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Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hand on heart Blizzie, would you be defending a man who had behaved in the same way as her?

Hand on heart, yes. If I thought a woman had badgered her husband into taking her speeding points, told him that he would be to blame for her losing a chance of a job she had always wanted, put his name down on the form and made it impossible for him to do the right thing without dropping her in the sh!t, then yes, I'd blame her.

The only thing we know for sure is that he got her to take the speeding points, but the rest is all on her sayso, and we can't really trust what she says after her lies.

Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hand on heart Blizzie, would you be defending a man who had behaved in the same way as her?

Hand on heart, yes. If I thought a woman had badgered her husband into taking her speeding points, told him that he would be to blame for her losing a chance of a job she had always wanted, put his name down on the form and made it impossible for him to do the right thing without dropping her in the sh!t, then yes, I'd blame her.

The only thing we know for sure is that he got her to take the speeding points, but the rest is all on her sayso, and we can't really trust what she says after her lies.


Anyway this unlike able pair of liars (Vicky and her hubby) have wasted enough of my time today, see you later everyone.

Originally Posted by Videostar:

The only thing we know for sure is that he got her to take the speeding points, but the rest is all on her sayso, and we can't really trust what she says after her lies.

As I said, I'd like to hear his side, if he is capable of telling the truth in this, but the lie on the phone was her attempt to get him to tell the truth, so I presume she thought that the truth would be made public and would incriminate him, not her.

Originally Posted by Trollop:

I think youre all looking into this far too deeply. The jury was made up of 8 women and 4 wonder they had difficulty in understanding! Now had it been 8 men and 4 women....


Nice to see u lizzie oblong...and btw I totally agree with you

Aww, Trollop, LTNS!!   


Btw, I totally agree with you agreeing with me. 


Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hand on heart Blizzie, would you be defending a man who had behaved in the same way as her?

Hand on heart, yes. If I thought a woman had badgered her husband into taking her speeding points, told him that he would be to blame for her losing a chance of a job she had always wanted, put his name down on the form and made it impossible for him to do the right thing without dropping her in the sh!t, then yes, I'd blame her.

Okay, I believe you.



But thousands wouldn't? 


Honestly, I'm a feminist because I believe in equality, not because I hate men. 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Saint:

When i did Jury Service I felt rather poorly guided.

Well I did wonder if the Judge in this case has done his job properly. It is his duty to guide/direct the jury and it did seem to be a rather convoluted case. Quite surprising that the jury had so many questions ......I suppose it lets him off the hook if he can turn it around to make the jury look foolish. Heaven forbid that the Judge handled it badly.

By the sound of the judges replies to their questions I seriously doubt that the judge's directions were lacking, but I guess without being party to that piece of information we'll never really know.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm sorry Blizzie but the moment she agreed to take the points she became complicit in the crime. She committed a criminal act.

Yes, but the question is was there marital coercion? Had he badgered her to take the points, had he tried to make her feel guilty for not doing it, had he written her name on the form against her wishes and was he standing there holding the pen, making her feel that she had no choice?

Originally Posted by Trollop:

She should just have said a stern NO and refused to iron his shirts for a week...that usually works on me


I wonder whether this case will have an effect and spouses will refuse to take points, or whether it will just carry on happening and both parties will know that they can't dob the other one in without incriminating themselves.

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm sorry Blizzie but the moment she agreed to take the points she became complicit in the crime. She committed a criminal act.

Yes, but the question is was there marital coercion? Had he badgered her to take the points, had he tried to make her feel guilty for not doing it, had he written her name on the form against her wishes and was he standing there holding the pen, making her feel that she had no choice?

She doesn't strike me as a woman who would be brow beaten into anything, Blizzie, but that's just the impression I've gained of her from everything I've seen and read in the media.

I doubt we will ever know the real truth of the matter, as those two liars wouldn't recognise the truth if it bit them on the backside.


Btw, in my earlier post I wasn't inferring you were a man hater, I see you more as a defender of women.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

She doesn't strike me as a woman who would be brow beaten into anything, Blizzie, but that's just the impression I've gained of her from everything I've seen and read in the media.

I doubt we will ever know the real truth of the matter, as those two liars wouldn't recognise the truth if it bit them on the backside.


Btw, in my earlier post I wasn't inferring you were a man hater, I see you more as a defender of women.

No, I've never seen her as weak, but I don't think you need to be weak to get caught up in this sort of thing. People are assuming that she's a liar purely because of the lie during the taped phone conversation, but, as I said, she was trying to entrap him and had to lie in order to do so. I don't think that is fair and I don't mistrust her evidence based on that fact.


If she ended up feeling that she had no choice, that he would not forgive her for ruining his career (as he supposedly put it) and that, with her name already given to the authorities as the driver, she could only refuse by notifying them that her husband had lied, then I feel she is right to defend herself now.


Yes, she's shot herself in the foot by revealing the truth now, but I can imagine how angry she felt, when he left her, and I can't believe people have so little sympathy for her. 

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm sorry Blizzie but the moment she agreed to take the points she became complicit in the crime. She committed a criminal act.

Yes, but the question is was there marital coercion? Had he badgered her to take the points, had he tried to make her feel guilty for not doing it, had he written her name on the form against her wishes and was he standing there holding the pen, making her feel that she had no choice?

Surely though, blizz - the type of person who would do what she's now done (strong imo...) isn't the type to meekly say 'ok' and sign if she didn't want to?

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

She doesn't strike me as a woman who would be brow beaten into anything, Blizzie, but that's just the impression I've gained of her from everything I've seen and read in the media.

I doubt we will ever know the real truth of the matter, as those two liars wouldn't recognise the truth if it bit them on the backside.


Btw, in my earlier post I wasn't inferring you were a man hater, I see you more as a defender of women.

No, I've never seen her as weak, but I don't think you need to be weak to get caught up in this sort of thing. People are assuming that she's a liar purely because of the lie during the taped phone conversation, but, as I said, she was trying to entrap him and had to lie in order to do so. I don't think that is fair and I don't mistrust her evidence based on that fact.


If she ended up feeling that she had no choice, that he would not forgive her for ruining his career (as he supposedly put it) and that, with her name already given to the authorities as the driver, she could only refuse by notifying them that her husband had lied, then I feel she is right to defend herself now.


Yes, she's shot herself in the foot by revealing the truth now, but I can imagine how angry she felt, when he left her, and I can't believe people have so little sympathy for her. 

I have sympathy for any spouse who is dumped by a cheating OH - even Vicky.

However, her present predicament is completely of her own making, and the result of vengeful actions which she hoped would destroy her ex husband's career.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

Im sorry but she sounds like a right nightmare to me, and I dont believe her claims that he bullied her, shes comes across as an intelligent and strong woman who knows her own mind.

And how does he sound to you?

Like a typical MP, a coward and a liar in order to save his own skin.


They deserve eachother.

I agree with you, Vids.  Now that's not something I post every day!


IMO, she comes across as a spiteful, vindictive witch whose only motivation was to destroy her ex, because he had the audacity to dump her. I don't believe for a second that she was bullied, or even persuaded into doing anything she didn't want to do.

I also agree that he is a cowardly liar, who was happy to twist the truth to save his political skin.

I agree, on all points Yogi.... including not often agreeing with Video

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Saint:

When i did Jury Service I felt rather poorly guided.

Poor guidance is one thing, but basically asking if they can base their verdict on supposition comes accross as somewhat mentally feeble!

Yeah that shocked me.

And "reasonable doubt" is quite clear too.


But ... how come no one noticed they were so clueless

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

Im sorry but she sounds like a right nightmare to me, and I dont believe her claims that he bullied her, shes comes across as an intelligent and strong woman who knows her own mind.

And how does he sound to you?

Like a typical MP, a coward and a liar in order to save his own skin.


They deserve eachother.

I agree with you, Vids.  Now that's not something I post every day!


IMO, she comes across as a spiteful, vindictive witch whose only motivation was to destroy her ex, because he had the audacity to dump her. I don't believe for a second that she was bullied, or even persuaded into doing anything she didn't want to do.

I also agree that he is a cowardly liar, who was happy to twist the truth to save his political skin.

I agree, on all points Yogi.... including not often agreeing with Video

Poor old Vids, he knows we lubs him though.

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

She doesn't strike me as a woman who would be brow beaten into anything, Blizzie, but that's just the impression I've gained of her from everything I've seen and read in the media.

I doubt we will ever know the real truth of the matter, as those two liars wouldn't recognise the truth if it bit them on the backside.


Btw, in my earlier post I wasn't inferring you were a man hater, I see you more as a defender of women.

No, I've never seen her as weak, but I don't think you need to be weak to get caught up in this sort of thing. People are assuming that she's a liar purely because of the lie during the taped phone conversation, but, as I said, she was trying to entrap him and had to lie in order to do so. I don't think that is fair and I don't mistrust her evidence based on that fact.


If she ended up feeling that she had no choice, that he would not forgive her for ruining his career (as he supposedly put it) and that, with her name already given to the authorities as the driver, she could only refuse by notifying them that her husband had lied, then I feel she is right to defend herself now.


Yes, she's shot herself in the foot by revealing the truth now, but I can imagine how angry she felt, when he left her, and I can't believe people have so little sympathy for her. 

But why should we sympathise when we don't know the ins and outs of their relationship? He may have been a nightmare throughout, she may have been or maybe they both were. We don't know.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Yes, but the question is was there marital coercion? Had he badgered her to take the points, had he tried to make her feel guilty for not doing it, had he written her name on the form against her wishes and was he standing there holding the pen, making her feel that she had no choice?

Surely though, blizz - the type of person who would do what she's now done (strong imo...) isn't the type to meekly say 'ok' and sign if she didn't want to?

But she hasn't said that she meekly said OK and signed. 


It's the scenario I've outlined above that she is asking the jury to believe and that could happen in any marriage, whatever the personalities, or strengths, of the two in question.

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

But why should we sympathise when we don't know the ins and outs of their relationship? He may have been a nightmare throughout, she may have been or maybe they both were. We don't know.

Of course we don't know any of that, but the break-up of any marriage is going to be sad, unless it is by mutual agreement.

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

But why should we sympathise when we don't know the ins and outs of their relationship? He may have been a nightmare throughout, she may have been or maybe they both were. We don't know.

Of course we don't know any of that, but the break-up of any marriage is going to be sad, unless it is by mutual agreement.

By that token we should feel sorry for him too, I suppose.


Her son must feel terible presumably. Hit and miss that he's around. I find them both unsavioury.

cologne 1

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