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If you ever think, what the heck does that mean, then look no further.


Aw- all
Aye batter in! - yes of course you can
Ahwizpyoorlik'ahtbut - i was so amazed
A dinnieken – I don’t know
Ah’murnie / ah’mno – I am not
Ah-mur – I am
"Am gaun to ra shoaps" (I'm going to the shops)
Amur so" (I am too)
Auljin – someone over 40
Awffy – very
Aye – yes
Aye ma Auntie – youre talking crap
Awroonrihooses – looking everywhere
a cannae mind – I cant remember
Aye right – not likely
A wis steamin oot ma nut – I was really drunk
Al smash ye – I’ll beat you up
a hunner – one hundred


Burd – girl
Bampot / bam – idiot
Bolt ya rocket - go away
Banter – gossip/conversation
Rubbish – garbage
Bin – garbage can
Bairn – child
Batter – when u beat somebody up
Blether – chat
Bletherer – chatty person
Boggin/mingin – smelly/disgusting
Braw – good
Bucki – the neds’ favourite beverage !
Bonkers – crazy
Bloomin’ – alternative to bloody
Baltic – cold
Bobble – hair elastic
Bunches – pigtails
Boggin – dirty/gross etc.
Baw - ball


Canny – crafty
Cannae - cant
Choob – idiot
chookter - hick
colliebuckie – a piggy back
coo – cow
cow – the very worst insult you can give to a Scottish woman
crabbit – grumpy
cuddy – horse
Cauld – cold
crimbo – Christmas
Cheers – thanks
Cheeky – gutless
Car park – parking lot
Catch ye eftur – see you later


Dressing gown – housecoat
Didny- didn’t ... etc
Doggin it – skipping class
dug – dog
dae – do
dafty – someone who is silly and/or lacking common sense
ya dancer – term of glee or exultation
diddy – twit/confused person
dingy – to ignore
do – when u beat somebody up
da – dad
Dandy – fine
Dyno – awesome


edgy – to keep lookout
ersed – arsed/bothered, eg “ a canny be ersed” meaning “I cant be bothered
eh – ew
eejit - idiot


fag – cigarette
footer – fidget
Flippin – kinda like the way you all say frickin
Full stop – the dot you put at the end of sentences.


Greet – cry
geggy- mouth
gies – give us(me)
guising – trick/treating
ginger – pop
glesga kiss – headbutt
gob – mouth
gormless – a clueless incompetent
Goiny no dae aht – will you please stop that


How – why
Hen – dear/darling/any other term of endearment
Hoose – house
haver – to talk a lot of nonsense
haud yer wheesht! – be quiet
hee haw – nothing
heid-the-ba – person in charge
het - noun: the one most recently "tug" in a game of Tig, or Hide-and-Seek, otherwise known as "It"
hidy – to play hide and seek
hing aff us – leave me alone
hunners – lots
Haw haw – the way a lot of people laugh :P
Haw haw hows yer maw – haha how is your mum? << I have absolutely no clue why we say that lol, but we do :P
heed – head
Hing – hang/thing depending on context
How come? - why is that?
Honnow - handle


isnae – is not


Jake / jakey – homeless person who generally spends what little money he/she has on beverages with high alcoholic content
jag – an injection
jaggy nettles – poison ivy
jammy bastard – a lucky person
jauries – marbles
jeely piece – a jam sandwich
Jimmy – when referring to someone whose name u don’t know like a stranger on the street, eg “awryt there jimmy ye got the time?”


Knackered – tired
ken – know
Kirby – bobby pin


Lad – boy
Lassie – girl
Lorry – truck
lum – chimney
lift – ride
laldy - To give it laldy means to do anything with great gusto
lifted – arrested
Leaza' lane // Leave me alone


Manky– dirty/gross etc
Mone doon tha perk wi me - come to the park with me
maw– mum
ma - mum
MWI! – “mad wae it”, which literally translates to “mad with it” meaning drunkkk
moof – mouth
mental – crazy
messages – shopping, usually food
midgie – kinda like mosquitoes
mince – nonsense
Mibby – maybe
muppet – someone who is not too bright


"Naw yur no" – no you’re not
Naw – no
nigel – someone with no friends
napper – head
nane – none
NED - Non-Educated Delinquent (acronym). Basically they run around in traditional Scottish clothing (tracksuits, not kilts) with their bottle of buckie (alcohol) in one hand and a knife in the other.
Neep – turnip
Numpty - idiot
Nip – kiss


Oose – lint
Oaxter – armpit
Oh fiddlesticks – oh dear


Pan – to pass, eg “pan it over here” means “pass it over here”
Pished – drunk
Peely wally – sick
Piece – sandwich
Poof – gay
Pavement – road



Rubber- eraser
Ripped the biscuit – took the joke too far
Ragamuffin - rascal


Slag – chirp
Sound – cool
Shut Yer Pie Hole - shut your mouth/shut up
Scunner - messed something up
Son – friend
Skite it! It's the polis! - Run! It's the Police
Shapnin? // How are you?
Skivin – kinda like bein lazy
Shenanigans - mischeif
Shouldny – shouldn’t
sair – painful
Square go – fight
Sand shoes - gym shoes or plimsolls
Scaffy/scadgy – cheap/tacky
Scooby – clue, eg “huvny go’ a Scooby” means “don’t have a clue”
Shoosh – be quiet
Sit nice – behave
Skelf – splinter
Skoosh – easy
Snib – door lock
Stank – the drains you find in the street are called stanks
Stookie – plaster cast fror a broken limb
Sidewalk – pavement
Sugar !– alternative to shit/shite
Stay – live
Schoopi’ – stupid


Toon – downtown
the person youre saying it to
the marra – tomorrow
the now – right now
Tatty – potato
Tea time – any time Big Grin
The man – anybody in authority
Tig – tag
Toerag – scallywag
Toaty –smally
Teensy – small
Ta – thanks




Wulny – wont
wit – what
wee man – used to refer to someone instead of “mate”. it is used even when you don’t like the person
Weans – literally meaning “wee ones” meaning children
Wheesht- be quiet
Wer dae ye hing about? – where do you usually hang out?
Wer dae ye stiy? / werji stiy – where do you live?



Yer cats are deed! – “your cats are dead” meaning your trousers are too short.
Yer aff yer heed ! – youre crazy
Ya bas – ya bastard. Used as a term of endearment
Ya pure mad dafty – you really stupid idiot
Yooz – the plural of you
Ya beezer/belter – good one
Ya basket – alternative to “you bastard”


Mad ****/fanny/gimp/goon/jake/cow/arsehole/bitch/dirty bastard ... – all some of the lovely endearing terms we use to greet our friends :P

we add on “Bytheway/so a wid/but” to the end of every sentence, just coz we’re tht cool.

On msn when we say “ko” we mean “jk” . nobody says “jk”. Nobody..

Scottish - Come hither tae yer mither cause yer fayther disney want ye.
English - Please child, come to your mother as your father is really not interested at all!

Scottish - Gin awa' doon the toon n git mi a bottle o thon ginger, n dinnae hing aboot neither.
English - Please could you make your way down to the local shop and get me a bottle of pop and be fast!

Scottish - Whits fur ye'll no gin by ye
English - What's meant for you will not pass you by.

Scottish - It tacks a lang spoon tae sup wi' a Fifer.
English - It takes a long spoon to eat with a person from Fife. i.e. it's difficult to get to know them.

Scottish - Heh neebr, goat a rotry airum fur ma fordie?
English - Excuse me friend (neighbour), have you got a rotor arm for my Ford motor car?

Scottish - Go ben i skullery n git mi eh pepper.
English - Could you go to the kitchen and bring me the paper.

Scottish - hinka cumfae cashore cannae feh? Ahl hityi oar y hied wae’a 'caw taughtie.
English - Do you think just because I come from Carronshore I cannot fight? I shall hit you over the head with a cold potato.

Bahahaha Big Grin

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by The voice of Freddie:
Originally posted by Karma_:
Are you really really bored? Eeker

hey !

I aint the one reading it. Razzer

I didn't either, know what most of it means anyway Moon
Originally posted by Miss_S:
Here's one of my Mum's alltime favourites but I've yet to hear Karly use it:

"Och, yer bum's beef" = you're talking nonsense

Here we say your ass is beef and you haven't tasted it yet Laugh
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Miss_S:
Here's one of my Mum's alltime favourites but I've yet to hear Karly use it:

"Och, yer bum's beef" = you're talking nonsense

Here we say your ass is beef and you haven't tasted it yet Laugh

That must be the lengthy version Laugh

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