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Originally posted by BeerBelle:
ah ha... Evie... where have you been? I should think tlc has missed you. we talked about you what with me being tlc's number 1 fan (see title) and you being "number 2" to the cat!!! Smiler

LOL i thought my ears were burning Ninja
i have been about, not getting much time for the internet as my son is off schoolBig Grin he is still in bed at the mo thoughRoll Eyes
how are you? is life treating you well?
Originally posted by The Little Cat:

i am certainly NOT embarrassed number two.
I have nothing to be embarrassed about. Shake Head

of course i can read !
(unlike that illiterate cat on the iams advert!).

how do you think i manage to read your posts and type all this stuff if i can't read? Confused
anyway it's lovely to see you again and i was very pleased to get your postcard.

have you had a nice time?

LOL it was meant to be a joke NinjaBig Grin
i had a great time thank you only slightly spoiled when my friend was taken into hospital on the second to last day.

to change the subject slightly my flmaing cat treated me to a bird this morning Sick there were feathers and bits everywhere Disappointed
I made it throught the night.. phew!

Last night my Female yuman (called mummy) told my Male yuman (called daddy), to sleep in the spare bedroom. She told him to take his pillow and she put a nice soft towel on the bed next to her head and i slept there last night. She even went and filled her bedside water glass to the top so I could have a little drink in the night without venturing further than her pillow.

Anyway, thank goodness for that or else I wouldnt possibly have survived. Anyway, daddy has gone to work and no sign of the cage. I am guessing I won't be seeing Les the happy Vet this morning...

I might even make it outside to do my toilet etc... I am feeling quite strong. I have thoroughly cleaned my tail. I don't think mummy has experienced so much licking in her bed for a long time!!
Originally posted by Evie~lution:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
ah ha... Evie... where have you been? I should think tlc has missed you. we talked about you what with me being tlc's number 1 fan (see title) and you being "number 2" to the cat!!! Smiler

LOL i thought my ears were burning Ninja
i have been about, not getting much time for the internet as my son is off schoolBig Grin he is still in bed at the mo thoughRoll Eyes
how are you? is life treating you well?

yep life is fine. apart from severe sleep deprivation that is!! hope you are fine and dandy!
Originally posted by Sukey Cat:
I made it throught the night.. phew!

Last night my Female yuman (called mummy) told my Male yuman (called daddy), to sleep in the spare bedroom. She told him to take his pillow and she put a nice soft towel on the bed next to her head and i slept there last night. She even went and filled her bedside water glass to the top so I could have a little drink in the night without venturing further than her pillow.

Anyway, thank goodness for that or else I wouldnt possibly have survived. Anyway, daddy has gone to work and no sign of the cage. I am guessing I won't be seeing Les the happy Vet this morning...

I might even make it outside to do my toilet etc... I am feeling quite strong. I have thoroughly cleaned my tail. I don't think mummy has experienced so much licking in her bed for a long time!!

I'm glad you're feeling a bit better now Sukey.
I hope your yuman takes you to the vet though - just to make sure.
I also hope Bagabones doesn't notice your last remark though, or I shudder to think what he will make of it! Laugh
Originally posted by Sukey Cat:
I made it throught the night.. phew!

Last night my Female yuman (called mummy) told my Male yuman (called daddy), to sleep in the spare bedroom. She told him to take his pillow and she put a nice soft towel on the bed next to her head and i slept there last night. She even went and filled her bedside water glass to the top so I could have a little drink in the night without venturing further than her pillow.

Anyway, thank goodness for that or else I wouldnt possibly have survived. Anyway, daddy has gone to work and no sign of the cage. I am guessing I won't be seeing Les the happy Vet this morning...

I might even make it outside to do my toilet etc... I am feeling quite strong. I have thoroughly cleaned my tail. I don't think mummy has experienced so much licking in her bed for a long time!!

Perhaps Les the Vet was on night shift and mummy was so concerned she called her out for a close exhumination. I told you Les the Vet was very caring, she came for a peep at mummy’s favourite pussy. There you are you see, you slept right through the visit. No tubes and you didn't even know that she came.
nope i don't think so bagabones...

daddy came out the garage with the cage and he got me in it so swiftly i didn't have time to think. Anyway I shouted and shouted "let me out", but when he did i was in the v.e.t.s. i think it might have been les the vet. it was definitely a female yuman. she said i had lovely fur (all that tail cleaning obviously paid dividends) and that i reminded her of her pussy.

She didn't do the glass tube up the bottom thing, it was worse. Eeker she stuck a needle in me. well, there was no stopping me getting right back in the cage. at least i have my toy in there. a bit later, daddy opened the door and i got out. I was back in the house. I shot out the catflap which mummy must have fixed whilst daddy was out. she is much batter than daddy at fixing things. she doesn't swear as much. Nod
i'm glad you're back again safe and sound, sukey.
i expect you'll feel better soon.
those needles are for making you feel better you know. Nod

i wonder why you didn't get the glass tube up the bottom like i did. Confused
praps it's just my v.e.t. that does it.
or praps it's just men v.e.ts that do it and lady v.e.ts are too polite.

i wish aunty pet would take me to a different v.e.t.
The Little Cat
I heard daddy say to mummy that the v.e.t. thought it was a good idea that i came in because i could have got an ab sess. i don't want anything that's going to ruin my good looks do I? Eeker I think she was just making it up tho, because I was looking after my ears perfectly well on my own. I think she just wanted daddy's money because mummy said I wasn't to pick on any cats bigger than me because i am bound to come off worse and it costs 28 pounds every time i go to the v.e.t. Nod My new sister Polly has never been to the v.e.t. and we have been sisters for over a year now. she is a goody goody. =Ninja=
I fink LC's pic looks lubberly! So cute Blush

Glad you have survived the v.e.t sukey. My yuman has been on the telling fone to my v.e.t about my cheek up. Dont know what that is but he was laughing and running his hands through his hair when he was talking to her like he does when he talks to his female. I wonder if my v.e.t is les the vet? She is very nice even when she puts the glass tube in my personal places Blush She always tickles me behind the ears and makes goo goo noise at me...I humour her and purr = Ninja=
Big Tom Cat
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
oh that's nice for Leroy. I bet he'll bring you something back though.

I have just seen a cat on the tiles. yes, it was the house nearly opposite ours. the cat was just strolling across. it was quite a distance so i couldn't make out who the cat was. was it you tlc??

taylor decided to stroll in at 1.40am Eeker he'd raided a nest and deposited the bird on the lawn, mr machel had to go out and pick him up because he wouldn't come in and then taylor growled at him!
yes it is fun isn't it?

i had to chase a cloud too... Confused




where ARE you machel?

The Little Cat
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by Big Tom Cat:
*waits quietly for fishie*

Very late today Frowner

it is isn't it mr. tom ?

i wonder if machel's forgotten about us. Frowner

forget about tlc and crew?

my daughter came to visit (she has been on holiday and had lots of pressies and then we all went out for the day, last night it was just me and mr machel so we had a romantic evening together, no children, no visitors, but i didn't forget you and there was some cod in my fridge waiting for you Smiler
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Sukey, you need to stop scratching that bit on your head. it's looking red raw again... ooh and i know which horrid cat did it to you. i will have to think of something to help you....any ideas cat lovers?

I used to use bag balm on my dog's owies...think that would work?
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:

I used to use bag balm on my dog's owies...think that would work?

Please can you define:
Bag balm??

Then I'll tell you if I think it would work!

Oops! Sorry! Bagbalm is a mostly agricultural product (e.g. used on farms/ranches) which has a popular following for non-farm people. My parents own a sheep farm, and I'm pretty sure that's where I first heard of it, but you can buy it all major drugstores, too (I have purchased in downtown Seattle before).

"Owies" are... wounds. Kind of a childish term that you use with your children ("Awwwww... have you got an owie?")
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:

I used to use bag balm on my dog's owies...think that would work?

Please can you define:
Bag balm??

Then I'll tell you if I think it would work!

Oops! Sorry! Bagbalm is a mostly agricultural product (e.g. used on farms/ranches) which has a popular following for non-farm people. My parents own a sheep farm, and I'm pretty sure that's where I first heard of it, but you can buy it all major drugstores, too (I have purchased in downtown Seattle before).

"Owies" are... wounds. Kind of a childish term that you use with your children ("Awwwww... have you got an owie?")

my grandad was a farmer. as it goes, first man in suffolk to own his own combine harvester!!
and I realised the owies after i thought about it.
I was more looking for solutions to get rid of the other cat wthout being cruel.
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:

I used to use bag balm on my dog's owies...think that would work?

Please can you define:
Bag balm??

Then I'll tell you if I think it would work!

Oops! Sorry! Bagbalm is a mostly agricultural product (e.g. used on farms/ranches) which has a popular following for non-farm people. My parents own a sheep farm, and I'm pretty sure that's where I first heard of it, but you can buy it all major drugstores, too (I have purchased in downtown Seattle before).

"Owies" are... wounds. Kind of a childish term that you use with your children ("Awwwww... have you got an owie?")

my grandad was a farmer. as it goes, first man in suffolk to own his own combine harvester!!
and I realised the owies after i thought about it.
I was more looking for solutions to get rid of the other cat wthout being cruel.

Ahhh.... I suppose covering the other cat with bag balm would be cruel.... Ninja

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