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Those who've noticed my witterings may know I'm due for a small op on my shoulder - it got cancelled just before Christmas because my surgeon couldn't get his car out of the drive.

Then they said they'd do it on Jan 18 and would write to me to confirm - except they never did. But now they say they hope to do it before the end of the month, and will ring me as soon as a place becomes vacant, which could be at very short notice. Yippee, at last!

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lol, Fairfax, of course I'm not offended - you have to have a sense of humour about turning into a creaky old cow, after all
When I went in for my pre-admissions checks, the woman asking me questions said it wasn't uncommon "at my age" . Ahem, I told her, I'm 44, not bliddy 84. Oh, it's all right, she said, I'm even older than you. I looked at her, said  yes I KNOW you are, and your point is? She dropped it after that..

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