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thank you for the fish machel.

when i moved to this house with aunty pet i didn't know where i was or where to go outside and aunty pet had such a good idea.
she bought me a little red harness and a lead and she used to take me out in the garden on the lead every day and let me have a look round and bring me in again by the same door.

 every day we would go a bit further. she even took me up and down the road on the lead to show me that.
Sometimes the big man took me out on the lead but he would only keep to the garden.
 he said he didn't want the neighbours to see him walking down the road with a little cat on a lead or they would think he looked "a right jessie".

after about 3 weeks of this i felt i knew most of my surroundings quite well and i knew the best way to get back home again if anything frightened me so that when aunty pet finally let me go out on my own i was quite happy and relaxed and didn't dash off and hide somewhere.
she said she wished she'd done it with the little cat she had before me because when that cat was let out for the first time something frightened her and she ran off and got lost and was run over by a car. aunty pet said she cried for days.
 i nearly cried too when i heard about that.

 but that didn't happen to me though because i got to know my surroundings safely before i went out on my own. aunty pet still keeps the little red harness in a drawer but i've never worn it since.

you could try that idea with taylor, machel.
The Little Cat
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hello baggie - i'm so glad to see you.
nobody has been to talk to me for two whole days.
how are you feeling now? are you a better little doggie?
can you manage to get out for walkies?
it's been such nasty weather here that i've hardly been out in the garden at all for weeks. i've just watched the birdies through the window and chattered at them.
they all look cold and miserable too.
aunty pet has brought the garden in to me though.
she got a box of funny grey stuff and seeds from the pet shop and watered it and after about a week all the little seeds turned into grass and it's the most delicious grass i've ever tasted. it's much nicer than the kind out in the garden. i can't leave it alone.
so now in the nasty weather i don't go out at all.
i just use my tray for you-know-what and eat my special grass from my own tiny indoor garden.
The Little Cat
Nermal: Hello! Hello! Hello! Nermal here! Mr Tom has let me write this cos my paws are smaller and easier to use the if hone (I fink its cos Mr Tom cant use it )
Well we have had lots of thinks going on here! There was a big party last Saturday. Lots of yumans drinking Bear and Whine and laffing. Me and Mr Tom got lots of attention, but not as much as our yumans! Apparentlay it was an "Enragement Party". Now I am only a young cat but even I know its not good to be enraged I have watched our yumans closely and they arent enraged, they get on very well, always making sucky noises with there lips and kinda purring.
Other news. A big sign appeared outside the house that says "For Sale" and me and Mr Tom have overheard conversation about moving house and moving vans. Now I had to sit down and have a good hard thunk about this and I think I have worked it out. The yumans want to move the house so they are asking people for a big sail to attach to the house and a big van to pull it when there is no wind. Mr Tom doesnt think this is right but there cant be another reason can there?
Our male yuman was talking to the telling fone about an old farm that he is having done in so we can all go an live there and there is lots of room for the moggies...who are the moggies? Do we have to share our basket with them? Are they friendly? Mr Tom worked out which farm the yuman was on about and its not very far away, but all the cats say it is haunted with the ghost of Jasper, an old mad Tom Cat. Mr Tom pooh-poohed the storied and decided to go and explore. I couldnt go with him cos I am still too small. He was gone for AGES! I stayed by the patio window meeping for him to come back. Even the female yuman was worried and went outside and called his name. Mr Tom came back just before dark and was all cold, wet and hungry. I was so glad to see him, as was the yumans, and couldnt stop rubbing up against him. I was bouncing on my paws wanting to know what he found, but I had to wait until he had warmed up and had some food (and the yumans wanted to make a fuss over him). Later he told me that there are wokmen at the farm and they are building walss and stuff. Jasper isnt a ghost but a stray cat who uses the barn as his home. Tom said he looks scary but he is a nice guy who has been treated nortily by yumans and doesnt rust them. Mr Tom told Jasper that me and him and our yumans will be moving in soon and he promised Jasper that he will make sure that Jasper is looked after. Mr Tom is very respecked, and a cat who keeps his wird.
I have to go now, Mr Tom has fallen into a deep sleep and has rolled over onto his back, so I need to go and cuddle up next to him...its my job!
I can't wait to go to the farm and meet ole Jasper and have lots of adventures!

Purrs and ear licking for Mummy LC Hope you are better now! x
Big Tom Cat
Hello everyone. Thankyou Machel for the treats and cleaning the litter tray. I have been using it a lot in this horrible rainy weather.
Hello Nermal. I hope Mr Tom gets over getting all cold soon. I hate the cold. brrrr. But he is big and strong and able to face the alimunts much better than me of course.
Nermal, how big is your house? Did the sign just say for sale? That would be a very big sale you would need. Mind you with the wind as it is, the house should move quite easily. When I lived in skwolla, there were a lot of "Toilet" signs on the houses and flats. That's because there was lots of yuman defficashion everywhere I think.
Anyway. I have to go. I found a mouse by the backdoor yesterday, so i invited it into auntie pets house for a play, and the little nuisance went and played hide and seek behind the wardrobe and wont come out. I have sat there all yesterday afternoon waiting for it to come out to play, but nothing. Auntie pet says if the mouse doesn't come out it might be stuck there, and the big man will have to unscrew the wardrobe off the wall because it will start to smell in time for Kris Muss coming.
The Little Cat
thank you for the lovely fish machel.

the mouse might like the cheese but he's already had quite a lot.
the big man went out yesterday and came back with a special mouse trap.
it's like a little tube and you put cheese in at one end and the mouse is supposed to go in at the other and then a little door comes down and the mousie is trapped inside there.
aunty pet says that when they trap him like that they are going to take him outside and let him go free just so that i can have the fun of catching him all over again.
they put the cheese in last night, but this morning all the cheese had gone but there was no mouse trapped inside.
the big man says the mouse must be too small and light to make the little door come down.

he won't be all that small and light when he's eaten all that cheese though!
The Little Cat
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Thanks for all the meaty bones! Any news on Mr. Mouse? Or is it a Mrs. Mouse? There were some mices in the vetery when I was there. They lived in very small cages and were very sociable. They didn’t have much in the way of fur coats for protection against the bad weather. They were so small that if they had a decent coat like we normal pets it would be too heavy to walk round in. So if Mr or Mrs Mouse gets caught and thrown out Little Cat will have to be very fast to catch him again and bring him-or her- back inside to the warmth.

mousie was sitting in his trap yesterday morning.
the big man had messed about with the trap to make it more sense it iff, so that the mouse couldn't get the cheese without being caught.
he looked very cross - the mousie i mean , not the big man. the big man just looked pleased.
i looked at the mousie and the mousie looked at me but he knew i couldn't get to him.
aunty pet said he was a field mouse not a house mouse so he doesn't mind being outside.
the big man took the trap outside and let the mouse go. i wanted to go with him but auntie pet was mean and made me stay inside.
i don't know where he let the mousie go. it's going to take me ages to find him again now.
when i got out at last i went sniffing for him but so far - no trace!.
The Little Cat
i keep calling the mouse a "him" but i don't know if it was a boy or a girl mouse really.
i heard aunty pet saying she hoped it wasn't a girl mouse because, if so, it might have had lots of babies behind the wardrobe and then they would be overun with mice.
i rather liked the sound of that but i don't think there were any babies.
i've been sniffing under the wardrobe too and i can't smell anything.
mind you, i'm a girl cat and i haven't had babies.
mr tom said it was because we've been to the v.e.t. and have been "done".

perhaps the little mousie had been "done" at the v.e.t. too......
The Little Cat

Poor mouse. Field mouse on not, I bet it feels the cold and was much happier playing in the warm with Little Cat. When you find it LC, perhaps you should keep it well hidden from yumans. It may like to live in the drawer with the rabbits? They seem friendly enough. My yuman and Les the Vet both have one (rabbit, not mouse) and sometimes even take them to bed. Sometimes both of them or perhaps just one of them. They are very noisy rabbits so I keep out of the way on Machels blanket until they all settle down and go to sleep.

Hello Little Cat and various assorted animals and parrots......

I'm off to Spain in the morning - back at Christmas. A nice lady is coming to look after the house and my cats. The cats said they didn't want to go to Spain with me.

i've got loads of cat food in my cases to feed poor homeless Spanish cats. There's hardly any room left for clothes.

Have a really lovely Christmas L.C. - and keep an eye on Leroy!
fishday friday!!!!!!!! *waits for fish*

last night leroy came for tea. he brought his friend yaelle to play too.
she is very excited. apparently mr muss does not go to her house. leroy was very surprised and said have you been a naughty girl yaelle? he went very red. she said no, we do something else in our house.
well, from what i can gather a lady called hannah karr comes to her house instead. yaelle says they put a candle bra in the window to let her know to come to their house. this sounds very strange to me. but yaelle is very lucky because she will gets lots more presents than leroy, because they get one every day for eight days. yaelle was so exited. she says she gets her first one today... I expect it will be fish, what with it being friday today. i think she would like a nice peice of cod.
we all played for quite a long time. even the red dot came out to play in the kitchen. it has gone now. i have been trying to entice it out this morning. i think it might have got stuck behind the units a bit like the mouse and the wardrobe. some animals are so stupid. you would never get a clever cat like me or mister tom getting stuck
The Little Cat
I got stuck!!!!!!!! Yesterday I was just in the garden because it wasn't raining and I have been neglecting the apple tree. Anyway, there was this squirrel. I thought I'm going to say hello. I went up the tree and it just kept playing hide and seek, so I just kept following it. Up and up and up. Then I managed to corner it, and one swipe of the paw and it tumbled to the ground. It didn't look like a very good way of getting out of the tree so I thought, I'll just climb down.... The problem was I couldn't turn round.
So to my complete shame, I had to mew and mew and mew. Aunty pet and the big man got a ladder, but it wasn't tall enough. My paws were freezing and my tail was all bushy and I just didn't think I was going to be able to hang on for much longer.
the big man seemed to think i was just making it up. i was not making it up.
he said lets get leroy, he will be able to get the scrat ("scrat"!!!!!) out of the tree. anyway i don't know what came over me but i decided to back out. i put my reversing ears on and somehow i managed to back out. i jumpedthe last few feet; the quicker i got away from the horrible tree the better. i ran to the house and jumped in as fast as i could. then i remembered that cats don't get stuck. so i just sauntered over to my food bowl and nonchalently had my scienceplan. meandered into the front room and sat on the window ledge looking to see if any one was putting candle bras in their windows too. i fell asleep. i was strangely very tired.
The Little Cat

I’m glad I don’t have to climb trees. That sounded very scary. Why didn’t you wait for the squirrel to come down and play? I wait for the rabbits to come from under the fence or out of their holes and we have a great time playing chase. Trees are for weeing on. That’s why yumans always sit under trees and lean against them when they go for awalk when the weather is nice. Dogs wee on trees. Yumans lean on trees and cats scratch trees but I’ve no idea why they want to climb them.


Cats climb trees because they can, Baggy.

Poor LC, getting stuck.  I know how you feel.  I was on a roof once, painting, all alone.  I heard the phone ringing, and wanted to get down and go answer it, but suddenly got scared about getting back on the ladder.  I was stuck up there for an hour before someone came to hold the ladder for me.

Perhaps he is on the tiles? Or could he be out with young nermal teaching him the art of β€œpeeping”? I think he could have been round here because Les the vet and my yuman keep seeing a β€œpeeping tom”. If it’s our Mr. Tom he should get himself in here out of the cold for a lick of a fresh bone and we could all meet nermal. My yuman and Les the vet often say it would make a nice change to see a new pussy. Saying that, there isn’t even an old one here but perhaps there was one before I arrived.

Ah, bagabones... Nice to see someone!
I am beginning to wonder why I am still here. I am thinking about my new years revolutions. I might stop writing my diary. I am not sure. If Mister Tom doesn't come and see me I can hardly bare being here.... I wonder if he has stowed away in Mrs A Mags' suitcase with the catfood. I know he likes his catfood. There is so much happening with Mister Muss and Miss Hannah Karr coming, but I just don't feel like writing about it all. I think I am a depressed and lonely puddy tat today.
The Little Cat
Hi Little Cat == and Friends == I hope you are all well and looking forward to Christmas Little Cat  please dont stop writing your diaries they are a brilliant read, it is like not wanting to put a good book down I have brought you some salmon and some nice doggie treats for bagabones and some drinkies I will pop in before Christmas  keep warm and snug   Have a lovely weekend take care

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I think Mr. Tom has been round here. Les the vet says my yuman should have been a De tec tiv. Just over our fence (where the rabbits escape under) is a tree. At the bottom of the tree my yuman saw prints in the snow, leading from the tree. Therefore, she reckoned, a Tom must have climbed the tree before it started to snow and come down after the snow had settled. I think Les the vet feels sorry for the Tom (she is a vet after all) as she says she is going to wait for the Tom with a garden fork next time he climbs the tree. That must be to help him down so he can come in for a lick of my bone and he can warm himself on Michel’s blanket. It will be great to see him. Do you think he would like me to lick his ears like he does to our Little Cat? Les the vet says he is a very big Tom, she says the prints were at least size 9. I didn’t know that Tom Cats came in sizes.  

Ooh, well, I hope the fork has some nice cat treats on it for mister tom. I suppose he would like that!
I think he must be on olly day.
Something funny must have happened in the night. I was curled up on aunty pets bed, but I think one of the clouds fell out the sky and splattered all over the garden. That would explain the white stuff everywhere.
I have been helping aunty pet wrap presents up for leroy and the big man. I love wrapping paper.
I think Aunty pet is also trying to do something about climb hate change. She is trying to grow a plastic tree in the house. She has "dressed" the tree. in a right silly garb in my opinion, but the tree didn't seem too bothered. I don't know why, but aunty pet did not seem keen for me to climb the tree. I think she is worried I will get stuck again... she has a point. I think it is a good Idea to grow plastic trees. we are always getting plastic things in our house. Plastic bowls, plastic balls, plastic mice. I wish she wouldn't leave them lying about all the time though. I find myself constantly tripping over them and having to chase them back to their proper place. Pesky plastic things.
The Little Cat

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