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Originally posted by Blue Diamond:
Hello TLC Wave Here is some fresh trout and fresh Cream, enjoy. Big Grin

Originally posted by apricot:
Excuses, excuses TLC....if you keep it the way you've written it then the magic stays, and if the Publisher wants Big letters he or she can put them in themselves. Laugh But they have to remember that cats talk in their own way, so you tell them that. Nod

Leaving you some fresh prawns. Nod Hug

thank you blue diamond and apricot for the lovely fishy things.

The Little Cat
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Hi Little Cat =Ninja= and friends =Ninja= How are you all today ? I love your new play toy it is very posh I have brought you some tuna and a meaty bone for bagabones have a lovely day/evening enjoy your writing I love reading it brings back old times bye take care Hug Valentine

hello marge.
thank you so much for the tuna.
i'll put bagabones's bone in the fridge for him.

did you see mr tom and me racing on our new climbing thing?

he won of course. Nod

but that's only because I let him..... Laugh
The Little Cat
hi tlc. i thought i'd share my day with you so here is my diary:

7.00 feed my yuman kitten
7.30 my yuman kitten sleeps, i get shower and dressed, tidy up, washing up, make bed, eat toast. etc
8.30 wash my yuman kitten's fur, face etc, change and dress him
9-9.30 feed him
9.30-10 cuddling and soothing
10-10.30 put my yuman kitten in cot, he sleeps i get cup of tea
10.30 change nappy
10.30-11 feed him
11-11.30 cuddling
11.30-11.40 in cot cries/fusses
11.40-11.55 holding/crying
11.55 settles on settee
12-12.40 get lunch, get washing out machine etc
12.40-1.10 holding, experiment with dummy etc
1.10-1.40 feeding
1.40-2pm change and burp
2.15 go out walking in pram
3pm arrivee at my mums via chemist, leave my yuman kitten in pram
3.30 give my yuman kitten gripe water from chemist
3.30-5pm my mum soothes my yuman kitten. i use her sewing machine to make curtains
5-5.15 feeding
5.15 husband picks us up
6-6.30 settled in cot
6.30 til now, up and down with baby, juggle putting the tea on.
8.00 my yuman kitten currently screaming at dada Frowner
i've not been out much today.

the big man has been off work for tha last couple of days with a very bad cold.

only he says it's worse than a cold.

aunty pet says it's "man flu".

i think it's a bit like cat flu only for men. he should have been to the v.e.t. and had in jeck shuns for it like i did. Nod

anyway he has been in bed all the time with a hot water bottle and i have been keeping him company and looking after him. he says i'm a little cat-nurse. Nod

i lay on the bed over where the hot water bottle is. it's lovely.

it gets a bit annoying when he coughs and sneezes a lot though because it shakes the bed and disturbs me - so i just give him "the orange eyed stare" .

That always seems to quieten him down.
The Little Cat
it's been very cold today.

i went out into the garden today to dig a little hole for you-know-what, when it started to hail on me. Eeker

lumps of ice as big as peas bouncing off my fur. Eeker

i flattened my ears and ran inside through my cat-flap, without using my little hole that i had started to dig.

i had to go on my litter tray instead. Blush

then i ran upstairs again to get on the big man's bed and find the part of the covers that was over the hot-water bottle.

i rather like being a cat-nurse.

the big man says i'm a great comfort to him.

aunty pet says she's getting tired of running up and down stairs all day after the big man and his man-flu.

i'm not sure what she means by that because she doesn't run at all, she walks quite slowly - mainly because she usually carrying a cup of something.

she says the big man is "really milking it for all it's worth now".

i don't know what she meant by that either. Confused

i went upstairs to see if he had got a cow or a goat up in the bedroom that he was milking but i couldn't see one and they would be too big to miss.

perhaps she means his hot water bottle.
but i thought it had water in it not milk.

aunty pet says some strange things sometimes. Roll Eyes
The Little Cat
hello mrs belle.
you are lucky in your house having a cat each.
i don't really know what to do for the best here at the moment.

aunty pet is sleeping in the spare bedroom here because she doesn't want to catch the man flu - although she couldn't could she as she's not a man?

it would just be a little cold if she caught it wouldn't it?

in any case she says the big man is keeping her awake because of all his sneezing and coughing and moaning and she needs her sleep, she says, so that she doesn't feel too tired to keep taking him drinks and filling the hot water bottle, and stuff like that, in the day time.

so there i am - just one cat - and the big man is sleeping in one room and he needs me to be his cat nurse and look after him, while aunty pet is sleeping in another room and feeling lonely and needing me to keep her company. :

i don't know what to do for the best.

i keep going from one bed to the other in the night.
i spend a bit of time with the big man and then i go and jump on aunty pet's bed and spend a bit of time with her.
then i go back to the big man and so on all night.

this seemed a good arrangement to me but now both of them are complaining about it. Eeker

you see us cats can't just jump on a bed and lie down and go to sleep like those d.o.g.s do. Shake Head

us cats have to spend quite a long time padding with our paws and purring and turning round and round and padding and purring some more and getting our claws stuck in the duvet etc.

it's got to be done.
we can't help it.
even if we're only going to lie there for 5 minutes we've still got to go through the entire routine every time.

it's what us cats do.

now both aunty pet and the big man are getting a bit cross with me about it, because they both say i keep waking them up in the night several times with my padding.

what is a cat to do? Confused
The Little Cat
well the big man seems a lot better now so aunty pet is going to go back with him in the big bed tonight. Nod

she says it's the only way either of them will be able to get to sleep because i keep them both awake when they are in separate beds.

i think that is most unfair. Frowner

i tried especially hard not to disturb either of them last night.

i did my padding and purring as quietly and gently as possible and right at the bottom of the bed and not on their feet.

i hardly got my claws stuck in the duvet at all.

when i had finished i crept up the bed to their faces to check if they were still asleep.
i had to put my nose right up to theirs and sniff them each time to make sure.

they SEEMED asleep but each time i was making sure they sort of snorted and rubbed their hands over their faces and said things that didn't sound nice.

something about cooking fat i think. (they seem to mention that a lot - i don't know why) Confused

perhaps they had a bad dream.

unless it was my whiskers.....
The Little Cat
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
hi tlc. i thought i'd share my day with you so here is my diary:

7.00 feed my yuman kitten
7.30 my yuman kitten sleeps, i get shower and dressed, tidy up, washing up, make bed, eat toast. etc
8.30 wash my yuman kitten's fur, face etc, change and dress him
9-9.30 feed him
9.30-10 cuddling and soothing
10-10.30 put my yuman kitten in cot, he sleeps i get cup of tea
10.30 change nappy
10.30-11 feed him
11-11.30 cuddling
11.30-11.40 in cot cries/fusses
11.40-11.55 holding/crying
11.55 settles on settee
12-12.40 get lunch, get washing out machine etc
12.40-1.10 holding, experiment with dummy etc
1.10-1.40 feeding
1.40-2pm change and burp
2.15 go out walking in pram
3pm arrivee at my mums via chemist, leave my yuman kitten in pram
3.30 give my yuman kitten gripe water from chemist
3.30-5pm my mum soothes my yuman kitten. i use her sewing machine to make curtains
5-5.15 feeding
5.15 husband picks us up
6-6.30 settled in cot
6.30 til now, up and down with baby, juggle putting the tea on.
8.00 my yuman kitten currently screaming at dada Frowner

That is not a good day. Where is the time for stretching out on the lawn and having a really good lick of a bone? Enjoying awalk with loads of trees to sniff and wee on? Lie on your back and let the sun warm your belly?
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Just another hum-drum day then Belle? Laugh

same old stuff, except today i wrote it all down for something different to do!

Les the Vet told my yuman we are to look out for swine flu. She said it is not nice and makes yumans poorly.
I don’t want my yuman or Les the Vet to be poorly so I’m going to look in the garden for pigs. Perhaps they come from the hole where the rabbits live?
However, Les the Vet says it can be cured.
hello grannyg. thank you for all the treats.
prawns are my very favourite food in the whole world.
i don't get them very often because aunty pet says they are very dear.

"dear" means something you love doesn't it?

i suppose aunty pet means i can't have prawns very often because of them being so dear to her that she loves them too.

prawns are certainly dear to me.

The Little Cat
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
wow. nearly up to date now tlc...
you've done very well, there was over 100 pages on the old diary; mind you a fair number of them must have been people dropping stuff off in your fridge and making sure your litter tray was clean x

well you see, mrs. belle, i can only post the stuff i posted in the first place.
i can quote some of the interesting things mr. tom and bagabones said but that's all really.

you and mrs. a mags and fluffy friend and grannyg and mrs slice and machel and tim and all my friends were always popping in and telling me things but i can't post what they said.
they would have to do that themselves.

that's why my diary is shorter this time.

i can't even put in everything bagabones and mr tom said either. which is a shame. Disappointed

but this is the best i can do - it's really JUST my own diary. Smiler
The Little Cat
did nobody miss me yesterday?

i couldn’t get to my diary because i was in prison!
i’m afraid I have been rather a foolish little cat. Blush

yesterday morning I went out for a little walk while it was sunny weather.
i went down the road where I live with aunty pet and the big man . it’s a very quiet road without many cars driving along it because it’s blocked off at one end.
aunty pet says it’s called a kull dissack.
we live right at the blocked off end.
i like to walk along it and look into all the gardens and walk up the driveways.
one house has got a little fluffy dog living in it and when he sees me he yaps and yaps at me through the window.
i feel quite safe because i know he can’t get at me so i just stand there and make faces at him.
this makes him go mental and he nearly explodes with yapping and then his yuman comes to see what he’s yapping for. i hide behind a bush so his yuman can’t see me and then he gets shouted at for yapping at nothing.
it’s a great game. Laugh

there’s a very fierce grey cat called woodstock living at one house though. i’m a bit scared of him. i have to watch out when i get anywhere near his house. he chases me if he sees me.
i like looking round all these other houses and gardens though.
they’ve all got different smells.

anyway, yesterday morning, when i was doing my walk, i noticed a house down the road had the garage door open.
it looked really interesting inside.
there was a car in it of course and lots and lots of interesting stuff – boxes and folding chairs and spades and bottles. loads of lovely smells.

i like smelling at car tyres to try to work out where they’ve been.

anyway i was just sniffing the car tyres when the man and lady who live in the house came out.

the lady stood in front of the open garage door, so i couldn’t run past her without her seeing me, and the man came into the garage and got into the car. i was a bit scared so i hid behind some boxes and they didn’t see me.

the man drove the car out of the garage. it made such a noise and there was a lot of nasty smelling smoky stuff that nearly made me choke.

i wanted to wait until the car was well out of the way before i escaped but, just as i was going to go out, the garage door made a sort of growly rumbling and closed – all by itself.
and I was trapped inside. Eeker

i didn’t know what to do. i tried to find a way out but there wasn’t one.

i meowed and meowed but no-one came.
i was in there all day. i got very hungry and thirsty but there was nothing to eat or drink.

i could sniff the air in a little crack under the door and there were some windows in the top of the door but they were too high for me to get to and see out of.

later on in the day I heard the big man and aunty pet calling me.
they sounded a long way away. i meowed and meowed but i don’t think they heard me.

it was starting to go dark when the tag thing on my collar started flashing and i knew aunty pet must be using that beeping thing to find me.
i could hear it beeping faster and faster and louder and louder outside.
then I heard aunty pet’s voice - just outside the garage door. she shouted to the big man and said “she’s in here!” . Nod

i heard the big man come over and try to open the garage door but he couldn’t.

i put my nose to the crack under the door and cried and cried.
i heard aunty pet ringing the house bell but of course no-one came because they’d gone out. Disappointed

aunty pet sat and talked to me for a long time outside the door and i sat inside and cried, but the people didn’t come back. Disappointed

when it had been dark a long time aunty pet went away. i heard her tell the big man she’d fasten a note to the garage door to tell the people i was in there.
and then they both went away. Crying

and I was in there all night. Crying

it was terrible.
i had to have wee and poo and there was no litter tray and nowhere to dig a little hole so i went behind some boxes. Ninja

i was too frightened and miserable to sleep.

i saw it come light again through the high windows and then i heard a car come up the drive and stop and i heard voices outside and the man and lady and aunty pet talking and then at last – the magic doors opened and aunty pet ran in and scooped me up and took me home and gave me something to eat and drink and then i fell asleep.

i feel much better now. i’m so glad to be safely back home. Nod

i wonder if those people have found the poo in their garage yetâ€Ķ. Ninja
The Little Cat
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