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something bad is happening.

i'm really hungry and they wouldn't let me have any breakfast. Frowner
i didn't get any supper last night either. i heard aunty pet tell the big man i wasn't allowed anything to eat after 9 o'clock. Eeker

since when? Confused
i always have supper and i always have breakfast - now there's nothing - and they've even taken my food bowls away.

what's going on?
are they trying to starve me to death or something?

i know things aren't right.
aunty pet and the big man are all on edge - i can sense it. and i think it's something to do with me.

something is going to happen - i just know it.
and i don't think i'm going to like it. Shake Head

i shall hide under the bed. Frowner
The Little Cat
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
something bad is happening.

i'm really hungry and they wouldn't let me have any breakfast. Frowner
i didn't get any supper last night either. i heard aunty pet tell the big man i wasn't allowed anything to eat after 9 o'clock. Eeker

since when? Confused
i always have supper and i always have breakfast - now there's nothing - and they've even taken my food bowls away.

what's going on?
are they trying to starve me to death or something?

i know things aren't right.
aunty pet and the big man are all on edge - i can sense it. and i think it's something to do with me.

something is going to happen - i just know it.
and i don't think i'm going to like it. Shake Head

i shall hide under the bed. Frowner

Perhaps you will see “my” Les the Vet. If so you have nothing to worry about. The nice perl ice lady came round the other day whilst my yuman was out and I heard Les the Vet tell her that there was nothing nicer than a new pussy so if you see her you’ll be fine and I’m sure Auntie Pet will like her also.
*stroles in not happy*

Shake Head

I missed Friday fishday and LC cos I have been locked up in a cattery over the weekend with Nermal, my yumans females cat. Them tow have been away for a durty weak en...whatever that might be. Nermal is a kitten still and was scared. I looked after him cos there was some other big cats in there wanting to sniff him. I hissed at them and they ran away Nod

My yuman came and collected me this morning and I gave him a bite on the hand for leaving me alone.

LC: Dont fret pet sounds like you are going for an hopper ray shun. My VET is really nice and she strokes my ears when I am nervouse...last time I weed on her table Blush

I am very sure that your yumans will make a huge fuss over you when you come back Nod and I will wait here for you to make sure your ears are clean Valentine
Big Tom Cat
oh mr tom ! i am soooo glad to see you. i'm sorry you were in one of those awful catteree places but i've had a worse time even than that.

i'm not sure where most of yesterday went to.

i knew they had got something planned for me so i hid under the bed yesterday morning. the trouble is it's no good me hiding anywhere because of this loc8tor thing on my collar.
it will have to go.
perhaps you could nibble it off for me mr tom next time you do my ears.

anyway they found me straight away with the wretched loc8tor, even though i kept really still and quiet.
they hauled me out from under the bed and took me downstairs and shoved me in that horrible cat carrier again.

and then we drove to the v.e.t. Eeker

but it was different this time. this time we didn't sit and wait in that room with all the other animals. instead aunty pet took me into a room at the back and told a lady dressed in a sort of green outfit that she'd brought me in for teeth skaylin and furdee matin. Confused

and then AUNTY PET LEFT ME !!!!!!!!! Eeker

the green lady took me out of the cat career and put me in a sort of wire cage. i didn't like it. i cried and cried. i needed a wee as well because i hadn't had time to go out and have one before they grabbed me. there was a litter tray in the cage and i had to use that.
still nothing to eat though. mind you i was too upset to be hungry any more.
there were other cats in cages too and people in green clothes kept fetching them and taking them away and much later they'd bring them back all floppy and asleep. Eeker
i knew they'd come to get me eventually and tried to escape but i couldn't.

then they did. and they took me into another room and after that i don't remember what happened. i think there was a needle thing but i don't know what happened next. i sort of woke up but i felt very strange and tired and my legs wouldn't work.
then a green lady put me back in my cat carrier and carried me through to the first room where aunty pet was waiting for me. i tried to say hello to her but nothing seemed to be working and my head was all fuzzy.
I think i got put in a car and driven home. i was very pleased to be home but when i got out of the cat carrier i found i couldn't walk. my legs kept giving way. it just didn't feel like me at all. i was all woozy.

later on i sat outside in the fresh air but i still didn't feel right. that pesky robin hopped really close but i didn't seem to care.

in fact i didn't seem to care about anything. it was most strange.

anyway i'm back to normal this morning and feel my old self again. i don't know what it was all about though.
do you think it was a hopper ray shun mr tom?

my teeth feel all smooth and funny and there seems to be chunks of fur missing. Confused
if anyone tries to get me in that cat career once more i'll bite them with my nice shiny clean teeth.
they're really good for biting people now. Nod
The Little Cat
Originally posted by Big Tom Cat:
Oh LC! Happy that yyou are OK Valentine

*licks LC's ears*

Sounds like ypu have been to a kitty booty parlour! With teef all clean and lubberly...I didnt fink there wa anyfing wrong wiff you fur before tho Confused

mmmmm that feels so nice mr tom.

well i did have a few luggy bits of fur and i wouldn't let aunty pet comb them 'cos it hurt when she tried to get a comb through.
i notice they're gone now.
i had two big fur lumps on my bottom too.
they were good 'cos when i sat down i sat on them like a cushion. they've gone now and there is hardly any fur left on my bottom.
it's right down to the skin. Eeker

i tried to sit in my usual bird watching place under a pine tree in the garden this morning.
i used to sit there for hours.
there's a thick carpet of dry dead pine needles under the tree that i used to sit on.

well this morning when i tried to sit there i jumped up again fast.
all those pine needles stuck in my poor bald botty and pr1ckled it.
they were sharp!

i tried to sit on the patio as well after it had been raining and it was all cold and wet and hard on my botty.

i want those thick lumps of fur back again. Mad

i wonder if those green ladies at the v.e.ts have kept them to sit on. Confused
The Little Cat
Cattery? I've just been in one of them. Just got out. My yuman didn't tell me, just put me in the box (I got her on the arm and face but she did it anyway, serve her right) and she put me in the car and I was taken to this cattery place. Thought she was giving me away. They stuck me in this pen with wire around it. Said my yuman had gone to dance, or I thought they did but it might have been france. Oh boy, was I pleased to see her today. I got into trouble in that cattery. There was this prissy tabby in the next cage, never stopped sucking up to the yumans...miaow, miaow whenever one came near her, all purrs and cuddles. So I complained. All night. Loudly. But my yuman came back for me and kept holding me to her face and trying to kiss me, and she fed me prawns when we got home. So that's why I've not been here. But catteries..tell me about them!!!! Not good places.
i've heard aunty pet and the big man talking about going on something called holly daze soon. Confused

they were talking about putting me in one of those catterees too.


anyway aunty pet said "no, lets get a cat sitter instead".

wot's a cat sitter?
is it someone who sits on cats?

why would aunty pet want someone to come and sit on me? Confused i thought they loved me.

i don't want to be sat on. these yumans are really heavy. the big man once sat on me haxi dental lee when i was asleep on the sofa and he hadn't seen me.
it hurt!
i yowled and he jumped up fast.

why do they want some yuman to sit on me?????
The Little Cat
hi ltc and crew Smiler

not all catteries are bad, taylor goes to a lovely place where its really warm (hot to me) and music is played, there are also children who love cats.

a cat sitter is someone who comes and lives in your home while your pets go away on holiday, that way you don't go in a cattery and your "routines" aren't disturbed (Mmmmmmmmmm could have problems with that last bit of explanation)
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
i've heard aunty pet and the big man talking about going on something called holly daze soon. Confused

they were talking about putting me in one of those catterees too.


anyway aunty pet said "no, lets get a cat sitter instead".

wot's a cat sitter?
is it someone who sits on cats?

why would aunty pet want someone to come and sit on me? Confused i thought they loved me.

i don't want to be sat on. these yumans are really heavy. the big man once sat on me haxi dental lee when i was asleep on the sofa and he hadn't seen me.
it hurt!
i yowled and he jumped up fast.

why do they want some yuman to sit on me?????

I think my yuman is a cat sitter. One day when the sun shone and we spent all day in the garden. Les the Vet came home very late and tired. She said she had had a bad day and there was no dinner ready for her and she was hungry. She said that my yuman had done nothing all day except drink pimms and sit on her pussy. I know that my yuman was reading most of the day which makes her very thirsty but I didn’t see a pussy. Perhaps it was a very small one that she was guarding for the day.
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Hi Little Cat =Glance= and Friends =Glance= Hope you are all well the weather is not being kind to you with all this rain I have brought you tuna fish and drinkies and some lovely treats for bagabones have a lovely day speak soon take care


hello marge, thank you for the tuna and thank you for all those little cat friends for me to play with.
The Little Cat
crikey cats.
MAy i make a request.
As some of you know i have a little yuman kitten of my own, and he is struggling with the concept of sleeping at night. Now I know you cats don't sleep all night, but at least you sleep most of the day. my yuman kitten does not, so we all need our sleep at night.
Now last night as well as my yuman kitten waking up about 3 times and eventually being properly awake at 5am, my cat sukey disturbed the whole household at about midnight, by bringing in a little mouse. I am all for you cats having friends and stuff, but could someone put word out to Sukey that we could do without the all night parties at the moment please. Thanks in advance x
Don't worry little cat, they don't want to get someone to sit on you. Smiler
What they mean is to get someone to come and stay in the house while they are away and this person will make sure that you are looked after properly (make sure you have food and water in your dishes and that your cat tray is clean if you need to use it, etc.) while Aunty Pet and the big man go somewhere else for a few days.

No-one's planning to squash you. Hug
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
thanks mrs fluffy.
that's not so bad then.
i hope i like this cat sitting person though and i hope he's not a ler jick. Disappointed

friday fish day again today. Nod
they do seem to come round quickly.

i wonder if machel will notice my nice done up fur.
i'm feeling quite proud of it now. Cool
it's all soft and smooth and not a matted bit anywhere.
it feels nicer and more comfortable on my skin as well.

mind you aunty pet said it cost a lot of money to have done.
she said she could have had her hair done about six times for what mine cost.
but she says that's because she doesn't need to have annie settick for hers.

i wonder who annie settick is. Confused
it must have been one of those ladies dressed in green. Nod

*sits down and waits for machel and fish*
The Little Cat
Fishday Friday Smiler

hi tlc and crew
too warm today so i am going to have a tuna salad for lunch, although with the number of cats i think its more salad than tuna! mr machel wondered why i had bought extra cream for the trifle Wink bone for bagabones

quick stroke of tlc's lovely soft fur
*Eeker notices bottom*,
fluffs up soft cushion for tlc to sit on.
OOOOOoooooh thank you machel.

lovely fish and cream.... Nod

i'm glad you noticed my fur. i had annie settick at the vet's you know.

my bottom does look a bit bald doesn't it?
the big man says it reminds him of some monkeys in the zoo. Eeker
never mind the fur will grow again - in fact i think it's grown a tiny bit already. Nod

that cushion is lovely and comfy though. Smiler
The Little Cat
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
did you get your bum shaved? I've never heard of that before... hmmmm

yes mrs belle - i told you about that when i got back from the v.e.t.s - this is what i wrote

i had a few luggy bits of fur and i wouldn't let aunty pet comb them 'cos it hurt when she tried to get a comb through.
i notice they're gone now.
i had two big fur lumps on my bottom too.
they were good 'cos when i sat down i sat on them like a cushion. they've gone now and there is hardly any fur left on my bottom.
it's right down to the skin.

i tried to sit in my usual bird watching place under a pine tree in the garden this morning.
i used to sit there for hours.
there's a thick carpet of dry dead pine needles under the tree that i used to sit on.

well this morning when i tried to sit there i jumped up again fast.
all those pine needles stuck in my poor bald botty and pr1ckled it.
they were sharp!

i tried to sit on the patio as well after it had been raining and it was all cold and wet and hard on my botty.

i want those thick lumps of fur back again. Mad
i wonder if those green ladies at the v.e.ts have kept them to sit on.

that's what i was talking about.
but i don't really mind so much now.
The Little Cat
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
yes mrs belle - i told you about that when i got back from the v.e.t.s -

sometimes TLC you come across rather stroppy.
i'm sorry i didn't quite get it. as i told you in my earlier post (which incidentally you have completely ignored) we have not had a lot of sleep around here on account of many things including sukey having friends over in the dead of night, and sometimes i struggle to get my brain in gear.
i didn't ignore your request mrs belle. Shake Head

you asked us to have a quiet word with sukey about bringing mouses in at night. so mr tom and me HAD a quiet word with sukey - it was so quiet that you didn't know about it.
we told sukey you yumans like to sleep at night and stay awake in the day-time, which seems odd to us cats who like to do things the other way round.

mr tom and i have got used to it now but sukey is still quite new and doesn't always remember these strange yuman ways.

she says she'll try to remember, but if she sees a mouse she gets all excited and things go out of her head.

we told her to try a bit harder. Ninja

i bet she's been good ever since hasn't she mrs belle?
mr tom can be VERY persuasive. Laugh
he is such a big cat you know. Nod

perhaps it might be better if you didn't let sukey out at night mrs belle, and then she couldn't find small creatures to bring in.

i've got a really good idea !
why don't you keep sukey in at night and put that noisy yuman kitten out instead?

that way you could get some peace and quiet.

now isn't that a good idea?
The Little Cat
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by machel:

perhaps a word with the health visitor first, she may have some ideas of her own (sorry i can't help, my own were really good at sleeping)

i'm sure this elf visitor person wouldn't mind about sukey cat staying in at nights. Confused

elves have some very funny ideas tlc. Nod
Hi Lc,Mr Tom,bagabones and all wavey
I'm thoroughly enjoying catching up with
everything you've all written Nod You to BBelle
wavey I'm not quite up to this date yet. I'll leave some for another day(hopefully tomorrow) Hope you've got plenty
in your fridge Lc I'm sorry I've not been out for a few days,but hopefully get you all something this week Nod Thumbs Up Big Grin
Originally posted by grannyg:
Hi Lc,Mr Tom,bagabones and all wavey
I'm thoroughly enjoying catching up with
everything you've all written Nod You to BBelle
wavey I'm not quite up to this date yet. I'll leave some for another day(hopefully tomorrow) Hope you've got plenty
in your fridge Lc I'm sorry I've not been out for a few days,but hopefully get you all something this week Nod Thumbs Up Big Grin

We have just had a wee kend in our house. I like wee kends because Les the Vet doesn’t go away all day. My yuman and Les the Vet get very thirsty and have to drink loads of wine then they go to bed. I usually sleep on machels blanket because they make a lot of noise and jump around a lot before they get to sleep. When the place calms down then I go upstairs to the bed. In the morning my yuman gets up and makes a drink for them both and takes it back to bed but I go out into the garden with my latest bone. I love a bone in the morning. I do like your new hair do Little Cat and now you know a visit to the vet isn’t all bad.
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by Bagabones:
I do like your new hair do Little Cat and now you know a visit to the vet isn’t all bad.

of course it's all that bad.
Eeker Eeker Eeker

have you ever had a hair cut with annie settick ???????? Mad

You said you liked your trim once it was over, and the nice polished teeth. Mind you I’ve never tried it so I shouldn’t really comment. How would you suggest a straggly pussy gets a nice trim without annie settick? How do all the other pussies around here manage? What would happen if you didn’t have a trim? Would your fur get all orrible and dangle down to the floor? You would end up treading on it and falling over. I wonder if we puppy dogs have to go for a trim. I’m sure my Les the Vet would be very kind to me. I’ll have to listen to her when she is talking to my yuman to see if she mentions trimming pussies or puppy dogs.
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
what you been up to tlc?
Sukey has spent all day in the baby's pram, clawing and scratching it when i am not looking.
Polly has been sitting in her daddy's big holdall under the bed.
I think i may throw away the cats' bed. I cannot remember the last time i saw either of them use it!

As soon as you do that, they'll want it. Just like children. Wink
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
what you been up to tlc?
Sukey has spent all day in the baby's pram, clawing and scratching it when i am not looking.
Polly has been sitting in her daddy's big holdall under the bed.
I think i may throw away the cats' bed. I cannot remember the last time i saw either of them use it!

taylor is the same, he has a lovely soft bed but where does he try to sleep - on the laptop! although i think he is just after attention, at night time he likes to sleep on mr machels pillow, he also licks his head (mr machels) until he hides under the covers
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
what you been up to tlc?
Sukey has spent all day in the baby's pram, clawing and scratching it when i am not looking.
Polly has been sitting in her daddy's big holdall under the bed.
I think i may throw away the cats' bed. I cannot remember the last time i saw either of them use it!

i have two special cat beds mrs belle.
i love them both and use them all the time. they are all cosy and soft and squashy.
my favourite one for sleeping in is lovely and deep and soft and i disappear into it with only my head showing over the top.
the other one is good as well, if I just want to rest rather than sleep, because it's in front of a patio window and i can lay in it in comfort while I watch the birds on the patio and swear at the pesky robin.
i use my beds for sleeping in during the day, but at night i like to sleep on aunty pet's bed.

i've spent a lot of time in my beds lately because it's been so nasty and wet outside. Disappointed
everytime i go out i come back with wet fur and aunty pet has to dry me with my speshul towel.
The Little Cat
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