No need to apologise Joyron
Best wishes to Squiggle and her family
Such sad news about Squiggle's husband.
It was absolutely freezing this morning. Didn't help that my slippers were down in the laundry
I hope the powers that may be turns the heating on for the building in the next, I dunno, hour or two
goes too bliddy quick though
Hi charli
Didn't know you could be banned from writing on peeps walls
I'm gonna have a lie down now
I'll snuggle up under my warm duvet
(roommate turned the air con on )
It's a bit chilly here too..... but I refuse to put the heating on until I can see my breathe.
* runs out with yucca and pink handcuffs*
*hides handcuffs in ducky's drawers*
Hey Noty.
Oh good Lord...
I fell asleep (where's my goddamn title when I need it?!) with my music playing loud enough so I could hear it over the air con. When I woke up, my music was blasting (sort of; the air con was turned off) and look who's here but my roommate on her bed with earplugs in her ear
Oops....... I hope you're typing quietly Charli..... on no, it's ok... she has earplugs in her ears.
Well my music's quiet now but I don't think I can ever type quietly. My brother observed that during the summer
Splice whatever the hell you like Baz cos I dunno what the bloody hell's a mainbrace
Hi Ducky hi Baz hi Real hi Ros hi Noty
Uni's going fantastic ta Well, apart from the midterm tests coming up as if writing a couple of essays isn't enough!!! I'm revising for History as we speak
Splice the mainbrace is an order given aboard naval vessels to issue the crew with a drink. Originally an order for one of the most difficult emergency repair jobs aboard a ship it became a euphemism for authorized celebratory drinking afterward, and then the name of an order to grant the crew an extra ration of rum.
I'm liking the new meaning.
The period my test is on is from the Age of Exploration to the Renaissance. As far as revision, I got to the East Asian world (that's the name of the module anyway). What makes it hard is that my teacher got bored within five minutes - FIVE MINUTES!!!! - of the lecture so he put his notes up on the internet. It means I have to read it to revise
Ducky please don't get bored while you teach ..........
Hi everyone
Hide and seek Real? It sounds better than a laptop battery challenge
I want to be an ambassador but History among other things is part of the associate's degree, which is basically English, Maths, Science ( ), Humanities and Expressive Arts. And you have to do it all whatever your degree
It's all so damn different in Americaland