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Originally posted by swg:
so once again bea/halfwit/marcus gang up on david, halfwit brings lisa into the argument and she says her thoughts and defends david

and people have a go at lisa?

****ing hell

and people have a go at david for being friends with lisa?

what exactly are newbies meant to do?

people have a go at bea for being friends with freddie, david for being friends with lisa and hira for doing nothing - they can't win!

Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Originally posted by tupps:
Freddie has just said what I've said about Dave.. he went into that house and aligned himself with Lisa, having seen the show and knowing just what she's about.

But wasn't he trying to say that the friendship wasn't genuine too? I don't get that - surely he'd not align himself with her unless he genuinely liked her? Not that I can understand anyone wanting to have anything to do with her, mind you - that's where I was coming from this morning when I said I thought he was being straight. Or am I missing something?

I think what he was saying was yeah you've made friends with HMs (save two) but you've made special friends with one particular HM who he knew was a caaaaah... one caaaaaah who did the who isolation thing with Freddie. I think in a round-a-bout way he is saying there is now starting a second round of the isolation thing (this time with Bea and Marcus) and he (Dave) is part of that.. the start (or continuation even) of the divide. Freddie calls out this gameplan and accuses Lisa and David of being the instigators and Lisa kicks off.

I think Freddie has a point.. Lisa 'the General' has re-grouped and got herself another foot-soldier. The others are all still there in the Lisa camp.. only Sophie having crossed over to Marcus' side to get Noirin out.
freddie acted like a tit.......

he reckons david has a gameplan and watched the show before he came if he did watch and had a gameplan....why would he hang around with lisa????.....especially as kenneth had warned her she would almost certainly be up next time she was up.....

his master bea chirping away that she never said anything against quickly she forgets......

marcus grunting from the sidelines......

freddie doesn't seemed to have grasped the fact that bea glued herself to him from the minute she got in there cos she had watched the show and seen he was amongst...if not the favourite to win......

whose got the game plan.....bea or david???....stick with the most popular h/mate...or the least unpopular.....doesn't take a genius to work it out......

his pathetic laughing made him look a right knob.....he's too full of himself....too smug....and for the bloke who supposedly likes to 'talk things through' showed himself right up....
Originally posted by Mollie:
Originally posted by tupps:
Freddie has just said what I've said about Dave.. he went into that house and aligned himself with Lisa, having seen the show and knowing just what she's about.

anyone with half a brain would not have aligned themselves with Lisa,,, that's the point! he was stupid enough to do that because he gelled with her and not the others... no crime there other then wow bad gameplan.... Bea on the other hand aligned herself with the favorite! now there's a gameplan... poor freddie has it all mixed up! she will be his downfall along with Marcus

well that would depend on how much he had been able to watch before being put in his holding pen awaiting arrival into the house.. he may have only seen the bits where Lisa and Team Nasty were at their strongest..
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by Videostar:
I now hope she goes and I go back on everything i've said about Siavash. Big Grin
Why would you go back on everything about Siavash, he will do the same thing next week unless of course he bottles out .

If he does then he should go, but this week it's done alot of good.

Lisa has all but voted herself out now.

But it's not a vote out though... Lisa will be safe.

On the subject of the argument - I just love it when they get all het up when they're dressed in ridiculous costumes! Laugh

Lisa has no fans tho, who will keep her in.? Wink
Originally posted by Justafriend:
Originally posted by Jeanoj:
I have never seen Freddie so animated - you go mate, you go!! Lisa's face was a picture.

I wish Freddie had replied, when she said he had become cocky since he found out he was winning, "and you have become as quiet as a mouse and less confrontational since you found out you were the most unpopular". She has definitely been keeping a low profile but I knew it was all an act. Brilliant Freddie - keep it up.

i think i love ya jean you wrote that brilliantly.

Why, thank you so much Blush
Originally posted by The Guru:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Apparently David and Lisa met during auditions so he knew who she was when he entered the house Wink, explain that one then...

Yep. Watch how he greets her when he 1st enters the house. They were buds.

He told her he had a present in his pocket for her! That made me chuckle for days. Laugh Wonder what it was! Eeker
freddie doesn't seemed to have grasped the fact that bea glued herself to him from the minute she got in there cos she had watched the show and seen he was amongst...if not the favourite to win......

whose got the game plan.....bea or david???....stick with the most popular h/mate...or the least unpopular.....doesn't take a genius to work it out......

his pathetic laughing made him look a right knob.....he's too full of himself....too smug....and for the bloke who supposedly likes to 'talk things through' showed himself right up....

Like attracts like.. who cares if he knew Lisa from auditions.. he has seen her in action in the earlier weeks of BB and he still thinks she's the shit, still listens to her and still partakes in her bus stop bitching sessions. How anyone can think he's a benign little sweetums I don't know.

as I've said - how are newbies meant to win? They side with unpopular ones (david with lisa) people have a go at them, they side with popular ones (bea with halfwit) people have a go at them, they don't side with anyone (hira) and people say they're boring.
Originally posted by tupps:
Like attracts like.. who cares if he knew Lisa from auditions.. he has seen her in action in the earlier weeks of BB and he still thinks she's the shit, still listens to her and still partakes in her bus stop bitching sessions. How anyone can think he's a benign little sweetums I don't know.

Lisa takes time to actually listen to David, and she converses with him without either ignoring what he has to say or patronising him and then laughing at him behind his back. He has tried to converse with other HMs but has not got very far. I don't like Lisa, but she is the only one in there who David can really chat to. Of course he likes her company! But it's no gameplan. Lisa on the other hand may be using him but they are all trying to recruit other HMs on to their particular side. So David chose the wrong side in an innocent way. He cannot be blamed for that under the circumstances.
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
freddie acted like a tit.......

he reckons david has a gameplan and watched the show before he came if he did watch and had a gameplan....why would he hang around with lisa????.....especially as kenneth had warned her she would almost certainly be up next time she was up.....

his master bea chirping away that she never said anything against quickly she forgets......

marcus grunting from the sidelines......

freddie doesn't seemed to have grasped the fact that bea glued herself to him from the minute she got in there cos she had watched the show and seen he was amongst...if not the favourite to win......

whose got the game plan.....bea or david???....stick with the most popular h/mate...or the least unpopular.....doesn't take a genius to work it out......

his pathetic laughing made him look a right knob.....he's too full of himself....too smug....and for the bloke who supposedly likes to 'talk things through' showed himself right up....

Clapping and whats it got to do with freddie who david is or isn't friends with
Originally posted by swg:
Like attracts like.. who cares if he knew Lisa from auditions.. he has seen her in action in the earlier weeks of BB and he still thinks she's the shit, still listens to her and still partakes in her bus stop bitching sessions. How anyone can think he's a benign little sweetums I don't know.

as I've said - how are newbies meant to win? They side with unpopular ones (david with lisa) people have a go at them, they side with popular ones (bea with halfwit) people have a go at them, they don't side with anyone (hira) and people say they're boring.

They can side with whoever they like.. that's no problem to me.. just as long as I'm not expected to believe that someone is Goofy when in fact they're bliddy Smithers..
Originally posted by Videostar:
I still say that those who think that Freddie is "smug" are just working class snobs who never liked him from day one when they heard his accent.

well not me i have supported him on here and always wanted him to get to final week the last few weeks and the stuff he has been saying or doing i am not going to say i agree with it when i dont no matter what accent he has.
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Videostar:
I still say that those who think that Freddie is "smug" are just working class snobs who never liked him from day one when they heard his accent.

well not me i have supported him on here and always wanted him to get to final week the last few weeks and the stuff he has been saying or doing i am not going to say i agree with it when i dont no matter what accent he has.

Im not saying you cant go off him, although I dont think him telling Lisa what for is a bad thing, but dont be calling him smug, thats the last thing he is.

Smug is a word i hear people call someone who either has money or status, never a working class person ever called smug.
Originally posted by Videostar:
I still say that those who think that Freddie is "smug" are just working class snobs who never liked him from day one when they heard his accent.


i liked him to start with.....he was different...unique.....not the normal run of the mill h/mate they usually put in.....

i cheered when he stayed....felt sorry for him when he was put up for eviction week after week and it seemed he didn't have a friend in there....


now he's different....he's lost all that made him so different and unique...he's bea's lap dog and is joining in with the 'ganging up' mentality that i didn't like against him...

i think he has got too smug.....i think his character has changed and not for the better....

absolutely nothing to do with his voice or his money......purely down to his behaviour
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Videostar:
I still say that those who think that Freddie is "smug" are just working class snobs who never liked him from day one when they heard his accent.

well not me i have supported him on here and always wanted him to get to final week the last few weeks and the stuff he has been saying or doing i am not going to say i agree with it when i dont no matter what accent he has.

Im not saying you cant go off him, although I dont think him telling Lisa what for is a bad thing, but dont be calling him smug, thats the last thing he is.

Smug is a word i hear people call someone who either has money or status, never a working class person ever called smug.

i know a smug git whos working class Big Grin
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Videostar:
I still say that those who think that Freddie is "smug" are just working class snobs who never liked him from day one when they heard his accent.

well not me i have supported him on here and always wanted him to get to final week the last few weeks and the stuff he has been saying or doing i am not going to say i agree with it when i dont no matter what accent he has.

Im not saying you cant go off him, although I dont think him telling Lisa what for is a bad thing, but dont be calling him smug, thats the last thing he is.

Smug is a word i hear people call someone who either has money or status, never a working class person ever called smug.

i thought lisa was smug when in the first few weeks the nominations seemed to go in favour of her 'group'.....freddie up.....angel up....angel being evicted etc.....

her smugness soon went when she started losing ppl from her group.....kris,karly.....and it hit home when kenneth told her she'd be next when she was up again.....hence her becoming more withdrawn......

as far as i'm aware lisa would be referred to as 'working class'.....

smug is smug....whether you have 20 quid in your pocket or 20 thousand
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
Originally posted by Videostar:
I still say that those who think that Freddie is "smug" are just working class snobs who never liked him from day one when they heard his accent.


i liked him to start with.....he was different...unique.....not the normal run of the mill h/mate they usually put in.....

i cheered when he stayed....felt sorry for him when he was put up for eviction week after week and it seemed he didn't have a friend in there....


now he's different....he's lost all that made him so different and unique...he's bea's lap dog and is joining in with the 'ganging up' mentality that i didn't like against him...

i think he has got too smug.....i think his character has changed and not for the better....

absolutely nothing to do with his voice or his money......purely down to his behaviour

Well I disagree, I think plenty of people have been waiting for Freddie to doanything to "mess up" so that they can let loose their hate for toff Freddie.
Originally posted by Videostar:
Why shouldn't Freddie be CONFIDENT?

Do you all want Freddie to live in fear of Lisa.?

Exactly! Freddie has waited a long time to tell that bitch about herself...In the early days when she was telling Freddie to shut up, eff off, blaming him for basically breathing, encouraging Karly and Kriss to be as rude to him as they liked, Freddie was on his own, as much as Siavash and Marcus were his friends, they didn't take Lisa on, they knew she's target them as she had the bigger voting block...

Freddie through Lisa alone was put up for eviction week after week, his confidence took a battering.

Lisa's chickens have at last come home to roost.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
Originally posted by Videostar:
I still say that those who think that Freddie is "smug" are just working class snobs who never liked him from day one when they heard his accent.


i liked him to start with.....he was different...unique.....not the normal run of the mill h/mate they usually put in.....

i cheered when he stayed....felt sorry for him when he was put up for eviction week after week and it seemed he didn't have a friend in there....


now he's different....he's lost all that made him so different and unique...he's bea's lap dog and is joining in with the 'ganging up' mentality that i didn't like against him...

i think he has got too smug.....i think his character has changed and not for the better....

absolutely nothing to do with his voice or his money......purely down to his behaviour

Well I disagree, I think plenty of people have been waiting for Freddie to doanything to "mess up" so that they can let loose their hate for toff Freddie.

well i can't speak for anyone else......only for said those who called freddie smug (which i did) were 'working class snobs who hated him from day one because of his accent'.....

for me that's not the case....which i i don't see how you can disagree....on my post...

whether others have been waiting or not is not for me to comment on...cos i have no clue why others have called him smug.....
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Why shouldn't Freddie be CONFIDENT?

Do you all want Freddie to live in fear of Lisa.?

Exactly! Freddie has waited a long time to tell that bitch about herself...In the early days when she was telling Freddie to shut up, eff off, blaming him for basically breathing, encouraging Karly and Kriss to be as rude to him as they liked, Freddie was on his own, as much as Siavash and Marcus were his friends, they didn't take Lisa on, they knew she's target them as she had the bigger voting block...

Freddie through Lisa alone was put up for eviction week after week, his confidence took a battering.

Lisa's chickens have at last come home to roost.
Completely agree, Senora. Revenge is a dish best eaten cold, as the saying goes and Freddie definitely deserves a chance to rub Lisa's nose in the ashes of her scheming.
captain marbles

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