thought I would give you a quick update on my pussycats.
As you will remember Sukey and Mags came to me from the cats protection. They had no home before. They were sisters, but their other siblings had been taken. Mags had magic paws with two thumbs, and sukey had an unusual rib cage, so they had been left til last. I was so pleased they had been left because they were perfect to me in every way. Now, very sadly, Mags died after living with us for a few months. She got a growth in her lungs and fell to sleep in the end. It still makes me cry, but Sukey is still with us and she has the softest cat fur you have ever seen. She is perfectly black and is cute and cuddly and gets jealous when we are paying more attention to the little boy we now have, but she still likes to drink from the kitchen tap and cuddle up with us under the duvet. After Mags left us we went back to the cats protection and gave polly a home. She is multicoloured and was extremely shy. We have given her ongoing councilling and she is still warey of strangers, but always comes to sit with me and have cuddles and strokes every day. She still often prefers to sit in the book case, but is now happy to sit on the sofa with the grown ups too.
They don't bring us presents, they bring live mice etc in to play with. Which is OK if I can catch them and release them!!
THey are the best cats ever and are nearly as clever as TLC x
they sound really lovely cats mrs belle.
i'd like to meet them one day.

do you think they would like me , and mr tom - and nermal?

it has rained a lot today but the snow has all gone now,
what with the melting snow and all the rain there seems to be big lakes of water everywhere.

mr jock - the man in the skirt, who lives at the bottom of the road in the house called "jocks trap ", came to see aunty pet today.
he was very upset.

his house is in a little hollow and all the water has collected in the hollow.
his garden is flooded and some of the water has got into his house and wet all the carpets and done things to the eelectrickery.

mr jock was going to have a burn party tomorrow and aunty pet and the big man and lots of others were going to go but now they can't because his house is all soggy and hasn't got eelectrickery.

aunty pet said he could have his party at our house instead.

mr jock really cheered up when she said that and he said he would bring all the food and drinks and the haggis as well.
(i'm a bit worried about this haggis. i hope it isn't too fierce.)

so now the burny party and the haggis are going to be at our house.
i'm not sure what i think about that.

the big man asked aunty pet if he would have to wear a skirt like the man down the road.

aunty pet said yes.
The Little Cat
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the big man asked aunty pet if he would have to wear a skirt like the man down the road. aunty pet said yes.
won't THAT be fun!  Too bad you can't take photos, LC.

Belle, I'm so sorry to hear about Mags.
Polly sounds lovely, though.  I giggled when I read about how you are giving her ongoing counseling, though:  I have this mental image of her on a couch, and you next to her, with a little notepad and pen, saying things like, "and how does that make you FEEL?"
i'm a bit worried about this haggis. i hope it isn't too fierce.
I wouldn't worry about the haggis LC. It may sound a bit odd, but people only let Haggi into their houses if they are dead. (The Haggi, that is. )

Mind you, I don't suppose it would worry the people about live Haggi being in their houses if they (the people) were dead themselves.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
hello fluffy friend.
it's nice to see you again.

i hope you're right about the haggis.

aunty pet has been getting ready for this burn party all day.
 the man in the skirt has been calling with all sorts of party stuff.
i haven't seen a haggis yet but i'm keeping my beady eyes on him.

every time i come into a room i have a quick look round to see if there's a haggis.

mind you - if there was a live haggis lurking in a corner i bet i could easily outrun him because he'd have two wooden legs
The Little Cat
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Do you think Aunty Pet is REALLY going to make the big man wear a skirt for the party. What about Leroy and his daddy?
i think she might.
he hasn't got a skirt of his own and he's not got time to buy one now - in any case aunty pet said they were far too egg spenz hiff..

but i heard her asking the man in the skirt if he'd got a spare skirt he could lend for the party.
the man in the skirt said he had, but he didn't think it would be big enough for the big man.
aunty pet said that was a pity and the man in the skirt said that his friend hamish was coming to the party and he was as big as the big man and he's going to ask hamish if he's got a spare skirt to lend.

i don't think he'll be able to borrow skirts for leroy and his dad too though
The Little Cat
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TLC, I am absolutely sure you and my cats would get on extremely well. They are lots of fun, and like to sniff each other on a regular basis, and Nermal and Mister Tom, would also have fun playing with them I am positive. I also like to sniff my cats. They smell beautiful; a sort of dusty smell I suppose is the best way of describing it. (I never sniff their little bottoms though. That would be going too far). Just to add, Polly has white whiskers and Sukey has black whiskers.

They have been keeping well out of the way today. The little boy as been poorly and vomited about 6 times. Apart from the obvious discomfort of getting sick down your nose and wretching on an empty stomach I don't think anyone else would realise he was poorly. He became a "normal" baby. wanting cuddles and smiling and being quiet as apposed to his usual hyperactive behaviour. Apart from having to change his clothes (and ours) three times and wash our duvet cover and his blanket, it has been a rather relaxed day!
jock came round with his friend hamish in the afternoon.
hamish is very big – as big as the big man and he has hair all over his face – but not much on his head.
i think it must have slipped downwards.
it seems hamish lives with jock and the two white yappy dogs at “jocks trap”.
he’s been living there for quite “a wee while” apparently but I’ve not seen him because I don’t go near their house very often in case the two yappy dogs get out.

jock said that hamish didn’t come to the new ears heave party with him because he was visiting his skin foke in scottland for hog money. (it didn’t make any sense to me).

jock said that’s why he was in a bad mood and fighting everyone at the new ears heave party – he was missing hamish.
hamish said he’d keep an eye on jock this time and make sure he behaved.

jock said hamish was good at playing the pipes and he was going to play them tonight.
i don't know what pipes he means. the only ones i know of are under the sink in the  kitchen.
 i can't imagine hamish laying on the kitchen floor with his head under the sink banging out a tune on the pipe.

anyway Hamish had a skirt – quilt - for the big man to try on.
the big man wrapped it round himself and he said it seemed the right size.

jock and hamish said he couldn’t really tell unless he took his trousers off but he didn’t seem to want to do that.
aunty pet told him not to be silly and take them off, so finally he went out of the room to do it.
aunty pet went with him and so did i.

aunty pet said “why have you gone so coy all of a sudden?” and he said “there’s no way I’m going to drop my trousers in front of the gay gordons.”

 i don’t know why he called them “the gay gordons” – their names are jock and hamish.
 aunty pet told the big man not to be so silly and he said, “they only want to see my tackle!” and she said “well it’s worth looking at!” and they both laughed.
i didn’t understand that.

when we all went back in the room hamish and jock clapped and told the big man to do a twirl.
they said he looked really good in his quilt but the big man didn’t seem too sure.
he said he hadn’t got all the rest of the outfit to go with the quilt – he would need a special jacket and long white socks and frilly shirt and things.
he said he thought he’d rather wear his ordinary clothes to the party.

so in the end hamish took his quilt back and the big man had to take it off in front of them both.
they clapped again and jock said “so the rumours are true then!”.
the big man looked so embarrassed.

hamish just looked annoyedâ€Ķ.
The Little Cat
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in the end I didn’t get to go to the party at all.

jock asked if he could bring the yappy white dogs with him.

 the yappy white dogs are called butt and ben, apparently but I don’t know which is which – they both look alike to me.

aunty pet said he could and she’d put me out of the way in the bedroom leroy has when he stays here.

they put my food and water and toys and some nice treats in the room and i settled down on the bed and made myself comfy.

i didn’t really mind – i don’t like crowds of people and in any case i felt safe from any fierce wild haggis that might be roaming around.


the party sounded very noisy.

there was lots of shouting and laughing and singing.

at one point it sounded as if a wild haggis had attacked butt and ben – or the other way round – because there was this terrible screeching that went on and on.

it sounded like a 100 cats all fighting together.

i thought it would never end.

even though i was safe i felt my ears flatten and my back arch and my tail go all bottle-brushy.

 i couldn’t help it.


after everything had quietened down leroy came up to bed.

 he said it had been a good party and it was all in honour of a man who wrote a poem about a mouse.

 he never mentioned the awful screeching, so i don’t know what happened then.

i know butt and ben were o.k. though because i could still hear them yapping as usual.

perhaps someone killed a haggis. poor thing! 


leroy settled down to sleep and i made myself comfy on his legs and we both went to sleep.


The Little Cat
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The nice perl ice lady came round today.
She told my yuman and Les the vet about a burns upper she was at last night with all the other perl ice people.

She brought a viddy-o with her of the party.
les the vet told her to put it on the telly vishun and they all got drinks and sat round .
the picture came on the screen it was very good.

The perl ice lady  said "look there we are having a few drinks in abar waiting for the haggis to get ready." and I could see her on the screen.

I watched it all with great interest.

Then a man in a skirt (sounds like what Little Cat was talking about) came into the picture.
He was carrying what must have been the haggis under his arm.

 It was wearing a coat the same
colour as the skirt the man was wearing.
It had a tube stuck up its bottom, one stuck in its mouth and one in each ear.

Then the man carrying it blew into one of the tubes and squeezed the poor haggis very tightly and the poor thing howled very loudly.

This must have annoyed the man as he squeezed it again and of course the poor creature howled even more.

He walked away squeezing the poor thing and everyone followed him into a dining room.

He must have thought the thing had suffered enough as he finally let it rest.

Then everyone was given a bowl of something.

Les the vet said "What was in the bowls?" and the perl ice lady said was cock and lick soup.
She said she didn’t fancy it as she doesn’t like cock but when hers arrived there was no cock in it so she felt quite relieved and just had the lick.

Les the vet said she wished she had been there just then.

The next thing we saw was when the man in the skirt went out of the room and another man in a skirt stood up and asked everyone to stand to welcome the haggis.

You could hear the haggis howling even before it came into view.
The man carrying it was squeezing it so hard he was quite red in the face.
Behind him came another man in a skirt carrying a huge dead haggis on a big plate and behind him another man in a skirt carrying a tray with dishes of whisky on it.

The live haggis stopped moaning so the man stopped squeezing it.
The dead haggis was placed in front of the man who had sent for it.
He poured a glass of whisky over it and took a glass for himself and gave one to the haggis squeezer who needed it by this time.
He drank it and sat down.
The other man remained standing and took a huge knife from out of his sock.

He then talked for ages to the dead haggis then suddenly stabbed it and all its insides fell out over the plate.

These were put on plates and passed round so everyone could have a taste.
The perl ice lady said they were very nice but made everyone very thirsty so they all had to drink lots of wine and whiskey and beer until very late at night.

And that was the end of the viddy-o. it was very interesting, but confusing.

My yuman and Les the vet said it must have made the perl ice lady very tired so they sent her to bed and went with her to help her to get to sleep.

I thought perl ice people were supposed to protect us animals and now and again even yumans, so I’m a bit puzzled about how they could treat that poor haggis so badly.

Still, we don’t know what it did wrong.

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Hi tlc and crew I have had lots of problems with the internet but a nice man came yesterday and sorted the problem. I enjoyed reading about your escapades and the haggis! Taylor is still unsettled and doesn't like to venture outside yet, he does like climbing in the filing cabinet but he gets stuck! I'll pop some prawns into the fridge as i have missed "fishday friday"
it's been very quiet here since the party.
yesterday jock and hamish came round with a bottle of whiskas for the big man and a big bunch of flowers for aunty pet.
they said it was to say thank you for letting them have the party at our house.
the flowers were red roses because the man who the party was about wrote about a red red rose as well as a mouse.

It didn't seem to occur to them to bring a mouse for ME !

the big man was very pleased with his bottle of whiskas.
after jock and hamish had gone he looked at aunty pet's red red roses and said he was surprised they didn't bring pansies instead.
aunty pet told him not to be homer foe bick (whatever that meant) and he said he wasn't and they were O.K. really, but he hadn't got over the quilt business yet.  
The Little Cat
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My yuman had a Haggis last night, with Tattie and Meeps He said it is what real Scotsman do...but he is from Manchester!

Nermal wants a word

Nermal: 'ello all, spleshly my yummy LC Mummy
I have been to see the v.e.t, Mr Tom and our yumans fink I am not big enuff, but I fill my fur very well dontcha fink? And my legs reach the ground
I really came in to say fan koo for my fishy finger...if that nice Machel comes back can you ask if I can have one every Fishy Friday pweese
I am off to listen to Jasper talk about how the kittens of today have no wespect...byeeeeeee

He might not be very big but he has a huge heart
Big Tom Cat
hello mr tom - and little nermal.

i think you are a beautiful kitten nermal and a very brave one too - to go to the v.e.t. and not make a big fuss about it.
even some grown up cats have been known to make a big fuss and get very upset about the v.e.t.  
your mummy is very proud of you.
come here and let me lick your fur.
i'm sure machel will bring a fishy finger for a brave boy next fish day.
The Little Cat
nasty cold windy day today.

i stayed indoors as much as i could.

aunty pet was on the telling fone a long time to leroy's dad.

when she put the telling fone down she went and tallked to the big man.
i heard her say, " they're getting married in march."
the big man said, "that's a bit sudden isn't it? is she up the duff?"
aunty pet said, "i don't know. he didn't say and i didn't like to ask, but i wouldn't be surprised. she only drank orange juice at the party.

what do you suppose all that was about?   
The Little Cat
FISHDAY FRIDAY hi tlc and crew, I have popped some salmon in the fridge as we are having salmon fishcakes for tea (daughter's choice) there is also some cream from mr machel's trifle and a fish finger for nermal. Lori - taylor should be under t for trouble, he has become very amorous towards my leg usually when i am trying to sleep (i gently move him onto mr machel and wait for the reaction!)
my friends have called round - machel with fish, and marguerita with her lovely pictures.
thank you both of you. fish day isn't the same without you, machel and i've missed you too marguerita. you haven't been to see me for ages. is it that big brother that's kept you away?
i'm glad you enjoyed reading my diary.
sometimes i'm not sure if anyone reads what i write.
The Little Cat


Machel is very nice to us cats. Nermal enjoyed his fishy finger but only ate the white bits in the miggle

There have been wokmen at the Farm today. They are converting the barn into Jim....didnt know yumans where made by wokmen? I fort they had kittens like us cats and Leroys Dads female yuman?

Nermal went to the v.e.t again today and he needs to have injekshuns of stereo-oids to make him grow. I dont like the sound of that one bit Last time the v.e.t gave him an injekshun he nearl went to the Cat House In The Sky. I had to stay up all night licking his face so he would be OK. Of course the yumans dont ask my opinion so I stared at our female yuman until she got the message and said she wants a second Nermal piped up, "And your ugly too!" He doesnt really fink she is ugly but he heard Jasper say it once...I fink Jasper is telling Nermal to be norty...I might need to have words

Speaking of the Nermal..he would like a word

Nermal: I had a poo outside!

Hes wondered off now.....see what I mean about Jaspers in flu ants?
Big Tom Cat

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