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Originally posted by Friendly Feline:
Hello, youse guys. I been away. Got take to the v.e.t.s who stuck something in me and I was ill. Had something called a re-akshun. But my new yuman says it will be ok though she was crying for a while and fed me chikin. What's Christmas?

christmas is traditionally the time of year us yumans give each other animals as presents. hence the saying, a dog is for life not just for christmas. which means you shouldn't throw the animal away with the wrapping paper when christmas is over.
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
christmas is traditionally the time of year us yumans give each other animals as presents. hence the saying, a dog is for life not just for christmas. which means you shouldn't throw the animal away with the wrapping paper when christmas is over.

i don't like the sound of that mrs belle.

i remember me and mr tom wondering about this chris muss person and the scary satan claws creature last winter. but no-one said anything about giving us away as presents to people. Disappointed

i don't want to be given away. i'm happy where i am - so is mr tom and bagabones. Frowner

i won't let aunty pet give me to anyone else at chris muss. Shake Head

unless it's to leroy of course.
The Little Cat
Originally posted by Friendly Feline:
Dogs? I know about dogs. Does this mean yumans give one another dogs at Christmuss? Is my yuman going to get a dog, do you think? In which case I'd better not settle down here.

I’m confused about this chris muss. The first ‘orrible hairy yuman I knew took me from my mum and told his little yumans I’d come from santa for chris muss. Then he threw me into a big cold white field and told me to go back to santa. So nice yumans don’t give their pets to people when chris muss comes. I think if you are with a nice lady yuman-like mine and Les the Vet-you are quite safe.
Originally posted by Artymags:
See what worry and confusion you have caused among the animals, Belle ! Laugh

I think you'd better put their minds at rest!

We all went to see a sol stice last night. It was supposed to appear in a big field with 3 very big stones in it. There were loads of really nice people and even the little yumans were nice to me. There was always someone to play chase with and just about everyone there had brought food along for me. When it got dark some people fell asleep on the grass but others sang and drank lots of wine and beer. I suppose all that singing gives them a thirst. Just before the sun came up everyone was awake and happy again. Then we went home. I don’t think sol stice turned up but I enjoyed myself anyhow.
Originally posted by Bagabones:
Originally posted by Artymags:
See what worry and confusion you have caused among the animals, Belle ! Laugh

I think you'd better put their minds at rest!

We all went to see a sol stice last night. It was supposed to appear in a big field with 3 very big stones in it. There were loads of really nice people and even the little yumans were nice to me. There was always someone to play chase with and just about everyone there had brought food along for me. When it got dark some people fell asleep on the grass but others sang and drank lots of wine and beer. I suppose all that singing gives them a thirst. Just before the sun came up everyone was awake and happy again. Then we went home. I don’t think sol stice turned up but I enjoyed myself anyhow.

oo fancy stopping up all night bagabones.
i went to sleep about 10.30, but my little one wanted to play at 11, 2.30 and we all got up at 4am. Nod how lovely.
I don't know who this sol stiss is but my yuman was waiting for him last night as well. But after we'd been sitting on the sofa for ages she said a rude word and said she wouldn't wait and then went to bed. I've been out in the sun all day. I've got a garden here all to myself. There was another cat jumped on the wall but I hissed at him and he went away. This is my garden.
Right then cats and dog.

Sol Stiss is not actually a person, 'Solstice' is the name us humans give to a very special day of the year. It's the day when the sun appears earlier in the morning than any other day and disappears later in the evening than any other day. Sometimes we call it 'The Longest Day'. Smiler
In some places (like here) it never actually gets fully dark (unless it's raining, like now) and in a few others the sun remains in the sky all the time.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Right then cats and dog.

Sol Stiss is not actually a person, 'Solstice' is the name us humans give to a very special day of the year. It's the day when the sun appears earlier in the morning than any other day and disappears later in the evening than any other day. Sometimes we call it 'The Longest Day'. Smiler
In some places (like here) it never actually gets fully dark (unless it's raining, like now) and in a few others the sun remains in the sky all the time.

That is very nice of the sun to spend all day with you. But it’s a bit unfair that it spends less time with the rest of us. How do you coax it? Does it like really nice bones or special cream and fish? I’d take it for awalk if it wanted and I’m sure LC and Mr. Big Tom would sing it a nice song. Perhaps even invite it to a night on the tiles? I think it likes songs because the other night, we all sang to it really late and it stayed on a bit later than it normally does and came back a bit earlier.
Originally posted by Bagel Queen:
ooh lil cat you still here? I must visit more often..*leaves some fish on a plate* Thumbs Up

yes, i'm still here aunty bagel but poor mrs belle has been bopped and banished and i don't know why! Eeker
i'm sure she couldn't have done anything wrong. she's always so nice and kind. Confused
how am i going to manage without her? Disappointed
will she ever come back do you think? Crying
The Little Cat
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by Bagel Queen:
ooh lil cat you still here? I must visit more often..*leaves some fish on a plate* Thumbs Up

yes, i'm still here aunty bagel but poor mrs belle has been bopped and banished and i don't know why! Eeker
i'm sure she couldn't have done anything wrong. she's always so nice and kind. Confused
how am i going to manage without her? Disappointed
will she ever come back do you think? Crying

has she told you she has been bopped hun?
thank goodness beerbelle is back, no-one is allowed to leave lc's diary

i hope you enjoyed the mackerel and clotted cream, taylor has been very loving since he came back from the cattery (i don't think he likes it) and he has picked up another friend, although this one doesn't have a bushy tail like monty, they all "play" in the front garden Smiler

*tickles tums and looks for mr tom*
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
have you seen sukey cat mrs belle?
i hope she hasn't got lost.....

miaow!! Big Grin

long time since the party isn't it!?!

I was planning to come straight over and see you, but I got distracted little cat, by a frog on the lawn outside your place. It was bouncing around just asking to be played with and making the most amusing noise. perhaps you should take one with you when you go singing as a sort of accompaniament?

I know there used to be a travelling frog called alberto who liked milkshake and played in a band, so i know they are quite musical as non-cats go. Nod
hello sukey - i've really missed you.
there have been a lot of those nice musical frogs around lately. aunty pet has got a little pond in her garden and they seem to like it there.
i was in love with a frog once you know. Nod
but i was only a kitten then and besides - i hadn't met mr tom. Blush

i'm not sure it would be very prack tickle to take a frog with us singing.
you see i have noticed that frogs sing the best and loudest when i am holding them in my mouth and carrying them around.
but then i couldn't sing myself, could i, if my mouth was full of frog?

it would sound as if i had a frog in my throat! Laugh

perhaps one of the little kitties who can't sing too well could hold the frog in its mouth and encourage it to sing while the rest of us joined in. Nod
The Little Cat
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Hi Little Cat =Glance= and Friends =Ninja= Hope you are all well and enjoying the sun it is so warm here hope it is the same for all of you O have brought you some nice chicken breasts and plenty of drinkies and a big meaty bone for bagabones have a lovely evening take care

Good to see beerbelle back

goodness me marguerita, what a lot of lovely pictures there are in your posts!
thank you for the chicken - i'll share that wth sukey cat and mr om.
i'll put the bone for bagabones in the fridge.
i spect he'll be along later.
The Little Cat
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
hello sukey - i've really missed you.

aw, fanks Big Grin

Originally posted by The Little Cat:
there have been a lot of those nice musical frogs around lately. aunty pet has got a little pond in her garden and they seem to like it there.
i was in love with a frog once you know. Nod
but i was only a kitten then and besides - i hadn't met mr tom. Blush

In love with a frog!!! what a notion. praps that's where polecats come from??

Originally posted by The Little Cat:
i'm not sure it would be very prack tickle to take a frog with us singing.
you see i have noticed that frogs sing the best and loudest when i am holding them in my mouth and carrying them around.
but then i couldn't sing myself, could i, if my mouth was full of frog?

it would sound as if i had a frog in my throat! Laugh

perhaps one of the little kitties who can't sing too well could hold the frog in its mouth and encourage it to sing while the rest of us joined in. Nod

on second thoughts, they are far too distracting to be taken out on the tiles.... i just can't seem to stop myself when i see one.... oooops...... there's one right outside the forum catflap...... byeeeeeeeeee.................
Originally posted by roland rat:
well did you all see that poor cat in the papers i dont understand some people.
well hope you dont mind a frendly rat visiting

Hello Roland.
I like rats.
I think they're really cute. Where I live the garden borders onto a huge ancient churchyard - all overgrown with big trees and ivy. Lots of wild animals live in there - foxes and badgers and owls and kestrels and squirrels and rats.
As long as none of them come into the house and cause trouble I like all of them - including the rats. I don't know why people are so against rats. They do no harm.
my daughter had a pet rat called Sidney.
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by roland rat:
well did you all see that poor cat in the papers i dont understand some people.
well hope you dont mind a frendly rat visiting

Hello Roland.
I like rats.
I think they're really cute. Where I live the garden borders onto a huge ancient churchyard - all overgrown with big trees and ivy. Lots of wild animals live in there - foxes and badgers and owls and kestrels and squirrels and rats.
As long as none of them come into the house and cause trouble I like all of them - including the rats. I don't know why people are so against rats. They do no harm.
my daughter had a pet rat called Sidney.

i don't think i've ever really had a conversation with a rat, so i dont have any particular opinions of them. i know they are supposed to make good pets as they are clean animals, and they don't need a lot of food on account of their size. Thumbs Up I personally woudn't have one because of my cats, and i don't really have room for a cage.

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