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But isn't that EXACTLY what GB thinks Deman.....???
No, I don't think so. I think he believes he knows better than the rest of us, but that's personal arrogance which looks likely to scupper him. I don't think he actually believes it's his divine right to rule, though.
I've no wish to go back to the days when the gentry ran the country and believed their status alone entitled them to do so.
I don't think he actually believes it's his divine right to rule, though.
I think that is absolutely what he thinks..... let's face it, he was never even elected.  And I don't think you have to worry about going back to the gentry running the country.....for one thing. I don't think they ever left.... but if it is a choice between the gentry or the bankers running the country, then I will take my chances
I don't think you can get away from the stereotypes though Baz, they are always based in truth to some extent, even if they are grossly exaggerated.

That's why "New Labour" were successful for so long....they broke down the stereotypes and appealed to people across the class divides. The Conservatives are now trying this tactic too, and have been relatively successful at it.... but still have a long way to go. If they could have managed it, this coming election could have been a resounding victory for them, (I don't think anyone denies Labour are unpopular right now). I think it speaks volumes that this isn't the case.

I am dreading Thursday..... having a Conservative government would probably change very little about my life, but just the thought of them being in charge depresses me somehow

I do hope Charli's going to be on hand with the cakes
I don't think it is a fait accompli yet Ducky..... in fact I think there will be a hung parliament.  As for stereotypes, I agree..... it's just that there seem to have been some assumptions made in this thread that confound me...... For example,  the subtly inference, that anyone supporting the Conservatives must be middle class or above that. Or that (much as I detested Thatcher), everything she did was wrong and that everyone in the country suffered. Secondly, that all pensioners and working families are better off under Labour.. trust me... they aren't.  And that somehow, despite the fact that it was GB who was , at least in part, the architect of the mess we are now in, that he is a *safe pair of hands*  *and breathe*
it's just that there seem to have been some assumptions made in this thread that confound me.
Me too.... apparently if you support Labour you're quite happy for everyone to laze around and claim benefits. So I suppose all sides are a little guilty of unfounded assumptions.

So this is why they say never discuss politics, religion and Big Brother!
Germany has a coalition government and were one of the first out of recession...Greece on the other hand, have a single party in control and managed to bugger it up in spectacular style.

I honestly don't believe a hung parliment will be the disaster some newspapers are trying to make us believe. It's just scaremongering. I think it will be interesting to see how it pans out under a hung parliament.
Reference:suzybean And IMO it's easy to pillory the work shy scroungers at the lower end, but it's the greed at the top that's more heinous. Those bonus grabbing, accountant retaining tax exiles at the top. They are the biggest scroungers in the world! And sorry folks, that's who Cameron want to look the hope that wealth will 'trickle down' and benefit all. Thatcher tried it and it failed.
Another one here agreeing with Suzybean
A few other thjings worth mentioning is the UK has the LOWEST unemployment benefits in Western Europe.

Benefit fraud cost ÂĢ0.8bn last year (too much yeah...BUT...) Tax evasion cost ÂĢ70bn.

Another thing is the great Incapacity myth, it has the lowest levels of fraud for benefits.  0.5% <<<< that's TINY!  But the right wing press like to instil fear into everyone about sick-note culture and it's a load of old tosh.

Oh and hello everyone, it's been a while
but wouldn't it make sense to hit it from both ends.
I don't think anyone's going to disagree with you there Baz. Proportionally they need to hit it harder at the top end though But I suspect they already do to a extent.

I blame the press for this bit...... they'd rather concentrate on the benefit scammers than the tax gives normal people a skewed view of the problem.

But don't get me started on the press, my PMT will really kick in then.
Benefit fraud cost ÂĢ0.8bn last year (too much yeah...BUT...) Tax evasion cost ÂĢ70bn.
It's all very well demonising benefit cheats (and don't get me wrong, if I knew of one in my street, I'd shop them) but they are NOT the main problem draining this country's coffers. Trouble is, the real culprits are people like Lord Ashcroft..

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