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Hi Little Cat =Ninja= and Friends =Ninja= Hi machel wavey glad you found us you have been missed Hug love all these arty smilies/pictures were do you get them all from lol I am off to have my dinner leaves a beef stew and a meaty bone for bagabones have a lovely evening take care bye wavey Hug Valentine
hello marguerita.
thank you for the beef stew. i love that.

i haven't been out much today.
it's been raining for days.
everytime i try to dig my little hole, and scratch the soil over when i've finished, my paws get all muddy and then aunty pet gets a bit cross when i come in and put muddy paw marks on everything. Frowner

but what is a cat to do? Confused
she ought to get me four little wellies to wear in the rain. Nod

that wouldn't be any good though as i couldn't dig a little hole and scratch it over with wellies on! Eeker

it's a problem.....
The Little Cat
We need a 'cat-port' as opposed to a car-port. Big Grin
A nice little roof over a decent area of ground so that you can go out when it's raining and dig your hole and cover it over without getting muddy. Nod

Big Grin
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
We need a 'cat-port' as opposed to a car-port. Big Grin
A nice little roof over a decent area of ground so that you can go out when it's raining and dig your hole and cover it over without getting muddy. Nod
Big Grin

well yes, i agree.

and that's what i thought the man next door had kindly done for me.

he had some see-through plastic tunnels in his garden which kept the soil underneath nice and dry.
and not only that - he had dug and hoed the soil so it was lovely and fine and absolutely purrfect for digging little holes.

it was lovely. Nod

i'm only a little cat so i could easily creep inside the tunnels, and keep dry, and dig beautiful little holes in the soft soil and cover them up again.

i'd been doing this for about a week when he saw me at it one day.
in fact i think he was watching out for me. Eeker

he was really really cross. Frowner

he shouted at me and chased me off - before i'd had time to cover my poo up properly too!

then he came round to shout at aunty pet and the big man.
(more talk of cooking fat again! Roll Eyes)

he was going on and on about seed beds and some competition or other.

aunty pet and the big man looked very serious, but after the man next door had gone they both laughed.
they weren't cross with me at all. Smiler

all the same i don't think i'll use those plastic tunnels for a litter tray again.
even though they ARE very nice. Disappointed

i don't really think the man next door made them for me at all. Shake Head
The Little Cat
Yes put me down for a cat port pleese Nod

My yumans garden is mostly con crete and the field at the bottom has been all soggy with the rains.

Isnt LC neighbour a nasty man...but he does seem to like his cooking fat Big Grin
Big Tom Cat
Originally posted by Big Tom Cat:
Yes put me down for a cat port pleese Nod

My yumans garden is mostly con crete and the field at the bottom has been all soggy with the rains.

Isnt LC neighbour a nasty man...but he does seem to like his cooking fat Big Grin

I’ve never heard of a nice yuman man. As you all know, the first one I met threw me into a snowy field and told me to go back to santa. Wherever that is. Last week there was the bar steward bugler. He was stealing from our bed room and he said I’d ruined his tackle. I can’t see why the yuman females don’t dig holes like little cat and just bury them. Then again, I suppose we pets and yuman females need someone to cut the grass and put the bins out. Les the Vet cuts our grass but my yuman says she can be very manly sometimes.
I’ll need to think about this one.
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by machel:

my bundle of fun has a new friend, a tortoise shell kitten with a big bushy tail.

where did the kitten come from?

Next door!
my neighbours son has moved back and it is his,
the cats are so funny together, (both neutered and same age) and they even call for each other by sitting outside the door or climbing onto the window frames.
my cat has no tail Eeker and this kitten has one which is VERY bushy i don't know if mine is being friendly or just eyeing up the tail
Big Grin

had a couple of days to catch up on, but always pleases me a good deal when I do Nod

bagabones, you don't need to think about Les the vet being a bit manly, cos it doesn't matter what sex yumans are, if they love each other, it will work, and you will have a terrific life with them Nod Big Grin
Originally posted by machel:

Next door!
my neighbours son has moved back and it is his,
the cats are so funny together, (both neutered and same age) and they even call for each other by sitting outside the door or climbing onto the window frames.
my cat has no tail Eeker and this kitten has one which is VERY bushy i don't know if mine is being friendly or just eyeing up the tail

manx? or something more horrible happened? Crying
why hasn't your poor cat got a tail machel?

how can you tell if she's cross or not if she's no tail to swish?

and a tail helps us cats balance up trees and things.

poor cat. Disappointed

can't you get her a false one to tie on somehow?

pssssst - by the way machel - have you remembered what day it is tomorrow?? Thumbs Up Laugh
The Little Cat
Originally posted by Gel:
Big Grin

had a couple of days to catch up on, but always pleases me a good deal when I do Nod

bagabones, you don't need to think about Les the vet being a bit manly, cos it doesn't matter what sex yumans are, if they love each other, it will work, and you will have a terrific life with them Nod Big Grin

I don’t worry about Les the Vet being manly. I can’t see it but it’s what my yuman calls her some times. Especially when she does do a good job of cutting the grass or throws sticks for me. She doesn’t look a bit like a yuman man. We all love each other to bits. I’m glad my yuman invited her to live with us instead of a man like a lot of nice yuman females have.
I haven’t had any good experiences with yuman men.How about the one who lives next door to our Little Cat? He must be so noisy.
Originally posted by machel:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by machel:

my bundle of fun has a new friend, a tortoise shell kitten with a big bushy tail.

where did the kitten come from?

Next door!
my neighbours son has moved back and it is his,
the cats are so funny together, (both neutered and same age) and they even call for each other by sitting outside the door or climbing onto the window frames.
my cat has no tail Eeker and this kitten has one which is VERY bushy i don't know if mine is being friendly or just eyeing up the tail

When I was smaller and still thought that the world was shrinking, I used to see someone creeping up behind me. Just out of the corner of my eye. I suspected it was the ‘orrible hairy yuman man. I used to turn round fast and run round in circles trying to catch him but never managed. Instead I would accidentally nip my tail which hurt a bit.
Perhaps your pussy cat did the same thing but caught the whole tail and perhaps bit it off and swallowed it?

If your pussy cat and her new friend walk side by side perhaps they could share the bushy tail? It must be very difficult to communicate with no tail. How do you tell your yuman that she has done well if you have nothing to wag?
Originally posted by machel:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by BeerBelle:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by machel:
my cat has no tail Eeker and this kitten has one which is VERY bushy i don't know if mine is being friendly or just eyeing up the tail

Is your cat without a tail a manx cat Machel Glance
Good Morning Little Cat =Ninja= and Friends =Ninja= How are you all today? I am going to the hairdressers shortly to have my hair done Thumbs Up I always feel better when I leave ,I have brought you some treats and drinkies and a bone for bagabones have a lovely weekend take care bye wavey Hug Valentine
Fishday Friday Smiler at last!

A nice piece of salmon for tlc and mr tom, mr machel went sea fishing yesterday and caught a fish that looked like a little shark Eeker and weighed 10lbs (his scales Wink)
some cream from mr machels trifle and some treats for bagabones because he already has a bone Smiler
Hi tlc Wave mrtom and all cats Wave
I've been so busy lately I've not been able to
come here Frowner I'm sure I'll get back to normal soon Nod I've enjoyed catching up with your
diary lc I must say it's cheered me up so much
Clapping Big Grin I've ordered prawns for you
and the usual meaty bone for bagabones
I will pop in with them tomorrow.Keep up the good work
Originally posted by machel:
Fishday Friday Smiler at last!

A nice piece of salmon for tlc and mr tom, mr machel went sea fishing yesterday and caught a fish that looked like a little shark Eeker and weighed 10lbs (his scales Wink)
some cream from mr machels trifle and some treats for bagabones because he already has a bone Smiler

fish day friday - at last!!!!

now i feel really at home in this new plaice place! Laugh

thank you machel -
come on mr tom, tuck in! Clapping
The Little Cat
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Good Morning Little Cat =Ninja= and Friends =Ninja= How are you all today? I am going to the hairdressers shortly to have my hair done Thumbs Up I always feel better when I leave ,I have brought you some treats and drinkies and a bone for bagabones[IMG][/IMG] have a lovely weekend take care bye wavey Hug Valentine

I love the fo toes, I can see why my yuman says I have a nice smile. Is that where machel gets all the fish from?
Is THIS the picture you were trying to get, Bagabones?

The reason why it didn't work on yours was because you left a big space after the first "[IMG]" for some reason.
Your paw must have slipped and you pressed the return key by mistake I expect.
They won't work if you put a space in the URL.

Originally posted by Artymags:
Is THIS the picture you were trying to get, Bagabones?

The reason why it didn't work on yours was because you left a big space after the first "[IMG]" for some reason.
Your paw must have slipped and you pressed the return key by mistake I expect.
They won't work if you put a space in the URL.

bagabones always did have trouble with his quoting mrs mags. Nod

i think his paws are just too big and clumsy for the keys.

my dainty little paws are much better. Laugh
The Little Cat
cats are so fast!

my bundle of fun (tailor) caught a bird yesterday and it was squawking, LOUDLY, a lot of other birds began to attack (it was like a scene form "Birds" with them sitting on the washing line), so four adults tried to catch tailor Laugh to release the bird, the four of us admitted defeat and retreated while tailor returned later with a few feathers sticking out of his mouth, (and i am sure he was laughing at us)
Hi Little Cat =Ninja= and Friends =Ninja= Hope you are having a lovely bank holiday monday I am going out for dinner to my daughters shortly brought you some chicken casserole and drinkies and a nice meaty bone for bagabones have a lovely fun day/evening take care bye Hug

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