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Grrr I give up
Aww Marguerita.  Right click on your picture. At the bottom of the drop down`ll see "properties" Right click on that. You`ll see an address. Highlight it and right click on "copy" Come back here. Go the little tree thingy at the left of the smiley face. Click on it. You`ll see "image URL" Right click, you`ll see "paste" ..put your cursor into that box ..right click your address into it. Voila! It seems complicated but once you get the hang of it it`s easy peasy.
Good luck!
Last edited by Scotty
Marg... Like me, you're a Mac user with Safari browser, yes?

So, this is how I post pics.

Once you've googled and chosen an image, just click on the image. You'll then get the image which may be embedded in a web site or blog or whatever. Now this is the important bit. To the right of the image is a column with the 'Google images' logo.

There you will see a link titled 'Full size image'. Click on that  and the original image will display. It will be a bare page with the image as it will show when you post it. Copy the http address from the address bar.

 Then do what the others have said. Open a reply box and click on the little tree logo to the left of the smiley. You will then get a box with a line titled 'Image URL'. Paste the address you've copied here. And press the green 'Insert' button! Hey presto! Then submit reply as normal!

Hope this helps.  

I haven't got him any more Evelyn He used to jump up and play bite my hand, till he got a little bit too aggressive one day. Mam 'tapped' him with the paper, he ran out and never came back and I never saw him again, allthough I looked for days and cried loads.
awww, now im remembering when my Lucky.. as in not very Lucky, stayed at a friends house until i moved house. Went to collect her and she has run off, i looked for ages.
Ev (Peachy)

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