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Why do the papers have to drag someone through the mud even before he is charged with the crime?? 

The papers... (yes, I should not be reading them in the first place..) are full of descriptions of the guy who has been ARRESTED for Jo Yeats's murder. If he is innocent.. he will have been dragged through the mud for no reason. He has the right to be an eccentric. I wish the media would let the police do their job... grrr...

 .. Just felt the need to vent..

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Its interesting though, they seemed to know something before he was arrested.

Indeed I've been in the room when the news has been on and heard people shout 'He did it!' at the television, and I won't lie I thought exactly the same thing.  

I understand that he hasn't been officially charged or faced a jury yet, and so I'll be careful not to label him a murderer, but sometimes things seem a bit obvious.  

I think one of the reasons people think this is because in a way it echoes the way Ian Huntley and Maxine Carr paraded themselves in front of the media, only to be convicted of the murder shortly afterwards.
I agree Tupps (good to see you again by the way )... and I'd be a liar if I didn't say I thought the same. But the media really should be more careful. Someone's private thoughts are one thing...but being crucified in the media before being charged is another.
Huge echo's of Ian Huntley... I thought that too.. but its one thing to think ...another to print it... that's what I'm thinking..
Reference: Prom
I've read some of the newspaper reports and the landlord's main crime seems to be that he has strange hair. He must have done it then

Fortunately gut feelings (which we are all prone to)  are not sufficient. Hard evidence is. Chris Jefferies has had blue hair and belonged to a bible reading group. That's good enough for me!

So far he is perhaps guilty of an odd hairstyle. Is 4 days too much for the media to wait and see if the police go any further with this??? Clearly it is. 
Reference: Velvet
The media would have a field day with me G & P if I was ever in the frame

   Velvet, I never heard about that job you know... I know I didn't get it but they won't tell me officially... they keep saying it was between me and someone else and they haven't sorted it yet. It was an internal they are messing us around...

He is also rumoured to be a member of the Lib Dems

 Blimey... No hope for him then...
Reference: G & P
Velvet, I never heard about that job you know... I know I didn't get it but they won't tell me officially... they keep saying it was between me and someone else and they haven't sorted it yet. It was an internal they are messing us around...

That's disgraceful G & P     and I'm sorry to hear that   

Hope 2011 is kinder  

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