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hello mr tom! i have missed you... Blush

you are such a clever cat getting a crisp bag. they are such devious creatures. they really dart about and make such a terrible crinkly cry as well. enough to put even the best trained killer feline to the test. you must be very brave Nod

are you coming out on the tiles tonight? I have learned a new song. leroy was whistling it whilst he was recharging his brains on the ipod. it is called "gangsta rap, bling bling, J-zee, innit?" erm... or something.... i didn't quite catch what leroy was saying to me. Confused
The Little Cat
good morning wavey

tom you were right of course, gangsta rap is rubbish on the tiles. I will tell leroy when he next comes round on his diet.

once we sorted out the meowing, it was great fun though!!! we even got the yumans joining in and waving their arms about out of the windows. they were very impressed weren't they!?

i wonder if machel will be along today. i think she is off somewhere... i hope some-one brings me some fish on fishday. There's not much in the fridge and we are nearly completely out of milk! Eeker
The Little Cat
Fishday Friday Smiler

i go away next Friday but i'll try to drop in and leave some fish first

Today there is smoked and unsmoked haddock, i am trying a different recipe for my fish pie, mr machel will be having his usual trifle so i saved some cream for you and mr tom, there's also a pint of milk. I am sure someone will be along later with some more treats.
A big bone for bagabones, he hasn't said if he liked his new ball.
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
its not sunny today so my daughter didn't need any sun cream
Not true I'm afraid Machel. There may not have been any direct sunshine, but all the UV rays were still there. I know we refer to it as SUN cream, but in reality it should be called ANTI UV cream. Hug

in the cold and with rain forecast?
oh thank goodness for that machel!! my fridge looks so much better now. thank you.

i think bagabones did like his ball. he has dug a special hole that he burys it in every night so that no one can take it off him. i much prefer these balls of wool though. you can really get your claws into them!

not much to report today. I am SO sleepy after such a good sing out on the tiles with mr tom last night. I have spent the most part of the day snacking and washing and sleeping. in fact mostly sleeping with my nose and tail tucked under my paws. it's gone all cold again Frowner Blush

The Little Cat
Originally posted by machel:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
its not sunny today so my daughter didn't need any sun cream
Not true I'm afraid Machel. There may not have been any direct sunshine, but all the UV rays were still there. I know we refer to it as SUN cream, but in reality it should be called ANTI UV cream. Hug

in the cold and with rain forecast?
Yup. All year round, just that the rays are not as strong at times as they are at others. If it's daylight then the rays are present to some degree. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by machel:
Fishday Friday Smiler

i go away next Friday but i'll try to drop in and leave some fish first

Today there is smoked and unsmoked haddock, i am trying a different recipe for my fish pie, mr machel will be having his usual trifle so i saved some cream for you and mr tom, there's also a pint of milk. I am sure someone will be along later with some more treats.
A big bone for bagabones, he hasn't said if he liked his new ball.

I do like my new ball. I’m teaching my yuman how to play with it. She throws it and I run and pick it up. Then she shouts “fetch it here” and I run round the garden a few times and she chases me. When I need a rest I drop it and she picks it up and throws it for me and we start all over again. Les the Vet says it is keeping my yuman very fit. She also said the lady from the perl ice was very fit so I wonder if the perl ice lady has a dog and a ball.
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
oh thank goodness for that machel!! my fridge looks so much better now. thank you.

i think bagabones did like his ball. he has dug a special hole that he burys it in every night so that no one can take it off him. i much prefer these balls of wool though. you can really get your claws into them!

not much to report today. I am SO sleepy after such a good sing out on the tiles with mr tom last night. I have spent the most part of the day snacking and washing and sleeping. in fact mostly sleeping with my nose and tail tucked under my paws. it's gone all cold again Frowner Blush


i have some balls of wool like that lc, if only i could find them!
Originally posted by GaGaJoyJoy:
*leaves tin of Whiskers out for The Little Cat*

*completely honored. the little cat is visited by the great gagajoyjoy*

*much humbleness*

*little cat lowers tail in reverence*

*mews politefully*

mrs a. mags... where are you????? i am being visited by the great gagajoyjoy god who made all heaven and earth here in my new home.... i am totally overawed. please come and rescue me Valentine
The Little Cat
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by GaGaJoyJoy:
*leaves tin of Whiskers out for The Little Cat*

*completely honored. the little cat is visited by the great gagajoyjoy*

*much humbleness*

*little cat lowers tail in reverence*

*mews politefully*

mrs a. mags... where are you????? i am being visited by the great gagajoyjoy god who made all heaven and earth here in my new home.... i am totally overawed. please come and rescue me Valentine

Little Cat! Eeker Eeker
I hardly know what to say.

Blessed art thou amongst cats, for this has been a sign unto thee!
And thy name shall be "wonderful" .... etc.etc.

Perhaps we should put up a shrine to the great Ga-ga-joy-joy right here and everyone can come and gaze upon the heavenly gift of Whiskas and touch the hem of your poncho.

(Incidentally I hope this doesn't mean the miraculous appearance of a divine kitten of yours - it would be more trouble than it's worth, believe me.)

However it shows that clearly you are a cat of great importance. Cataclysmic in fact...

Anyway- I'm back now to rescue you. I shall read up everything you've been up to.
I know you will have been a good little cat in my absence though. Valentine
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by Big Tom Cat:
*does some kitty stretches to exercise muscles*

So LC is now the Blessed Littlest Cat then? Laugh

yes, mr tom !
people will have to call me B.L.C. now. Nod

I don't think I would get too excited about this if I were you L.C.
I've just been checking up on this GagaJoyJoy person and I have grave doubts about his/her divinity. Shake Head

For a start you haven't exactly been singled out you know! GGJJ has been posting all over the forum and MOSTLY on the music thread - but once on a thread entitled "A Gay Man Sucked My Man-nipples - and I liked it"!

So I think a shrine might be out of the question........ and I should forget about the possibility of becoming the virgin cat-mother of a divine kitten.


Have you seen GGJJ's "location"? Eeker

So, it's back to as you were L.C. Laugh
it's all right mrs fluffy.

i was a bit worried about being famous and having people worshipping me and all that.

and i don't really think i want a divine kitten to look after.
i wouldn't be able to go out on the tiles with mr tom.

besides i don't like stables - horses and big animals like that scare me.

so i think i'm happier just being the forum little cat after all. Nod

is there any fish left in the fridge ?

mmm .... that cushion and fire is lovely machel. i shall try to put off the "essentials" as long as possible.
us cats can do that for ages you know... Nod
The Little Cat
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
hi artymags! did your week go well?? you got some good weather i should think? I think the little cat has been rather well behaved this time. no rabbit drawers anyway. it was probably because leroy visited her which tends to calm her down a bit!

Hi Belle. wavey
Yes we had a fantastic week thanks. Everyone enjoyed it and I sold two of my paintings when I was at Chatsworth.
We had lovely weather but ever since I got back home it has pissed down solidly. Our patio is flooded and I went to Tesco's this afternoon and it was raining so hard I had to sit in the car for nearly half an hour before the rain eased off enough for me to get out.
The car park there was flooded - it was over your shoes in places.

I'm glad the little cat has behaved herself - but what's all this stuff about gangsta rap?????? Eeker
Originally posted by machel:
good morning lc and crew Smiler

my daughter visited yesterday and brought some cat treats for taylor but there is a couple for you and mr tom (she was taylor's human but when she left home to get married she left donated him to me and mr machel

thank you machel - cat treats and it's not even friday yet. yay!!!!

but why didn't your daughter take her cat with her when she got married?

did she marry a man who was a ler jick ??? Eeker
The Little Cat

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