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Oh No! My yuman and his female are moving in together! They are all going to live here which mean the dreaded Nurmel is coming here to stay! Eeker
It was OK when we were in the Cattery and he was scared, I could look after him, but when he comes here he follows me everywhere asking daft questions like, "Where do leaves come from?" It obvious they come from the lawn! Roll Eyes
I won't have a moments peace or qulaity time with LC Frowner
Big Tom Cat
Originally posted by Big Tom Cat:
Oh No! My yuman and his female are moving in together! They are all going to live here which mean the dreaded Nurmel is coming here to stay! Eeker
It was OK when we were in the Cattery and he was scared, I could look after him, but when he comes here he follows me everywhere asking daft questions like, "Where do leaves come from?" It obvious they come from the lawn! Roll Eyes
I won't have a moments peace or qulaity time with LC Frowner

oh mr tom!
i don't like the sound of that.
even though i don't know what "qulaity time" is. Confused
is it the same stuff as what the yumans call koala tea time?
mind you i don't know what that is either.
it doesn't really sound very nice.
i suppose once that kitten grows up a bit he'll be off on his own a lot and finding things out fo himself.
in any case you'll have to try to find some koala tea time to sit with me and clean my ears. Nod
The Little Cat
Originally posted by Sukey Cat:
i don't know the way Frowner
it's hard to follow your whiskers with this thing on your head.

i've been to have a look sukey but i don't understand it and i don't know what to do.

will this home be disappearing then? Eeker Eeker Eeker Eeker

will i have to try and move my diary all over again? Eeker Eeker Eeker

and what about the fridge ?????????????????????
The Little Cat
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Here is the way to the Home Page

I don't like it.
i can't get in.
i don't think any of my friends are there.

is this lovely home here going then. Eeker

have we all got to move AGAIN? Eeker Eeker

have i got to move all my diary again?????? Eeker Eeker Eeker

and what about my fridge?????????? Eeker Eeker Eeker Eeker

LC, what happens when you try to log in?

Also, all this stuff (your diary, your fridge, EVERYthing) will transfer over there. You won't have to start over. But we DO need to get your login figured out.
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by Sukey Cat:
ooh. it's a big wide world isn't?
*quakes in lampshade*

I'm going to ask mrs belle to help us.
She'll know what to do. Nod

i have been to livecloud (though not to sure how i got there!) and it seems a nice place but it can be confusing so i would ask mrs belle to help Nod
Originally posted by machel:
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by Sukey Cat:
ooh. it's a big wide world isn't?
*quakes in lampshade*

I'm going to ask mrs belle to help us.
She'll know what to do. Nod

i have been to livecloud (though not to sure how i got there!) and it seems a nice place but it can be confusing so i would ask mrs belle to help Nod

I’ve just had a very strange confusing moment. The world seemed to go away and all sorts of names and numbers came up instead. I thought I was going to lose LC and machel and sukey cat and bit tom and all my friends. Still, seems ok now. I think the lovely Lori came and saved me again.

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Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Are you on the 'HOME' page little cat? If so it should say something like 'THE RULE OF YOU'
And it should have a menu bar ruunin all the way accross near the top, The left bit is black and has three words on it, the rest is orange and has some more words on it.

yes i got there all right and i logged in o.k. and it said little cat at the top but i don't know what to do next.
i tried "explore" but it didn't seem to take me anywhere like this. Eeker

i didn't see any friends.

worst of all i didn't see mr tom. Disappointed
The Little Cat
If you hold your cursor over the word EXPLORE a menu will drop down, click on TOPICS. You should then have a choice of four. Click any of them and you should then get a list of thread titles.

If you hover over ME on the black bar another menu will drop down an yo will be able to go to your 'wall' from there.

MANAGE on the black bar, then settings will allow you to set and change how you want things to happen. I suggest you go there quite soon and UN-CHECK all the boxes about e-mail notifications.

EDIT: Oops! when you go Explore Topics, you get a list of all the threads.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
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Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
If you hold your cursor over the word EXPLORE a menu will drop down, click on TOPICS. You should then have a choice of four. Click any of them and you should then get a list of thread titles.

If you hover over ME on the black bar another menu will drop down an yo will be able to go to your 'wall' from there.

MANAGE on the black bar, then settings will allow you to set and change how you want things to happen. I suggest you go there quite soon and UN-CHECK all the boxes about e-mail notifications.

EDIT: Oops! when you go Explore Topics, you get a list of all the threads.

Well, I got there but it's very lonley and not user/pet friendly to use. I think I'll stay here with all my friends. I left a message there asking if anyone had seen a little cat carrying a diary and a fridge but no one answered me.

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Originally posted by The Little Cat:
oh mr tom!
i don't like the sound of that.
even though i don't know what "qulaity time" is. Confused
is it the same stuff as what the yumans call koala tea time?
mind you i don't know what that is either.
it doesn't really sound very nice.
i suppose once that kitten grows up a bit he'll be off on his own a lot and finding things out fo himself.
in any case you'll have to try to find some koala tea time to sit with me and clean my ears. Nod

Do they let Koalas in here? Arnt they Austrian?
And I will clean your ears anytime Blush

Big Tom Cat
Hi, Little Cat:

I'm sorry you're having trouble with that part!
In your Profile, there's a big picture (or space for a picture) towards the bottom of the page--it says "My Primary Picture". If you click on the "edit" link there, you can upload your picture.

If you've tried that with no success, can you tell me what exactly happens?
Originally posted by Bagabones:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
If you hold your cursor over the word EXPLORE a menu will drop down, click on TOPICS. You should then have a choice of four. Click any of them and you should then get a list of thread titles.

If you hover over ME on the black bar another menu will drop down an yo will be able to go to your 'wall' from there.

MANAGE on the black bar, then settings will allow you to set and change how you want things to happen. I suggest you go there quite soon and UN-CHECK all the boxes about e-mail notifications.

EDIT: Oops! when you go Explore Topics, you get a list of all the threads.

Well, I got there but it's very lonley and not user/pet friendly to use. I think I'll stay here with all my friends. I left a message there asking if anyone had seen a little cat carrying a diary and a fridge but no one answered me.
I did, but you'd already gone.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
ok you may have noticed i have been a bit quiet of late.
I have not joined the cloudy place yet. thing is this. I am really wanting to drop the beer part of my name. what do you think? just plain Belle? or should i stay the same or should I change it completely??? I have other names in other places, but i still want to be "me" if you know what I mean. What does the little cat think?
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
ok you may have noticed i have been a bit quiet of late.
I have not joined the cloudy place yet. thing is this. I am really wanting to drop the beer part of my name. what do you think? just plain Belle? or should i stay the same or should I change it completely??? I have other names in other places, but i still want to be "me" if you know what I mean. What does the little cat think?

My yuman often drops her beer. It must be very heavy because when she has it in aglass it seems to want to lean over then it all falls out. If it’s on the kitchen floor I manage to get a drink and it’s quite nice. But if it’s onthcarpet I can’t get at it and it makes Les the Vet shout very loud and laugh. Les the Vet does the same with wine so that must be quite heavy also. You may be as well dropping it Belle if it’s getting heavy. Give yourself a rest.

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Originally posted by BeerBelle:
ok you may have noticed i have been a bit quiet of late.
I have not joined the cloudy place yet. thing is this. I am really wanting to drop the beer part of my name. what do you think? just plain Belle? or should i stay the same or should I change it completely??? I have other names in other places, but i still want to be "me" if you know what I mean. What does the little cat think?

to me you will always be mrs belle. Nod
The Little Cat
What about -

Northern Belle
Belle de Jour
Belle Etoille
Liberty Belle
La Belle dame Sans Merci.

I agree about dropping the "Beer" part. It doesn't really suit you.

Anyway you only chose "Belle" as I remember because your first forum name on C4 was "Beer Belly" and we all thought you were a man.
You changed the Belly to Belle.

Therefore you needn't keep "Belle" if you don't want to. Only whatever you decide, tell us so we know who you really are.
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
i could be my real self? am the cats mother somewhere else, but i don't want to be that in cloud land, because they will all think that i am related to tlc, whereas i am just her friend.
Are we taking the ancient manufcript thread over? I could do with s's and f's if we are.
I wouldn't be your real self on a forum if I were you.
Don't let people know your real name. You never know who's reading it.
Somebody at work might spot it, or a neighbour. It's nice to keep anonymity and then you can be a bit more scandalous and daring in what you say - or even exaggerate or blatantly lie for the fun of it. Or invent a different personae.

It's no fun being your real self on forums.

What about calling yourself Kayan or Kariang?Big Grin

or, if you don't want to be "The Cat's Mother", then how about "Pussy Galore" ? Laugh
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good morning tlc and crew Smiler

i've popped some cream (from mr machel's trifle) in the fridge Smiler

i like the "belle" part of your name, i did think you were a man, Eeker but you are beerbelle and changing now might cause confusion. when i went to cloud i somehow used my real name and it didn't "look right" so i changed it (don't ask how) i prefer to be anonymous, i left a forum because fm's avatars were pics of themselves and i felt like a peeping tom (and i didn't know how to change mine!)
i've just come back from the cloudy place.
i don't much like it over there. Shake Head
it's not nearly as cat-friendly as it is here.

i saw bagabones had been asking for me and machel had left me some fish in a cold bag - thank you machel - but it's not a bit like home.

i managed to get my picture up, but it turned out my picture was too big for the space and it's chopped most of my head off! Frowner
The Little Cat

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