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Sprout posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Sprout posted:
Yogi19 posted:

The midden  aka the rubbish tip.

My bedroom was often referred to as that when I was younger 

 Most teenagers go through that stage.

Place is like a midden mam would say as she went in the bedroom and dumped the clean washing on the bottom of the bed for me to put away and ran out again 


Sprout posted:
Kaytee posted:
Sprout posted:

Hollyrood (sp) Is that where it came from? 

It's Holyrood Sprout....has religious connotations 

Yes I wasn't sure about the spelling but I thought religion might've had something to do with it 

They have Rood Screens in old churches....don't ask me what a Rood is though😍

Yogi19 posted:
Kaytee posted:
Baz posted:

Just been upstairs’s going to be a muggy night !

Much fresher here tonight...nice clear skies and a nice breeze...we had muggy for the last couple of days, but today has been gorgeous

Warm here today and nice and cool tonight 

It was about 24C today and sunny (for a change),,,,but very pleasant tonight...just been outside to chase the bliddy foxes before they start digging holes 


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