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Ain't meanin' to sound unfriendly, know what I mean? No hisses or nothin', no ears back, tail lashing. Like, where I lived before it was survival of the fittest, none of that stuff with fancy silver collars and Frontline for fleas every month. So now I got to learn your ways. I got to be more upper class. I'll try a purr and see what youse say.

Originally posted by BeerBelle:
you're quiet these days tlc. we'd love to hear more of your diary. well, i would anyway i am SO BORED At home all day. i want to go back to work and send the baby back to the baby shop, but apparently they don't do refunds.

Have you tried a visit from the nice perl ice lady when you get bored Beer Belle? I don’t know what bored means but my yuman said she gets bored when Les the Vet is at work so the nice perl ice lady comes and visits and it makes my yuman feel so much better.
It’s a shame that the shop doesn’t do refunds on yuman babies. Have you tried changing it for a really nice puppy dog or even a nice cat like our lovely LC?
Originally posted by Friendly Feline:
Ain't meanin' to sound unfriendly, know what I mean? No hisses or nothin', no ears back, tail lashing. Like, where I lived before it was survival of the fittest, none of that stuff with fancy silver collars and Frontline for fleas every month. So now I got to learn your ways. I got to be more upper class. I'll try a purr and see what youse say.


oooer !

*creeps out slowly from behind sofa*

^peeps warily from behind big tom* Ninja

what do you think mr tom?

do you think he's safe??? Confused Ninja
The Little Cat
Originally posted by Bagabones:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
you're quiet these days tlc. we'd love to hear more of your diary. well, i would anyway i am SO BORED At home all day. i want to go back to work and send the baby back to the baby shop, but apparently they don't do refunds.

Have you tried a visit from the nice perl ice lady when you get bored Beer Belle? I don’t know what bored means but my yuman said she gets bored when Les the Vet is at work so the nice perl ice lady comes and visits and it makes my yuman feel so much better.
It’s a shame that the shop doesn’t do refunds on yuman babies. Have you tried changing it for a really nice puppy dog or even a nice cat like our lovely LC?

I don't think anyone would fall for the swap. it's the horrific noise he makes you see. he is a "very demanding baby" according to the health visitor. she should know. she is the one that does re-homing i think.
I have lent him to my mum for the afternoon. I am just having some me time here, then i am going to go to sleep for 3 solid hours!!

I have got this new cat food I am trying out. my cats sukey and polly really like it....

I'll leave you a bowl between the fridge and the sofa

Originally posted by Friendly Feline:
Ain't meanin' to sound unfriendly, know what I mean? No hisses or nothin', no ears back, tail lashing. Like, where I lived before it was survival of the fittest, none of that stuff with fancy silver collars and Frontline for fleas every month. So now I got to learn your ways. I got to be more upper class. I'll try a purr and see what youse say.


you sound like a streetwise kinda guy there...
have you ever had any vaccines ff ??? You should really make sure you are in tip top condition. if you knock on the cats protections door they will get you looked over if you like. then you can be sure not to pass anything contagious on to the other cats in the neighbourhood. Nod
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Friendly Feline:
Ain't meanin' to sound unfriendly, know what I mean? No hisses or nothin', no ears back, tail lashing. Like, where I lived before it was survival of the fittest, none of that stuff with fancy silver collars and Frontline for fleas every month. So now I got to learn your ways. I got to be more upper class. I'll try a purr and see what youse say.


you sound like a streetwise kinda guy there...
have you ever had any vaccines ff ??? You should really make sure you are in tip top condition. if you knock on the cats protections door they will get you looked over if you like. then you can be sure not to pass anything contagious on to the other cats in the neighbourhood. Nod
Or catch aything yourself either. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
hello f.f.

i've decided not to be such a scaredy-cat and make friends.

i met some cats a bit like you when i lived in skwolla. they were very fierce though and chased me.
you look just as fierce but really you're quite friendly aren't you?
at least i think you are.

you can't be friendly with all cats though, or how did you get that torn raggedy ear and those scars on your nose?
you look like a pirate cat. Nod

where did you come from?
have you got a home?
have you got a yuman bean of your own?

have you ever been to a v.e.t.?

have you had vacksy nations?

and have you been *done"?? Blush
The Little Cat
I don't think anyone would fall for the swap. it's the horrific noise he makes you see. he is a "very demanding baby" according to the health visitor. she should know. she is the one that does re-homing i think.
I have lent him to my mum for the afternoon. I am just having some me time here, then i am going to go to sleep for 3 solid hours!!

Maybe you should try lending him to your friends for "birth control". Smiler
Hi there Tom and LC. That's a friendly welcome to a purr. I'm going to try another one. Purrrrrr. Like, I'm new to this. Where I lived, a new cat on the block, the others would gang up on them. I didn't like living there but what was the choice? My yuman didn't care. Didn't feed me that much so I was out there in the alley after the throwaway burgers and fish and chips. Youse is real class welcoming me like this.

No, I never been done. And I never had the vacksi thingies. But I got a new yuman now and she's talking about this, though I don't know what she means. She found me when I wus on the streets one night. She seems kind. I get fed every day now. Food and friends, I think I'm in cat heaven.
Originally posted by Friendly Feline:
Hi there Tom and LC. That's a friendly welcome to a purr. I'm going to try another one. Purrrrrr. Like, I'm new to this. Where I lived, a new cat on the block, the others would gang up on them. I didn't like living there but what was the choice? My yuman didn't care. Didn't feed me that much so I was out there in the alley after the throwaway burgers and fish and chips. Youse is real class welcoming me like this.

No, I never been done. And I never had the vacksi thingies. But I got a new yuman now and she's talking about this, though I don't know what she means. She found me when I wus on the streets one night. She seems kind. I get fed every day now. Food and friends, I think I'm in cat heaven.

*stands very close to big tom just in case.....*

hello f.f.
i once lived in a place like that. leroy's dad said it was called "skwolla".
it wasn't very nice.
there were a lot of fierce cats there too - but i kept out of their way.
i spent most of my time there hiding under furniture because the little yumans in the house were nearly as bad as the fierce cats outside. Frowner

i think you'll be all right here though.
you can come out singing on the tiles with me and mr tom if you like.
i bet you can teach us some new songs. Nod
The Little Cat
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by The Little Cat: he was a nice rat though. Nod
i gave him my big mac.

why? Was it raining?? Laugh

well, yes mrs belle - it was as i remember.
in fact when the nice lady said she was taking keanu and kevin and shelby and sapphire out to get big macs i thought she meant raincoats as well. Nod
but then she came back with this nasty greasy thing in a bread roll for me and said that was a big mac.
i gave it to the rat. he seemed to like to eat anything.
The Little Cat
Skwolla? Youse know skwolla? Yup, that was where I lived till this yuman found me and I decided to adopt her. I don't live in skwolla no more. I live in a house. And I sleep on a sowfa.

Honest, I ain't no threat to no-one, just want to be friends. Tell you what, I'm purring and I'm going to just sit here and perhaps you'll talk to me like you have been. Friends is even better than sowfa.
Originally posted by Big Tom Cat:
Dont worry seem nioce I fink you can have something from the fridge and come with me and LC on the tiles Big Grin

BTW are you a he or a she...this is impportnat to LC Disappointed

what mr tom says is true, ff.
you can always trust mr tom. he's the most wonderful cat in the whole world. Blush

help yourself from the fridge - but watch out for that rat.

and ARE you a boy or a girl cat - or don't you know?
The Little Cat
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Thank you for the lovely salmon marguerita.
mr tom and i are very grateful.
we waited all day for machel to come with fish but she never arrived.

i wonder if she is o.k.

it's not like machel to forget fish-day. Shake Head

she was going away or something if you remember last friday. i'm sure she is ok
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Thank you for the lovely salmon marguerita.
mr tom and i are very grateful.
we waited all day for machel to come with fish but she never arrived.

i wonder if she is o.k.

it's not like machel to forget fish-day. Shake Head

she was going away or something if you remember last friday. i'm sure she is ok

oops yes - i forgot. Blush

and mr tom and me have been sitting here all day like lemons, waiting for her.

we ARE a pair of silly cats. Crazy
The Little Cat

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