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We had a nice surprise today. There was a knock at the door and in came the perl ice lady with the talking jacket. Les the vet and my yuman both say she is very tasty. They were both very pleased to see her and so was I. She said she had come looking for Mr. Tom. She said his name was Mr. P. Ping Tom and he must have been climbing other trees in the area as other people had seen his prints. Ourneighboursmust all be very nice as they all wanted him caught and put somewhere safe. Must be because of the cold weather. Iā€™m not worried about him as I suspect he is just out teaching little nermal a few Tom type tricks. The perl ice lady got covered in cold snow so Les the vet and my yuman helped her to take off her talking jacket and rubbed her all over to get her nice and warm again. I know some lovely yumans, Iā€™m so lucky.


today is kriss muss heave, leroy says. 
leroy  says kriss muss himself comes to all the houses tonight with a big sack of toys and stuff and leaves presents for everyone.
i expect the big sack takes a lot a lot of heaving around so that's why it's called kriss muss heave.
i think kriss muss must have a girl friend called mary.
i've heard people saying her name to each other.
one will call out "mary kriss muss" and someone else will shout it back.
she must be a very popular lady.
i wonder if kriss muss brings presents to little cats.

if he does then i wish he would bring me mr tom.

The Little Cat
Poor Little Cat. 
I wonder where Mr. Tom has gone off to?  Maybe he's on holiday?
Has anyone been shouting out "mary kriss muss" to you?

Here's a little gift for you to celebrate kriss muss ->  It's a little bit of catnip, which should make you Merry, too (like when Mr. muss gets into the drinks cabinet. )
Here I am LC!

*licks LCs ears*

Wow! Me and Nermal have had an exciting time.
Our yumans have moved us all into the farm in time for Criss Muss to turn up.
Last weekend a big van turned up and we thought it was to pull the old house, but we couldnt see any sails
Me and nermal were kept in the kitchen wheil men moved everything into the van. Our femal yuman stayed with us so we could stop her worrying. Nermal was all excited, he was bouncing on his paws and had a little wee on the floor.
Eventually it came time to pack up all our cat stuff and put us in the cat carrier. I dont like being carrie din it but I knew I had to go in. Nermal decided it was agame and it took our yumans an hour to chase him around and get him into the box. He was a bit norty and wouldnt go in even when I told him too.
Then the carriers where put in the car and we were drove the Farm! It looks different from when I visited a few weeks back. The wokmen have been building loads!
We where taken inside and shown our very own room! It is big, full of cushions, toys, climbing stuff, litrter trays and food bowls! We dont have to stay in the room, we can go anywhere, but its nice to know we have a place of our own. there is a huge window and big ledge where we can sit and watch the snow outside.
We settled in very quickly, but I was worried about Jasper. It has been very cold and he doesnt have much food. My plan was to slowly introduce him to my yumans and they will looks after him, but after all the snow appear I thought it would be better to sneek him indoors.
Well on Monday I managed to get outside and jump through the snow to the Barn. I sniffed around and found Jasper in the corner all shiverer and poorly. I managed to get him on his feet and took him to the house. There I meowed very loudly until the yumans came out. Japser had laid down and looked asleep but I knew he was poorly. Our female yuman got all upset and rushed to get a rug to wrap him in, and took him to the big fire and tried to get him warm. My yuman got on the telling fone and called a v.e.t. I went up to him and licked his face and he opened his eyes. He was scared but no strength to do anything.
The v.e.t arrived and frowned lots and said he was hiper fermic and needed food. Nermal came into the room and whipered into Jaspers ears for ages. I don't know what he said to Jasper but it did the trick. Jasper meowed quietly tried to stand up.
Our female yumans eyes started to water.
We stayed up watching over Jasper all night, and in the morning  Jasper was well enough to eat a little food.
I asked Jasper if he would like to stay with me and Nermal and our yumans and he said he would do until he got his strength back and decide what to do then. He isnt fully recovered now but he is much better He likes our cat room, and Nermal spends lots of time listening to his stories.
Our female yuman said it was a good job they are cat people....can a yuman be a cat too?
Anyway we are one big cat family now. Nermal whispered to me klast night that he fort I was a hero for rescuing Jasper, but I just couldnt let a fellow cat go cold and hungy could I?
So Little Cat you can come and spend some time with me, Nermal, and Jasper in our cat room any time.
Our yuman has a new grey box so we can get online regurly now! Nermal has promised not to wee on it
Speaking or Nermal, we wants word

Nermal: Hello LC Mummy! I have an uncle Jasper! Mr Tom rescued him out of the barn! He is hero We have alovely big room all to our self. I have my own litter tray and big boy food bowl I must go now, I have to play with my new toy mouse and go to sleep early so Mr Criss Muss will bring me a present Hope you are well..I have missed you, but Mr Tom and me will be coming back loads and loads now we are settled

Well there we are. Hope everyone is well and has left a minc spy for Chriss Muss.

And to LC lots of licked ears
Big Tom Cat
You're back!!!  How lovely to see you, Mr. Tom (and Nermel, of course)  I'd forgotten you were moving, or we might not have been so worried.  Sometimes it takes time to get the internet set up once you've moved.

I'm sure LC will be in very soon--she'll be very excited.  This is just the present she wanted!

Here's a little something for you and Nermel, Mr. Tom--it's a little bit of catnip for you to enjoy. 

And also for Bagabones, a nice big, meaty bone

Merry Christmas!

and nermal too.

oh i am SOOOOOO pleased to see you .

how exciting about the farm and jasper and everything. as soon as this white stuff goes i'll come out with you both to see it and meet jasper.

you won't be jellus if i'm nice to jasper will you, mr. tom?

look what i've got to make our kriss muss specially happy, mr, tom.

it's some of that special cat-nip from lori.

i had some once before and everything went all strange and i think i got a bit silly.
i think i had too much all at once.

we must be more careful this time.

i'll just have a little bit and then you just have a little bit........

NO NERMAL - not you - you're far too young........

mmmmm that was nice.

shall we both have a little bit more, mr tom ....... ?

The Little Cat

thank you marguerita and mrs fluffy.
it's mary kriss muss's day today and me and mr tom have got an add ven chure planned.

aunty pet has gone off with the big man to leroy's dad's house for the day and left me at home alone. but the cat flap is open for me to go out and in for my you-know-whats. 
well mr tom is going to come and collect me and then mr tom and nermal and i are going to go to the farm and take poor jasper the last of the catnip that mrs lori gave us.
mr toms yumans have gone out for mary kriss muss day too so no-one will see us.

jasper isn't really house-trained yet so they haven't left him in the farm house itself - they've made him a comfy bed in the straw in the warm stable.
mr tom says its in a sort of wooden feeding trough.
anyway jasper is in there and we three are going to visit him.
mr tom says we ought really to be taking gold, frank insects and ma . (i don't really know what he means by that.)

but we've only got catnip.
mr tom says mrs lori's cat-nip is like gold-dust anyway so i'm sure jasper will be pleased.
it made mr tom and me see stars and hear voices singing when there weren't any there! it will probably do the same for poor little jasper too laying in the straw in his stable!
I'm waiting for mr tom to arrive at any moment.
i'm wearing my pink poncho that aunty bagel knitted for me because it's still very cold and snowy outside.

The Little Cat
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off we go, bearing gifts for J.C. (Jasper Cat) in a stable...............

mr tom is carrying the catnip wrapped in a piece of foil, nermal is taking one of his many toys and i'm taking a cold sausage i found in the kitchen.

The three cats - mr tom leading, then nermal, and then me  (the black one) bringing up the rear.

mary kriss muss everyone.
The Little Cat
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Seasons greetings one and all.... Sorry I missed you all for the festive catnip bit, but as I have a 9 month old boy (his initials are also JC) I have been rather busy with things. Mostly clearing toys away! He is nearly able to walk. He walks like a cat most of the time (on all fours) and then just keeps pulling himself up on all the furniture and travelling along where possible. He sat at his high chair for Christmas dinner and behaved really well. I was SO PROUD!!!! He ate turkey, roast potatoes, vegetables and bread and butter for his dinner.
I am going back to work on 4th Jan, so this is our last week together all day at home until holidays. We are going to have some fun....
Oh, Sukey is in the bad books. We got new dining furniture and sukey decided to scratch the back of the chair. Polly had more sense and stayed well out of the way in a cardboard box in the spare room...
So happy new year to you all. Hope you had a great holiday Artymags. Do tell us about the cats out there... did you manage to fit the catfood inthe case in the end?
Hi Belle,
Just got back from holiday the night before Christmas Eve.
We were in Spain for two weeks. The first week was glorious - brilliant blue skies, wall-to-wall sunshine and HOT. People were sunbathing on the beach and by the side of the pool. The beach bars were open. I just lived in a tee shirt and shorts all week.
The second week was awful. Their bad weather started at the same time as the big freeze in England only it wasn't cold - just very wet and windy. It rained torrentially right until we left. Rivers became torrents and flowed right across the beach to the sea cutting off parts of the beach. Someone had a van submerged in the water and then the police cordoned off the beach.
I managed to get quite a lot of cat food in the cases. It only lasted about 3 days though. I only took the dried cat food of course - Royal Canin or Science Plan.
 I won't EVER buy Iams after reading about the terrible cruel things they do to the poor animals in their testing laboratories.

Iams is boycotted!
After all the cat food I took with me had gone. I bought more from Spanish supermarkets. I spent about 80 Euros on cat food for a particular little colony in Nerja, by the Balcony of Europe. 
When we left I gave a big bag to a couple who were staying until New Year to go on feeding the cats with. They will probably hand over to someone else when they leave too.
It was a bit of a shock to get back to all this cold and snow though. At least the rain had been quite warm in Nerja.
My own cats were very pleased to see us back though.

It was a lovely day here on Christmas day. Cloudless blue sky and sunny although very cold and everywhere under sparkly white snow.
We don't really bother with Christmas, so on Christmas day we got out our walking boots and jackets and went a 5 mile walk along the snowy country lanes and over the fields to a farm and animal sanctuary.
We gave the horses and donkeys some apples and carrots and admired the scenery. It was really lovely. So beautiful and no-one else around. I loved it. On the way back we called in a country pub and had a glass of hot mulled wine and then home to a Chinese stir-fry and a video. It was a lovely day.
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Welcome back Mr. Tom and young nermal! Was it you up the tree just outside our garden? Theneighboursand the nice perlice lady with the talking jacket were very worried about you and came to rescue you. Do you have size 9 feet? You should have called in for a warm and a lick of my bone. Les the vet and my yuman would have been really pleased to see you. They waited under the tree with the garden fork-probably to help you to get down. I know you would have been welcome because Les the vet said if you came close she would give you something to remember us by. She may have had one of my bones in mind because I have plenty thanks to Lori and Machel and other nice yumans and pets.


hello everyone.

iā€™m being kept in at the moment because aunty pet says Iā€™ve been a naughty little cat.


as you know, mr tom and nermal and me went off to the stable at the farm to take J.C. (jasper cat) some presents.
 it took us a while to get there and when we went in there was jasper sleeping in the hay. 
a man at the farm who looked after the sheep had been in to feed him earlier so he wasnā€™t hungry.

we woke jasper up and he was really pleased to see us.
he played a bit with nermalā€™s toy (but he doesnā€™t seem to know about playing really) and he ate the sausage i took him - and then we gave him the cat-nip.

jasper had never had cat nip before and he didnā€™t understand what you were supposed to do with it ā€“ so me and mister tom had to show him.

 there was quite a lot of it left ā€“ much more than we  had  realised.
mister tom and I had some and then jasper had a bit and liked it .
then me and mr tom had a bit more ā€“ just to keep jasper company ā€“ and then jasper had some more just to keep us company and then WE had some more ---- and so on.


i canā€™t remember much about what happened after that.
iā€™ve asked nermal but he wonā€™t talk about it much ā€“ he just puts on a disapproving look (not an attractive expression in one so young!).
 he says he got fed up with our silliness anyway and fell asleep in a quiet corner of the stable.
he says the sheep talked more sense than we did.


itā€™s all a bit hazy but mr tom and i forgot to go home.

we woke up next morning ā€“ still in the stable ā€“ with splitting headaches.
jasper seemed much better though.

we trudged back home the day after kriss muss day.
 mr tom and nermal came with me part of the way, for company and to make sure i was all right ā€“ then they went back to the farm and their yumans.

when I snuck in through the cat flap aunty pet grabbed me and picked me up and hugged me and then when she saw i was O.K. she got cross with me.
she said theyā€™d been up all kriss muss night looking for me. theyā€™d been walking all up and down the roads in the cold and snow shouting for me and it was no use using the loc8tor because they couldnā€™t get a signal so they thought i was too far away or the battery had gone. (i was too far away of course). 
i could see aunty pets eyes were all red and sheā€™d been crying and I felt really, really sorry.

now she wonā€™t let me out in case I ā€œrun awayā€ again and freeze to death in the snow.

I feel so bad about it all.


I havenā€™t seen mr tom and nermal since I got home. I hope they both got back all right and didnā€™t get into trouble from their yumans too.


I wish Iā€™d never had any cat-nip. It seemed so nice at the time.



The Little Cat
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That cat nip reminds me of the wine my yuman and Les the vet drink. When I drank a bowl full the room started to move and I woke up in a cage in the vetery. Les the vet called her wine ā€œPunchā€ and it was very nice at the time. Les the vet says sometimes when she has drunk a lot of wine she wakes up in her vetery and canā€™t remember how she got there-and that is half way through the morning! She is very clever my Les the vet.

quickly, i have to go shopping.... happy new year to you all very soon....
I have to get a nice peice of meat for New years day to feed the inlaws. We have our new dining room furniture so I seem to keep inviting people over for meals. We had friends for lunch on Monday too! Sukey has now scratched three chair backs and I have made pillow cases from curtain lining to cover them. They look terrible, but it is the only way. I am gutted. The chairs cost over Ā£200 each. It was meant to be furniture for life, not just for Christmas.
Sukey knows she has done wrong and is mooching around in a bad mood. Well, I am also in a bad mood, so that's 2 of us. But I will soon be OK when I have had some new year's eve celebratory wine.
See you all soon. (and a special message for nermal: you are wise beyond your years, don't let the other cats lead you astray x)

iā€™ve been allowed out again today.

in fact i seem to have been sent out rather more than i wanted to be and itā€™s been very cold out there. .

aunty pet is busy and she says i get in the way.
sheā€™s been cooking all day today for a big, big party theyā€™re going to have tomorrow.

apparently itā€™s called a new yearz heave party.

aunty pet says it will be a lot of fun but it doesnā€™t look as if sheā€™s having much fun today.

leroy is coming to the party with his dad and his dadā€™s friend, honey.

 yaelle and her mum and dad are coming too and aunty pet says sheā€™s asking all the nay buzz to come so they wonā€™t complain about the noise. iā€™m not sure what nay buzz are or why they complain about noise but aunty pet seems  to know what sheā€™s doing.

it will be lovely to see leroy again though. I just hope he isnā€™t too interested in that yaelle girl to bother with me.


iā€™ve not seen mr tom and nermal since we came back from visiting J.C. in the hay in the stable on mary kriss muss day.

 i hope heā€™s all right.

 itā€™s been nearly a week nowā€¦ā€¦ā€¦

The Little Cat

happy new ear everyone and thank you all for your good wishes to me.

I hope I can have a bit of a rest now ā€“ itā€™s been an eventful olly day time for a little cat.

last time I spoke aunty pet was getting ready for the new earā€™s heave party.

well that evening she put lots and lots of food out for people to eat.

nothing much appealed to me except some little sausages and some fishy things which i quite like. aunty pet gave me some little tasty treats to try, so i naturally thought it would be all right to help myself.

 in the kitchen there was a great big bowl of something with what looked very like cream all over the top of it.
 i jumped up on a kitchen chair and put my front paws on the table and managed to try a lick of the top of it.

 it WAS cream. i licked lots of it ā€“ carefully avoiding some coloured sprinkly bits.
i was just cleaning my whiskers when the big man came in and saw me with cream all over my face and shouted something about that cooking fat.
aunty pet came in and said ā€œwhat am I going to do ā€“ theyā€™ll all be here soon and Iā€™ve no more creamā€ the big man told her to smooth it out again and no-one would notice. he said he wasnā€™t going to have any though.

they called the stuff in the bowl ā€œtry fellā€.

(is that what you give me sometimes on a friday, machel? You often say itā€™s the cream off mr machelā€™s trifle.
does mr machel make the same fuss about it as aunty pet and the big man did?)

anyway i went and hid under the bed upstairs until theyā€™d forgotten about it.


lots of people started to arrive for the party ā€“ the doorbell never seemed to stop ringing. they all seemed to be carrying bottles.
leroy was there with his dad and that honey lady.

i was pleased to see leroy and he was pleased to see me.
he picked me up and cuddled me.
aunty pet took him on one side and told him not to have any trifle because I had licked it but leroy said he didnā€™t mind about eating things that iā€™d licked anyway.

i should think not either!


the big man was kept busy in the kitchen giving people drinks out of all the bottles that had been brought.
everyone seemed very thirsty.
aunty pet was in the dining room where all the food had been set out on the table. i thought the trifle looked very good.

(you couldnā€™t tell there was any cream missing). most people had some of it ā€“ including leroy and yaelle.

i noticed aunty pet and the big man didnā€™t though ā€“ but i expect they were just leaving it so there would be more for the visitors.


i think there must have been some cat-nip in the drinks people kept having because i noticed that as the evening went on, and the more of the cat-nippy drinks they had, the sillier and louder they got.

(surely me and mr tom werenā€™t as bad as that.)

they had lots of loud music on as well and they had to shout at each other to be heard over the music, and then someone would go and turn the music up louder still so they could hear it over the shouting.

 it got so loud that i bet mr tom could have heard it all over at his farm. no wonder aunty pet invited the nay buzz.

they started playing silly games and dancing about and kept kissing each other underneath a straggly green plant hung up on the ceiling.
they said it was called mizzel toe.
yaelle grabbed leroy and kissed him under it and everyone laughed and clapped and leroy looked so embarrassed.

when it started getting late aunty pet wanted leroy to go to bed in the little bedroom.

 i wanted that too because then i could go with him and get some peace and quiet but leroy said he wanted to stay up until midnight to see the new ear come in.

 i donā€™t quite know what he meant but iā€™m not surprised people wanted new ears after all that noise.
 my own ears were feeling a bit funny too. i donā€™t know if cats got new ears at
midnight as well.

anyway aunty pet said he could stop up and yaelle said she was stopping up for the new ear as well, so they did.

i noticed that for once the children were a lot quieter and more sensible than grown-ups. but then they hadnā€™t been on the cat-nip drinks.

when it got very late they put the television on and looked at a picture of a clock.
i donā€™t know why they did that because there was a perfectly good clock in the room if they wanted to know the time.

 they all rushed off to the kitchen and got another glassful of the cat-nippy drinks and then came back and watched the clock on television again.

the clock on television gave a lot of bongs and they all shouted ā€œhave a happy new earā€ ā€“(although the new ears didnā€™t appear to have arrived yet!) and they clinked their glasses together and drank down the catnippy drinks in one go and started kissing each other.
everybody seemed to kiss everyone else.

 i noticed yaelle kissed leroy again.

after that they all stood in a big circle and held hands in a funny way with their arms crossed in front of them and then they all made their arms go up and down and sang a funny song about ā€œorld a quaint ants beefy gottā€.
it didnā€™t make any sense to me and it didnā€™t seem to make any sense to them either, because a man who was wearing a funny checked skirt with a furry thing hanging on the front of it got very cross and called them all ignorant sassy nax because they didnā€™t know the words properly. there was nearly a fight, but the big man stopped it.

after that the big man said ā€œwho is going to let in the new ear? ā€œ he said only a dark man could do it and leroyā€™s dad said he would.

 the man in the skirt said he was supposed to bring a bit of coal and some salt in too as well as the new ear.

 aunty pet fetched a pack of salt from the kitchen but no-one knew where to get any coal because they had central heating. somebody said ā€œwill a bit of coke do instead?ā€ but they laughed and said no it was the wrong sort.

there was a gas fire in the dining room with imitation coal on it so they took a piece of that and said it would have to do.

so leroyā€™s dad went outside with the pack of salt and the piece of imitation coal.
they left him out for a bit but it had started to snow again.
 he rang the bell and came in and gave the salt and imitation coal to the big man and said ā€œa happy new ear to everyoneā€ ā€“ but I didnā€™t SEE any new ears. everyone seem to have the same old ones.

anyway i found out why that was.

the man in the skirt said that leroyā€™s dad had done it wrong and that he should have gone outside before the clock on television started bonging and only come in after it had finished.

there was a big argument about that too and nearly another fight. the man in the skirt seemed to want to fight everyone for some reason.
i think he had a pig he wanted to sell because he kept going on and on about "hog money".
he couldn't seem to remember any of the men's names either because he called all of them "jimmy" - even when it wasnā€™t their name.
they didnā€™t like it.

after that the party seemed to break up a bit.

 the nay buzz went home.

some people who had come in cars stayed and went to sleep on sofas and the floor.

one lady was very sick on the stairs. i just hope it wasnā€™t the trifle cream that had done it!

leroy stayed the night and i slept on his bed.

 i was very tired.

 i spent nearly all the next day asleep too.

i still haven't got new ears but i'm quite glad about that. i like the ones i've already got.
in any case mr tom might not want to lick them if they were different.


The Little Cat
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I find this new ear thing very confusing. The lovely perl ice lady came round and said she was bringing in a new ear for all of us but I didnā€™t see any. However, she did bring me a toy called a kong, itā€™s like a ball full of food, great fun. She brought big bottles of wine for my yuman and Les the vet. They poured it into a bowl with fruit and things and Les the vet said it was herfavouritepunch. I remember what happened last time I drank punch so I just had a few little tastes this time. They drank lots of it and it made them very tired. The nice perl ice lady was so tired she had to stay the night so my yuman and Les the vet let her share our bed. I think she likes our bed because the next morning every time she got out of it after a few minutes she would jump back into it and they would all make a lot of noise all over again. Iā€™m glad I have machels blanket as our bed wasnā€™t that comfortable last night. Yumans jump around a lot and make a lot of noise before they go to sleep. My yumans told the perl ice lady she should come more often but she said that because she came that often she was thinking of staying. That would be nice but I hope we get a bigger bed.


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