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Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Is anyone watching this series on C4? I am hanging in there with it but everytime I watch it, it just makes me want to see the original again.

I think that they have tried to stick to the original as much as possible but I don't think the characters (or the actors playing them) are as watchable as the original Danish ones.

I loved so many of those characters from the original but the only one I like in this version is Lunds sidekick cop

I didn't see the original, but have started watching the series on C4, but to be honest I get that awful feeling it will be one of those American series that gets pulled before it ends the story, and for that reason both Mr Cinds and I are thinking about giving up on it 

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

I don't know how much of it has been shown in the States Cinds, maybe the whole series.

I don't think they will pull it as they will want to get to the end and the revealing of the killer

But that's how we think.  I have started watching a few American series, where due to low viewing figures they just pull it 


This is from Wiki Cinds so you will be ok if this is true

The Killing is an American crime drama television series based on the Danish television series with the same English title, but known as Forbrydelsen (The Crime) in Danish. The American version was developed by Veena Sud and produced by Fox Television Studios and Fuse Entertainment. The series' first season, consisting of 13 hour-long episodes, premiered on the cable channel AMC on April 3, 2011, with a two-hour premiere.[1] On June 13, 2011, AMC ordered a second season, that will contain 13 episodes


Best not to go looking around the web though in case you run into spoilers!

Originally Posted by Cinds:

I didn't see the original, but have started watching the series on C4, but to be honest I get that awful feeling it will be one of those American series that gets pulled before it ends the story, and for that reason both Mr Cinds and I are thinking about giving up on it 

It's not being pulled. I don't want to go into details here, because I've previously made comments about spoilers, but:

a) The first series ended in the States shortly before it started here on C4. It's 13 episodes.

b) A second series has been comissioned.


The first series has, for the most part, followed the Danish original very closely, but my understanding is that things like the political subplot take different directions due to national differences.

The episode structure also differs in some aspects. Fans may find some of those differences, er, annoying. That's all I'm saying here:

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Is anyone watching this series on C4? I am hanging in there with it but everytime I watch it, it just makes me want to see the original again.

I think that they have tried to stick to the original as much as possible but I don't think the characters (or the actors playing them) are as watchable as the original Danish ones.

I loved so many of those characters from the original but the only one I like in this version is Lunds sidekick cop

I'm sticking with it for the time-being, although I'm having the same problem that I had with the original in that I'm finding it difficult to keep up with it "live".

At the moment it's rather frustrating: as I said in an earlier post, they've even copied the little details like Sarah eating straight from the pot! I'm still hopeful that it will go off in different directions, especially regarding the political subplot, but unfortunately the actors playing the political advisors are (IMO) among the weaker ones on the show!


I would still recommend it to anyone who missed the original, but I actually advised my mum against watching the remake. Normally I recommend shows for my parents (e.g. I put them onto "Spiral"), but it was my mum who got me onto "The Killing".  Both my parents became huge fans of the original, but I think they'd have a serious case of deja vu with the remake...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I have read before that a second series had been done, and that's what bothers me, it's the same story line, so in future if they decide to pull it, I will be left never knowing what happened. 

Cinds: I've been thinking about this and there's some information regarding the US show's structure that you probably need to know if you're concerned about it being pulled, etc.

I don't want to post it here, so let me know if you're interested and we'll start a dialog to take this discussion offline.

I promise I won't give away any plot spoilers regarding who does what to whom (not that I know much anyway!)

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

Quick heads-up for those who missed the original Danish series the first  time round:

BBC4 are repeating it, starting tonight at 10pm. It will run as 20 episodes, Sundays to Thursdays.

Yes, it crosses CBB, but that may not be a problem for some...

Thanks for letting me know - I missed the original when it was on in January so I'm glad it's being shown again.


I've heard the original is the best although I do quite like the Seattle one 

Originally Posted by Pengy:


I've heard the original is the best although I do quite like the Seattle one 

I've been watching the remake too, and it's fine, IMO. The original's definitely better though.


Also, the first Danish series is being repeated in advance of BBC4 showing the second in the Autumn. I've heard rumours that the second series (which is only 10 episodes) is even better than the first...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Pengy:


I've heard the original is the best although I do quite like the Seattle one 

I've been watching the remake too, and it's fine, IMO. The original's definitely better though.


Also, the first Danish series is being repeated in advance of BBC4 showing the second in the Autumn. I've heard rumours that the second series (which is only 10 episodes) is even better than the first...

I'm glued to it now and it's great news about a second series 


I've given up on the US version. I missed a couple of episodes and then couldn't be bothered to catch up.

I've just started watching the first series of Spiral on Beeb I player and I love it. It's shaping up to be as good as The Killing.

I love these European crime dramas, there's a rumour that the Beeb may chuck BBC4 to save money. I hope not

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

I've given up on the US version. I missed a couple of episodes and then couldn't be bothered to catch up.

I've just started watching the first series of Spiral on Beeb I player and I love it. It's shaping up to be as good as The Killing.

I love these European crime dramas, there's a rumour that the Beeb may chuck BBC4 to save money. I hope not

I've kept up with the US version but I don't think it's as good as the original Danish version   I'm glad the BBC showed it again because I missed it first time round.  I can't wait for the second series to begin.  Loving Troles Hartmann's tormented soul 


I'm also kinda looking forward to Lund (don't know what her real name is - Sofia Gra....) being in the new Absolutely Fabulous - will be good to see how she translates to comedy.


I am also riveted by Spiral as well Veggie - again missed it first time round but loving it 


I also missed Wallendar but I think I might get the box set of it (and all the others prolly) 


Lund's back!


Just a heads-up: The Killing II starts a run of double episodes tomorrow (Sat) on BBC4 at 9pm.


For those who haven't seen it before, 2 hours of (literally) pitch-black drama in Danish (with another 8 hours to follow!) may seem a hard sell, but trust me - this is quality stuff. And how many other detective shows have generated spin-off knitting patterns?

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

Lund's back!


Just a heads-up: The Killing II starts a run of double episodes tomorrow (Sat) on BBC4 at 9pm.


For those who haven't seen it before, 2 hours of (literally) pitch-black drama in Danish (with another 8 hours to follow!) may seem a hard sell, but trust me - this is quality stuff. And how many other detective shows have generated spin-off knitting patterns?

Well, sure! You may as well knit while you watch it, if you can't see anything and it's all in Danish. 


(just kidding...but I AM interested in the spin-off knitting patterns. Tell me more?)

Originally Posted by Lori:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

Lund's back!


Just a heads-up: The Killing II starts a run of double episodes tomorrow (Sat) on BBC4 at 9pm.


For those who haven't seen it before, 2 hours of (literally) pitch-black drama in Danish (with another 8 hours to follow!) may seem a hard sell, but trust me - this is quality stuff. And how many other detective shows have generated spin-off knitting patterns?

Well, sure! You may as well knit while you watch it, if you can't see anything and it's all in Danish. 


(just kidding...but I AM interested in the spin-off knitting patterns. Tell me more?)

The Radio TImes (the biggest TV guide magazine in the UK) celebrated the return of Sarah Lund with a 4-page special and the pattern/instructions for the red number (or more accurately a design inspired by the original one) that noseyrosie was so taken with on page 1 of this thread.


See for an online version...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
You had better google Sophie Grabol or Sarah Lund. Other search engines are available.

Oooo, ooooh and oooooh!


I just got a question answered on the Guardian Q&A site with Sohie! (I like to think her as a personal friend now!)  


The site does a very good blog each week but I'm late to the table for the last series.


I recommend it for commenting as there aren't enough of us here to sustain a debate about this outstanding programme. Series 2 starts Saturday night, 9pm, BBC4. 


The Danish version Pirate, by miles imo


I gave up on the US one I'm sorry to say, just couldn't take to the portrayal of the characters after watching the original.


The one that starts tonight is the 2nd series. I don't know if it will ruin it for you if you haven't seen the first series.

If it doesn't then give it a whirl, you'll be totally hooked!

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

I've just delved a bit further into that Radio Times link I gave above...

It's very early days, but I think their "Lundalikes" page is going to be an absolute hoot!

  ROFL, that was brilliant


Can't wait for the weather to get colder so I can put on my chunky jumpers . In the meantime I will practice my dour expression.


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