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Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

Like I've said before, You can see why people don't want to talk about it, to this day....

I think the more people talk about the more we educate people for it never to happen again...

They had a good go in Yugoslavia....not to that extent, but much the same thing.....still going on in the Arab world too

Rocking Ros Rose posted:
Kaytee posted:

Such's really unbelievable what a so called civilised nation did

its terrible kaytee but  seems to raise its ugly head in wartime when social boundaries/ expectations s drop in order to win and dominate

Some group always blamed for starting whatever they're fighting about Ros

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Kaytee posted:

Such's really unbelievable what a so called civilised nation did

sadly most civilised nations with the upper hand will always commit atrocities, we can only hope never on that scale again. I still cannot believe there are still holocaust deniers... they need a head wobble 



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