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Originally posted by machel:
how is your little one beerbelle, is he nearly 3 months now?

yay - 12 weeks today!!
he is asleep in his car seat in the hall. this wasn't planned, it just happened so i am making the most of it and relaxing! I think the heat is a bit much for him at night. keeps wringgling out of the bedsheets and grunting like a pig!!!! aw.
Originally posted by Sukey Cat:
ooh i had forgotten about fishday friday. we don't have it at home. we have dried chicken cat food EVERY day Roll Eyes my yuman doesn't like the smell of fish. I don't always like the smell of my yumans food, but we have to put up with it don't we! Nod

I don’t know what all the fuss is about regarding fish. You don’t get a decent chew with a fish bone. Nothing to growl at and hold between your paws whilst you wrestle with it to get the flavour out. You can’t beat one of the bones the nice kind yumans on the site give me or a well cured pigs ear.
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by roland rat:
well now i have to clean up after smelly fish gets dettol out. i can smell that bloudy tom cat again he needs sorting..would u like to visit the blu sponge lodge mr tom
Mr Tom was 'sorted' a while ago as far as I remember. Though it may have been on C4.

Do I need to be "done" again EFFT? Disappointed
Big Tom Cat
Originally posted by Big Tom Cat:
Oh yummt Machel! Fank you Valentine

Fink LC has forgoten it Friday! Eeker

I am thinking of making a rat pie...if only there was an annoying rat I could chase for the filling Big Grin

of course i hadn't forgotten about fish day, mr. tom. Roll Eyes
that young sukey cat and bagabones were so busy chattering about it i couldn't get a word in edgeways.
i just got on with eating fish instead. Laugh

thank you machel and thank you marguerita.

i don't think rat pie would taste very good mr tom.
do rats taste anything like mouses?

i can't stand the taste of mouses. yuk Sick
The Little Cat
Originally posted by Sukey Cat:
oh no tlc, they are quite different.
mouses are your salads of the rodent family whereas rats are your stews. now shrews are your sunday roast and voles are your pasta and sauce type rodent.
hope that helps x

Les the Vet told my yuman that yumans used to eat rats. The rats that lived in breweries were far more expensive than the ones that lived in sewers. The brewery rats tasted better. I wonder if Roland lives in a brewery? Perhaps you should check where he lives Mr. Tom before you put him in a pie. I wonder what “rats wot live under sheds” taste like?
Originally posted by Big Tom Cat:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by roland rat:
well now i have to clean up after smelly fish gets dettol out. i can smell that bloudy tom cat again he needs sorting..would u like to visit the blu sponge lodge mr tom
Mr Tom was 'sorted' a while ago as far as I remember. Though it may have been on C4.

Do I need to be "done" again EFFT? Disappointed
No,no Mr Tom. You needn't worry about it. Just that rat trying to be clever. Big Grin
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
it's very hot and sunny again today.
it's not easy being a little black cat in the hot sunshine.
my black fur gets very hot.
i try to find a nice cool place indoors or a cool damp shady corner of the garden.

i don't really like hot sunny weather.

i don't like it cold either though.
or rainy.
or windy.

in fact there isn't a lot of weather which is just purrr-fect for cats. Frowner

it looked just about purr-fect at around five o'clock this morning, but aunty pet and the big man didn't seem at all interested in getting up and letting me out - even though i kept asking most plaintively. Frowner
The Little Cat
Originally posted by machel:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
my cats go outside at whatever time in the morning babybel screams !!!!


i'd like to say i remember the days but i had three screamless babies, taylor has more demands than they did!
he has presented me with a shrew as i write Eeker

ah. good puddy tat. we had a bird in the nursery not long ago and they KNOW They are not allowed in there, let alone with a bird!
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
anyone know why my cat is crying today. i think it might be her black fur and the heat.

this hot weather isn't nice for any cat mrs. belle - especially us superior cats with black fur.
i've been spending all my time during the day laying somewhere cool like a tiled floor or some dampish grass in the shade.

i love it in the evening though - like now.
the sun has gone but there are still lots of birds about and it's just lovely to be out.
i'd like to stay out all night but aunty pet won't let me. i've tried hiding from her but she always finds me with this beeping thing on my collar. Frowner

i've been chasing moths in the evening.
they're fun to try and catch but they've got no staying power at all.
they're worse than spiders.
one swipe with a paw and they've had it, and if you try to pick one up in your mouth they just seem to disappear into a nasty tasting dust. Sick
The Little Cat
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Hi little cat and friends, just leaving you some tuna which I will put in the fridge, some Whiskas cat milk, I hope you like it and the biggest bone I could find for bagabones.

My kitties also send their love and love reading your diary xx

hello miss pink babe.
i don't think we've spoken to each other before have we (unless you used to be someone else.)
i love tuna and cat milk thank you.

what are your kitties called?
The Little Cat
Hi Little Cat =Glance= and Friends =Ninja= How are you all I cant cope with this weather it is too hot hope you are all coping drink plenty of water I dont want you to get dehydrated I have been watching Big Bruvver but getting fed up with it and may stop watching Nod and that will be a first, I have brought you lovely beef casserole and lots of drinkies for you to put in your fridge ,there are some doggy treats for bagabones thought it would make a change from a bone, hope you all have a lovely evening take care

Originally posted by Marguerita:
Hi Little Cat =Glance= and Friends =Ninja= How are you all I cant cope with this weather it is too hot hope you are all coping drink plenty of water I dont want you to get dehydrated I have been watching Big Bruvver but getting fed up with it and may stop watching Nod and that will be a first, I have brought you lovely beef casserole and lots of drinkies for you to put in your fridge ,there are some doggy treats for bagabones thought it would make a change from a bone, hope you all have a lovely evening take care

I love doggie treats. I eat them all at once because I can’t bury them like bones. I love this nice weather. My tongue just can’t control itself. It gets all long and wet and won’t stay in my mouth. My yuman told Les the Vet that she should have a tongue like mine. I don’t think it would suit her. Yumans should keep their tongues well hidden.
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Hi little cat and friends, just leaving you some tuna which I will put in the fridge, some Whiskas cat milk, I hope you like it and the biggest bone I could find for bagabones.

My kitties also send their love and love reading your diary xx

hello miss pink babe.
i don't think we've spoken to each other before have we (unless you used to be someone else.)
i love tuna and cat milk thank you.

what are your kitties called?

Hello Little Cat, no we have not spoken before, I used to be on the Channel 4 forums a couple of years back but never spoke to you.

Glad you enjoyed your tuna and cat milk, will bring you some more tomorrow and make sure that you stay in the shade and sleep a lot in this hot weather.

My kitties names are Gizmo, Arnie who are sisters and Fudge, Gizmo is all black, Arnie is black and white and Fudge is a brown tabby. They are beautiful and I love them very much

They send love and miaows to you and my dog sends a big woof to Bagabones xxx
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Hello Little Cat and friends, as promised heres your tuna which I have put into the fridge along with some extra Whiskas cat milk because it is so hot and a nice big bone and a bowl of cold water for Bagabones, which my dog says is the best way of keeping cool.

Stay in the shade because you beautiful black cats get very hot, my Gizmo lies in the doorway to the conservatory, where the breeze is because she doesnt like to go outside.

Gizmo, Arnie and Fudge send lots of miaows to you and my dog sends a big woof to Bagabones and says she loves reading his stories xx
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
hi tlc. be careful under your aunty pets apple tree. a couple of things to watch out for...

sometimes at this time of year some of the tiny apples fall off which from a height can be quite painful if it catches you on the pointy bit of your ear.

secondly, in the evenings if the sky goes green and the clouds look angry there might be thunder and lightening, and whilst this is quite scarey you are best off in the house because you might get electricuted under the tree which will make your whiskers go all zigzagged and frazzled. not a good look.

here i have made you some cat milk icecream to help you cool off.

*sprays some litter tray deoderiser around*
*washes used cat bowls*
*does general tidy up - puts tlc's favourite feather safely wedged in the sofa*
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Eeker FF, you should always be careful where you sleep, it can cause a lot of problems Wink i'm glad to see you're back.

hi lc and crew Smiler
the weatherman said it was going to rain this morning but the sun is still shining and its HOT. Taylor brought home a little baby bird and because it looked lonely he brought another one (or perhaps that one was for monty)

Fishday friday Smiler
its so hot i am having a salmon salad for lunch, i'll put the rest in the fridge with mr machels cream, a big bone for bagabones and some fresh water for everyone

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