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Hello! We are back!

We had a bit of a disaster. Nermal weed on the back of the Pee cee box and it went all a fizzle. My yuman went all red when he found out but I made sure that Nermal was hidden away until he returned to normal colour. Wasn't his fault, the litter tray hadn't been cleaned out that morning and he was bursting. He is still only ickle and doesn't know any better.

He is clever tho because he found something called an If Fone and it can be used to get online. It is much better for cats paws too as there is no keyboard

It is SOOOO good to see LC again *licks ears until all furs sticks up*

Nermal wants a word

Nermal: 'ello LC Mummy *purrs loudly* I had a ickle accident Mr Tom Daddy said that wee and lectricks dont mix and I agree now. He said I was lucky not to be shocks, but I was very shocked when it made a fizlzing noise and went pop Does all gey boxes go fizzle when you wee on um? If so I will avoid them in future How Have you beem LC Mummmy? Can I come and have a nap with you in your box? I can smell d.o.g!  Is it that nice friendly d.o.g called bagabones? Mt Tom Daddy told me he likes to lick his bones. I tried that once and it diodnt taste nice. Much prefer Felix or Science plan Mt Tom Daddy has been telling me all about Chris Muss, he is a big man dressed in red who brings good kitten toys...don'y fink I will get any after the wee/Pee Cee incident. Mr Tom Daddy thinks that will all be forgotten by the time Mr Muss comes but I am not sure. I am sure Mr Tom Daddy will let me share his toys...he is really nice like that Anyhoo I am off to have a nap on the radiator....bye bye 

He is all a fuzzle
Big Tom Cat
oh mr tom it's so lovely to see you again.
poor little nermal. kittens can't help these things.
it's quite true that wee and lectricks don't mix.

wee and telling fones don't either.
when i was a little kitten my yuman put me a litter tray right next to a box thing on the wall that was something important to do with the telling fones.
when i weed in my tray i missed and it went over this box thing and all the telling fones in the house started ringing at once and wouldn't stop, even though my yuman picked up the bone part.
they had to get a hen gin ear to come and mend it all and the hen gin ear said it was my wee what done it.
The Little Cat
Thanks for the chin scratch Lori... did feel a bit odd mind you.
Sukeycat, Pollycat and babybel all say hi to you El parrot too!
And I say, PLEASE STOP RAINING. My cats are a-pacing. although I have atempted to construct them a shelter made of garden furniture and old roof tiles for a floor as we only have a gravel "patio". (I know you cats like to get out on the tiles)!
Babybel is learning to crawl. He is actually quite good at it, except he keeps going backwards which is incredibly annoying because the toys he is going for just keep getting firther and further away. Then he reverses into the sofa and ends up wedged in to his backside which makes him cry. Crikry he is eating the newspaper, best go x
there are a lot of bugs about keep warm,I have brought Chicken Stew to keep you warm
Thanks, I need it. I've created medical history by being the first parrot to get swine flu. I shouldn't have gone shopping on Saturday. Got into town and there was the headline on the local paper, 100 pupils down with it at local school leading to it closing. Go in Smiths, lots of people coughing away. So far it's not as bad as the previous time when at one stage I was hallucinating and thought that I was a piece of ceiling paper.
El Loro
Reference:el loro
Thanks, I need it. I've created medical history by being the first parrot to get swine flu. I shouldn't have gone shopping on Saturday. Got into town and there was the headline on the local paper, 100 pupils down with it at local school leading to it closing. Go in Smiths, lots of people coughing away. So far it's not as bad as the previous time when at one stage I was hallucinating and thought that I was a piece of ceiling paper.
i know how you feel. i am a very poorly little cat at the moment too.
 i think i'm the first cat in the world to get swine flu. 
thank you for the chikkin casser roll marguerita but i don't really feel like eating just now.
 aunty pet keeps shoving pills down my throat and i can't stop shivering and something's gone wrong with my legs- they won't hold me up properly.
The Little Cat
TLC, I hope you are feeling better soon. I hope you didn't catch it from me cos I know computers can catch viruses as well.

Thanks Lori for your sympathy. At least my temperature seems to have returned to normal. It seems as if I may have had one of the seasonal flus rather than swine flu as the school pupils did not have swine flu (at the last count 200 of the pupils have it). That would be a pain as it means I would still be at risk of getting swine flu, but I'm not going to bother the doctor getting a test done to check as they are under enough pressure as it is and I'm not in any of the higher risk categories.
El Loro

Hello Nermal. Big Tom Cat is quite right. I’m a very friendly and gay dog. I’ve been away for a while. First I was in the vetery because something happened to my eyes just after I drank a bowl of wine belonging to my yuman. I couldn’t see properly and someone started to move the ceiling round and round. Les the Vet said I should have been in a place called rehab but she never took me there.

After the vetery we all went for an oly day in a house on wheels. It was great! Every time we stopped there were different trees to wee on. Perhaps little felix needs an oly day to get him some decent trees to climb instead of a piece of cheese.

Machel brings me some lovely bones so you are welcome to come for a lick any time you like. Be sure to tell Big Tom where you are going though.

hello baggie.
i'm not a happy little cat at the moment - i've still got this cat flu thing. aunty pet has been to the vets to get something to make me better.
 she said she was going for another aunty - a lady called aunty by otticks i think.

anyway the new aunty couldn't have been there because all she came back with was some pills - and i hate pills.
it's not been fit to go out in the garden either - it's been raining and windy for days. i tried going out to dig a little hole but the hole filled up with water as i dug it.
 i've had to use my litter tray instead.
The Little Cat

Oh dear Little Cat. You sound really poorly. When your legs felt wobbly did the ceiling spin round also? When it happened to me I woke up in the vetery with Les the Vet stroking me. Have you been drinking wine with your yuman? I did. I don’t know why they bother. I couldn’t get all my legs to work. Having a wee on 3 legs against a nice tree is easy but when all 3 don’t work together balancing becomes a real problem. My yuman says that men yumans balance on only 2 legs for a wee. Les the vet says they are not very good at it and it goes all over the place. I hope you get better soon and if you need me I’ll come round and eat the food that you don’t feel like eating and if you like give you a nice lick on the sore bits.I can dig a nice hole for you as well, I'm very good at digging holes

Good morning tlc and crew i hope you are feeling better tlc and that you were a good cat and swallowed your pills, unlike this one: Giving a Cat a Pill 1. Pick cat up and put in the crook of the left arm as if holding a baby. 2. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of the cat's mouth and slowly apply pressure to cheeks. As mouth opens, pop pill in. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow. 3. Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process. 4. Retrieve cat from bedroom and throw soggy pill away. 5. Get new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat in left arm holding rear paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and push pill to back of mouth with right forefinger. Hold mouth shut for ten seconds. 6. Retrieve pill from floor and cat from top of wardrobe. Call spouse. 7. Wrap cat in large towel and get spouse to lie on cat with head just visible from below spouse's armpit. Put pill in end of drinking straw, force cat's mouth open and blow pill down drinking straw. 8. Check label to make sure pill is not harmful to humans, drink glass of water to get rid of the bad taste. Apply plaster to spouse's forearm and remove blood from carpet with cold water and soap. 9. Ring fire brigade to retrieve cat from tree across the road. Apologise to neighbour who crashed into fence while swerving to avoid cat. 10. Tie cat's front paws to rear paws with string and bind tightly to leg of dining-table. Find heavy duty pruning gloves from garden shed. Force cat's mouth open with small spanner. Push pill into mouth followed by a large piece of fillet steak. Hold head vertically and pour glass of milk down throat to wash pill down. 11. Get spouse to drive you to casualty. Sit quietly whilst doctor stitches fingers and forearm and removes pill remnant's from right eye. Stop at furniture shop on the way home to order new dining-table. 12. Arrange for vet to make home visit.
I really don't think you would like it Little Cat. I'm going to stay with my daughter and she already has 15 cats in her house that she looks after for a cat rescue place. Some of them aren't very friendly because they've been treated badly in the past. They would be too rough for a gentle little cat like you. You stay safe here with Aunty Pet and Mr. Tom and I'll talk to you when I get back.
I don't think I'll see the Queen anyway. Unless she happens to be shopping for the corgis at Pets At Home.
FISHDAY FRIDAY good afternoon tlc and crew, its so cold today it has to be fishpie for tea, so i'll pop some cod in the fridge for later along with some cream from mr machel's trifle and i'll put a bone down for bagabones. I'm moving into a new house soon so any advice on how to ensure taylor's smooth transition would be most welcome, he is an outdoor cat but only during the day, thank you

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