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fish day friday again. yay!
i love fish day.

thank you for the salmon and cream machel - delicious! - and thank you marguerita and pink babe for the all the goodies and nice things too - and an especial thank you to you mrs belle for my special icecream.
wow! icecream made from cat-milk. i've never had that before. what a good idea this hot weather.

come on mr. tom - tuck in, there's plenty.

the hot weather seems to be over for a while here at aunty pet's - in fact it's been raining a lot today.
i went out this morning when it was still fine and then aunty pet went out shopping and it started to pour with rain and i couldn't get back inside again.
i got soaked. i could have sheltered under one of the big trees in the garden but mrs belle warned me not to in case there was some lightning and i got hilleck-trick-cute-head. (whatever that is - but it doesn't sound something us cats would like! Confused)
when aunty pet got back from shopping she found me crying on the doorstep, wet through. she said i looked like a drowned rat.
(why do rats keep getting drowned, roland?)

fancy you getting carried off in a van FF. that happened to me once. it takes a lot longer to walk back than it does to get there in a van doesn't it?
my paw pads were worn out. Nod
The Little Cat
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hello everybody.
this may be my last vizzit for a while becos the computer isn't well and has to go to the special computer v.e.t to be mended.

my yuman and les have been arguing about it for ages.
they are both blaming each other for the computer being poorly.
my yuman says the computer has got a virus and les says its a nard-where problem.
i should think it's a virus and les the vet has given it to the computer. she is always dealing with poorly animals with viruses so i think it's quite likely she's brought a virus home axi dentally and given it to the computer.
i don't know why she doesn't just stick a couple of pills inside it and see if that does the trick.
it seems to work with her animals.
praps she just doesn't know where to stick the pills into.

anyway they are both blaming each other and i am a bit worried in case it's something i've done.
it can't have caught a virus from me can it? i've been vacksin eighted.
i did have a flea recently that disappeared after les put some nasty smelly stuff on my neck.
perhaps the flea jumped into the computer.
it seems to be working all right now but it's the first time it's worked all day.(the computer i mean - not the flea.)

it's off to the computer vet tomorrow anyway. i'd better say goodbye for a day or two.

i'll collect my bones from the fridge before i go.

thanks everybody.

Originally posted by Evie~lution:
Originally posted by The Little Cat:

evie~lution !
are you really my very own number two?

i thought i'd lost you!


tis me lil cat Big Grin
though i've really been trying to rid my tail of that number 2 Ninja

how have you been?.....i hope that everyone has been taking great care of you x x x

I've been fine thank you number two evie.
everybody has been looking after me very well.
all my old friends turned up and machel still brings fish on fish day.
i like it a lot better on here than on C4.

what took you so long to find us?

what would you like me to call you now if you don't want to be number two any more?
The Little Cat
It sounds like I'm not the only one with a problem. Not sure what a vyrus is but it don't sound good. Fish day...I had fish today. I mean, fish that weren't five days old and stank. My yuman gave me something called sallmond. Never had that before, it was really nice. I just sat in the sun and rested my paw pads and this feels like home at last. Never really had a home before. I like this very much.
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
I've been fine thank you number two evie.
everybody has been looking after me very well.
all my old friends turned up and machel still brings fish on fish day.
i like it a lot better on here than on C4.

what took you so long to find us?

what would you like me to call you now if you don't want to be number two any more?
i'll always be number 2 to you lil cat
i was offline due to moving home, but all is sorted now and i'm not having to sell big issues so that's a bonus
Originally posted by Big Tom Cat:
Awww FF its good that you have found a nice home and a good yuman bean Nod

Shame Bagabone wont be around, reading his adventures make me giggle Laugh

LC! You have another new(old?) fiend! Its getting quite busy in here....soon there might not be enough space for us to have some know for ear cleaning Blush

we can always find a litle corner away on our own, however many people there are in here mr tom.

speaking of which - i think my ears could do with a little grooming at the moment....... Blush
The Little Cat
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
one of the things i really love bout my cats is that when i go outside in the garden they sort of emerge from the bushes and rush up to greet me. sometimes they suddenly remember that they are cats and pretend to be all nonchalant when they get to me; but i knows. Thumbs Up

it must be a "cat thing" as taylor does the same, stopping just out of reach so that i have to get up from the bench (that i just sat on!!) to give them a stroke and tickle Smiler

MMmmmmmmmm who is that in the corner, Ooops Blush
Originally posted by machel:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
one of the things i really love bout my cats is that when i go outside in the garden they sort of emerge from the bushes and rush up to greet me. sometimes they suddenly remember that they are cats and pretend to be all nonchalant when they get to me; but i knows. Thumbs Up

it must be a "cat thing" as taylor does the same, stopping just out of reach so that i have to get up from the bench (that i just sat on!!) to give them a stroke and tickle Smiler

MMmmmmmmmm who is that in the corner, Ooops Blush

My cat Katy practises her hunting skills on me in the garden.
She ambushes me from behind various plants.
She leaps out with flattened ears and grapples me around an ankle with all four paws.
She often forgets to put her claws in too.
It's not so bad if I'm wearing jeans but it can be quite painful with bare legs. Frowner
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by machel:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
one of the things i really love bout my cats is that when i go outside in the garden they sort of emerge from the bushes and rush up to greet me. sometimes they suddenly remember that they are cats and pretend to be all nonchalant when they get to me; but i knows. Thumbs Up

it must be a "cat thing" as taylor does the same, stopping just out of reach so that i have to get up from the bench (that i just sat on!!) to give them a stroke and tickle Smiler

MMmmmmmmmm who is that in the corner, Ooops Blush

My cat Katy practises her hunting skills on me in the garden.
She ambushes me from behind various plants.
She leaps out with flattened ears and grapples me around an ankle with all four paws.
She often forgets to put her claws in too.
It's not so bad if I'm wearing jeans but it can be quite painful with bare legs. Frowner

it's a lesson to us all artymags; keep your clothes on in the garden, even if mr patel asks nicely. Laugh
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by machel:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
one of the things i really love bout my cats is that when i go outside in the garden they sort of emerge from the bushes and rush up to greet me. sometimes they suddenly remember that they are cats and pretend to be all nonchalant when they get to me; but i knows. Thumbs Up

it must be a "cat thing" as taylor does the same, stopping just out of reach so that i have to get up from the bench (that i just sat on!!) to give them a stroke and tickle Smiler

MMmmmmmmmm who is that in the corner, Ooops Blush

My cat Katy practises her hunting skills on me in the garden.
She ambushes me from behind various plants.
She leaps out with flattened ears and grapples me around an ankle with all four paws.
She often forgets to put her claws in too.
It's not so bad if I'm wearing jeans but it can be quite painful with bare legs. Frowner

it's a lesson to us all artymags; keep your clothes on in the garden, even if mr patel asks nicely. Laugh

That is so!
Even Mr. Patel is wary of being suddenly assaulted, without any warning, by a rampant pussy.
He says he finds it somewhat unnerving.
Originally posted by machel:
i thought there was a rat in the garden, then i realised it was taylor, becareful lc and crew this weather is unpredictable

I know Machel.
I've been sitting here crossing my legs because i need to go out for you-know-what but I can't face all the rain that's pouring down. Eeker

there's been thunder and lightning too - it reminded me of gay forks night.
i had to go and hide under the bed until the worst was over. Frowner

it's no good - i shall have to go and sit on my litter tray.

don't look! Blush
The Little Cat
My cat Katy couldn't get out either last night, because of the storms and torrential rain. So she had to use her litter tray too - which she hardly EVER uses, it's just for emergencies.

Unfortunately it's quite a small litter tray and she is a HUGE Maine Coon cat weighing 18 lbs and the size of a corgi.

She peed and pooed and but her bum must have hung over the edge of the tray because she's so big and most of it went on the floor. Eeker

I had a big mopping up job to do this morning. Frowner

At least you're only a LITTLE cat LC. You're not to big for a cat tray.
i have discovered taylor's secret Nod
taylor stays in at night but on the odd occasion we have gone to bed without taylor being home (this worries mr machel as well) we look for him all over the garden and road but we don't find him, and guess what? my neighbour has a cat flap fitted (for monty) and taylor uses it!
we know where he sleeps! safe and sound while we worry!
Originally posted by Friendly Feline:
Is that what a cat tray's for? My yuman keeps putting me in front of one but I didn't know what the heck I was meant to do. Gee guys, you've solved a problem for me here. It's for THAT. Great. So I don't have to go out in the rain????
That's right. If it's nasty weather outside, wind,rain, snow(cold white stuff) you can use the tray instead. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by Friendly Feline:
Is that what a cat tray's for? My yuman keeps putting me in front of one but I didn't know what the heck I was meant to do. Gee guys, you've solved a problem for me here. It's for THAT. Great. So I don't have to go out in the rain????
That's right. If it's nasty weather outside, wind,rain, snow(cold white stuff) you can use the tray instead. Smiler

My yuman puts my food in my own bowl and puts the bowl on a tray. She says it’s because I’m a sloppy eater so now some of my food goes into the tray so I eat it last. I’m sure you pussy cats have the wrong idea about trays. It can’t be healthy doing things in your food trays. If nothing else it would spoil the taste. Someone said there was litter in her tray. I remember my mum saying my brothers and sisters were a nice litter but I don’t remember being in a tray. I’m glad I wasn’t after hearing what you pussy cats do in them!
Oh, Bagabones, I can help here. It's nice to help my new friends. Litter is waist paper. My yuman doesn't like litter. But that makes it more confusing. There wasn't any waist paper in the tray, just some wood chips. Perhaps there was waist paper under the wood chips but I didn't understand I had to dig down to find it. Why do yumans make things so hard? She just knelt down on the floor making scratching movements with her hands. So I thought I'd play and sat next to her and scratched the carpet but she started making noises as if she were in pain. Then she sat me in the box. I didn't like that because I wanted to get out and play the scratching game. She wasn't happy with that either. So I can go in the litter tray but also on any litter I find in the house, is this right? Like magazines or pizza boxes? Or the things which come through the letter box? And never ever have to go outside in the cold again. This is heaven.
i am not getting involved in this whole litter tray debate, but hello FF. nice to see you around, and great to see bagabones back. i guess your yuman had the computer fixed!!
my cats always go outside. we removed the litter tray when they hadn't used it for ages and its really good. no smelly poo and nothing to clean up.
this morning they brought a real live mouse into the house. it went into a corner where my husband couldn't reach. (down the side of a fixed wardrobe). luckily polly was able to coax her out and took her back outside Thumbs Up
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Originally posted by Friendly Feline:
Oh, Bagabones, I can help here. It's nice to help my new friends. Litter is waist paper. My yuman doesn't like litter. But that makes it more confusing. There wasn't any waist paper in the tray, just some wood chips. Perhaps there was waist paper under the wood chips but I didn't understand I had to dig down to find it. Why do yumans make things so hard? She just knelt down on the floor making scratching movements with her hands. So I thought I'd play and sat next to her and scratched the carpet but she started making noises as if she were in pain. Then she sat me in the box. I didn't like that because I wanted to get out and play the scratching game. She wasn't happy with that either. So I can go in the litter tray but also on any litter I find in the house, is this right? Like magazines or pizza boxes? Or the things which come through the letter box? And never ever have to go outside in the cold again. This is heaven.

I think you are supposed to eat the woodchips to get at the waist paper. My yuman and Les the Vet buy me fishnchips which I would imagine must be a bit like woodchips. They always pick at them before they give them to me which seems a bit unfair. Les the Vet says my yuman has a gorgeous waist line. I wonder what that has to do with waist paper?
Originally posted by machel:
i have discovered taylor's secret Nod
taylor stays in at night but on the odd occasion we have gone to bed without taylor being home (this worries mr machel as well) we look for him all over the garden and road but we don't find him, and guess what? my neighbour has a cat flap fitted (for monty) and taylor uses it!
we know where he sleeps! safe and sound while we worry!

so why don't you get a catflap machel?
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by machel:
i have discovered taylor's secret Nod
taylor stays in at night but on the odd occasion we have gone to bed without taylor being home (this worries mr machel as well) we look for him all over the garden and road but we don't find him, and guess what? my neighbour has a cat flap fitted (for monty) and taylor uses it!
we know where he sleeps! safe and sound while we worry!

so why don't you get a catflap machel?

Taylor brings home far too many "friends", at the mo he just meows and i know then to move the offending object (when dead) and i prefer to control monitor his comings and goings, he thinks this is a hotel already!
Originally posted by BeerBelle:

does taylor wear a collar. you could get a loc8tor. artymags swears by hers.

I certainly do !

I use it daily to discover where one or other of the cats has got to and I nearly always swear by it.

e.g "Where has that %$**@#ing cat got to now?"

Last night I was out searching for Phoebe at nearly midnight. I had to walk right down to the bottom of the road before I picked up a beep on the loc8tor! Then she came sauntering up quite nochalantly saying "Were you looking for me, mum? I noticed my collar was making a funny noise."
Roll Eyes
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