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Sprout posted:
Kaytee posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Kaytee posted:

Miss KT has been to the palace in St Petersburg, she said it was far too overdone with all the gilt etc

aren't they all, I remember seeing them use sheets of gold leaf for the tops of the wrought iron at Buck palace....I said to one of the blokes what a waste and what's wrong with a tin of gold paint...he replied 'it's Lizzie innit* 

Nowhere is as lavish as The Winter Palace......I think our lot need to pull their horns in too, far too many of the beggars now

Yeah, I've said that before.....I don't mind the immediates but as for the hangers on....Lord and Lady this, and Marquis and Marquess that.... 

Immediate Queenie,Charlie , line only


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