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Originally posted by darloboy07:
He's confident not smug Nod, I found Rex really smug last year and disliked him but with Freddie it's different because he's intelligent, observant, and a really nice guy we all have a bad side it's not as if he's perfect because he does has his faults which some people find annoying.

oh he went from a wreck to a confident housemate and it was great to see the more they put him up the more he grew and he was great

Now imo it isnt confidence or being smug he is showing no none of these

He is showing himself to be a fool and i dont like the dave stuff he is getting involved with thats not what i call confidence
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Why shouldn't Freddie be CONFIDENT?

Do you all want Freddie to live in fear of Lisa.?

Exactly! Freddie has waited a long time to tell that bitch about herself...In the early days when she was telling Freddie to shut up, eff off, blaming him for basically breathing, encouraging Karly and Kriss to be as rude to him as they liked, Freddie was on his own, as much as Siavash and Marcus were his friends, they didn't take Lisa on, they knew she's target them as she had the bigger voting block...

Freddie through Lisa alone was put up for eviction week after week, his confidence took a battering.

Lisa's chickens have at last come home to roost.

why didn't he tell her that weeks ago then???...if it was because as you say he knew she had a bigger voting block....surely he's now doing the same....waiting til most of her group have disappeared and he has the bigger voting block behind him...
Originally posted by tupps:

I think what he was saying was yeah you've made friends with HMs (save two) but you've made special friends with one particular HM who he knew was a caaaaah... one caaaaaah who did the who isolation thing with Freddie. I think in a round-a-bout way he is saying there is now starting a second round of the isolation thing (this time with Bea and Marcus) and he (Dave) is part of that.. the start (or continuation even) of the divide. Freddie calls out this gameplan and accuses Lisa and David of being the instigators and Lisa kicks off.

I think Freddie has a point.. Lisa 'the General' has re-grouped and got herself another foot-soldier. The others are all still there in the Lisa camp.. only Sophie having crossed over to Marcus' side to get Noirin out.

Right... I see what you're getting at now, but fwiw, I don't think David's sharp enough to have worked that out. Lisa, yes - she's definitley grooming him, but I don't think David realises he's just a pawn and perhaps that's why he was so annoyed at Freddie's opinion. I've just watched it back and Bea is such a piece of work 'WE were genuine friends...' she said. Was that before or after she was saying allsorts about him behind his back? No way on God's green earth would she have anything to do with him outside the house.
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
He's confident not smug Nod, I found Rex really smug last year and disliked him but with Freddie it's different because he's intelligent, observant, and a really nice guy we all have a bad side it's not as if he's perfect because he does has his faults which some people find annoying.

oh he went from a wreck to a confident housemate and it was great to see the more they put him up the more he grew and he was great

Now imo it isnt confidence or being smug he is showing no none of these

He is showing himself to be a fool and i dont like the dave stuff he is getting involved with thats not what i call confidence

Dave is showing himself up to be a fool for listening to Lisa every time and going along with her scheming but he gets on her. I agree that Freddie is being influenced by Bea and he's changed a little bit but for me he's still the person I liked from the start and sticking tby him i'm glad he's getting this negative criticism as it's just simply his turn before another one gets it Wink Big Grin.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
David & Lisa have naturally gravitated towards each other, to forum a unified entity of broiling resentment against those who they perceive to be wealthier & better educated than them.

They comfort and empower each other. But Lisa yanks the strings, because poor old Dave simply isn't bright enough. They both know their rights though, and often screech that they are "INTIT-TOLD to their OPIN-YAN!!!" Mad Mad
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
He's confident not smug Nod, I found Rex really smug last year and disliked him but with Freddie it's different because he's intelligent, observant, and a really nice guy we all have a bad side it's not as if he's perfect because he does has his faults which some people find annoying.

oh he went from a wreck to a confident housemate and it was great to see the more they put him up the more he grew and he was great

Now imo it isnt confidence or being smug he is showing no none of these

He is showing himself to be a fool and i dont like the dave stuff he is getting involved with thats not what i call confidence

Dave is showing himself up to be a fool for listening to Lisa every time and going along with her scheming but he gets on her. I agree that Freddie is being influenced by Bea and he's changed a little bit but for me he's still the person I liked from the start and sticking tby him i'm glad he's getting this negative criticism as it's just simply his turn before another one gets it Wink Big Grin.

he is a fool of listening to her no doubt,i see a change in him big time but its a good debate going on lol we all cannot agree and i do agree they all deserve a turn Big Grin
Originally posted by brisket:
Well done Freddie.
I like you even more.
In that video clip Lisa is spitting anger isn`t she?
She is venomous. David was floundering.
The way she hustles her latest protege David out of the room... She couldn`t keep a lid on it any longer could she?

she'd lost any kind of argument before she even started
she shoulda kept it buttoned Big Grin
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Originally posted by tupps:

I think what he was saying was yeah you've made friends with HMs (save two) but you've made special friends with one particular HM who he knew was a caaaaah... one caaaaaah who did the who isolation thing with Freddie. I think in a round-a-bout way he is saying there is now starting a second round of the isolation thing (this time with Bea and Marcus) and he (Dave) is part of that.. the start (or continuation even) of the divide. Freddie calls out this gameplan and accuses Lisa and David of being the instigators and Lisa kicks off.

I think Freddie has a point.. Lisa 'the General' has re-grouped and got herself another foot-soldier. The others are all still there in the Lisa camp.. only Sophie having crossed over to Marcus' side to get Noirin out.

Right... I see what you're getting at now, but fwiw, I don't think David's sharp enough to have worked that out. Lisa, yes - she's definitley grooming him, but I don't think David realises he's just a pawn and perhaps that's why he was so annoyed at Freddie's opinion. I've just watched it back and Bea is such a piece of work 'WE were genuine friends...' she said. Was that before or after she was saying allsorts about him behind his back? No way on God's green earth would she have anything to do with him outside the house.

Yeah.. and tbh that's that what makes me wonder about Dave.. if he's not that sharp then what has made him gravitate towards and join in with Lisa. That's why I'm questioning whether like attracts like. Because if he was this sweet lovable lump, why on earth would he align himself with one of the most nasty, bitter and twisted feckers ever to set foot over the BB threshold. If she did groom him then it was before BB even started... because he came in as a camp member... and has remained one.

I like Bea.. but I'm not blind to her faults and foibles. I agree, she doesn't like Dave and is the least likely to be his friend in the house or outside. Do I think Dave is the poor ikkle bullied lamb? From what I've seen... hell no.
Originally posted by tupps:

Yeah.. and tbh that's that what makes me wonder about Dave.. if he's not that sharp then what has made him gravitate towards and join in with Lisa. That's why I'm questioning whether like attracts like. Because if he was this sweet lovable lump, why on earth would he align himself with one of the most nasty, bitter and twisted feckers ever to set foot over the BB threshold. If she did groom him then it was before BB even started... because he came in as a camp member... and has remained one.

I like Bea.. but I'm not blind to her faults and foibles. I agree, she doesn't like Dave and is the least likely to be his friend in the house or outside. Do I think Dave is the poor ikkle bullied lamb? From what I've seen... hell no.

No, tupps, I don't particularly think he's bullied, but I do think he's very naive in lots of ways. Maybe it is like attracting like, but I think it might well be simply that (as part of the grooming) Lisa agrees with him, backs up his suspicions and opinions about other HMs and is just generally more communicative with him than any of the other housemates are. I think that's why he's in her camp, not as part of a game plan. That said, I'm often wrong and prone to changing my mind!
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Originally posted by tupps:

I think what he was saying was yeah you've made friends with HMs (save two) but you've made special friends with one particular HM who he knew was a caaaaah... one caaaaaah who did the who isolation thing with Freddie. I think in a round-a-bout way he is saying there is now starting a second round of the isolation thing (this time with Bea and Marcus) and he (Dave) is part of that.. the start (or continuation even) of the divide. Freddie calls out this gameplan and accuses Lisa and David of being the instigators and Lisa kicks off.

I think Freddie has a point.. Lisa 'the General' has re-grouped and got herself another foot-soldier. The others are all still there in the Lisa camp.. only Sophie having crossed over to Marcus' side to get Noirin out.

Right... I see what you're getting at now, but fwiw, I don't think David's sharp enough to have worked that out. Lisa, yes - she's definitley grooming him, but I don't think David realises he's just a pawn and perhaps that's why he was so annoyed at Freddie's opinion. I've just watched it back and Bea is such a piece of work 'WE were genuine friends...' she said. Was that before or after she was saying allsorts about him behind his back? No way on God's green earth would she have anything to do with him outside the house.

Yeah.. and tbh that's that what makes me wonder about Dave.. if he's not that sharp then what has made him gravitate towards and join in with Lisa. That's why I'm questioning whether like attracts like. Because if he was this sweet lovable lump, why on earth would he align himself with one of the most nasty, bitter and twisted feckers ever to set foot over the BB threshold. If she did groom him then it was before BB even started... because he came in as a camp member... and has remained one.

I like Bea.. but I'm not blind to her faults and foibles. I agree, she doesn't like Dave and is the least likely to be his friend in the house or outside. Do I think Dave is the poor ikkle bullied lamb? From what I've seen... hell no.
did you know that a foible is the weak point on a sword?
Originally posted by Sooozy:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Freddie...the turning into a complete knob wanker has been finalised.

I agree. That made extremely uncomfortable viewing.

Yes for me too, I thought Freddie came across as a complete ass. Another one that has fallen under the spell of a witch.

He has his own issues with Lisa that has nothing to do with Bea.

Isn't he allowed to talk back to Lisa when shes on another one of her spouting off sessions.?
Originally posted by Mollie:
Hold on a minute! I love Freddie and it hurts me to say this but he has made a mistake!! it's his beloved Bea and marcus that are in the wrong on this one! Dave not got the brains for game planning like them! and no one was sticking up for david as Marcus shouts at him to carry on,,, they know David is rubbish in an argument, he is not able to articulate like them, especially Bea... Lisa (I don't like her) in fairness got involved which took the heat off David...

Freddie is like a flippin puppet when it comes to Bea and marcus!

I don't think David is as daft as he looks. He's got some streetwise cunning, just like Lisa.
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Sooozy:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Freddie...the turning into a complete knob wanker has been finalised.

I agree. That made extremely uncomfortable viewing.

Yes for me too, I thought Freddie came across as a complete ass. Another one that has fallen under the spell of a witch.

He has his own issues with Lisa that has nothing to do with Bea.

Isn't he allowed to talk back to Lisa when shes on another one of her spouting off sessions.?

Maybe I watched the wrong clip. The one I saw was Freddie laying into David for being friends with everyone bar Bea and Marcus! Then Bea and Marcus joining in with Freddie and the 3 of them shouting at David. Then Lisa came in the room argued with Freddie and told David to leave the room with her.

Is that the wrong clip?
Originally posted by shar69:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Sooozy:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Freddie...the turning into a complete knob wanker has been finalised.

I agree. That made extremely uncomfortable viewing.

Yes for me too, I thought Freddie came across as a complete ass. Another one that has fallen under the spell of a witch.

He has his own issues with Lisa that has nothing to do with Bea.

Isn't he allowed to talk back to Lisa when shes on another one of her spouting off sessions.?

Maybe I watched the wrong clip. The one I saw was Freddie laying into David for being friends with everyone bar Bea and Marcus! Then Bea and Marcus joining in with Freddie and the 3 of them shouting at David. Then Lisa came in the room argued with Freddie and told David to leave the room with her.

Is that the wrong clip?

Like I said, very uncomfortable viewing.
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by shar69:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Sooozy:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile .




Maybe I watched the wrong clip. The one I saw was Freddie laying into David for being friends with everyone bar Bea and Marcus! Then Bea and Marcus joining in with Freddie and the 3 of them shouting at David. Then Lisa came in the room argued with Freddie and told David to leave the room with her.

Is that the wrong clip?

Like I said, very uncomfortable viewing.

So I watched the right clip. Ahhhhh, so from most comments, the fact that 3 people gang up on one is ignored because Freddie had a go at Lisa, he's a hero. Confused Sorry but he's no hero to me, he is quite happy to gang up on a hm because that hm doesn't get along with Bea and Marcus. How pathetically childish, playgroup behaviour, 'how dare you not be friends with my friends'. Freakin grow up.
Originally posted by shar69:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by shar69:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Sooozy:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile .




Maybe I watched the wrong clip. The one I saw was Freddie laying into David for being friends with everyone bar Bea and Marcus! Then Bea and Marcus joining in with Freddie and the 3 of them shouting at David. Then Lisa came in the room argued with Freddie and told David to leave the room with her.

Is that the wrong clip?

Like I said, very uncomfortable viewing.

So I watched the right clip. Ahhhhh, so from most comments, the fact that 3 people gang up on one is ignored because Freddie had a go at Lisa, he's a hero. Confused Sorry but he's no hero to me, he is quite happy to gang up on a hm because that hm doesn't get along with Bea and Marcus. How pathetically childish, playgroup behaviour, 'how dare you not be friends with my friends'. Freakin grow up.

That is what I am meaning!
Originally posted by shar69:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by shar69:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Sooozy:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile .




Maybe I watched the wrong clip. The one I saw was Freddie laying into David for being friends with everyone bar Bea and Marcus! Then Bea and Marcus joining in with Freddie and the 3 of them shouting at David. Then Lisa came in the room argued with Freddie and told David to leave the room with her.

Is that the wrong clip?

Like I said, very uncomfortable viewing.

So I watched the right clip. Ahhhhh, so from most comments, the fact that 3 people gang up on one is ignored because Freddie had a go at Lisa, he's a hero. Confused Sorry but he's no hero to me, he is quite happy to gang up on a hm because that hm doesn't get along with Bea and Marcus. How pathetically childish, playgroup behaviour, 'how dare you not be friends with my friends'. Freakin grow up.
yeah confusing isn't it? Disappointed
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
i thought lisa was smug when in the first few weeks the nominations seemed to go in favour of her 'group'.....freddie up.....angel up....angel being evicted etc.....

her smugness soon went when she started losing ppl from her group.....kris,karly.....and it hit home when kenneth told her she'd be next when she was up again.....hence her becoming more withdrawn......

as far as i'm aware lisa would be referred to as 'working class'.....

smug is smug....whether you have 20 quid in your pocket or 20 thousand

Originally posted by mary_bee:
How can Bea say she didn't accuse David? Confused

I didn't see her accuse David of anything, she asked him about the butter and he said something about Noirin. David assumed he was being accused. It was Marcus who'd earlier accused David about the food by telling Freddie then Bea, but he never accused David to his face.
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by swg:
so once again bea/halfwit/marcus gang up on david, halfwit brings lisa into the argument and she says her thoughts and defends david

and people have a go at lisa?

****ing hell

and people have a go at david for being friends with lisa?

what exactly are newbies meant to do?

people have a go at bea for being friends with freddie, david for being friends with lisa and hira for doing nothing - they can't win!

Excuse me? Halfwit brought Lisa into the argument? How? She came into the kitchen and then launched herself at him.

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