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Strange isn't it? Strange to hear Michael White backing them up on the Electric wireless. Some sort of subterfuge. I think that like most people I would prefer either a strong Labour win or a strong Tory win.
 If a Cameron government took power we would have a reasonably experienced, right of centre administration with a slight tip of the hat to Thatcherite laissez faire economics, whereas if Brown carried on we would have a reasonably experienced, right of centre administration with a slight tip of the hat to Thatcherite laissez faire economics.
God help us if the LibDems hold any power, if I may be so bold, they are naught but a pack of shithouses without policy, nothing adds up, and  I daren't even guess how long it would take them to make a decision. Those of us who have studied late C19th Russian politics realise that we may have the Crisis of hegemony to end all Crises of Hegemony.
Garage Joe
Garage Joe for once we are in total agreement   More shock horror, I'm not as young as I was and I think I will have to go for a lie down!  The Lib Dems have some really looney policies and I thought Nick Clegg on the last leaders' debate looked a bit like he was on work experience, a leetle bit out of his league.  Did you like my description of the Lib Dem logo by the way?  Its what my husband always used to call their logo.
Well I don't agree! I think Vince Cable is well able to steer this country to some sort of calm
I'm always interested in the balance between political nous, charisma, and ability to govern. All he did was predict what a lot of us did. He is the Richard Dawkins of politics and if I had thought his like would ever take power I would have stood m'self.
Garage Joe
Labour slip into obscurity.  Quite a nice thought really.

For some maybe, but if it were not for Labour, we'd have no Health Service, even though some call moan about it, it's a far better system than some. We'd have no minimum wage, no pension credits, no cold weather payments.  Personally I would not want them that fight for a fairer country to slip into obscurity. I think a different leader and Labour would have still been in government next week.
For some maybe, but if it were not for Labour, we'd have no Health Service, even though some call moan about it, it's a far better system than some. We'd have no minimum wage, no pension credits, no cold weather payments. Personally I would not want them that fight for a fairer country to slip into obscurity. I think a different leader and Labour would have still been in government next week.

BTW Nothing against the Lib Dems but the best description I ever heard of their logo was that it looked like a snake in the grass
damn right too!   its so rare to hear of cases where the first wife's contribution is recognised!  Proper made me grin that has!

ha but the best laugh was Ditty, his solicitor kept holding back and for some reason the law changed and I ended up with an extra 30%, the original settlement was supposed to be 40/60  I didn't even ask my solicitor what law had changed, I just said thank you very much
As an old socialist, I want to see labour back, but I'm not happy with them as a party, which makes life difficult.

I am too Cologne, but I'm afraid the Labour Party had to change because of public opinion. Most people seemed to forget or the younger ones didn't want to learn what the old Labour party stood for, I think underneath the new clothes part of it is still there, at least I would like to think so.
True... but maybe we would have a decent pension....
State pensions have never been good Baz ..unfortunately,but if the conservatives get in I doubt very much their priority will be for pensioners or the ordinary hard working public, I dont thinking the heating monies pensioners get will last very long under them either .. hope I am wrong on both counts but would not hold my breath thinking they will help ordinary folk like us be better off
State pensions have never been good Baz ..unfortunately,but if the conservatives get in I doubt very much their priority will be for pensioners or the ordinary hard working public, I dont thinking the heating monies pensioners get will last very long under them either .. hope I am wrong on both counts but would not hold my breath thinking they will help ordinary folk like us be better off

I agree Maguerita, but does it really matter which way it's paid? The pension credit system. plus no poll tax, free rent in housing, isn't pension credit just an extension of the pension. I know all of my mums friends and my mother reckon they've never had it so good, not one of them are bothered which way it's paid. I just hope the cold weather payments continues, so pensioners don't have to be scared stiff to heat their homes in freezing temperatures. it's a darn sight more than they ever got with a Tory government.
I agree with your post Dame Ann it dosent matter how it is paid it is a lot better than the tories have ever done or will do IMO

Exactly Marguerita, who cares how it's paid as long as it's paid. at the end of the day I go and pick my mothers pension up and it's paid into her account, she just assumes that's her pension and doesn't care about the breakdown. She just knows she doesn't have to struggle unlike my grandmother before her!
Not for those of us who happen to be just a couple of ÂĢ's over the limit...

I'm sorry if that applies to you, but if you think that the tories are going to help pensioners slightly over the the limit, well it will be the first time. They're well named Conservatives. they conserve what they have and b*gger anyone else.

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