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Originally posted by Big Tom Cat:
Oh No LC!
You are an in-quiz-he-tiff cats arnet you?
I was once locked in the airing cupboard for a night when my yuman forgot I was napping on the fresh towels! It not nice Shake Head

Come here and let me lick you ears so you feel a ickle better Blush

oh, thank you mr tom,
that makes me feel soooooo much better.
i'd better get on with my diary now - i'm nearly up to date with it.....
Valentine Blush
The Little Cat
14th April.09
hello everybody.
hasn't it been a lovely day today?
i've been out in the garden all day helping aunty pat and the big man tidy up the garden. not that i could do very much but i supervised the work and was generally encouraging.

it's the least a cat can do. Nod

roland my rat friend is in big trouble now though.

he used to live behind a fountain on the patio at aunty pet's.

i used to go and talk to him sometimes.

he used to keep a watch for any bread dropping off the bird table and then he would run out and get it and and take it back behind the fountain to eat.

well today aunty pet and the big man cleaned out the fountain and filled it with fresh water and turned on the pump.

only the pump wouldn't work.
and worse than that all the lectrick things in the house stopped working as well. aunty pet couldn't even make a cup of tea.

when they moved the fountain they found roland had chewed all the electric wiring. Eeker
the garden lights wouldn't come on either 'cos he'd chewed those as well.!!!!!

he must have got a bit bored sitting there waiting for bread to drop and amused himself by chewing flex.

he knows he's in trouble i think, 'cos he's disappeared.

aunty pet and the big man are very cross.
the big man said he wanted to put down rat poison Mad but aunty pet said no in case i or another cat ate it.

i think roland had better keep a low profile for a bit!

Originally posted by Bagabones:
I found a dead rat behind the shed in my garden.
It smelled fantastic and I rolled over and over on it.
I think my yuman and Les the Vet liked the smell also because they shouted and waved their arms.
Then Les the Vet took me for abaf. She said I had apong.
I don’t know what apong is but I can’t find it. When
I went to play on my rat later it had gone. Perhaps it wasn’t dead after all?
The Little Cat
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Little cat!! Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Thumbs Up

I have some brilliamt news!!!

I have found machel. She has been lost and was missing you so much, but I have given her directions so hopefully she will get here soon!!!

Clapping Valentine Big Grin
Oh wow Belle, thats great!
Fish-day Friday is back on the menu. Laugh

Great! More bones and dog treats. I’ve missed machel. I bet she has missed us. I wonder if she has been stuck in a garage the same as our little cat.
mr tom - did you know you were famous?

yesterday afternoon i sat on aunty pet's lap while she watched a film on television.
it was called "goodnight, mr. tom".

i watched it really carefully all the way through but i didn't see you in it anywhere.
in fact i never saw a cat at all.

there was one black and white d.o.g. and lots of yumans but no cats and i didn't see you once.

why would they make a film about you and not put you in it do you think? Confused

i think aunty pet was very disappointed about not seeing you as well, because she kept crying a bit and wiping her eyes while she was watching it.

i purred a lot and nuzzled her face to make her feel better. Nod

i have just had an idea.
perhaps you weren't in the film, mr tom, because you'd gone to bed. that's why it was called GOODNIGHT mr tom, i expect. Laugh
The Little Cat
good morning everyone.

i went up a really high tree in the garden, yesterday, and pretended i couldn't get down, but i could really.
i meowed and meowed for ages, and leroy tried to get me to come down with some thrive tuna treats, but i decided to stay where i was... so i waited until leroys dad was climbing up the ladder to get me and then i sauntered just out of reach. then leroy's dad said some funny words and then started to try and balance on the branches then i climbed back down the tree.
it was funny! Laugh
The Little Cat
That is really the end of my old diary because a notice appeared saying our old c4 home was closing.
mrs belle called in to tell me.

23rd April.09
Originally posted by BeerBelle:

TLC - have you read the forum announcement?
I fear your Xmas reprieve is now coming to a close. - just as I am on maternity leave and able to come here on a daily basis too.
It's been so nice to check in with you.... hows about getting yourself on Facebook or somewhere else that we can keep up with your antics?

Originally posted by The Little Cat: this is just terrible mrs belle.
i thought those mods people said i could stay forever!

i can't bear it - i shan't see you or mrs a mags or marguerita or machel or bagabones or any of my friends ever again.


who will bring me fish on fish-day?

who will call in with milk and cream?

what will become of my lovely fridge????

OOOOH! i can't bear it. i can't! i can't!!!

i don't know how to get onto that facebook place.
is it far away?
could you help me get there mrs belle?

would my friends be able to find me there?

mr tom - where are you?

don't let me have to go away on my own.......



But it all turned out all right in the end - we tried out two more homes and then settled on here.
i asked the mods if they would move all my diary onto here but they said they couldn't do that - so i brought as much of it with me as i could manage.
mrs mags brought my fridge over for me and mr tom and all my friends found me.

bagabones was a bit late getting here - he got lost Roll Eyes and then no-one would open the door for him - but he made it in the end.

there was only machel who didn't seem to be able to find me but now mrs belle says she's on her way - so everything is purrfect. Laugh
The Little Cat
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Originally posted by Bagabones:
Originally posted by **sossy**:
*sneaks in* Ninja

*opens fridge*

leaves for bagabones

Sossy hopes bagabones likes them, Sossys dogs love them* Nod

Please don’t think me ungrateful sossy, but they are very strange looking bones?

I don’t know what an impotent visor tor is from the perl ice that we were expecting the other day but nothing turned up. However someone did come and visit. She was a very nice lady wearing strange clothes. She had black boots and blue trousers and a white shirt. On her head she had an upside down food dish and wore a thick black jacket with no sleeves. Round her waist was a belt with all sorts of temping things hanging from it. What was really strange was that her jacket kept whispering to her. Either that or someone very small must have been in the top pocket. Every time it whispered she would lean her head to one side to hear better.
On her belt she had silvery bracelets just the same as Les the Vet and my yuman have hanging over our bed. Also on her belt was a black stick similar to what my yuman and Les the Vet keep under the pillow. Theirs is a very strange stick. Sometimes it buzzes and can creep around the table........
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Originally posted by Bagabones:
Originally posted by **sossy**:
*sneaks in* Ninja

*opens fridge*

leaves for bagabones
Sossy hopes bagabones likes them, Sossys dogs love them* Nod

Please don’t think me ungrateful sossy, but they are very strange looking bones?

They are carrots Bagabones, they are a very crunch vegetable not bones. Try one straight out of the fridge while its nice and cold, I think you will find them very tasty Wink

I noticed you have become a white cat in your sig TLC, here are some other options I found just in case you want to shake the flour off your fur Glance

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Originally posted by **sossy**:
I noticed you have become a white cat in your sig TLC, here are some other options I found just in case you want to shake the flour off your fur Glance

I love the cat smileys you found for Little Cat, Sossy.
Do you think you could find an artist smiley for me. (easel. paints or something?)? PLEASE. Valentine
All mine have disappeared and I can't seem to find another one anywhere. Frowner
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by Gel:
so glad machel has been found, I don't know machel but I know you've all missed her so very much Nod

machel brought me fish every single friday without fail. Nod
Not forgetting the cream off Mr. Machel's trifle. Big Grin

Sshhhhhhhhhhhh, mr machel doesn't know about the missing cream Laugh
Originally posted by machel:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Machel... you got here! Well done, friday fish day has not been the same without you!

hi beerbelle, how are you and your family?

hey we are all fine. polly and sukey the cats are getting used to their baby brother. minibel is just fine... he likes to scream and feed and poo mainly! and mr beer is fine too being a proud daddy; and i am generally knackered!

how's you and yours??
Originally posted by machel:
i have missed you all very much, i was lost on walk the dog. Artymags was very clever and showed me the way here, i will not get lost again it is too frightening Eeker

a huge piece of cod and a juicy bone for bagabones
*tickles tums*

MACHEL!!!!!!!!!!!! Valentine Valentine Valentine

i've missed you SO much - and not just for the fish........ Hug
The Little Cat
Originally posted by machel:
i have missed you all very much, i was lost on walk the dog. Artymags was very clever and showed me the way here, i will not get lost again it is too frightening Eeker

a huge piece of cod and a juicy bone for bagabones
*tickles tums*

Hey machel! Have a good lick from me. We all missed you. I was really worried because I also got lost. Even when I found this place I couldn’t get in. My paws were raw and sore from scratching but a nice lady called Lori helped me. It took 2 bones, 3 snoozes on the blanket you gave me and unlimited amount of wee ing on all the trees in the area to recover.
Originally posted by Bagabones:
I like your abatwar picture Artymags but why do you look so serious? My yuman looks like that if Les the Vet is late home.

i heard mrs mags say that her abatwar picture was a famous lady called moaner leezer. Nod
i expect that's why she looks miserable - because she's always moaning. Laugh

mind you mrs mags said the lady in the picture was supposed to be smiling - only it isn't an ordinary smile - it's an eggy mattock smile (whatever THAT is! ) Confused
The Little Cat
good afternoon lc and crew Hug

I like the new avatars and cartoons especially the cat ones Wink

my bundle of fun has a new friend, a tortoise shell kitten with a big bushy tail. He has shown him all his hiding places (under the bed/behind the tv/next to the kitchen door). It was quite a fright to see this new cat walking down the stairs!

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